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Ideas For Troms Jungle And Early Gavel Region Secret Discoveries

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Samsam101, Aug 13, 2020.


Which did you like?

  1. Cross of the Olm

  2. Ritual cave

  3. Dernic Gem

  4. Matryoshka

  5. Ultimate Discovery

  6. none of them lol

  7. Mysterious temple

  8. Tribal cannibals

  9. Mysterious Race

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    that's a hint for the quest
  2. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    yeah i realized and deleted it, did i not? And altar of sanc has the sign too
  3. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Didn’t Mael basically cure corrupteds by letting their souls pass on?
  4. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    I'm pretty sure Slykaar removed it by sacrificing peasants. But only problem is, if Great Bridge was corrupted before Slykaar was born, we can assume other parts of wynn has been corrupted, but i assume its whatever's closest to RoC. Bak'al iicr is immortal (Though Idk how the corrupted mobs can just completely disappear but its Minecraft what do you expect), so there's no stopping him. Also SE is a part of wynn taken over by dern =
    Wasn't it Slykaar who uncorrupted Jungle or something, or is it those Remnants of corruption or something?

    (Also wiki says Bak'al is the leader of the corrupted, probs misleading).

    Only way to remove corruption is to probably time travel back to when the project of CoW starting the problem, we have Valley of Time, but only Theorick's Lament Staff to Past Nesaak can go to somewhere in the past. Also, if Slykaar uncorrupted the Jungle (If you look, it looks just like a Jungle, without anything magical to it other then ruins), players must be unknowing of how to uncorrupt (OOTG may have taught us something about it, but all I recall doing was killing some mob), I doubt there'll be a quest for uncorrupting as I don't think you can without destroying light (Which is the Dern Beast's Will) or darkness.I am assuming Great Bridge up to a certain part of has been corrupted by 489 AP, as people of certain places were in Troms in 89 AP.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
  5. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Remember, you can't change the past, just observe it.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    No. When people/corrupteds die, their soul would linge and be angry. Mael calmed them.

    He is leads corrupteds, not Corruption.
    I will change it.
  7. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    To be honest I believe they are (or were) working on this and planned the whole jungle region discoveries, but your suggestion is still cool
  8. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I think now that they are focusing on Gavel secret discoveries instead but we'll have to wait for the changelog
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    bump because the thread has been updated
    please suggest a llevigar-cinfras ultimate discovery as well as some more smaller ones
  10. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Didn't Deja Vu do something about changing the past, and also what about Fate of the Fallen, once you go back into the present nothing happened (I recall The valley of Time saying once you go back into the past it's like nothing happened).
  11. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I think the temple of time has a different kind of time magic to the one Martyn uses. Notice how Martyn opens a portal while the temple of time instantly teleports you.
  12. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    I like a reference to ???, however providing a clue would defeat the point of the quest (anyway It's already been solved).

    Also, you should have Llevigar's library as a ~90ish discovery (unlocked from the book in The Fortuneteller).
    Maybe it could be the final discovery because it is much later game?
  13. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Do you realise you could lock it until you get second character to lv. 9x? No, this one should stay a reward for those who choose knowledge and shouldn't be visited just to complete it.
    Samsam101 likes this.
  14. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I would've included Llevigar's library but
    The ultimate discovery for the area is going to be level 70-75 so a level 90 one would defeat the point
    To unlock Llevigar's library, you need to get a key from the knowledge book. There is also an option to sell the book.
    I might make a new Llevigar library and suggest that the key be used for a secret room in the Kandon-beda library.
  15. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Tbh I don't think Kandon-Beda is inportant enough.

    Llevigar is one of the greatest cities, has its own university...
    Kandon-Beda has nothing like this
  16. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    The problem is that you can check the wiki, etc. for the knowledge, meaning it is pointless to access the university, so I think there should be a reward for that (a secret discovery - gives you xp and such)...
  17. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    this would mean that if you were to unknowingly choose Wealth, you can never get a 100% questbook
    TrapinchO likes this.
  18. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Massive Salt Warning.

    Well time to tell you some things...

    Every single one on these is wrong by the lore, and the fact that with all this time you haven't been told or found out yourself is unfortunate. Because of this, I finally got tired of watching nothing change, so here is why you need to do actual research next time! Yay!!!11!!!1

    First one and we already have a huge issue.
    "When the Olm fled from their homeland and into central Wynn" If you are referring to the Silent Expanse then sadly this is incorrect, as the Olm are not from any place related to Wynn and are actually said to have be " A species from a distant land." (Timeless Ruin). Additionally, what you are suggesting is that the Olm's survivors built the great bridge, which is in fact impossible, as that would imply that a group of Olm who's civilization had been destroyed and had nothing left would be able to build a bridge by digging through a mountain, to reach a place which prior to the digging of the Great Bridge had no actual route to acces by anyone, and so they would not have even known it existed (The Passage was built by the people of Troms, as is clear by its unremarkable size, and architecture). I can also here point out how the Olm's survivors never having been to southern Wynn until they were fleeing to the jungle (a place they didn't know existed by your logic), would have had to build the temple of time, which we know took years (Deja Vu), so again what you suggest is just impossible.

    So first I need to point out how Slykaar didn't stop the spread of corruption into the region, he simply defended the city of Troms and its upper class, using the "peasants" as his fuel (Corrupted Betrayal). This was likely an oversight in your writing, but you still should make sure you word things correctly, or people will get the wrong idea (I'm a prime example of how this is a bad thing). I could complain about how the discovery is activated, but that's just gameplay mechanics, and there are already plenty that don't make sense in discoveries so I'll refrain from doing so.

    The issue with this one is that you are attempting to make too many wrong links in one discovery, so I'll go through in order here:

    1: "The gemstone that corrupted Aryn was taken from the dark homeland of the Olm."

    Making reference to a quest while not inherently bad, is a problem when you drop such a large bomb on the player. Notice how Kingdom of Sand's related discovery, Wrecking Ball, doesn't actually reveal anything new, it just confirms the more hazy facts. Additionally this link to Dern is never mentioned in the quest, where it is instead said to contain an "evil wraith" (Lost in the Jungle). Wraiths and Spirits, as has been made clear by the Mael lore are not darkness, and can be evil without being of Dernic origins. The homeland of the Olm is not Dern, and if you were talking about the Silent Expanse, I've already covered how it was also not their homeland, they just moved there.

    2: "It was placed in their ancient temples built to hide from an omispective being."
    So I don't think you know this, but the Eye only was created after 0 AP (more specifically between 78 AP when old Deltas was destroyed, and 347 AP, when what was once called VIP town was destroyed, though it could be a few years after 347 AP). Bak'al was the one who went and put the Eye onto the Eldritch Outlook: "Bring my gaze there. From on high, it shall blossom" (Silent Expanse's Secret). This causes an issue as the Olm would not have been able to make their way through and build the great bridge as you say they did, as Humans would already be in the jungle (where they would have had to use the great bridge to get in). If you were not referring to the Eye, then that might be fine lore-wise, but it is a problem in storytelling, as players aren't supposed to know about the dark beast yet, as everything is focused around the Eye in this level range as being the big important thing (Wynn Excavation especially). Introducing the dark beast this early cheapens the Eye and makes it less of a powerful force and instead just a minion on the way to the actual boss. Lastly, I've already covered why the gem isn't of Dernic origins, but even if it was, you give no reason for why Dern would want to get the gem, as in the quest it is just an evil spirit. This also doesn't take into account how the Dernic beast could not leave the Silent Expanse, so if anything it would be Bak'al who it would send after it, but that never happened did it. Also it is omnispective, you spelled it wrong.

    3: "Elven light magic can purify the gems and use them for medicine. "
    If the Elves used light magic on an object effected by Dernic influence, then it would not make medicine, but corruption instead. The Elves do know about "a purple gemstone, if turned to dust, can be used in order to create a potion that can cure any illness" but you'll note how it says "if turned to dust" not purified, as you suggest (Aldorei's Secret Part 1).

    4: "Rumors have told of a much more powerful artifact hidden in these jungles, but such tales have never been proven."
    Here, I think you are trying to link the gemstone to the crystals, which makes no sense for a number of reasons. First, the crystals do not cure illness when grinded down, actually if you look at Amadel when he holds four of them it hardly seems like he is a beacon of health at the time. I could talk about how the crystals are meteors, but because that isn't widely accepted I will refrain from going in depth down that path (unless someone wants to tell me that's wrong again). Next, the object is clearly labled as a gemstone, not crystals, and while normally it may not appear as though there is a difference between the words, Wynn loves to use a single word to talk about huge concepts so using two would either mean that it was supposed to be a secret (in which case its not a secret anymore, as you outright say it in a discovery), or because the section hasn't been updated (if they do change it to crystal, then cool). Now if you meant something else by this then that's fine, but the most powerful artifact in the jungle by most sources is the crystals so this is very misleading.

    5: "A door opens and inside you find a large purple rock in a room made of stone bricks and is slightly corrupted (with dern magic). It is made of armor stands to give the affect that the one Aryn found was chipped off of this (it would be missing an edge). When you enter the room you get the secret discovery."
    If it was Dernic magic then it wouldn't be corrupted, as that would imply that there was also Light Influence nearby, which the jungle doesn't have (nearest source is probably modern Detlas due to all the trade there, but this is an ancient undiscovered ruin so that wouldn't be nearby). Also how did Aryn find this and no one else has? The jungle has been lived in by the tribes for thousands of years, so someone would have definitely found it before if a small child could.

    Your theory on the origin of Idols doesn't really make much sense here. If the jungle tribes have no problem with the people of Troms taking their land and in general doing a really bad job defending it for a thousand years, I don't think they would have a problem with the Olm. Also here I'll need to explain a bit about runes, starting with how they can be used to make golem-like creatures. We know about this because of the ancient golem creature in Gavel, which were made with runes a long time ago (you yourself found this so look at Camarsays: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-lads-lore-found-or-is-it.274986/#post-3294156). So golems can be made with runes... and idols are just really old golems from the time of the Olm, who like the Rune Guardians, used runes. This may be a theory, but it makes a lot more sense than the jungle tribes making them, I mean they live in wood houses, its not like any of them have built anything like metal and stone golems any time recently. It is FAR more likely that the Matryoshka Idol was built by the Olm.

    Actually there is plenty to eat in Dernel Jungle, from cats, to birds, to bats, to even the crops that many of the tribes grow in the region. Instead, their being cannibals is likely just something religious, or its just a reference to movies depicting jungle tribes as savages (likely this). Using the religion explanation works a lot better as no one can explain a religion other than that is is.

    Wynn Excavation hass their entire focus on the Crystals, so unless this talisman was made using them, I don't see a reason for them to care about it. If they really wanted eternal life, why not just drain the Fountain of Youth? That way everyone could benefit from it, not just Amadel or some other executive.

    So basically you just thought Bak'al's name sounded like a strange jungle tribesman name so you but him there. How does this make sense. We know from how the jungle tribes have had access to magic for years and the people of Troms haven't, that the two groups rarely make contact (other than the occasional Slykaar), so why would Bak'al go help Detlas? Also Detlas was a tiny village at this time, and it NEVER had an army until modern times, where it got lucky and became the center of Wynn's economy. In addition, you say Villagers were around in Wynn at 0 AP, which is 100% wrong and even a second's prior research would have told you otherwise. You might just have meant to say Tribesman or something, but still I had to point that out. Lastly, Bak'al wouldn't have known that his corpse would "put up a fight" as the corruption was literally just discovered, so no one would have known how it worked yet. Bak'al was much more likely just hero for the Fruman Colony (that's basically what Wynn was back then), and just because his name sounds weird doesn't make him have to be from Iboju.

    This is the worst of all of them, funny it should be my prior critique that is to blame for its failings. I cannot tell you enough how important it is to actually do your research before presenting to the class, and this is the perfect example. Skien was corrupted when they starved to death on Skien's Island, not in Troms. His whole entire story arc is a tale of how much he loved Troms, and how in his insanity, he believed that his work on the island was to make up for him failing to protect his home (which spoilers he ended being the traitor he so detested when he killed all his men). I mean you didn't even mention how he hates the Villager species, and he is literally going to an island, a place where before they calmed the seas was impossible to get to.

    Going further I must once again point out how none of these discoveries are actually important to the jungle's lore. The focus of the Jungle is Skien and Tisaun Sodeta, not Dern and the Olm. This had so much potential for you to show the two's relations, I had I done this, I would have made a discovery about how angry Skien was when he found out that Tisaun had sold out to the Villagers, or a cutscene showing Tisaun's defeating the corrupted army, or even Skien sitting alone in a room for 20-ish years until finally he got the order to head out to sea to an obscure base to protect against pirates. Any of these things would have been better and given more actually useful information about the lore, but that wasn't what you chose to do here so I'll stop complaining about that.

    I've already covered how the Olm aren't from the Silent Expanse. Other than that, the main issue here is how you suggest that people know about the Silent Expanse, which 99.999% of all people in the world do not. Even Wynn Excavation doesn't know it is there, and instead only know about the Eye and all that is in the region through what they dug up from the Olm (Wynn Excavation Site D's ancient ruins + their lord being the Eye in site C).

    You also say here how this is meant to be the first time you hear about the Olm, but you have another discovery of the same level, which is easier to reach (Great Bridge comes before Dernel Jungle). I actually agree with the people who said that you shouldn't reveal the Olm here, though this is more because of what I've said above with other character's being the main focus of the jungle.

    And now for the big one:

    "I liked the idea of Rickeo and Dwendle fighting CoW because their elements match his weaknesses and plus it is stated that it was the twains who sealed him away in AHC"

    No. Absolutely not. This hurts me.

    Rather than talking about what this should have been (881 Battle at Troms, Failure of Skien, Tisaun saving the day, a huge cinemative battle)m you chose to make the Twains battle it out for the second time in an Ultimate Discovery. Aside from these complaints, your story doesn't make sense at all, most notably because you suggest that CoW is / was inteligent, when we know they were not. Additionally you fell into the worst of all lore-traps: thinking elemental defenses matter. The only reason that CoW, and by exension all enemies have these is because it is for gameplay purposes. If corruption was thunder and water, then gee, I guess Garoth can be the god of thunder then, good for him. I don't see a problem with giving Dwendle and Rickeo new lore, and I do agree, at least one of them had to fight CoW (this is probably Dwendle, as their is deleted lore mentioned by others which uses his name in relation to the region), but giving them the spot for the ultimate discovery because it sounded cool is why we have so many quests in Gavel where it sounded cool to have you save the world for the 5th time, but it won't be mentioned again.

    Now we move on to Gavel, and things don't really improve sadly.

    First off: There were FOUR brothers. The fact that you don't know that already cripples this, but then you try to say that they did research for "why the province has so many cosmic-based problems." This is your writing new lore so sure I guess this could be true, but really cosmic magic is the least of Gavel's problems, with "How things have decayed.. The Gert war.. The two towers.. And oh, the poor Doguns!" (Finding the Light). You also say that they went insane, yet wearing the cosmic set made from the same meteors that drove them is good thing, which doesn't exactly make sense. The cosmic set is good for gameplay reasons, if you want to make this assumption that is fine, but you should at least make it seem less like I'll go insane from running CUR all day.

    Orc were always dumb, that is there thing. They are a warlike species, along with the rest of the Greenskins, and war promotes advancement to defeat the other power, not de-evolution.

    Another impossible one, as Llevigar was only built 100 years ago or less. Also this from the official GM doc:

    "4. Don’t make any mazes. Ever. Those are the devils. No seriously. Ever."

    Don't make mazes they are never good.

    Lastly, you failed to mention the most important figure in Villager Lore: Remikas, their original king. Had any of this made sense in the first place you could have made this about the bracelet that is said to contain his soul (Remikas' Authority). Also here you make the assumption that evolution actually exists in Wynn, which considering that there are actual gods may not be the case (Gemini, Venison, From the Bottom, etc.).

    Even before I talk about what is wrong with this, I see you are cloning the Slykaar lore, so maybe don't do that.

    As for actual problems, the Forgery is clearly related to Rune Guardians, a group basically unknown to the people of Gavel, and we don't know of any of the Rune Guardians ever talking, much less deciding 'why don't I just tell you my entire life story real quick?' Additionally, you say the plague sealed in Necrosis is caused by fleas, but then how? Did they magically put all the world's fleas inside the helmet? Once again the real world's logic of science does not apply to Wynn, it is a fantasy rpg game, if it can't be physically seen, they usually blame it on magic. Also you say here that the forgery's guardians made the helmet The Forgery, which is also incorrect, as the reason that is the name of the helmet is because it is a "mockery of the original product" or in other words: A fake, a sham, or more obviously a forgery. Next, you say the priest knew ancient Wynnic, which really shouldn't be the case. Wynnic is a language used by the Olm and in modern times for magic, but the term wouldn't have have been used in Gavel as no one there knew Wynn existed at the time. Also the section about the magic totem makes no sense, but I not really because of the lore, more just because it is poorly written and feels like an afterthought.

    Now somehow with all that the focus of the discovery is still supposed to be the Plague Doctor, which really gets lost with all your throwing at the reader. The player is level 50, they won't know what the Forgery, the Bantisu Air Temple, or even Runes are, as they aren't introduced yet. Your idea of the priest is very questionable, as the priests of Bantisu Air temple never would have been affected by the plague in the canyon (and up in the windy mountains), where by your logic of it being a scientific and not magical plague, it could not easily reach. The real priest would have been one from the House of Taylor, as they actually lived in a region affected by the decay, and so a plague would be a common sight to them. You also say that the priest is "touched by the Light" which is something only the Elves are really known for. While it is likely that the religion of norther Gavel took inspiration from the ideas that the Villagers were told of by the Elves, we know that no Villagers were actually following the light completely, as the Elves complain about this specifically in Aldorei's Secret Part 2. You also say that the priest, who lived in 550 AP knew about dungeons (a gameplay mechanic's name), all of which would not come into existence until at least 450 years into the future, and told a RUNE GUARDIAN who had access to runes (which we know from Deja Vu's rusty shovel were used in the creation of time magic structures by the way), about them, and how to open portals that the Rune Guardian had built already... No.

    Anyways your part that is actually about the Plague Doctor is really small, but it really makes no sense, I mean why would the plague doctor go and make plagues when all they wanted to do was help people? You for some reason decided to claim this as something about them when in reality it was just a place for you to dump whatever randomness you wanted about a priest who breaks more sections of the lore than it attempts to explain.

    Ok well this one just exists. hard for me to say anything wrong with it actually, as you don't even bother to say anything we don't already know, so there, I guess you have one of these that isn't wrong, it just doesn't need to exist.

    If you are planning to do more of these PLEASE DO RESEARCH THIS TIME! I tried to not do this to you the first time, hoping you would go and learn something because I warned you but you didn't. Honesly with all my complaining I might as well make one of these myself, then you can come say how all of it is wrong and bad once you've learned a bit about the lore.

    My writing is probably garbage, but really I don't think I feel the need to check it like I normally do, as this is supposed to be complaining / ranting anyways.
    Dwicey and Samsam101 like this.
  19. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    You always have to think like there is no wiki. Some may have not know about it.

    If you think like that, the admins could just send us 20 page MS word document with everything about lore to put it on wiki, because it would be pointless to put it ingame when you have the wiki.

    Also (again), there should be no secret discovery depending on using quest reward. You could use it somewhere else, lose it etc. and lock the discovery
    Samsam101 likes this.
  20. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Good point.
    I just think there should be more use for that reward, but yeah, you could lose it, etc.
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