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Guilds [coming Soon Partly, 95% Approval] Improved Guilds [ Includes... Trailer...? & Detail ]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Novalescent, Aug 1, 2020.


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  1. Headid

    Headid The guy who is crazy for fun

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    The main problem for me would be the pvp. The most people don't even like pvp, or aren't just good in it. If there would be a feature depending on who is the better in pvp, it would be really unfair to the most people. Don't even talk about those, who have a lot of ping. They can participate in pve maybe, but if pvp, they would be just useless, and couldn't contribute to it. Don't even talk about it's farming possibilities. The most of the other things could be managable, but I don't think they could make a really good update. So, pvp in wynn? no..
  2. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Guild Showdowns are possible and are used with the context of this suggestion, as it includes a number of PvP balance changes that makes it much more fun and tolerable for everyone.
  3. Headid

    Headid The guy who is crazy for fun

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    But it's pvp in wynn
  4. Kakos369

    Kakos369 Praise the sheep! HERO

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    Nova didn't see my question :( (btw gg on breaking the war servers)
  5. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Also after reading fully I like most concepts but I feel like guild showdowns would mostly go unused. Why would a guild risk losing emeralds just to fight another guild for what I assume would be an overall insignificant amount of XP?

    Otherwise I support war changes (although I think the only real effect would be that popular territories have higher level mobs on them. Also make mob prices only decrease for mobs higher level than lowest level mobs otherwise people will still just use lowest level mobs because they’re the cheapest). Guild halls seem neat I guess, wouldn’t mind some guild laser tag. I personally feel like open world guild PVP and PvP in guild wars would be better than most of these suggestions but that’s just my opinion. Nice suggestion and over the top execution as always.
  6. Ramattra

    Ramattra Ravager CHAMPION

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    Idk, consumables are pretty busted and can hold builds together, sp pots are just kinda nice as a quality of life thing and they won't change whether you die or not for the most part and definitely can't hold builds together (aside from cata maybe), but consumables can actually make bad builds good by adding so much like mana regen/steal life steal, a ton of sp, health and much more. A friend of mine was able to make a build with like 50k HP because of consumables and it's actually a viable build. I've pretty much always been against consumables except for exploding scrolls because I like the exploding sound :)
  7. Headid

    Headid The guy who is crazy for fun

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    I love your black build
  8. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Ah sorry Kakos, I was kinda swamped when you asked that.

    Ya that's one of the minor flaws with this idea, in fact I can see the idea of Territory Exhaustion being abused by Subguilds a lot.
    Although I don't think this would be done often. It would take a long while for the cost of a 22k to get to a point to where the discount you get is actually worth it, especially considering someone else could snag the territory from you while you're trying to reduce the cost.

    So? That doesn't mean there can efforts can be made to make Wynncraft PvP fun and viable. The only reason it's unfair and hardly worth most people's time right now is because how unbalanced it is for the majority. It boils down to using Toxo to one tap people essentially right now.
    I feel that it can be much better though, which is why I made that suggestion and tested it out myself. I also know a lot of people who tried out this version of PvP and they enjoyed it a lot.

    You don't need to bet emeralds if you don't want to, so both guilds can just PvP for the fun of it.
    Guild Showdowns are more of optional content. I thought about integrating it into Territories and such but that was unanimously disagreed upon with the several people I was working with and they had valid reason why. The concept can be definitely expanded though to have much more use. In hindsight, I should've found a way to integrate it into Guild Hall cosmetics, but Guild Halls were implemented so far down the line I didn't think of it.
    Mc_elfs likes this.
  9. capefear11

    capefear11 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Nice job Fire! Now go take a long deserved rest you nerd :P
    StarDraco123 and Novalescent like this.
  10. Kakos369

    Kakos369 Praise the sheep! HERO

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    I see. Thanks for answering
  11. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Interesting Suggestion! You definitely did your homework, and brought to light some really good solutions or problems! Let us pray for Guild Update 2: Electric Booalgoo coming out in 20XX.
    I would like to point somethings that I would suggest also:

    Add more mobs that deal elemental damage, since elemental defense is pretty pointless in guild wars outside of bosses.

    Have an active counter to the sidebar showing how many mobs are left.

    Have a command during wars at the last 10 mobs that teleports all mobs to you, so you don't have to spend 45 seconds looking for that 1 last mob. (A bit niche, but if we get to have presets for fillers instead of clicking on each mob, why not this?)

    See what enemies your going to face or in this case, see what in each wave so that we don't have cases of a single warrer that's Lv. 82 thinking they'll walk into Lv. 50 mobs, gets crushed by 22k without knowing or calling for backup.

    With the current mobs, waves don't sound like they'll have much strategy since we mostly use fillers anyways, or we would just put Bosses, Lv. 100 Bishops, and Lv. 100 Clerics in the first wave to make it heck for the attacker. There isn't really much of a high damaging swarming mob or Elite version of the Rouge other than Honor Guard that's just more of a tank than DPS. Cleric is pointless since Bishop is better than it in every field, and the whole point of Witch is that it inflicts debuffs, but it dies so quick that you don't even see the debuff cast on you. So the old mobs need to be heavly revamped, or the new mobs have to be really good (Orange Wybel for new boss in guild wars, I can smell the tears).

    Crafted Consumables, and SP Potions shouldn't be restricted in Guild Wars since if you put in the effort to make or get those consumables, you should be able to use it. The whole point of consumables is that it makes it easier to play, or makes grinding faster. However for PvP events, that's more understandable to give more even footing, speaking of which...

    Guild Showdowns seems pretty iffy. Some people have pointed out PvP issues already, there are some overpowered kits can stomp players like Toxo users, Pure+Slayer or Pure+Stardew says "Ha, Meteor go burr"(keep in mind, in arenas with 5 players each, AoE spells will be really useful), Mythics that have IDs that effect ALL NEARBY PLAYERS like Guardian and Hero. Also for most RPGs, Players are meant to deal huge amount of damage, while enemies have high HP but deal small damage. PvP would be filled with players panicking to survive 10k Damage Spells (but not you Warrior, lol) and dying easily unless they have good healing or regen. Also, I would add a rule to have only Captains or Chiefs start Guild Showdowns, since hypothetically, a group of people can join a big guild, have them start a Guild Showdown betting up to stacks of LE, and purposely lose so that a guild can sap emeralds from a big guild(Trust me, guild politics can be vicious). Also have an option for stop the match in case if two guilds did have a showdown with money on the line, and someone disconnects and are on uneven footing.

    As for Weekly Guild Objectives, I feel like there should not only be objectives for the guild as a whole, but also Individual Guild Objectives that will scale(although be smaller than the Community Guild Objectives) to being smaller as the higher guild level you are, so that the feature isn't just forgotten about at higher levels, and gives more incentive to contribute to the guild as a whole (plus, it will show the dedication of new guild mates, and is another process of guild leaders looking at how a player contributes to the guild and promotes them ;) )

    Housing part is practically perfect, always wanted this, and you cannot change my mind, coming out when Half-Life 3 comes out :3

    These are just my thoughts, overall, a really good post, I hope to see most of these changes happen with a thread of caution and with Guilds accepting of the update and not only just look at the negatives. (wait, that what I just did... whoops) Also, Novalescent for CT, for being the madlad too make videos of "I can't believe it's not Wynncraft!".
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
  12. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    The Captains/Chiefs part I forgot to mention. I did build that into the Guild Showdown system because yes it would be bad to sap emeralds like that.
    Also, Guild Showdowns are possible and are used with the context of this suggestion, as it includes a number of PvP balance changes that makes it much more fun and tolerable for everyone. But of course, it can be expanded upon more to have more relevance in the Guild Community. You could theoretically integrate this into Wars or somethin'.

    From what I've heard, SP potions and Crafted Consumables moreso are what make Wars so easy right now. I'm sure even with the new War mobs and War system, they would still be very easy due to how many people stack consumables.
    I actually forgot that consumables aren't actually consumed during a War, so preferably I'd like it better if they were so, specifically Crafted and SP pots. HP pots can be left alone for the most part. That way you actually save the consumables for important wars.
    Enderclaw and Xeabia like this.
  13. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    I see a reference to our thread but no shoutout? I am confident there has been a mistake.
    See you next page reload!
  14. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Oh god.....
  15. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    This is epic
    I only have to disagree about any part that mentioned giving xp/emerald buffs in the sense of extra gain in those areas for guild hall upgrade, ect.
    xp is already grossly unbalanced, any other unbalances will just upset more people. Keeping it balanced and on an even field is essential.
  16. Ramattra

    Ramattra Ravager CHAMPION

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    Which one? I've made a lot lmao
  17. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I'm not too involved in the greater guild community so I can't really critique balance stuff, but all these features seem great. You've outdone yourself again, Novalescent.
    Castti and burble like this.
  18. Phantasm_

    Phantasm_ Well-Known Adventurer

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    I definetly agree with this, but i have another suggestion for guild wars.
    many of the mobs move slowly, and the ranged mobs dont move at all, making them extremely easy targets. most ranged mobs also get killed by aura fast in guild wars, and their range is kind of lacking compared to the range of aura. making the mobs move/increasing movement speed of mobs could make wars more challenging and fun, and you cant just pretty much wait with shaman. shaman definetly needs balancing changes in wars, because of the massive aoe and it traps mobs inside the totem. revamp all the mobs in guild wars as well, the current mobs are way too easy and you can just totem and spam aura to beat a 22k without even putting in effort.
    AmbassadorArt likes this.
  19. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Agreed for sure. I can attest from the wars I've tried on Nova's server that the mob variety adds in good new dimensions to make wars less of a mindless click simulator. Even the more simplistic mobs felt like they were faster and actually out to kill the player instead of making the leisurely strolls the current ones do, so I do think this issue should and will be resolved.
  20. CT

    CT Blue sponge CHAMPION

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    Guild revamps could be nice
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