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Any Class Meta Gear For Leveling

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by weeb, Oct 11, 2020.

  1. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    Trophy Points:
    If an item is acquired from either dungeon merchant or boss altar, it is untradable.
    You won't be able to buy untradeable items from the trade market.
    Weapons on this list can generally last for 10-15 levels.

    11 - Ancient Wand [Spell]
    14 - Carbon [Spell] (World Event)
    15 - Golem's Arm [XP, Melee] (World Event)
    18 - Reticence [XP, Melee]
    24 - Effervesence [Spell]
    25 - Staff of the Dark Vexations [Spell]
    Use together with Mask of the Dark Vexations (2 items set). Very powerful with high tier powders.
    25 - Detlas' Legacy [Spell, XP]
    27 - Fiend [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    30 - Haros' Oar [Spell, XP] (Untradeable: Rotten Passage Boss Altar)
    Rotten Passage is unlocked by completing the quest "Grave Digger".
    35 - Waves Raiser [Spell]
    35 - Tempo Ticker [XP, Spell] (Untradeable: Time Trouble Altar)
    9 time fragmets from Tempo Town merchant, takes 2 real life days to get the fragments on one class.
    Tempo Town Merchant is unlocked by completing the quest "Tempo Town Trouble".
    39 - Treachery [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    41 - Glare [Spell, XP]
    42 - Haqherphix [Spell, XP]
    Very powerful with high tier powders.
    47 - Sage [XP, Spell]
    Highest XP wand with 42% XP bonus. Can be used for dungeons at the end of boss.
    53 - Bough of Fir [Spell]
    55 - Olux's Prized Wand [Spell, XP] (Quest Reward: Olux Weapon Merchant)
    The weapon can be purchased after completing the quest "Shadow of the Beast".
    Requires Mining 20, Woodcutting 20 and Fishing 20.
    57 - Heat Death [Spell, Special]
    Has major ID "Flashfreeze".
    60 - Ohonte Kerhite [Spell] (Untradeable: Tribal Sanctuary Boss Altar)
    High intelligence requirement.
    62 - Carnage Agglomerate [Spell, Melee, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Displace".
    63 - Aerokinesis [Spell]
    High agility requirement.
    64 - Ohm's Wish [Spell]
    66 - Scroll of Nythiar [Spell, XP]
    70 - Stave of the Legends [Spell] (Untradeable: Arena of the Legends Boss Altar)
    Arena of the Legends is unlocked by completing the quest "Temple of the Legends"... as well as 6 other quests.
    Useful at endgame.
    70 - Ethereal [Spell]
    71 - Afterimage [Spell]
    High agility requirement.
    74 - Warden [Spell, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Lockdown".
    75 - Bob's Mythic Wand [Spell] (Quest Reward: Reincarnation)
    The quest "Temple of the Legends" also need to be completed. Usually not worth.
    76 - Prymari [Spell]
    82 - Lazuli [Spell]
    82 - Bismuthinite [Spell]

    Endgame wands:
    89 - Judas [T, Spell] (Untradeable: Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Dungeon Merchant, 6 runs)
    92 - Compiler [E, Spell, Melee] (Untradeable: Fallen Factory Dungeon Merchant, 5 runs)
    93 - Nepta Floodbringer [W, Spell]
    93 - Peaceful Rest [F, Spell] (Untradeable: Corrupted Ice Barrows Merchant, 6 runs)
    94 - Phoenix Wing [FA, Spell]
    96 - Morrowind [A, Spell]
    97 - King of Hearts [WF, Utility]
    Strong health sustain stats, mana regen and health bonus.
    99 - Event Horizon [ET, Spell]
    99 - Bonder [No Reqs, Utility] (Untradeable: Orange Wybel Boss Altar)
    High mana regen can be useful for mobility.
    100 - Cascade [ETWFA, Spell]
    100 - The Nothing [TF, Spell] (Untradeable: Eldritch Outlook Dungeon Merchant, 3 runs)
    100 - Infused Hive Wand [No Reqs, Spell] (Untradeable: Qira Master Hive completion)
    Tokens are better kept for armour or accessory, however.
    102 - Third Wish [TW, Spell, Special]
    Memory Recollection casts an extra spell at 150 banked mana.
    10 - Cauterizer [Melee] (World Event)
    11 - Crackshot [XP, Spell]
    11 - Nitrogen [Spell] (World Event)
    12 - Witherhead's Bow [Spell] (Dungeon Drop: Decrepit Sewers)
    14 - Relic [Spell, XP]
    18 - Skin Piercer [Melee]
    30 - Nemract's Rage [Spell]
    Incredibly powerful, especially with high tier powders.
    33 - Viscera Burst [Spell, XP, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Fallout".
    34 - Snakeroot Bow [Spell]
    35 - Tempo Trebuchet [XP, Spell] (Untradeable: Time Trouble Altar)
    7 time fragmets from Tempo Town merchant, takes 2 real life days to get the fragments on one class.
    Tempo Town Merchant is unlocked by completing the quest "Tempo Town Trouble".
    36 - Mesarock Arch [Spell, XP]
    36 - Flaming Wing [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    39 - Chaser [Utility] (Untradeable: Sand-Swept Tomb Merchant, 5 runs)
    Sand-Swept Tomb is unlocked by completing the quest "Kingdom of Sand".
    Second highest walkspeed bow with 30% walk speed. Useful for travelling, however usually not worth.
    42 - Thunderbolt [Spell]
    45 - Deadeye [Spell, Special] (Untradeable: Sunrise Canyon Boss Altar)
    Sunrise Canyon is unlocked by completing the quest "Canyon Condor".
    Has major ID "Hawkeye".
    49 - Eruption [Melee]
    49 - The Traveller [Utility]
    Second highest walkspeed bow in the game with 30% walk speed. Can be useful for mobility. Useful at endgame.
    49 - Rigor Mortis [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    52 - Evanescent [Spell, Utility]
    55 - Infinity [Spell]
    55 - Olux's Prized Bow [Spell, XP] (Quest Reward: Olux Weapon Merchant)
    The weapon can be purchased after completing the quest "Shadow of the Beast".
    Requires Mining 20, Woodcutting 20 and Fishing 20.
    55 - Joyous [XP]
    Third highest XP bow with 33% XP bonus. Can be used for dungeons at the end of boss.
    Obtainable from Craftsmas Island Weapon Merchant.
    59 - Soundwave [Melee]
    62 - Clairvoyance [Spell]
    65 - Hesperium [Melee, Special]
    Has major ID "Fission".
    67 - Blighted Seraph [Spell, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Frenetic Spirit".
    70 - Maelstrom [Spell]
    74 - Corrupted Witherhead's Bow [Spell] (Untradeable: Corrupted Decrepit Sewers Merchant, 7 runs)
    High dexterity requirement. Usually not worth it unless you already have the fragments.
    75 - Bob's Mythic Bow [Spell] (Quest Reward: Reincarnation)
    The quest "Temple of the Legends" also need to be completed. Usually not worth.
    81 - Spiritshock [Spell]

    Endgame bows:
    85 - Torrential Tide [W, Spell]
    88 - Plague [TF, Melee] (Untradeable: Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Dungeon Merchant, 6 runs)
    88 - Herald of Ruin [EW, Spell, Melee, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Fallout".
    90 - Wybel Fluff Bow [XP]
    Highest XP bow with 39% XP bonus. Can be used for dungeons at the end of boss.
    90 - Return to Ether [WA, XP, Spell, Utility]
    High walkspeed can be useful for mobility.
    92 - Hellstrand [F, Spell]
    94 - Petrified Horror [ET, Spell]
    95 - Gale's Force [A, Spell, XP, Utility]
    High walkspeed can be useful for mobility.
    96 - Orange Lily [EW, Spell] (Untradeable: Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins Dungeon Merchant, 4 runs)
    98 - Anthracite Ballista [FA, Melee]
    99 - Stinger [No Reqs, Melee, Utility] (Untradeable: Orange Wybel Boss Altar)
    99 - Cluster [T, Spell]
    100 - Infused Hive Bow [No Reqs, Spell] (Untradeable: Qira Master Hive completion)
    Tokens are better kept for armour or accessory, however.
    6 - Harsh Noise [Spell]
    12 - Fire Brand [Melee, XP] (World Event)
    12 - Silicon [Melee] (World Event)
    13 - Puppet Master [Spell]
    14 - Stress [XP]
    Highest XP relik with 39% XP bonus. Can be used for dungeons at the end of boss.
    21 - Cave In [Spell]
    25 - Intestine Lasso [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    28 - Thriller [Spell] (Untradeable: Underworld Crypt Dungeon Merchant, 5 runs)
    Underworld Crypt is unlocked by completing the quest "The Dark Descent".
    35 - Tempo Totem [XP, Spell] (Untradeable: Time Trouble Altar)
    7 time fragmets from Tempo Town merchant, takes 2 real life days to get the fragments on one class.
    Tempo Town Merchant is unlocked by completing the quest "Tempo Town Trouble".
    35 - Fractured Lyre [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    36 - Sonicboom [Spell, Utility]
    High walkspeed can be useful for mobility.
    37 - Ebb and Flow [Spell]
    42 - Heavensent [Spell]
    49 - Discotek [Spell]
    49 - Bibliotek [Spell]
    52 - Shine Suffocator [Spell]
    54 - Wintergreen [Spell]
    55 - Olux's Prized Relik [Spell, XP] (Quest Reward: Olux Weapon Merchant)
    The weapon can be purchased after completing the quest "Shadow of the Beast".
    Requires Mining 20, Woodcutting 20 and Fishing 20.
    63 - Night Rush [Spell, Utility]
    High walkspeed can be useful for mobility.
    65 - Rusted Root [Spell]
    65 - Infernus Aeterna [Spell, Melee, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Geocentrism".
    70 - Thousand Waves [Spell]
    74 - Cold Integrity [Spell]
    Useful at endgame.
    75 - Ancient Runic Relik [Spell] (Quest Reward: Reincarnation)
    The quest "Temple of the Legends" also need to be completed. Usually not worth.
    77 - Tachypsychia [Spell, Special]
    Has major ID "Furious Effigy".

    Endgame reliks:
    80 - Lumina [TA, Melee]
    84 - Cinnamon [F, Melee]
    85 - Procrastination [No Req, Spell, Special]
    Has major ID "Peaceful Effigy".
    88 - Salpinx [A, Spell] Untradeable: Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Dungeon Merchant, 6 runs)
    88 - Overdrive [TW, Spell, Special]
    90 - Wybel Carved Relik [XP]
    Highest XP relik with 39% XP bonus. Can be used for dungeons at the end of boss.
    93 - Inferna Flamewreath [F, Spell]
    94 - Conference Call [TF, Spell]
    96 - Royal Hydrangea [WA, Spell] (Untradeable: Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins Dungeon Merchant, 4 runs)
    96 - A16-L31 Handheld Mortar [ETF, Melee, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Totemic Fuse".
    97 - Cryoseism [W, Spell]
    98 - Tremorcaller [E, Utility, Special]
    Totems fly faster and have reduced cost. Good for moving around.
    100 - The End [EA, Melee]
    100 - Marionette [EWF, Spell, Special]
    Puppets last 3s, but do 2x damage with attacks and explosions.
    100 - Infused Hive Relik [No Reqs, Spell] (Untradeable: Qira Master Hive completion)
    Tokens are better kept for armour or accessory, however.
    101 - Panic Zealot [A, Spell, Utility, Special] (Untradeable: Bottomless Pit Boss Altar)
    Bottomless Pit can only be accessed after clearing the Eldritch Outlook dungeon.
    Has major ID "Furious Effigy". High walkspeed can be useful for mobility.
    7 - Maltic's Old Spear [XP, Spell]
    13 - Clash Hook [XP, Spell]
    13 - Radium [Spell] (World Event)
    15 - Boil Lance [Melee, XP] (World Event)
    19 - The Berserk [Melee]
    25 - The Swordfish [Spell] (World Event)
    26 - Legendary Smasher [Spell, Melee]
    28 - Psion Marker [Spell, Melee]
    30 - Hammer of the Blacksmith [Melee]
    30 - Overreach [Spell]
    31 - Bugbite [Melee, XP] (World Event)
    35 - Tempo Trident [XP, Spell] (Untradeable: Time Trouble Altar)
    7 time fragmets from Tempo Town merchant, takes 2 real life days to get the fragments on one class.
    Tempo Town Merchant is unlocked by completing the quest "Tempo Town Trouble".
    35 - Anchor Chain [Spell]
    39 - Karma [Spell] (Untradeable: Sand-Swept Tomb Merchant, 5 runs)
    Sand-Swept Tomb is unlocked by completing the quest "Kingdom of Sand".
    Incredibly powerful, especially with high tier powders.
    39 - Fierce Thunder [Spell, Melee]
    43 - Dujgon Warrior Hammer [Melee] (Quest Req: Ice Nations)
    The weapon can be purchased from the Dujgon Weapon Merchant for 1 le. Can be expensive for a first play through.
    44 - Pulsar [Spell]
    48 - Fissure [Melee] (Dujgon hammer is better if you have the money)
    50 - Earthmover [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    51 - Hecatomb [Melee, XP] (World Event)
    51 - Catamaran [Spell, Utility, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Rally".
    55 - Sludge Slicer [Melee, XP] (World Event)
    55 - Olux's Prized Spear [Spell, XP] (Quest Reward: Olux Weapon Merchant)
    The weapon can be purchased after completing the quest "Shadow of the Beast".
    Requires Mining 20, Woodcutting 20 and Fishing 20.
    56 - Skien's Madness [Melee]
    Need high attack speed bonus to function well. Useful at endgame.
    56 - Fierte [Spell]
    59 - Skyfall [Spell]
    60 - Kahontsi Ohstyen [Spell, Melee] (Untradeable: Tribal Sanctuary Boss Altar)
    High strength requirement.
    60 - Terminal Velocity [Spell, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Tackle".
    63 - Remikas' Righteousness [Spell, XP]
    65 - Heaven's Gate [Spell]
    70 - Scythe [Spell]
    70 - Helm Splitter [Melee]
    Can be used in endgame.
    74 - Virtue [Spell]
    74 - Dragon's Tongue [WF, Spell, Utility]
    75 - Fuunyet [Spell] (Quest Req: Troubled Tribesman)
    The weapon can be purchased from the Tribal Merchant for 8 Jungle Topaz Shards and 4 Jungle Jet Shards.
    75 - Bob's Mythic Spear [XP, Spell] (Quest Reward: Reincarnation)
    The quest "Temple of the Legends" also need to be completed. Usually not worth.
    76 - Gungnir [XP, Spell]
    78 - Blade of Purity [Melee, Spell]
    Second highest XP spear with 33% XP bonus. Can be used for dungeons at the end of boss.
    85 - Proxima [Spell]
    85 - Apotheosis [Spell, XP, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Paragon".
    88 - Tisaun's Proof [Melee]

    Endgame Spears:
    84 - Rikter [E, Melee]
    88 - Infidel [TW, Spell] (Untradeable: Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Dungeon Merchant, 6 runs)
    90 - Wybel Horn Spear [XP]
    Highest XP spear with 39% XP bonus. Can be used for dungeons at the end of boss.
    91 - Pyroclastic Flow [E, Melee] (World Event)
    92 - Bedruthan [EW, Spell]
    93 - Zephra Shredder [A, Spell, Utility]
    High walkspeed can be useful for mobility.
    95 - Undying [EF, Melee, Utility]
    95 - Ignition [F, Spell]
    95 - Black Amaranth [E, Spell] (Untradeable: Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins Dungeon Merchant, 3 runs)
    97 - Harwrol [EA, Melee]
    98 - Veritas [FA, Utility, Spell]
    99 - Quinque [T, Spell]
    100 - Braker [No Reqs, Spell] (Untradeable: Orange Wybel Boss Altar)
    100 - The Forsaken [WA, Spell] (Untradeable: Eldritch Outlook Dungeon Merchant, 3 runs)
    100 - Rhythm of the Seasons [EF, Utility, Spell]
    Has major ID "Rally" and high mana regen. Useful for mobility.
    100 - Infused Hive Spear [No Reqs, Spell] (Untradeable: Qira Master Hive completion)
    Tokens are better kept for armour or accessory, however.
    9 - Defibrillator [Melee] (Untradeable: Decrepit Sewers Dungeon Merchant, 1 run)
    9 - Dislocater [Spell, Melee]
    10 - Hydrogen [Spell] (World Event)
    15 - Iron Knuckle [Spell]
    16 - Circuit Buster [Spell, Melee]
    20 - Almuj's Daggers [Spell, Utility]
    High walkspeed can be useful for mobility.
    25 - Backbiter [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    26 - The Divide [Spell]
    29 - Styx's Grab [Spell] (Untradeable: Underworld Crypt Dungeon Merchant, 3 runs)
    Underworld Crypt is unlocked by completing the quest "The Dark Descent".
    29 - Phantom Blade [Spell]
    32 - Stabsand [Spell, Melee]
    32 - Wybel Paw [Utility] (Untradeable: Almuj Black Market Merchant, 10eb)
    High walkspeed can be useful for mobility, however it has almost no damage potential.
    33 - Goredrinker [Melee, XP] (World Event)
    35 - Tempo Tanto [XP, Spell] (Untradeable: Time Trouble Altar)
    7 time fragmets from Tempo Town merchant, takes 2 real life days to get the fragments on one class.
    Tempo Town Merchant is unlocked by completing the quest "Tempo Town Trouble".
    38 - Influence [XP, Spell, Melee]
    39 - Hashr Claw [Spell, Melee] (Untradeable: Sand-Swept Tomb Merchant, 5 runs)
    Sand-Swept Tomb is unlocked by completing the quest "Kingdom of Sand".
    Incredibly powerful, especially with high tier powders.
    40 - Kilij [Melee, Special]
    Weapon needs to be powdered for maximum effectiveness.
    43 - Nodguj Warrior Sword [Spell] (Quest Req: Ice Nations)
    The weapon can be purchased from the Nodguj Weapon Merchant for 1 le. Can be expensive for a first play through.
    47 - Arterial Spray [Spell, XP] (World Event)
    51 - Reaper of Soul [Spell]
    55 - Olux's Prized Dagger [Spell, XP] (Quest Reward: Olux Weapon Merchant)
    The weapon can be purchased after completing the quest "Shadow of the Beast".
    Requires Mining 20, Woodcutting 20 and Fishing 20.
    57 - Locrian [Spell, Melee]
    Incredibly powerful, especially with high tier powders.
    59 - Omnia Mors [Spell, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Flurry of Blows".
    63 - Skien's Paranoia [Melee]
    64 - Roiling Ruckus [Spell, Special]
    Has major ID "Juggle".
    66 - Redbeard's Cutlass [Spell] (Dungeon Drop: Galleon's Graveyard)
    70 - Chakram [Spell, Melee]
    70 - Blade of Shade [Spell] (Untradeable: Challenge of the Blades Boss Altar)
    74 - Amadeus [Spell]
    75 - Bob's Mythic Daggers [Spell] (Quest Reward: Reincarnation)
    The quest "Temple of the Legends" also need to be completed. Usually not worth.
    76 - Salticidae [Utility, Melee] (Untradeable: Corrupted Infested Pit Dungeon Merchant, 4 runs)
    High walk speed and jump height can be useful for mobility. Useful at endgame.
    79 - Roulette [Spell, Special]
    Need high thunder damage % to be effective.
    82 - The Visionary's Vice [Spell]
    82 - Thanos Warsword [Melee]
    The weapon can be purchased from the Tribal Merchant for 2 le and 10 Platinum Ingots. Can be expensive for a first play through.
    83 - Aviform [Spell, Special, Utility] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Windsurf".
    86 - Brass Brand [Spell]
    87 - Thrice [Spell]
    89 - Alizarin [XP, Spell]

    Endgame Daggers:
    80 - Rewind [WA, Spell, Special]
    Has major ID "Sorcery". Can be used in endgame because of its major ID.
    85 - Sreggad [No Reqs, Utility]
    Strong defensive stats and health sustain.
    87 - Blossom Haze [E, Spell, Special]
    Has major ID "Cherry Bombs".
    85 - Bygones [TF, Melee]
    88 - Pyroclast [EF, Melee]
    89 - Manna [EW, Spell] (Untradeable: Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Dungeon Merchant, 6 runs)
    90 - Wybel Tooth Dagger [XP]
    Highest XP dagger with 39% XP bonus. Can be used for dungeons at the end of boss.
    93 - Thrunda Ripsaw [T, Spell]
    93 - Flameshot Hilt [F, Spell, Melee]
    95 - Nona [EA, Melee, Spell]
    95 - Limbo [ET, Melee]
    96 - Ivory [A, Utility, Spell]
    97 - The Specialist [No Req, Spell, Special]
    Weapon needs to be powdered for maximum effectiveness.
    99 - Black [TF, Spell]
    99 - Sitis [W, Spell]
    99 - Slider [No Reqs, Utility, Spell] (Untradeable: Orange Wybel Boss Altar)
    High walkspeed can be useful for mobility.
    99 - Anvil Crawler [T, Melee]
    100 - The Exploited [FA, Utility, Melee, Special] (Untradeable: Eldritch Outlook Dungeon Merchant, 3 runs)
    Has major ID "Greed" as well as stealing.
    100 - Infused Hive Dagger [No Reqs, Spell] (Untradeable: Qira Master Hive completion)
    Tokens are better kept for armour or accessory, however.
    103 - Animosity [ET, Melee, Special] (World Event)
    Has major ID "Insoluble".

    Morph [12-100]
    8 piece spell oriented set, 4 armour and 4 accessories.
    Each additional piece gives stronger set bonuses.
    The set has two rings, Topaz which gives xp bonus and Emerald which gives loot bonus.
    You can use two of the same ring and still get the set bonus.

    Tribal [18]
    4 piece melee armour set.
    Can be purchased in Bremminglar for 24 Ocelot Pelt total.
    Full set gives +1 attack speed.

    Adventurer [29]
    4 piece spell armour set.
    Easily accessible and strong set at level.
    Full set gives good xp bonus.

    Snow [44]
    4 piece water/air spell armour set.
    Drops from Nesaak mobs. Somewhat difficult to obtain.
    Full set bonus gives high mr.

    Elf [50]
    4 piece fire/air defensive armour.
    Can be purchased in Craftmas Island for 40eb total.
    Full set gives good walk speed and health regen.

    Wynnterfest 2016 [55]
    4 piece accessory set.
    Can be purchased in Craftmas Island for 40eb total.
    Full set gives good xp bonus.
    The set has two rings, Blue which gives water damage and Yellow which gives thunder damage.
    You can use two of the same ring and still get the set bonus.

    Skien's [57]
    3 piece melee armour set. Does not have helmet.
    From the Wynncraft wiki:
    - The leggings of the set drop from Skien's Scout, Skien's Footsoldier, Skien's Ravager, Skien's Vanguard, and Skien's Warden.
    - The boots of the set drop from Skien's Bowman, Skien's Marksman, and Skien's Jailkeeper.
    - Both the leggings and the boots of the set drop from Skien's Elite, Skien's Commander, and Skien's Bomber.
    - Skien's Fatigues, the chestplate of the set, only drops from General Skien himself, who resides deep beneath the island's castle.
    Full set bonus gives high melee damage bonus at the cost of spell damage.
    Strong set at level.

    Ultramarine [65]
    4 piece water spell armour set.
    Drops in Seavale Reef alongside the treasure.
    Has high intelligence requirements.
    Full set gives intelligence, mana regen and water damage.
    More effective on classes with Fluid Healing, like mage and shaman.

    Saint's [70]
    4 piece water/air spell armour set.
    Can be purchased in Craftmas Island for 2le 12eb total. Fairly expensive.
    Full set gives high spr, some mana and some xp bonus.

    Jester's [72]
    4 piece xp accessory set, 2 Jester Rings.
    Full set gives high xp bonus, hp bonus, walk speed bonus and stealing.
    The individual items have negative xp bonus, so don't use it unless you have all 4 pieces.

    Champion [75]
    4 piece spell armour set.
    Quest reward for Tower of Ascension. Difficult to obtain, but the quest has good rewards.
    Strong set at level. Has some xp bonus but need good rolls.
    Full set gives good health and mana sustain stats.
    Especially good for classes with no healing spells.

    Corrupted Nii [78]
    3 piece water/fire defensive armour set. Does not have leggings.
    Untradeable set. Available from the Forgery for 3 CDS, 3 CIP and 3 CLS runs.
    Full set gives hp bonus, mr and hpr.

    Cosmic [80]
    4 piece xp armour set.
    Untradeable set. Quest reward for ???. Difficult to obtain.
    The set also comes with Altum Spatium, which is currently the best xp necklace.
    Full set gives very high xp bonus. Can be used to level up to 106.
    Extremely good in xp grind parties.

    Thanos Legionnaire [83]
    4 piece earth/fire/air melee armour set.
    Can be purchased in Thanos for 2 le 28 eb + 44 platinum ingots total. Fairly expensive.
    Full set gives +1 attack speed, melee damage, walkspeed and good hpr.

    lv 14
    > Heliophilia
    > Blessed Wrappings
    > Opulenity
    > Audacity
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Secret
    > Witherhead's Talisman

    20: Boots => Ado Saki (XP, hp)

    25: Necklace => Durum's Serenity (XP, sp)

    25: Bracelet => Laen's Curiosity (XP, sp)

    lv 30
    > Heliophilia
    > Villager Mail
    > Villager Pants
    > Adigard's Snowshoes
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Laen's Curiosity
    > Durum's Serenity

    30: Vindicator can be used if the quest is completed.

    37: Helmet => Yume (XP, hp, dps)

    lv 41
    > Yume
    > Sundown Poncho
    > Chained Pixels
    > Galloping Spurs
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Laen's Curiosity
    > Durum's Serenity

    43: Avalanche can be used if the quest is completed.

    lv 51
    > Yume
    > Marius' Prison
    > Bridge of the Divide
    > Durum's Journey
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Binding Brace
    > Constrict Collar

    Constrict Collar can be substituted with Durum's Serenity or Criistal.

    54: Helmet => Venison (XP, hp, sp)

    58: Greaves of Honour can be used if the quest is completed.

    60: Boots => Bad Wolf (XP)

    60: Dragon's Eye Bracelet can be used if you have one.

    64: Upgraded Orc Mask can be used if the quest is completed.

    69: Chestplate => The Jingling Jester (XP, Greed)

    70: Bracelet => Back-Up Plan (XP, if not using Dragon's Eye Bracelet.)

    71: Clearsight Spectacles can be used if the quest is completed.

    77: Bracelet => Vanguard (XP)

    79: Double Vision can be used if the quest is completed.

    lv 80 (cosmic)
    > Cosmic Visor
    > Cosmic Vest
    > Cosmic Ward
    > Cosmic Walkers
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Vanguard
    > Altum Spatium

    lv 80 (non-cosmic)
    > Gale's Sight
    > Papyrus
    > Greaves of Honor
    > Bad Wolf
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Vanguard
    > Constrict Collar

    Gale's Sight can be substituted with Speaker at level 87.

    Papyrus can be replaced by The Jingling Jester.

    Greaves of Honour be substituted with Ringlets at level 80 or Baitsu's Approach at level 86.
    Greaves of Honour can be replaced by Trench Scourer at level 94.

    Rarity can be swapped for Draoi Fair, or Summa at level 95.

    Vanguard can be replaced by Double Vision if the quest is completed.

    Cosmic set is recommended for level 105+.
    lv 18
    > Tribal Cap
    > Tribal Tunic
    > Tribal Pants
    > Tribal Boots
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Slap
    > Witherhead's Talisman

    lv 32
    > Black Ripper
    > Nemract's Ruin
    > Seismic Chaps
    > Almuj's Walker
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Buster Bracer
    > Durum's Serenity

    lv 50
    > Pelier
    > Sawdust
    > Sow Thistle
    > Galloping Spurs
    > Horseshoe
    > Horseshoe
    > Binding Brace
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Seven League Boots for boots (more walk speed)
    Criistal for necklace (more xp bonus)

    lv 57
    > Mask of Courage
    > Skien's Fatigues
    > Skien Leggings
    > Skien Boots
    > Horseshoe
    > Horseshoe
    > Binding Brace
    > Strobelight

    Alternate items:
    Mask of Fear for helmet (more melee dmg)
    Granite Helm for helmet (level 63, more melee dmg)

    lv 70
    > Blood Moon
    > Skien's Fatigues
    > Skien Leggings
    > Skien Boots
    > Energy Loop
    > Energy Loop
    > Back-Up Plan
    > Coyote Crest

    lv 83
    > Thanos Legionnaire Helm
    > Thanos Legionnaire Plate
    > Thanos Legionnaire Leggings
    > Thanos Legionnaire Greaves
    > Archaic
    > Archaic
    > Jiandan Handwraps
    > Royal Blazing Amulet

    Alternative items:
    Momentum for bracelet (more damage at the cost of 1 attack speed bonus)
    lv 1
    > CR-1ATATATAT7c7c0N91
    > CR-1ATATATAT7c7c0A91
    > CR-1ATATATAT7c7c0V91
    > CR-1ATATATAT7c7c0h91
    > Rarity
    > Rarity
    > Secret
    > CR-10t0t0t0t0t0t0S91
    > CR-17c7c7c+e+e+e0E92 [t6]

    lv 30
    > Adventurer's Cap
    > Adventurer's Tunic
    > Adventurer's Pants
    > Adventurer's Boots
    > Concentration
    > Concentration
    > Vindicator
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Laen's Curiosity for bracelet (no Magnet major ID)

    lv 43
    > Avalanche
    > Sundown Poncho
    > Chained Pixels
    > Giant Step
    > Concentration
    > Concentration
    > Vindicator
    > Durum's Serenity

    Adventurer's Armour should still be effective at this stage.

    lv 51
    > Avalanche
    > Marius' Prison
    > Bridge of the Divide
    > Durum's Journey
    > Concentration
    > Concentration
    > Binding Brace
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Constrict Collar for necklace (more xp bonus)

    lv 64
    > Venison
    > Millennium
    > Kelight's Shield
    > Abysso Galoshes
    > Draoi Fair
    > Photon
    > Tear of Pirate Cove
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Cloak of Luminosity for chestplate (level 64, more mana and xp bonus)
    Kratke for leggings (to meet weapon sp requirements)
    Bad Wolf for boots (more xp bonus, if skipped Beneath the Depths)
    Dragon's Eye Bracelet for bracelet (replace Draoi Fair with a second Photon)
    Remikas' Authority for bracelet (66, to meet weapon sp requirements)

    lv 71
    > Clearsight Spectacles
    > Adamantite
    > Crystal
    > Sodeta Boots
    > Draoi Fair
    > Photon
    > Back-Up Plan
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Blue Mask for helmet (to meet weapon sp requirements)
    Purified Helmet of the Legends for helmet (more mr)
    The Jingling Jester for chestplate (more xp bonus, Greed)
    Stalagmites for boots (if skipped Lost Soles)

    lv 75
    > Champion Helmet
    > Champion Chestplate
    > Champion Leggings
    > Champion Boots
    > Photon
    > Detective's Ring
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Royal Stormy Amulet

    Alternatively, Draoi Fair and Remikas' Authority or Back-Up Plan can be used instead.

    lv 84
    > Sequencer
    > Seagazer
    > Dark Shroud
    > Ensa's Ideals
    > Photon
    > Detective's Ring
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Tenuto

    Alternate items:
    Gale's Sight for helmet (Sequencer can be overpriced)
    Fenmask for helmet (Sequencer can be overpriced)
    Booster Plate for chestplate
    Photon x2 (you can buy on the market, or use one from other class)
    Double Vision for bracelet (Dragon's Eye has 40 defense req, which may be a problem with build changes)
    Royal Stormy (Tenuto can be overpriced, also might not be able to wear with build changes)

    lv 89
    > Sequencer
    > Seagazer
    > Greaves of the Veneer
    > Phage Pins
    > Photon
    > Detective's Ring
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Tenuto

    Alternatively, Third Eye can be used instead.

    Use Libra chestplate at 91.
    Dragon's Eye can be swapped for Draoi's Fair (depends on a class).
    lv 18
    > Gnocchi
    > Chimaera
    > Lemon Legs
    > Omnitread Boots
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Asher's Relic
    > Witherhead's Talisman

    lv 25
    > Undertow
    > Tsunami
    > Conductor
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Asher's Relic
    > Durum's Serenity

    lv 30
    > Adventurer's Cap
    > Adventurer's Tunic
    > Adventurer's Pants
    > Adventurer's Boots
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Vindicator
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Laen's Curiosity for bracelet (no Magnet major ID)

    lv 40
    > Umbrella Hat
    > Phosphene
    > Chained Pixels
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Vindicator
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Yume or Redrock Bandana for helmet (more xp bonus)
    Sundown Poncho for chestplate (more xp bonus)

    lv 43
    > Avalanche
    > Sundown Poncho
    > Chained Pixels
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Vindicator
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Phosphene for chestplate (more spell damage)
    Reminiscence for bracelet (mana regen)

    lv 50
    > Avalanche
    > Marius' Prison
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Binding Brace
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Bob's Battle Chestplate for chestplate
    Vindicator for bracelet (major ID)
    Constrict Collar for necklace (more xp bonus)

    lv 54
    > Venison
    > Marius' Prison
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Binding Brace
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Illuminite for helmet (level 55)
    Dravarden for chestplate (level 56, to meet weapon sp requirements)

    lv 60
    > Venison
    > Marius' Prison
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Durum's Serenity

    Alternate items:
    Tear of Pirate Cove for bracelet (level 61, if didn't get Dragon's Eye Bracelet)

    lv 63
    > Venison
    > Millennium
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Morph-Ruby

    Alternate items:
    Cloak of Luminosity for chestplate (level 64, more mana and xp bonus)
    Remikas' Authority for bracelet (level 66, extra skill points)

    lv 68
    > Purified Helmet of the Legends
    > Millennium
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Morph-Ruby

    Alternate items:
    Blue Mask for helmet (to meet weapon sp requirements)
    Meikyo Shisui for helmet (if skipped Temple of the Legends)

    lv 70
    > Purified Helmet of the Legends
    > Adamantite
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Morph-Ruby

    Alternate items:
    Clearsight Spectacles for helmet (level 71, more xp bonus and hpr)
    The Jingling Jester for chestplate (more xp bonus, Greed)
    Morph-Steel for chestplate (level 75, stronger set bonus)
    Back-Up Plan for bracelet (extra skill points)

    lv 83
    > Sequencer
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Morph-Ruby

    lv 87
    > Sequencer
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Amethyst
    > Morph-Ruby

    Alternate items:
    Speaker for helmet (more xp bonus and mana)
    Third Eye for helmet (level 93, more mana)

    lv 100
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Amethyst
    > Morph-Ruby

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2024
  2. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
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    added wynndata links
  3. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    cool thread
    RenZenthio likes this.
  4. zzb_news

    zzb_news Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    nice ty for guide
    RenZenthio likes this.
  5. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Y’know what I’m bumping this
    Also, Braker, Quinque, and ignition are great endgame spell spears too, but I understand not including them simplicity’s sake. But Quinqie (and Braker, situationally) are like the highest damaging spell spears
    randomdrowned and weeb like this.
  6. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    yea i might change the endgame ones a little bit...
    RenZenthio likes this.
  7. syrun97

    syrun97 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    you can use Pure cuz it have same xp bonus as wybel items, and it can used in endgame thanks to its major id.
    randomdrowned, Ronnoc and weeb like this.
  8. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    im not gonna use mythics in this thread sry. keeping it budget friendly
    iIFrozenFireIi, Ronnoc and RenZenthio like this.
  9. ChromaticDragons

    ChromaticDragons RAGE CHAMPION

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    I remember using IHD until it got nerfed.. ;_;

    btw SALTICIDAE also nice for endgame assassin... speed + jumpboost great for vanish (best to use this just as secondairy weap for roaming around till one day we'll have a Weathered..)
  10. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Add Fate's Shear at endgame dagger
    salticidae is a good off-hand for the jumpboost but not rly an endgame dagger, also Slider gives much better ws
    RenZenthio likes this.
  11. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    i guess you could use fate's shear with morph (stardust cancels the hp regen)
    i'll add it

    anyway i merged my threads cause why not
    RenZenthio likes this.
  12. ChromaticDragons

    ChromaticDragons RAGE CHAMPION

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    i'd still prefer Salti for the jump boost, not that Slider is bad, its just the jump boost gives a lot more options (I know vanish boosts you but still) + if your speed is already high it doesnt matter too much which one of the two you pick.
    Baldsniper24488 likes this.
  13. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    I literally just meant that it's a good offhand but not rly an endgame meta weapon
  14. ChromaticDragons

    ChromaticDragons RAGE CHAMPION

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    Me knows :breadskateFedoraEyes:
  15. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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  16. Hvil

    Hvil Well-Known Adventurer

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    What t6 powders
  17. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    it's just a hint that you can use this for a long time if powdered with t6.
    superfast attack weapons with t6 powders are very strong.
    i can remove it if it's confusing
  18. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    relic is pretty strong for early archer
    clairvoyance probably deserves a spot on the list

    peaceful rest might be better since it doesn't have -1k hp, i might be wrong

    master is pretty cool until 62
    the more sp you can funnel into morph the earlier you reach critical int thresholds

    i'd make an argument for MoE/MoC (from iboju village) + bob's battle chestplate

    admiral better imo

    no blue mask? cancelled

    weeb likes this.
  19. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    ok thanks changed most of these things
    Qzphs likes this.
  20. Hvil

    Hvil Well-Known Adventurer

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    I just reached 57 as assasin what do you reccomend you can use set items items from quests if needed. @weeb
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2020