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Youtube Channel Improvements (55 Supporters)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Allankap5, Aug 1, 2018.


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  1. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    Except Wynncraft doesn't have a playerbase as big as Minecraft as a whole! So obviously its going to be different. We already have people working in translating the wiki, and that's a lot of work...
    But that isn't the work of the Wynncraft Content Team, its the goal of youtubers themselves. They will start a let's play serie on Wynncraft and make people want to join. If Wynncraft makes an official serie about how Wynncraft works, I'm scared it may not attract many players, or not enough players to be worth it. How would the video be? "If you do RLR, a spell will happen, depending on your class... blah blah blah blah" That doesn't seem really entertaining ;/
    But then what tells you that they are going to watch the youtube channel? What is the point in putting so much effort into making videos if you can put way less work (but still a big amount trust me) into making a forum post?
    Ok, I don't understand what you mean. Do you mean "They read the forums in the day, but in the night they are bored and they want to watch videos"? Because if that's the case, then they will just read the post tomorrow morning, no problem. If they want to watch videos there's plenty of let's play, quest explanations, lore videos etc etc. And btw, if they don't know what to watch, what would tell us they would watch Wynncraft's channel? They could very well watch Ninja playing fortnite, ruining all the effort put into the video.
    Yes it can, since we can post videos on the forums...
  2. Allankap5

    Allankap5 Living legend and icon

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    To your first point, yes, Wynncraft does have only a fraction of the Minecraft community knowing about it and playing it but take, for example, the Mineplex channel. Some of their videos have over 100k views, quite possibly more people than have been on that server. Putting videos on Youtube also spreads it to the general Minecraft community, a much larger community than the Wynncraft community.

    I did a quick search on Youtube and there are very few people doing let's plays on Wynncraft, causing Wynncraft's presence on Youtube to be minimal. Posting on the Wynncraft channel would expand Wynncraft's presence on Youtube, possibly bringing people back to the game and causing new ones to join the ccommunity.

    Sometimes people like to hear the same information again but in a different format. For example, when 1.13 came out, there were tons of videos on new features. Quite a few people probably saw multiple videos on the new features, wanting to learn and hear the same information but in a different format.

    But if you're going to post it on the forums, why not post it on Youtube? You've already put work into the video it's just uploading the video to another platform which shows it to more people.
  3. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    But explanatory videos do not seem like the way to do it.
    There actually have been quite a big amount of people doing it, including big youtubers, in france, and without thinking further I could name : Aurélien_Sama, Aypierre wich are both big french minecraftian youtubers.
    Yea but again, its the youtubers who provided the format, not Wynncraft Volunteers, who, trust me, already have a LOT of work, to not have to worry about feeding a youtube channel. If it isn't volunteers but administrators, then its even worst, the amount of time they already put into the server is enough, they don't have to pull out more to feed a youtube channel too.
    Youtube would be more illustrative, while the forums go into details.
    For example, I could explain the "R-R-R" spell of warrior, and then put a 5 seconds video clip on youtube showing what it does.
  4. Allankap5

    Allankap5 Living legend and icon

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    I think that this point is more of a personal opinion rather than an objective criticism. I don't think either of us will be able to convince the other to change their opinion.

    To your second point, the Wynncraft team could have applications to work on the channel and if enough interest is shown in the idea of working on the channel then the applications would go through and, if not, then the channel will simply remain dead.

    I agree with your third point, Youtube is much more of an illustrative medium. The forums would go into the feature's interactions, how it fits in the game, etc. while the video would show examples of the feature being used in game.
  5. Allankap5

    Allankap5 Living legend and icon

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    We're so close to 50 supporters!
  6. Allankap5

    Allankap5 Living legend and icon

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    1 more supporter!
  7. Craic

    Craic Yeet

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    I like this idea. Maybe after the next update there could be videos done by ct members showing their process on a particular animation/build/quest. If you look hard enough some ct members have already kind of done this but it would be nice to have it as an organized series +1
  8. Allankap5

    Allankap5 Living legend and icon

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    Thanks for all the support! We got to 50 supporters! :D
  9. Allankap5

    Allankap5 Living legend and icon

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    It's been a while so I'm just going to bump this a bit.
  10. i_am_me

    i_am_me yes its me VIP

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    +1 Support

    To be honest, I can't see why not.
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