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Wynncraft And New Ideas

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Ben Frank, Nov 5, 2017.


What do you think of my ideas and/or would you like something different

  1. Yes, What are your own ideas?

    4 vote(s)
  2. Not sure

    5 vote(s)
  3. No

    40 vote(s)
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  1. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    Me two years ago is comparable to a salty 5-year old.
    Just look at my old posts.
    Anyways, it's off topic already
    Lexwomy likes this.
  2. Ben Frank

    Ben Frank Well-Known Adventurer

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    I tried but it's seems you guys only want it to die, but I won't lie you made a point of how does this help the other server and I may have not thought about that but that doesn't all of you just saying it's dumb idea, you have not given any refinement to the idea that is critisn not just saying it's dumb and just washing your hands of the idea that is how ideas die if you would like to actually give some refinement to the idea that would be nice instead of just basically not caring about this dwindling playerbase
  3. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    "You tried", the reason we're not giving "refinement" is because frankly, you're acting like an opinionated prick. You're complaining that we need to give proper criticism, which, as the matter of fact, we did. Anyway, here is some criticism, which you're completely going to ignore and complain about, because "the playerbase is dwindling". Wynncraft isn't going to die anytime soon and I'm quite content with the community we already have (with the exception of people like you of course). The people who play on mini-game servers like Hypickle play minecraft for completely different reasons than Wynncraft players.
    If you're such an old Wynncraft player you should know that you can't just experience the game withing the first five minutes. A no-save mode wouldn't work at all, besides, who would try it if they could just play the real thing. Now I get that that is the goal of your little temper tantrum suggestion, however, you might just plaster Wynncraft's IP all over the server if you wanted to accomplish that. Also, because they promoted Wynncraft, the servers will want something in return, what could we give them. Also this might be relevant. The communities of these servers won't even want to have anything to do with Wynncraft. To end this off, I don't even know where you got the stats for this "dwindling playerbase", because I did some searching and couldn't find them.

    Please do read my criticism and don't act like; "Wynncraft is dead and I can't handle criticism so I'll just nullify all of yours by saying it's not criticism".
  4. DarkRaven

    DarkRaven Skilled Adventurer

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    • Wynncraft poses as a mini-game on other servers and allow people to play as guests on the main server
    • Add new skills to Wynncraft (for example: herblore, crafting, adventuring)
    • Different gameplay or additional gameplay
    • Be optimistic
    • Plaster Wynncraft's IP all over servers
    • Build battle mini-game - Wynncraft themes
    • Creative server - Wynncraft themed builds, leveling up to larger plots
    • Wynncraft version of something like 'Andor's Trail' a 2D Quest-driven Roguelike fantasy dungeon crawler RPG for Android.
    • Have Wynncraft properly and up to date listed at as many Minecraft server lists as possible.
    • Youtube vids in a native language aimed at players from the top Minecraft countries if they are underrepresented. (Germany, France, Japan?)
    1. Go for quantity
    2. Withhold criticism
    3. Welcome wild ideas
    4. Combine and improve ideas
    DrX2345 likes this.
  5. Ben Frank

    Ben Frank Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thank you DarkRaven, for all the good and plentiful ideas, that would and should help Wynncraft.
  6. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    It’s not like all the cool games have been abandoned and was made approximately 200% cooler by Wynncraft. ( Armour skins and spells mainly. ) A lot of people might see Hypickle as cooler, but Wynn’s stuff was made before 1.8 and armour stands and 3D resource packs ( no custom sounds) and deserves so much more credit.
    Also, all Hypickle games are copied somehow from other stuff. Sadly, their most popular game is copied from Roblox.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  7. Ben Frank

    Ben Frank Well-Known Adventurer

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    Stormarend all that you said was to match my frustration with aggression. A great example, is where you use a two year old post protraying, a comment stating the health of the player base of Wynncraft two years ago. That is not concurrent of the conditions as of now which point to a drop in the player base after two months, in which I remembering playing two months ago and there was thousand player peek compared to now where there is now a eight hundred peek player count now of this weekend. Explain this drop after two months and that isn't good and just because people are coming back for this new expansion doesn't mean they are going to stay. I will give you benefit of the doubt I was beginning to argue like a bitch but that doesn't excuse the crisis of now for Wynncraft.
  8. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I mean, it was summer only a few months ago, and that's when the playerbase usually peaks if you don't count updates. And of course, it's currently the school season, it's expected to have the numbers be a little low right now.
    Bramblesthatcat and Stag2001 like this.
  9. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    DXP weekend draws people in for a bit.
  10. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Wynncraft is an MMORPG server. Outed you have been on fit 4 years then you should remember how poorly (although pretty fun) the Wizard Mini-Game they did. It wasn't popular so I don't they would try again.
    Your main argument has grown invalid as it so far it's only "Wynncraft is dying and all who don't agree with me is wrong." So until you provide actual statistics that Wynncraft is dying, it cannot really be proven until then.

    But I might as well actually grade your thing. I will give it one later today.
    Bramblesthatcat likes this.
  11. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    That "two year old post" had nothing to do with my point and was just thrown in there for fun, also a player loss of 200 in two months really is just trivial, it could go back up any time. If you really want proof you need to compare it to AT LEAST the Corkus update (maybe a little bit after, since the hype will have died).
    I love how you seem to think to know every single thing I'm thinking. You don't know my motives, so don't act like you do.
    Also, these posts basically sum it all up. If only you understood that saying that "Wynncraft is dying" doesn't make your suggestion good.
    By the way: get your stats right.
    Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 14.40.10.png
  12. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Sorry phone decided to Auto-Correct, what is being said is:
    If you have been on for 4 years then you should remember how poorly
  13. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Good for you...?
    Why were you holding back? Couldn't you just help out the community before?
    I would like statistics. Right now this is based on your opinion.
    Didn't you just say it was dwindling? Now it's strong? Or is it a strong dwindling? If so, then Wynn wouldn't be here.
    So far... you have pretty much contradicted yourself a lot... let's continue.
    Problem here. Wynn is an individual server not piggybacking off of others. Plus this is an MMORPG server where we don't do Mini-Games. Plus how the would this Guest feature even work? More details please. Plus the taste of Wynn is typically over time, not some kind of demo.
    Proof? Statistics? Anything that you can prove for this?
    Sounds cool, but we do kinda have this already... elaborate more please.
    This is a bit more than needed, I do agree that something should be added to spice some things up. But what you have given would be hard to implement.
    Yeah no. This would make the game less healthy as Wynn CT has been given a hard time with the current player base. Adding even more people will cause a ton of problems to them as well. Plus check General Suggestions as some people give pretty good ideas. Yours so far... yeah no...
    That makes... no sense whatsoever. How is Wynn supposed to be a Mini-Game in any way? More so on how it is supposed to be one? Plus we have skills that aid us already as they are called... potions....

    -Please look at how to make a suggestion.
    -The presentation is not very well done.
    -Keeping it on a subject per paragraph isn't here it seems.
    -Organization also not here.
    -Seems to be biased opinion here. Please give the downsides to this. (There always is, there is no perfect suggestion)
    -Extreme lack of detail.
    -Extreme lack of data.

    Grade: 37% F
    I did this as if I just came in here to judge. You want to impress others as if you are going to a constant job interview. Have it look and sound nice. Have it make sense.

    I get what you are going for, but you are not thinking on what Wynn is. And that is being a Unique server that focuses on what it is. An MMORPG Adventure server. So far it hasn't revived any advertising (as far as my knowledge goes) and I am sure they want to keep it like that. They don't make Mini-Games as it didn't work out so well with Wizards. Plus Wynn itself can't be a Mini-Game as it is more of an all or nothing server. There is no middle of it. You can't really make a Mini-Game off of it.

    Either way that is what I have to say.
    Have a Good Day!
  14. At World's End

    At World's End Infamous Adventurer HERO

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    Yeah... It is... And our heads...
    OGK likes this.
  15. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Thanks for the savage!
    At World's End likes this.
  16. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The only way I think you could do a no save feature is if you basically had the tutorial as a 'free (ye I know Wynn is free but it doesn't matter) trial', and the King of Ragni says 'Now, if you want to continue your adventure, head to play.wynncraft.net (or whatever the ip is). However, this still has the problem of finding a server with the right player base, who would be willing to advertise us for free or... Well, you get the idea. I don't think that Wynncraft is dwindling - I've been playing for like 3 years, admittedly with about a year gap in the middle, but I didn't notice a huge decease in the player base.
  17. colin350

    colin350 The Best Admin (duh) HERO CHAMPION

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    I think it is clear that there are some issues regarding how we operate now which can be improved. However, the plan that is being suggested is, in my opinion, a short term solution with a number of potential negative consequences. I think that a long-term goal is to repair and improve where we are lacking or executing poorly, and ideally with positive change we will attract more players. This is not a revised solution or the solution, but we do need to improve, that's a given.

    While I can't give you a "chart" or proof on how our player base has/could have dwindled, it's pretty clear from observation that when we release an update, we get a spike in playercount, and then once the update has been out for awhile (or there are a ton of issues with it right away), it progresses back to our consistent player count: < ~900 players on the weekends, < ~400-600 players on the weekdays. Certainly since the opening of Wynncraft, we have stabilized and haven't consistently kept 1-2 thousand players on the server. However, we haven't really dwindled in players. Sure, like another player commented earlier, a number of veterans are leaving. Yes, I agree, some are leaving because they are frustrated with the ways things are being done around here, but a number of people are leaving due to other commitments such as school, work, or personal life.

    While I think the idea suggested here is a good one and its thinking outside of the box, it is in someway limiting Wynncraft's potential. Wynncraft is standalone, and with its custom components, it should stay standalone.
    ThomAnn100, Cruuk and OGK like this.
  18. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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  19. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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  20. Ben Frank

    Ben Frank Well-Known Adventurer

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    Stormarend and OGK you both are just trying to argue with me, even when I admitted I was being a bitch, and I'm just not going to talk to you if you stay on this post trying to fight me make another so you can trash on me because I may explode and let loose I was taught to be mature.
    Though for the other people thank you for all your helpful criticism and thank you for actually refining my idea and thank you for admitting that Wynncraft is dwindling in it's life force.
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