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Why Level 90-100 Is Tedious, And How We Can Fix It.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by HollowKill, Nov 6, 2017.


Do you agree?

Poll closed Dec 7, 2017.
  1. Yes!

  2. Yes, but i don't think they could've adjusted this.

  3. No, the quests are good as they are.

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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    No game is perfect, period, but Wynncraft isn’t even complete. 4 years is more than enough time for even an indie developer to make a high quality game like Cuphead. This upcoming update especially takes the cake since we barely know anything about it.

    And you’re right, Wynncraft is only made up of volunteers and has to work off of minecraft. Why should the Content Team waste their time making their own game that you can pay money for? Though that begs the question; why are the Content Team wasting their time in the first place? Why are the CT trying to make a game that they don’t have the resources for, yet promise it’s players that they will one day finish it? Why are they trying to advertise it as a MMORPG, a genre that’s designed to have constant updates? Why should you pay eighty dollars for the best rank when you can buy a triple A game for less?

    If Wynncraft can’t answer these questions, then why don’t they just stop? If I wanted to make a first person shooter, and I didn’t know anything about coding or game design, and had only a handful of volunteers and a few hundred dollars. Sure I could try to shamble a mess of a game together, and promise those players it will be better Soon^TM. Or better yet... I could JUST NOT DO IT!

    It’s not about updates anymore; it’s about Wynncraft trying to be something that it’s not or will ever be if things don’t change. That’s what has been wrong with the game since Gavel.

    Look, if this server didn’t advertise as an actual game, and was just another minecraft server with MMORPG features, I would be fine with it. Though what’s not fine is the CT accepting donations in the promise of more content or at least a finished game when they’ve broken more promises than people can remember. There are nice people on the CT that do care about the game, but for others I don’t know if I can say the same thing, especially Grian. Yeah, I get it that’s it’s his game and that if wants to do other things, let him be. And I agree with that, except when they still let people donate in the hopes of getting a better game. If you urge people to buy your product, knowing that you cannot fulfill it, then it’s no better than a free to play game making their way with your money without giving a crap.

    I’m tired of the CT saying they are not responsible for their own game. It’s gotten old. It’s gotten REAL old. Let’s say I buy a product on Amazon. The seller tells me that it costs $20 and should take 2 weeks to ship. So I pay the full price and wait... for over 3 months demanding where it is. The seller doesn’t respond most of the time and every time he does it’s just another vague promise it’ll be out soon or that I don’t understand the difficulty of making a product. When I do get it, it’s half finished... The seller then responds I’ll just have to wait for the other parts to ship, Soon^TM.

    This is absolutely ridiculous! I don’t care what the excuse is. It’s your job and people pay you to figure it out!

    I supported Wynncraft because I thought they were better than that. I thought that after all this time they would at least try to remain more transparent. I thought that there was a spark of genuine passion and creativity that could launch the game to new heights. It doesn’t take a bigger company to do that. But I guess I was wrong...
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
  2. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    1.17 is the next update (assuming it's coming out before xmas as they'll want to update the map for Wynnter)
    1.18 is the Road to Dern (Which sounds like it's going to focus mainly on content and introduce a new area on the map)
    1.19 will likely be the first update with the refactor completed- and that's gonna be around this time next year I reckon :/
  3. Bleiiz

    Bleiiz The Hole Finder HERO

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    3 updates in a year? I don't see that happening.
  4. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    The CT isn't being paid, only the owners I'm pretty sure. The CT does it because they ENJOY IT, not for money. And so they're not wasting their whole life on it, because they CAN'T. Now I'm not sure about the coders, but I've done some coding myself and it can get really tedious. Just please appreciate what they've already accomplished instead of hating on what isn't there. You have no idea how it all works, neither do I, so please don't assume they could've finished everything by now.
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Perhaps it was wrong to blame the CT instead of the owners. It still doesn't negate the fact though that they are responsible for their own game and to their donors. It's more so the they urge players to stick around and donate to the server by promising more updates when it's clear that they can't even manage that. So that means that either A) They don't know what they are doing and shouldn't be trying to make a game or B) The owners know they can't do it, but promise players new content and god forbid bug fixes to take their money. It's just as sleezy as half-baked free-to-play indie games on steam that really don't care at all about their promises to their donors.

    It's hard not to see what's not done because half the content is missing and the other half is broken for months on end. I can think of tons of examples. Guilds, the skill point glitch, Gavel dungeons, the Molten Heights Storyline, the Main Storyline, etc. Donors & other players shouldn't have to know how to make the game for the owners. Again, if you related it back to any other product or game in existence, it's absolutely ridiculous. If someone pays someone for a product, the buyer is NOT responsible for making the actual product. If that product is so hard to make in the first place and you don't have the capability of doing it, then why would you willingly sell that product? The fact that they advertise the server as an MMORPG is a dead giveaway that the game should get constant updates, unlike other games such as Hollow Knight and Cuphead.
  6. BuffAirSpear

    BuffAirSpear Avos Air Assassin HERO

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    or you know... you could actually be a bit positive for once and also look at what has already been done and what improvements we have already gotten. If you hate the gameplay and content etc so much why did you donate in the first place? No one forced you to do this. No one forces you to stay with the game... if you hate the way it is progressing then just move on. I saw that you were already planning on doing that so why are you still here and keep on ranting? .-. Literally all you are doing by now is ranting about how terrible everything is. It is not in any way constructive so maybe if you actually want to help then come up with a concrete idea on how to fix this. Because what you are currently basically doing is like... telling a noob who is trying to go up with a super fast full elemental dmg weapon against Qira to just git gud.. instead of explaining to him that the reason why he cant deal a lot of dmg is due to the base dmg and the ele def system. If you think you know it all then please do share your wisdom on how this situation should easily be improved :) oh and please be a bit realistic about it. thanks
  7. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    The donor rank features doesn't say anything about more updates. Only BETA testing, which is for code-related updates, but that does not mean they are promising us updates if we donate. And as nebur said up there, stay positive.

    I started a new class a few days ago, and I noticed so many things that were amazingly done, from the top-tier builds to all the little things GMs did to make the game more interesting, to the amazing quests and puzzles and dungeons and boss altars... I could go on forever.

    Yes, the endgame is lacking, but that is because the game is not finished yet. Give them some time and endgame will be just as amazing as the lower levels which are mostly completed.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  8. Yogi

    Yogi Tech savvy warrior

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    Hello (another risky opinion by Yogi here), I'd like to remind everyone here that the point of this entire thread has been to augment the currently awesome server of Wynncraft and this point has been lost throughout the onslaught of people blaming certain aspects of the community for some minor matters. The addition of new content is always in the best interest of the players and the staff members would never purposefully add features that they think would be detrimental to the players' gaming experience. The same goes for the players, all of these real suggestions (especially these well made ones) are made with the sole purpose of wishing for the game to grow and helping the community. All in all, we are one community and we should treat each other as such. I hope you can all keep that in mind henceforth ^-^

    Also, I'd like to add something on topic of the code refactoring process as mentioned by several people from this thread since some of the community seem to not really understand (I'm a dummy in code too). To start, changing code without affecting it's external behaviour is not difficult because it requires a plethora of code knowhow but because it is an insanely time-consuming task. Throughout this process, except for code that's being simplified and reinforced, adding anything additionally on top of that defeats the purpose of code refactoring. In the future, please do take this in mind when demanding immediate additional content to be made (thank you <3)

    In the end, we're all one family so let's all view these constructive criticisms in the best light possible ^-^
    Stag2001 likes this.
  9. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The main reason why I bought VIP+ was to support the server. I guess I’ve just been venting a bit because I never did get to see what they can do with the game and lately it feels like I’m talking to a wall. I’m just tired of people saying that it will get good when it obviously doesn’t and that the owners aren’t responsible for their own game. Yeah sure it might not do anything, but honestly what does? Only 2 suggestions ever got added to the game (Corkus doesn’t count bc of how different it was to the actual in-game Corkus). And no amount of suggestions could ever fix guilds...
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2017
  10. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Yes, I understand that’s what HERO says, but the whole purpose of having buyable ranks and items is to support the server. Compared to most games, the ranks aren’t that good compared to what other games or in-game items you can buy. But that’s not their fault though bc of EULA and all. If nobody donated or bought anything then there wouldn’t be a server anymore. Don't just take it from me:

    I think 4 years is enough time for any game to improve. The whole reason why I did stick around was that I did like all those things you mentioned, and I thought the game could improve (and the forums too). They are just weighed down though by everything else, not just the endgame. When people say you should have faith in the game, it’s like building up hype and then when it doesn’t come or isn’t as good, people are disappointed. You can’t judge a game by what it will be, only what it is.

    If you do enjoy the game, then that’s good. Despite everything I said, I do hope that Wynncraft can get better. Though for me there’s nothing left to come back to and I’m tired of hearing that it’s going to be better soon when it isn’t.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2017
    Stag2001 likes this.
  11. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    Sad to see you don't enjoy the current game. I do, and a lot of other people do so too. If you really want the game to be better, make a suggestion on it. It can only help.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  12. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    this is a mmorpg. if anything the game needs more grinding or it will become quest simulator in no time
  13. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I don’t know what will at this point. Well I hope that you still enjoy the game though.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  14. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    Ok. Here I go. Before I start, just remember that I joined the CT just after Corkus, so I don't take any responsibility for that.

    1) Introduction: I agree. I agree with most of the stuff mentioned on this thread. Yes, there is a lack of content in the later levels, especially 90-100. Yes, in some people's opinion, Corkus was put in the wrong level range. Yes, Wynn doesn't have as many players as it did. Yes, there is little-to none communication between CT and playerbase. This is not our fault. We are governed by rules. These rules prevent us from "leaking" to much to the public. My opinion is the same as yours; This does not work. There should be more teasers, more little hints. All this bullshit about "Overhype" is exactly that; bullshit. Most of the players have enough common sense not to expect wondrous things, especially when Wynncraft is constricted by Minecraft's borders. Sure, some people may get disappointed that it's not what they wanted, but too bad. We try our best to make it good, and most of the time, it is.

    2) Content: There is a lack of content. This is clear. There are very few quests in 90-100. Once again, do not blame the content team. Whilst we do have a say in what comes and when, the main decisions go to the Admins/Managers. This doesn't mean that you should blame them. They try their best as well. However, Wynncraft is being created how they want it to be created. Sure, I believe there should be more player input, and I'm sure some of them do too. But it isn't as simple as that. For example, imagine an event where Pretz asks everyone to create a quest. The best quest wins. This would not work. Events where the community is allowed to participate in the making of the game must be controlled. For example, the Item Naming contest. That was fun, and the winner got to help put something in the game. Small, easy-to-moderate events like this work best.

    3) Donating: This one is mainly based at you @Dr Zed, but it also applies to everyone else. Donating shows how much you like a server. If you want the server to continue to run, you donate. Donating to Wynncraft shows that you have (well-placed, IMO) hope that the server will improve. We are trying our best to improve the server, so that everyone who has donated gets something for their money. I disagree with what you said about perks, as perks are just fun cosmetics that come with a rank. You shouldn't only donate for the green nametag, or the daily mob totems. If you want the best of both worlds, i.e supporting the server and getting something ingame, buy bombs, or pets.

    4) Grinding: There's been quite a bit of controversy about grinding on this thread. Is it essential to MMORPGs, or not. Grian, for one, hates grinding. I believe (like many others), that there should be a fine balance between questing and grinding, bit leaning more towards quests. Wynncraft is, after all, and MMORPG, and questing makes up a main part of role playing. There's not much to be said about grinding, other than it really shouldn't be so much of an argument. Almost all MMORPGs have it, so only complain if you don't want Wynncraft to be an MMORPG.

    5) Current Update: We have been working on this upcoming update for a long time. And I don't know why. Honestly. Most of the CT don't know why it takes so long to update. If you have to blame someone, blame the owners. They're used to it. There is no reason to take over 7 months to create an update, except if it's something like Gavel. But please stop hating on the CT

    Hopefully this post made you see how utterly useless it is to blame the CT for stuff out of their control. If you actually have a complaint, talk to Pretzule. Direct Quote: "[If you really have to talk to an Admin asking me is the best way to do it]". We need more threads like this one, to allow people to debate, voice their opinions, and actually get a response from the CT.

    Finally, please keep this civil. Some of the conversations here are straying dangerously close to wars. If you realize that a post is too violent/aggressive, don't reply. Just keep an eye on replies, and report posts if they seem too fighty.

    Stag2001, Gebis8, Pokextreme and 2 others like this.
  15. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Oh yeah I agree with that. I was trying to show how most people do donate in order to support the server, not so much for the ranks. That's why I said that's the main reason I donated to the server and I quoted others who did the same. The perks are fine and there isn't really anything I would suggest to change them that wouldn't violate EULA. Sorry if I what I said didn't come across as that.

    Besides that, thanks for clarifying and acknowledging what's going on.
  16. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    No problem, it seems to me that no other CT member apart from Aaron has acknowledged this (and his comments weren’t exactly the most useful)
    Pokextreme and Dr Zed like this.
  17. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    On grinding, I'm gonna take a page from Shrek 2.
    WoW, happy ending, great game, but NO GRINDING.
    Tera, great free to play, if a little run of the mill, but still, NO GRINDING.
    ESO, A little overhyped, not as great as other works from bethesda, i was expecting more skyrim quality stuff, but you can only do so much in an mmorpg. still NO GRINDING.
    Potco back in its day when I was 10, The quests were all fetch quests, but giving someone a direct goal for the grinding still makes it LESS GRINDY.

    The only reason grinding should be introduced is in the need for materials or items, not to reach content, quests, or levels.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  18. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I think the main problem when it comes to grinding is that it’s supposed to the meat and intense action of the game, but instead it’s a substitute for a fetch quest and is too easy to count as actual fighting. Take the Binding of Isaac. It’s a rogue like that has you kill hordes of enemies like any other game except killing enemies never feels forced or impedes the momentum of the game. This is because you never have to kill a set amount of enemies to get an item or reach a certain level, and each enemy has a specific AI or ability. Wynncraft, in comparison, is basically charge head on or train for most of the basic enemies. Though realistically, the biggest problem is that there isn’t any main overarching quest yet that pads out or flows the game like in Borderlands. That game had some grinding, but it didn’t feel forced either bc there was always something more to it.
  19. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    Is @Stag2001 the only person here who can see what we already have?
    Sure the Ct messes around goof off leave us in the dark the list goes on and on.

    But do you guys ever think about the days and nights these guys give up to stare at code that is written by someone else.
    The insults they take from people like yourself who didn't get told when the next update was ganna role around when even the CT themselves dont even know.
    We got content. We got Wynn. We got Gavel. We got Corkus. We got a game.
    if you have gotten to lvl 90+ then you have played this game. You enjoyed it. Heck alot of you even payed money because you liked it.

    None of these guys and girls have to do what they are doing.
    They could sit there and do nothing.
    they would lose nothing. Because they gain nothing from being part of the CT except some little form of pride and enjoyment.

    Same goes for the mods and builders and all the other roles that people fill who take all the crap from kids who simply care only for their own enjoyment.

    Honestly no one is forcing you to play this game. No one is forcing you to get past lvl 90. No one is forcing you to buy ranks and pets. Same way no one is forcing the CT to do what they do. They could stop
    OH! and also in Australia we call the grind from lvl 90-100... Csst....

    And honestly if someone ganna hate on me for saying something @ me and prove everything i said up there to be true.

    (Edited due to excessive swearing and agression.)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
  20. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    Well said.
    ThomAnn100 and SaltyKing like this.
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