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World The Wynncraft Build Style Situation

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Coffee KQ, Oct 2, 2021.

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  1. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    Cinfras has a lot of warm color accents. Banners, window frames, and what used to be the roof lines. The first floor of each house are almost all brown which is kindaaa warm. I think making the paths stand out as having a bit warmer colors looks alright. Which is why I probably won't be changing it back and I will be giving people time to get used to it. Some people seem to think I made this change to the roads because 1 guy asked for it, I did not. I made most of the other changes because a few people asked for them, but the road change was me wanting to add something that was originally planned for the city but never got in. If I had just took his style changes and did them only because he asked Cinfras would not be blue, and have completely different roofs. I do kinda agree with u that the center is still a bit too busy, but the the changes I make to it to fix that wont be going in for awhile.

    As a side note, I think people only care about this so much is because I was public with the changes. I made a lot of changes to other cities after an update, style and build wise, and most people don't notice or care about them as much.
  2. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    an accent is not the same as the roadways being warm- i liked the warm accents on the roofs

    as for the other cities - i didnt know this thread existed until after the changes were made, its just a big change and thus super noticeable
  3. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    yee I guess that's a fair point about how noticeable this change is. I still feel it's a good accent and won't be changing it. I've seen only mixed feedback, nowhere near the same amount anger at the orange roof lines which made me make a change against my wishes.
  4. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    i dont know if you can call the road an accent - its too dominating in the overall feel of the city to be an accent IMO

    at the end of the day its still ur build tho so
  5. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    I see ur point, I guess its a bit too much for an accent. But in the end I still prefer it over the old. I asked around on the CT before the change got pushed and most of them liked it as well which is why I went ahead with it.
  6. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    i mean thats fair - i just miss the dark, old, and cramped cinfras that originally premiered on the beta - it felt like a real city, and the remnants of the walls made it feel like it has legitimately out grown its old boundaries. it had a unique feeling in that regard since most wynncraft cities are open and dont feel very much lived in, they kinda just feel purposed built to exist as they are currently, and feeling like an actual city that could exist is something cinfras excelled at. the original changes made on beta and now the path changes which aimed to make the city brighter and more open are stripping that sense away and its kinda sad to see what made the city so unique in the first place be incrementally removed in order to make it more and more similar to literally every other city
  7. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    I think the issue is one of intent. I get what you liked about the city, but that was not really the intended feel for the city of that makes any sense. The idea was not to have a city that is old, dark, or lost its prime. The idea was to show a city that has consistently been growing and lively. I feel like the feeling you want for the city doesn't really fit a city like Cinfras which is meant to be the big central city of the province, and more fits a city that is not so central and important to the province.
    Druser and Ninja_VK like this.
  8. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    i dont think that lively and cramped are mutually exclusive - in fact i think they go together quite well. cinfras is dark, old, and cramped, its the largest and oldest villager city in gavel, it ought to show that through its construction, but that doesnt mean it isnt lively either, it can have the pops of colors in the banners, or the trim on the original roofing

    just because the citys construction is cramped or whatnot doesnt mean that the inhabitants can liven it up themselves. (maybe you cant change the architecture - but you can paint your trim if u catch my drift)

    and when i say old, i think its better say "aged", sorta like rome i guess, just because something is old doesnt mean its bad, nor does it mean its lost its prime if you get what i mean
  9. FrozenEarth

    FrozenEarth Community Helper + Wiki Manager HERO

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    inb4 Thesead comments
    luckeyLuuk and cmosier like this.
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