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World The Ocean Lore Rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by DaCorruption, Jun 5, 2021.


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  1. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Hi, so this actually is due to the second part of the Abysso Galoshes 'questline' already having been remade into somethin else (Sodeta's Scramble). Because of this, the Abysso Galoshes are no longer required to be in the quest, so in the remake they were cut. Honestly this is probably for the best, as it really makes no sense how Javier got them from the dernel jungle, and having Soul sink Sarnific is great for building up his story, so we went with that instead of a quest based around 'fetch me tha' boots lad' (bad pirate speak).

    When making that discovery in Sarnific, I originally wanted to have a cutscene, but realized fairly quickly that it just wouldn't work. If there was going to be a cutscene, that would mean a LOT of extra work, since it would mean building an entire island, then showing it sink to the bottom of the ocean. Yes, if it was the ultimate discovery it would be fine, but that spot was already reserved for the battle between Redbeard and Soul, so ultimately I just went with the generic 'ghostly voice' option (It does attack you though, which hopefully makes up for that and makes the discovery more unique).

    I didn't write this one but I do want to point something out. In Wynncraft, while most discoveries are things that are at least semi-important, there a few out there that really aren't as important. A good example of this to me is Lost Farmers (if you like this discovery, this isn't me hating on it), as it is a discovery that doesn't really need to exist. There are several other places where you could get the info it provides from, but the discovery acts as a way to make the idea clear. Without Lost Farmers, players might not think about the farmers disappearing, but with the discovery they are now clued in to the idea that it is something important. I think the same idea applies to Ocean Spike, yes we added other areas that talk about or hint at corruption spreading under the ocean, but by having Ocean Spike, this facts importance is driven home. Another thing about this discovery is that it sort of leans towards teaching veteran players. In the current lore, corruption doesn't spread under the ocean (or at least people don't think that it does), so the majority of players probably will just assume that the same is true in the rewrite. By showing them that the corruption can spread under the ocean in this discovery, we eliminate possible confusion where someone might think "wait I thought corruption couldn't spread through the ocean"

    I'm surprised how much I had to say on Ocean Spike there, I mean I didn't even write it and I spent more time defending it than the things I made myself lol.
    Samsam101 likes this.
  2. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Lore you say.... LORE?!?!?!?!?!?! Why didn't you tell me sooner!
    dr_carlos and DaCorruption like this.
  3. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    It means that its possible for Half-Moon Island to be corrupted, also plenty of areas in Wynn now have filler discoveries. Half of the Wynn Plains SDs are filler.
    I don’t think it would be possible for some beast under an island to be the master of cosmic magic. Also, that’s a bit too much information considering that it’s a level 30 discovery and the whole cosmic magic arc starts at level 80. I wanted to distance Crescent Lunacy from cosmic magic because I felt that it was a bit too used and that like 50% of the cases of people going insane in Wynn are caused by cosmic magic. Plus it’d be more unique if the cultists, instead of going insane because of some crystal, instead went mad out of desperation to save their god from the Corruption, in any way possible, including sacrifices. Also, Oni does have some significance because never have I stated that Oni is a false god. Maybe he’s a real, actual god who is able to fight back corruption. But that’s just one of the implications this SD gives.
    That has been changed iirc. Ask Blastbasher why.
    Calming the waves was no easy task, as the Arch Mage himself even said it might cost the mages their lives. Also, they did not “decide” to calm the waves because they felt like it. It was a culmination of many factors: the Decay approaching Llevigar, the Gavel government being completely unresponsive to such a threat, and the mages wishing to have a sanctuary of their own where they can practice magic freely and stretch its limits. Eventually the mages had enough, and, ignoring the Arch Mage’s warnings, calmed the oceans and moved to Mage Island, where their wish of a magic sanctuary independent of Gavel’s authority was granted.
    True. I will upload non-fullbright versions later.
    I made it as vague as possible on purpose. Have fun
    Samsam101 likes this.
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I always thought the ''Death Oni'' boss on the island was supposed to be the cult leader and not their god

    Also, the signs for the island really imply a relation to Lunar Spine which is a cosmic rock from the Roots of Corruption

    I mean, quite a lot of them end up being relevant. It's not Desert Royal Palace levels of connection, but I believe the whole point of most Wynn Plains discoveries is to give you a feel for how really annoying Bak'al is and how much you wish he would get what he deserves, and getting a feel for how actually great Bob was. You then get to watch the best action cutscene in the whole game where Bob kicks Bak'al back into the nether and you are left satisfied with the content
    MlecznyHuxel99 and DaCorruption like this.
  5. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Alright I'm gonna expand on this by adding on some citizens talking about these somewhat-minor pirate captains:

    Pirate: Hey, ye ever heard of a cap'n called Nomor Beard? Used to work under 'im.
    Pirate: So, story goes that he really admired Redbeard, and ever since he went down in 976, Nomor began lookin' inta legends to make him an icon 'cross the ocean.
    Pirate: He eventually learned of a huge squid called 'the Kraken,' and went very insane tryin' ta find the thing.
    Pirate: That's actually the reason I left his crew. Dunno what happened ta him since, but I heard he eventually died tryin' to fight what he thought was the Kraken, turns out it was really a Wynnic ship carryin' privateers.
    Pirate: 'parrently he was risen by the Corruption. He's still roamin' Wynn's coast still lookin' fer it, though it is probably is just a legend like that Kraken he was fightin'.

    Selchar Citizen: Since you're in the hub of the ocean adventurer, you must have probably seen some pirate ships around these parts, right?
    Selchar Citizen: One of them is owned by what some consider the last major pirate still standin' and not undead like Nomor Beard, calls 'imself Crookleg.
    Selchar Citizen: Formerly worked under Redbeard 'til he mutinied in 972. He then got injured by some rogue pirates by choppin' his leg off.
    Selchar Citizen: Though somehow, they were then gettin' attacked by some Ghost Pirates! Crookleg, despite the peg he had as a leg, managed to fend 'em all off.
    Selchar Citizen: He was revered by his crew. He even planned on killin' both Soul and Redbeard 'til he learned they both killed 'emselves in a skirmish.
    Selchar Citizen: He still roams the seas, though. He's mainly 'round Pirate Cove, so stay away from there if you're going by your own boat to the southwest. Actually, don't go there at all unless you're looking for trouble.

    (This would probably make more sense if there was a shipwreck south of the Corkus Docks, and also there is no exact date of when the robots began to revolt just wanted to put this context here)
    Corkus Citizen: Ah, arrivin' by boat I see! Welcome to Corkus!
    Corkus Citizen: Say, ya might've seen some boats 'round these parts, most bad, but some good. There's actually a shipwreck south of 'ere of a pirate captain called Larkster.
    Corkus Citizen: He was formerly a butcher in Corkus, till he got exiled for killin' one too many Cortiches, a dangerous, yet endangered species protected by the Corkus government.
    Corkus Citizen: He then brought all the staff in his restaurant to the pirate business and then tried to raid the Corkus Docks in 953, but when our robots were not as rebellious as they are today, they managed to see Larkster's ships.
    Corkus Citizen: He immediately tried to retreat from Corkus but the robots mannin' the cannons managed to hit his poorly-designed ship down. Ironically, the lookout of the ship is a popular place for Cortiches to go to.
  6. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    it isn't explicitly stated, but i assume the lost red crystal caused the formation of the volcanic isles?
    DaCorruption likes this.
  7. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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  8. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    And a final touch to the building of Ocean Lore, a secret discovery about the parasites in Gavel:

    Starved Husks

    Level Min: 50
    Lore: “Cargo Ships arriving from Llevigar have spread mysterious creatures all across the Ocean, mainly in major cities such as Selchar and Nemract. However, due to a large lack of what the creatures feed off of, they starve very easily, leaving behind shells of their bodies.”

    Access: Go to Zhight Island on the Docks, there will be a wall emitting Cobblestone particles at -503, -2708, and can only be mined with a special pickaxe from a ship near the docks, called a 'Llevigaric Pickaxe' to mine it. In the cliffside, there will be an exit, although a Parasite from Gavel will slowly walk along the floor of the hollowed-out room, dying as it's 3/4s of the way through. Exiting the room grants the discovery.

    Reward: 45000 XP
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    hahahaha i forgot another point with the discoveries how did i fail this badly

    If people complained about level 10 mining for that one SE discovery, they'll complain about a level 5 one. Both of these are utter menial tasks and take like 5 minutes of grinding but people will always complain
    dr_carlos likes this.
  10. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Ignore them. Those guys suck. People who keep acting like a 5 yr old needs to rethink their life decisions.
  11. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Alright I was kinda lying about this, here's what I can think of to be the last thing to add for some Discovery Lore for certain islands that could be world discoveries.

    "While many islands in the Ocean offer tough competition for living space, the creatures that live here are very docile, and all live in harmony, as it is a sanctuary of nature."

    "It's... a very regular place... as the name implies. However, the local population of Humans seem to act a bit strange the longer you are on the island. What could they be hiding?"
    "A place made by Goblins trying to escape the Llevigar Plains to avoid being hunted by Villagers, they ran away. Eventually, their raft used to escape ended up on an island, where the truth is best kept a secret unknown to prevent them from going through the horrors of war."

    "The island is called Potato Island due to the shape of the tree at the top, resembling a Potato. However, many legends circulate that this island possesses the world's greatest Potato Stash known to all."

    "Like Half-Moon Island, this island also possesses a cult. They named the island after their being of worship called 'The Kraken' by them, although many prominent scholars who wander the Ocean claim that no such being ever existed. Treasure Hunters also come here to get aquamarine-colored crystals to sell, though like the scholars, shrug the myths off by the Wave Cult."
    (The blue prismarine structure at the top could be the Kraken Shrine, just wanted to put more lore about Kraken Island here)
    "A shrine built by the Wave Cult, they plan to use it to summon their 'great savior'. They plan to do this to undo the calming of the waves, preventing forces such as the Corruption and Decay from affecting the province on the opposite side of the Ocean. However, little success has been seen in summoning their being of worship.

    "Often thought of to be nothing more than a legend by many of the Ocean's most famous sailors, not even on any widely-used maps, this island possesses great prosperity to those who find it. However, what it holds could be far more dangerous..."

    "After Captain Goldenclaw returned from Gateway Island, he would never answer any question about what the true secret of the island held. The place has purple swirls of mist and covered in shadows whose reaches touch Wynn itself. Perhaps it could be tied to other realms unknown?"
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
  12. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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  13. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Ok I think I might have an obsession with Kraken Island, because I thought of sign logs (Like on Skien's Island), to document the story of the Wave Cult:

    I've washed up on
    this island. While
    any person should
    look for water and

    shelter first, putting food aside,
    this location conveniently
    has all 3. Fish are
    populous in the waters,

    I found a clean
    aquifer in a cave,
    and a cave provides
    shelter. What's more

    is that there's barely
    any life on the land,
    so if I just wait and
    have hope, I should be fine...

    When I was roaming
    the beaches, searching
    for fish today, I've found
    a strange crate with the

    words 'Gavel
    Excavation' on it.
    I have never heard
    of that company

    before, but I thought
    I could get some food
    out of it. However, when
    I opened it, I only found

    an aquamarine shard,
    along with a note that
    says, "Gylia Specimen
    No. 15." I've come to

    keep the shard as a
    talisman of luck
    to keep my hopes
    high that a passing

    boat might see me.
    Stay strong, Acrifi.
    Stay strong...

    I went to collect
    water, but when I
    went, I heard a siren,
    coming from the cave.

    I responded, and
    I heard another siren.
    What does the source of it
    want? I tried offering it

    my food for the day,
    but it kept on calling.
    I decided to take my
    charm off, to see if

    the sirens were from
    that, and sure enough,
    the sirens stopped. Does
    the shard have a purpose?

    After collecting water for
    the day, I saw what looked
    like a weak wall, so I took it
    down by throwing a rock

    I found on the beach at it.
    From there, it was what
    looked like a bottomless pit.
    In there, I saw a giant squid.

    I decided to name the squid,
    a 'Kraken', since it was my
    last name, and there could be
    more of their kind down there.

    Since the shard also seemed to
    be connected with it, I threw it
    down to the Kraken. However,
    the next few days, I felt off...

    I continued my regular
    life around the island,
    but I began to notice
    crystals growing on the

    stone all across the island.
    Strangely, it almost looks
    like the one I threw down
    to the Kraken a few weeks ago.

    What I find most peculiar
    however, is what's happening
    to me. I've been having more
    headaches recently, and

    I also am starting to
    forget my name. I
    think. Pretty sure I'm
    called Acrifice, right?

    I've decided my goal now
    Is not to leave the island,
    but rather let others join
    me. I feel great, although

    I do not know why. Why
    do I... well, me forgetting
    who I am matters not.
    However, it turns out

    my goals, no, prophecies,
    came true. A passing ship
    came by, and I asked all of
    them to stay here. They simply

    laughed at me and instead
    asked if they could take me
    off this island. However, a
    sea storm crashed their boat,

    and now they all stay here
    on the island. With me.
    Me and my only other friend.
    Me and my Kraken.

    I now know why the
    Blessings the other day
    happened. It's not because
    of the Kraken, it's because

    of a spirit, a god, maybe,
    trapped inside the prison
    of a crystal. However, it
    must have broken, and

    now uses the Kraken as
    a vessel to communicate
    with us. It must let us
    become one with it...

    The crystals on this island
    grew for a reason. The others
    have joined my cause, and
    we will form a group...

    Since we were all united
    by a prophecy through
    the tides, we shall call
    ourselves, the Wave Cult.

    I've convinced the spirit
    inside the crystal to use
    my body. I must protect
    it. With my life. No. Not

    Enough. With my soul.
    All who enter the island
    now have to prove their worth,
    otherwise, they must be

    sacrificed, to become one
    with the Kraken. Everyone
    else agrees. My final words as me...

    Stranded - Some dude gets stranded on an island
    Supplies - The dude finds a Gavel Excavation crate washed up on the shores, so he opens it and finds a blue shard, with the tag hinting towards it coming from Lake Gylia. He keeps it as a charm to ward off bad luck. He is also revealed to be called Acrifi.
    Callings - Acrifi hears something similar to whale cries, he takes the shard off for a while to see if the two are connected, and the cries stop.
    The Source - Acrifi finds a giant squid in a very deep pit. He throws the shard down to satisfy the Kraken, but instead, it slowly takes control of it and Acrifi.
    Changes - Blue Crystals are growing on the island and Acrifi becomes less cognitively capable (layman's terms: 1+1=4 wau me so smurt11!), and thinks his name is Acrifice (See what I did there?)
    Blessings - Acrifice now believes that he washed up on the island for a purpose, to satisfy the Kraken, and makes the island his home, and a ship passes by, but a storm destroys it, so the passengers take residence on the island. Acrifice also can't even remember his own name.
    Formation - The Passengers on the ship now join Acrifice. Acrifice believes that the blessings were caused by a spirit trapped inside the shard, and now believes that it has taken control of the Kraken as its main vessel. The Wave Cult is also established.
    Delusions - Acrifice believes that now he has given up control of his own body, saying that he will guard the Kraken with his life and soul. Anyone who enters the island now must swear allegiance to the Kraken or they will be sacrificed (Yeah you probably know what I did with the name Acrifi at this point) to unleash the Kraken on the Ocean to spread what they believe to be good luck.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
  14. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    Haven't even finished the thread and I'm already making theories.

    This is amazing, keep up the good work.
    ditsario and DaCorruption like this.
  15. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I'll take a closer look at this later, but I have to say: the amount of work put into this is insane, huge props to all of you.
  16. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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  17. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    MlecznyHuxel99 and MatForYoga888 like this.
  18. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    As a lore and wiki enthusiast, this gets a bump.
  19. OmegaCKL

    OmegaCKL definitely totally super very active player CHAMPION

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    my ocean lore:

    - it's an ocean

    jokes aside though, this is actually really cool
  20. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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