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The Loot Chest Mechanic Needs To Change

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by NoobDoesMC, Jun 14, 2018.

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  1. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    well how bout you just make a poll hmm
  2. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    But that's the point I'm trying to make, it does NOT advantage you to stay in one chest rather than looting others :
    You open a chest. You wait 10 minutes before it pops up again, you wait 30-40 minutes before it gets good. Boom, you just lost 40-50 minutes in a chest that doesn't even guarantee you to get a legendary.

    With your idea :
    You open a chest. You wait 10 minutes before it pops up again, it pops up, its good to take.
    The chest that people target the most are those that give the biggest time/quality investment. The chest that will be targetted are the one that are the easiest to access while having a good amount of tier (and possibly if they have a good place on the lootrun, its better to go straight for as many chests as possible as quickly than to do a 1000 blocks move to get a t4 chest.
    Go to a chest that is hard to get to, or go somewhere where there isn't many chests around, a place that is typically not looted much (for example sky islands) and boom.
    That's already done thanks to tiers, "old chests" "new chests" are just here to make it even more clear that you should take paths that other don't.
    IreczeQ, Tsuneo and WynnChairman like this.
  3. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    In what way is exploring not beneficial right now.
    Or maybe I should change my post to saying "decent" so you won't play smartass anymore.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018
  4. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Didn’t that happen already?
  5. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    it will get worse

    nature finds a way
    Poiu429 and Dr Zed like this.
  6. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Chests don't respawn that often tho. Camping will take hours
  7. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    It doesn't, though.
    Loot running is more rewarding if you do a loot run.
    Think about it this way:
    There is a tray full of cookies. The tray has one cookie that you like but isn't your favorite. Every time you take a cookie, a new one appears on the tray. The cookies take a long time to reappear. The cookies are a mix of cookies you like (but aren't your favorite) and cookies that you don't mind - you'd prefer another cookie if the option was there, but you'll still eat the cookie in front of you.
    There are also other trays using the same method. The room you are in is crowded. Trays with better cookies on them are placed near crowds, so it takes longer to get to them. If you take one cookie at a time (from different trays), you'll end up with a mix of (mostly) favorable cookies. This is the current method.
    Let's take the same trays, with the same setup. Every tray has a 50/50 chance for you to get your favorite cookie or your least favorite. The cookies appear quickly. Trays in crowded areas have a better chance of giving you the most desirable cookie. Why not just stay there? What's even the point of going to other trays? I mean, the cookies are going to come fast, and you have a better chance of getting your favorite cookie. There is no reason to move. This is your method.

    The current way loot chests work involves skill - planning your lootrun so it's different than other people's, so you don't get chests that were opened 10 minutes ago, finding the high-level chests, and picking the right server to go on so that you get the most favorable chests. It rewards skill and thoughtful planning.
    Your way rewards... good RNG?

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.
    I'm confused, but from how I understand it, you're saying that each chest has the same chance of getting good loot vs bad loot.
    So if it's like a dice - 6 sides, 6 numbers, and 1 is terrible loot (like string or some crappy unique or something), 6 is amazing loot (like good legendaries or even a mythic), then you have a 1 in 6 chance of getting either shit or the best day of your life.
  8. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    Okay, since I got access to my PC I will elaborate on what my problems are.

    1: You say the loot would be randomized. I want you to suggest the minimum and maximum so that players don't feel ripped off opening a rare Tier IV chest and getting crap. I also want you to suggest what the intervals are(say, pick a number from 1 to 100, but you can only pick multiples of 2, 3, or numbers that are prime, etc.)
    2: No one camps chests. This is because although I have seen chests respawn when I turn around, that is quite rare and something that makes me go, "oh, that's interesting" and most of the time do not. And I don't want players camping chests, because it's just dumb. There's a world that has an area of 18 million square meters, and if you ask me, I would rather explore that cave to see what's down there than camping a few Tier IV chests for a few hours.
    3: You have suggested that chests that are farther away from other chests should have better loot(from my understanding). What are you gonna do if you find two loot chests in an offmap area? Yes, I know about two chests in an offmap area (Shattered Minds forest) and those chests are gonna be overpowered as hell under your new system.
    4: I actually like the old system. Like I have said, it is used to suppress loot running, a method where players open many high-tier loot chests while blazing a trail through an area, collecting a bunch of items along the way.
    5: With your new system, the only thing stopping looters is the chests respawning. And since lootrunning is teetering on the edge of too good for its own good, any buffs are gonna warrant nerfs, which no one wants.

    I would write more, but I'm tired from a very long day. Zàijiàn.

  9. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    look everyone is telling you how the current system is fine so just accept it
    if you really want confirmation just add a poll
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