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World Show Combat Level By Default. [ Now In Game, But Better.]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by JaydonTheWarrior, Apr 28, 2019.


Should Combat level be displayed by default?

  1. Yes. +1

  2. No. -1

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  1. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    He comprehended your opinion far better than you did. He gave valid reasons while you only tried to be sufficient by saying "I like it that way" "I like seeing higher numbers"

    You gave absolutely no gameplay-wise impact of still having total level as default. It is your opinion, yes, but it is an opinion that has a quick fix like /toggle chatlevel unless you're that
    Jaydon in the other hand gave enough, and in my opinion, more than enough reasoning for why combat level should be default instead of total level.

    And upon that, you just insulted people who wanted combat level, first calling them lazy, and telling Jaydon that "he can't comprehend opinions" which is inaccurate and immature of you.

    Your opinion is technically wrong, and ahould be invalid, because like I said, you gave no reasoning to your opinion with proven reasoning, and with your opinion. And like I just said and Jaydon also said above, your opinion could be fixed with a /toggle chatlevel that would only take 10 seconds of you to type.

    I suppose you rethink what Jaydon suggested here about his suggestion and points that he made about this suggestion instead of expressing your opinion as 'reasons'.
  2. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I appreciate your defense, but he has a right to keep his vote the same, I wasn't attempting to crusfie the guy.

    I was try to change his mind, clearly he didn't want to have it changed, nor reasoned with. Which is fine, I would prefer no hate go to anyone, nor this cuase any hate outside of the thread itself.

    Oppions no matter the reason deserved to be weighed, that however doesn't make the oppion correct. I can have the oppion that Hitler was an amazing man, it doesn't make it an objectively correct statement. All I was attempting to do however was change his mind, I didn't mean for it to fall apart like this.
    that being said @aws404 could you at the very least give a reason?

    This doesn't need to fall apart as my last attempt to do this did, I simply wish to challenge your point of view or find a flaw with the suggestion.
    Pokextreme and robincaiye like this.
  3. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    I respect that. And I also understand it, but I wanted to tell him that just because he had an opinion doesn't mean he can just insult people or do similar actions.

    If he wants to keep his vote, then so be it.
  4. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    I actually did not know you could even toggle your chatlevel until I read this thread, and all my friends don't know that still, and I am by no means new to wynncraft, so I'm not concerned about people with a power complex hypocritically hoping they wouldn't have to toggle their chat to show noobs them being level 1000
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  5. 13threemc

    13threemc vote kanye 2020 CHAMPION

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    1st off I agree with this suggestion, I don't have anything to add just a +1 .
    However all games are power fantasies if you're enough of a meglomaniac.
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  6. minibuilder789

    minibuilder789 Skilled Adventurer

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    the war servers are back up just on forums
    Pontosaurus likes this.
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    What does that have to do with this lol.
  8. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Oh wait, I just now got it.
  9. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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  10. Erythen

    Erythen Elf of Haelun'or

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    As much as combat level is useful in finding people to party with or duel, that is not the sole reason that the number in chat exists. Chat is used by wynncraft to show off player achievements. (Ranks, levels, challenges) It is important to remember that leveling crafting and gathering is a lot of work. Thus the level in chat shows what the player has achieved. All in all it is much more useful to say "anyone combat level 35 want to help me with this quest" if you actually need to group for something. I also noticed that you didn't give any reason for your view beyond convenience or personal preference, so I am interested if that is your only reason.
  11. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    I can answer that for you.
    1. 'That's how it used to be' is a valid argument, as it would confuse (and it has) returning players on why people's levels seem so high.
    2. It helps with knowing if someone asking for help/advice/whatever is a fully new player or just wants to know a specific without having to find their name in a possible cluttered chat
    3. Adding on that point, combat levels are a better way of estimating people in general, and again, it's a lot easier if combat levels were just standard.
    4. Professions don't really matter that much? So it's honestly, in my opinion, better to put the most important level as a standard.
    5. god damn i hate new players calling my level 100+ class a noob simply because they've gotten lv 10 in every profession and aren't aware what combat levels are i mean c'mon, i get it's petty but still, really rustles my jimmies
  12. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    If number 5 happens again challenge the pipsqueak to a duel :D
    Runaiic and Bart (MC) like this.
  13. Kalabaza

    Kalabaza How's life? VIP

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  14. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    You can't flex your 4 digits level to new players.
    pumpkindove likes this.
  15. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    The use of any hud is to display information. Which is exactly the reason I made this thread. http://prntscr.com/o1jjkj
    Like I say that, a lot. Currently, if I see someone who is level 106, I have no idea if they are level 101 with 5 crafting levels or level 35 and focused on crafting.
    Furthermore, no, the chat does not display "player achievements." Other info it displays is name, class, and guild which are all inherently informative.

    One more thing, I'm somewhat confused, you start off by admitting my suggestion displays more info, specifically here: "As much as combat level is useful in finding people to party with or duel"
    Then at the end act as if my suggestion is solely preference, specifically here: "I also noticed that you didn't give any reason for your view beyond convenience or personal preference"
    I'm attempting to rationalize this, and the best I got is you consider more display information a convenience? Note, I'm not pointing this out to lower your argument in any way, it's still perfectly logic and I understand what you are attempting to convince me of (Personally hate it when people use mistakes like this to belittle an argument) I'm just curious in what you meant.

    Just because devs did it, doesn't make it a good thing.
    Druser and Bart (MC) like this.
  16. Erythen

    Erythen Elf of Haelun'or

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    What I am saying is that simply having combat level on in chat is not incredibly helpful for finding a group. Having a players combat level is important, but it is more likely that you will be asking for help with a certain task rather than browsing the chat logs waiting to see a level 35 player say something. Outside of trying to create a group neither show more information other than what you are interested in. I personally am much more interested in a players total levels in the game (combat and crafting) rather than just combat level.
  17. Mapleric

    Mapleric Well-Known Adventurer

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    Do you notice the poll, most people support the idea(at least the ones who agree).
    If this amendment happens, then i think the content team should add a privacy settings, so others see those show-off's total level, and add some kind of mark beside so others know they are a show-off
    And people who wants to see big numbers can toggle
    If I am a content team, I would want 4 /toggles instead of 64 /toggles
  18. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    tbh ive gotten used to the new system, but i think that having the combat level displayed as the default would help new players a lot.

    in addition they should introduce level toggling and stuff in the tutorial
    JaydonTheWarrior and Druser like this.
  19. Chronozilla

    Chronozilla Mistress of Dern HERO

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    I can agree to this, although showing your combat level might simplify things for newer players, ideally they learn to hover over and check for themselves. I see more people asking for profession help than quest help anyhow, so i don't think it being "important" compared to professions is too strong of an argument. all the levels are important and your chat handle serves as a way to show off not just your rank, but how much your guild has captured AND your total level.
    Pontosaurus likes this.
  20. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Why would anyone care about someone's professional skills to help them quest?
    Allow me to ask something, you can make the argument that all the levels are important, in which I would disagree, but even if you did, it would change the fact that having them all displayed in an amalgamation of a single number shows less info then just having one of them displayed. That being said, the main purpose of any chat handle, hud element, or general display, IS TO DISPLAY INFORMATION.
    Generally speaking, its crappy hud design to have any information that doesn't serve to functionality. In fact, most the times in games, if something of this nature doesn't serve a propose its cut.
    I realize that this being a chat handle it works somewhat differently.

    Allow me to explain something.
    Yes, displays can be used to show off accomplishment, however, they don't usually do that in cost of functionality.
    The reason the guild display works is because it manages to display achievement WITHOUT throwing away its functionality; the stars do not drown out or make it display less info, it still informs players of there guild with the bonus of achievement next to it. This contrasted with the level display, in which it fails to inform if it managed to do both this would be an entirely different conversation.

    One last thing.
    "...ideally they learn to hover over and check for themselves."
    yes, it would be ideal if players knew they could do that. They don't, there's nothing in the game informing them of such, the only reason I know is that I read a changelog.
    Furthermore, chat displaying a single level is to more helpfully in a pinch. Even with chat displaying nothing more than a single level, I could still hover over in order to check every other level as well.
    Instead of me being entirely unaware of what their stats are. I know at least one of them and can check for the rest, instead of having to check for ALL of them.

    If you want people to be proud of your achievements then they can hover their mouses over to check them, that way instead of functionality being hidden by achievement, the achievement will be hidden by functionality. By the way, do you really want to be proud of a number that doesn't even inform people of what you actually accomplished? Mining, woodcutting, fishing? A number like that doesn't tell me what you succeeded at. A guy who put in 20 mins to get to level 10 in everything is displayed on even with a good who worked his ass off to get to level 100 in jewelry making, are you ok with that? The only time the chat succeeds in informing people and displaying achievement is when they have either done nothing or have 100% in everything, anything in between has wild rang on how much they accomplished and how hard they worked to accomplish it. When you can come up with a chat display that can, not allow telling people they accomplished something, but also display what they accomplished, then tell me. I would proudly support that. Until then, I would rather have a display that gives me a solid idea of at least 1 thing they accomplished.
    ParkourTNT, Bart (MC) and Druser like this.
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