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World Secret Quests

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Jstt, May 10, 2022.


Add Secret Quests?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Imo, I don't think there should be questlines for every area, and the Act system doesn't fit wynn. Questlines are usually there to build on a character or a event that lasts a while, otherwise normal quests can build the world more and have more variety in what they show. I think having something showing all the stages is nice, but we can already check the wiki and guides currently. Removing quest markers imo would be cool but overall its just gonna be annoying and make new players ignore quests even more and have a overall negative impact, but maybe only some quests(like this secret quest system) aren't shown that could work. Having the quest item menu thing is a cool idea, but I think it would be better to have quest reqs and try avoid using quest items unless needed,
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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