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Guilds Rural Player Discrimination Aka How To Fix Sniping

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Ascended Kitten, Jun 30, 2020.

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  1. Carrie

    Carrie Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I think disconnecting does count as a death but I might be wrong. /hub doesn't though. And /kill obviously does count lol
  2. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    I mean, I agree with yall, but if it was implemented like that it'd be quite a controversial topic since the attacking side would be outraged.
    Although I'd argue that the defending side already has it harder but that argument doesn't seem to be all too popular lmao
    Theeef, Pally and Dr Zed like this.
  3. EnderJay456

    EnderJay456 Aphelion Immigrant CHAMPION

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    ok so I kept on reading through most replies so im going to come with the ultimate solution.


    So basically how this works is that, whenever a territory is on a cooldown, a person that attacks something gets queued into a Rock Paper Scissors match until the territory cooldown ends, then as soon as the territory cooldown ends, if no other guild tries to attack it, the territory immediately goes to the only one who attacked it, but if the territory got attacked by someone else, the 2 people that attacked it will do a Rock Paper Scissors match and whoever wins it gets to either attack the territory or immediately claim it.

    Basically a territory will instead of being able to get attacked by anyone, it can only be able to be attacked by 2 people at once and will immediately remove all war glitches and stuff related hopefully.

    Now don't come at me with, "oh this only benefits the defenders ;-;", cause no it does not, the only player it benefits is the player with more skill and intelligence than the other. And if it sounds too boring it could also be replaced with a Chess Match, Tic Tac Toe, or any other 1v1 minigame you can think off. Even 1v1 pvp matches could happen but only with obvious nerfs. And the way these minigames get chosen is whenever the first person attacks it during its cooldown, said guild is able to decide what they want the match to be, while the second player attacking it will have no other choice but to either retreat or accept the match.
    Pally, BabyNutNut and Trekkie_Cow124 like this.
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