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Guilds Rural Player Discrimination Aka How To Fix Sniping

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Ascended Kitten, Jun 30, 2020.

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  1. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    No amount of coordination will be able to beat a guild who is able to reclaim 20 of their lands in 2 or 3 minutes using the 0 cooldown feature.

    Also Your'e living a delusion if you ever think equal internet connection will occur for anyone on wynn, or any other online game. Every online game suffers this, you should know this. There is no way to truly make the system equal for everybody on any online game, and the fact that you feel major changes should be made to wynn means we should also flip every other online comptetitive game on its head too.

    you are also exaggerating when you say the "fate of the entire competition is based on your location." You know thats an exaggeration. You're basically saying that location is the trump-all factor, yet you refuse to acknowledge the brilliant tactics that many alliances have used in the past to snake their way in and out of the advantage points, that has *nothing* to do with ping issues. Also you're not winning every single sniper war either as you said in your first statement, showing again that you are exaggerating. Your points might have more merit if you stopped overexaggerating.
    Dr Zed, btdmaster, yuuenchi2 and 5 others like this.
  2. XeraAndromeda

    XeraAndromeda Empress of Nemract, Queen of Aphelion CHAMPION

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    I'm all for yeeting out the rng but can we try to keep this thread civil because well it doesn't help anyone here to just start yeeting in as we are right now
  3. DeathLucifer

    DeathLucifer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You agreed in our divorce papers that I will take the kids so I don't know what you are on now. You left them and suddenly care for them now?? Get over it you left them and you only want them for god knows what
  4. XeraAndromeda

    XeraAndromeda Empress of Nemract, Queen of Aphelion CHAMPION

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    you don't need to hold the territory to get the xp and you cna get over 900mil in a few hours if you get 12 people on
    I disagree with this you haven't fed me in ages
  5. TNG

    TNG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    bruh barbecue chicken
    99loulou999 and DeathLucifer like this.
  6. DeathLucifer

    DeathLucifer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Who let you 2 out??
  7. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    I agree! However! There are territories called FFAs, or "Free for Alls"

    These territories give more exp than your average territory, and even if you hold if for not very long, you will still get decent exp if you keep attacking them, if you have a discord I can send you the current list of FFAs! My discord is Pally#0002

    Also! a lot of guilds have coordiated with the bigger guilds through using guild politics, I would suggest you reach out to these bigger guilds and alliances, through hard work and effort, your guild can also become one of the "big warring guilds"

    Also, not all guilds on the map have to be only warring, ANO is a war AND community guild! we have hosted events for all of wynn to enjoy, just because you want to participate in community stuff doesn't instantly single you out from the war side ^^
    Rothboy likes this.
  8. Photor

    Photor Marchionesss of the Foxes HERO

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    Fun fact, I won maybe 5 snipes at most today. That's because I'm not on top of a proxy. You guys are misinterpreting coordination with sniping. Yes, sniping does take some skill, but in the end it comes down to coordination and making sure you are working as efficiently as possible. That's why you see me sitting in these guilds, I'm helping coordinate so we can win.

    In regards to this being biased, I would agree, it does bring some advantage to the defender but for good reason. Right now the advantage is to who lives in a major city and has the best internet. Currently the system is very biased to the attacker and I'm not sure you've experienced defending as many times as I have.
    Currently, the attackers have an advantage because any guild can attack at any time and doesn't need to wait in turn for their attacks. Imagine if ASh had to wait for TNL to finish their war before they could attack? That's basically how it feels on the defense. While the attackers have the ability to attack multiple territories at once, the defender doesn't get this luxury. That's how we end up in this situation. We play the game of sniping in hopes to level the playing field so both the attacker and the defender get to have "multiple wars" at once. On top of this the system favors guilds instead of members in that the member cap to make a war efficient is 3, so if you have more than that in one guild your members become useless, so subguilds happen.
    Sniping is inevitable to keep this balance, and in the end it should come out to whatever guild coordinates and strategizes better, but because of the connection situation this isnt the case. Instead, despite any coordination, whoever is closest to a proxy and had better internet wins. Today at the beginning of the war was our best coordination, yet we were falling behind because our snipers had worse ping.

    In the end, I agree with most here, having a command such as this puts warring back into strategizing, now you need to coordinate with your snipers as to when you're ceding a territory and in major wars, do this with multiple territories at once while trying to predict when the enemy isn't watching.
    I disagree with having it automatically place the territory into the hands of another guild - this takes away the challenge and completely defeats the advantages an attacker may have.
    With a system that favors guilds over amount of people, subguilds are inevitable. In a system that favors the attacker, sniping is inevitable. We mind as well keep the server from breaking in the process.
    Dr Zed, Lev98bug, Rothboy and 2 others like this.
  9. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Again, like Hora, you are exaggerating when you say that the trump-all advantage is internet connection. In my opinion i think the advantage goes to the alliance who has roughly a 340-ish land headstart over us. I think you're forgetting the point of perspective here. If I had to chose between a somewhat unoptimal system (that is definitely fixable thru means other than this) and a change that would end the guild compteition right here and now by allowing your countless subguilds to instantly undo any damage we do midraid, I wouldn't chose the latter. because without guild competitionthere would be nothing for tons of players on this server to do.

    I guarantee 100% that if our side had the map and one of our folks made the suggestion, y'all would have the same complaints that I do now, and for good reason. IT's amazing that your side is the one complaining right now when you're not the ones getting wtich hunting, when you're not the ones who have nothing. When you're the ones who have a join us or die agenda. I'm not gonna sit here, mouth taped and watch you guys become an unbeatable force on this competitive game with a suggestion that would benefit mostly your position.
    Dr Zed, btdmaster, yuuenchi2 and 5 others like this.
  10. DeathLucifer

    DeathLucifer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Who keeps letting you out wtf I need better guards.
    Oui Oui I agree, no but really this idea in theory is bad maybe it can be edited to fit both people on the map and people who fight alliances. but as far as im concerned as of right now its tailored more towards people owning territories to start off with.
    TurtlePlaysGamez likes this.
  11. Alex1

    Alex1 Alex HERO

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    I literally cannot stress this enough: Wynncraft wars have always been, and will always be, about numbers. No amount of coordination should be able to let you defeat an alliance that has more than twice as many guilds and players as yours. Everything in guild history, and everything in the future of guilds, is based on numbers. As a community, we solved the problem of 4 players being the maximum in wars by using subguilds, which allows communities not to be barred by anything except the amount of people they could get online and playing.

    The reason a guild would be able to reclaim all of their territories at once is because the alliance attacking them simply doesn't have enough people. That's how it always has been, that's how it always will be, and should be. This change allows all players to be equal, everyone who is able to kill level 50 mobs (and level 100 mobs sometimes) is an equal player. Sure, some people are really good at motivating/leading others, but in the end when you're in a war fighting against another alliance, you are worth every other person fighting by your side.

    Sniping changes that. It means that people close to / on top of proxies, or those with special keyboards or mice that allow them to click the banner faster, are so much more important in big wars than others -- they define them. And, in a competitive sense, this is okay. Every competitive game outside wynncraft is based on skill. Better players do better. But wynn wars aren't pvp. If wynn wars were supposed to be about skill and who's better at the game, there would be pvp in wars. Yes, in a competitive game, your hardware and ping give you an advantage over others, but that's not the way it should be here, otherwise let's rework the guild system from the ground up. (And we all know that won't happen).
    Rothboy, sandra and TheEpicCajun like this.
  12. Photor

    Photor Marchionesss of the Foxes HERO

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    Thing is, I never said it trumps all. I admitted myself in the second sentence sniping still takes skill. You can still win despite your location, but an overall advantage is given to those who are on proxies.
    And ontop of that, I addressed how this change would not end guild competition in literally explaining it. It would need to be exceeding amounts of coordination to manage what territory is ceded when, and when the enemy isnt looking. You still have the ability to contest a territory, thats not being taken away, just it would put less stress on wynncraft to have something that mitigates spam sniping.

    Ontop of that, you argue that subguilds ruin any progress mid-raid. But the thing is these things happen to a defense too. Ive been in the middle of a denfense when you just absolutely drop to a couple territories just because you miscommunicate, or too many opposing guilds take a territory at once. In the end subguilds even the field in that both sides of the battle can do multiple wars at once. Just because you see your progress fall apart doesnt mean we dont either. We all have our moments when we are winning and suddenly not, in the end it should come down to coordination and strategy, but unfortunately it comes down to a glitched ping oriented system that only creates frustration and strain on the server.
    Lev98bug and sandra like this.
  13. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    That would be very nice of you if you'd like to send me the list of "FFAs"


    I'm against alliances of any kind with sweaty guilds, unless specifically encouraged by Wynncraft or as a feature I will always steer well clear of those sorts of things. The people in "big guilds" rarely wish to truly share power and are more intent on using you to take other territories they will then "bargain" with you to take off you, I know from experience and it's not an experience I'd be willing to relive :(
  14. Mobyyyyy

    Mobyyyyy UwU CHAMPION

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    Help me please
  15. Alex1

    Alex1 Alex HERO

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    The guild system as a whole is purely based on which alliance has more players that are willing to war longer. You can look at the data from every past alliance that fell, if anyone logged it. The alliance that fell off the map fell off because they had less players than the alliance attacking them, that's just how it is.

    Sniping honestly doesn't even change that. The alliance with more players has a higher probability of players living in wynn hotspots that get better connection and therefore snipe better, and even if an alliance loses more snipes than they win, having heaps more players will make them win.

    Stop complaining about subguilds btw, we all had this debate for years. Subguilds allow guilds with communities quintuple the size of others to have a fighting chance.
  16. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    This doesnt change that. If you guys were in a voicechat with all ur subguildies, the dozens of em, you could coordinate an immediate and effortless retake of any amount of damage we've done. you're acting like you're sides coordination is garbage, and it's not. I'll give you that compliment right here and now. No amount of people we have will matter if we no longer have the ability to snipe and combat your dozens of subguildies. Plsu again, no system rework will ever compensate the issue of location and hardware, there are too many variables
  17. DeathLucifer

    DeathLucifer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    This doesn't make anything equal Alex if anything it makes it worse for smaller guilds who are neither in an alliance or anything. in my opinion this actually makes it worse think of this (Say alliances arent a thing rn) You get attacked and you pull out 3 subs against a random guild and take 3 territories at a time what makes that fair for the guild attacking? Just because they can attack territories quickly? That makes thing even more unbalanced then they already are
    TurtlePlaysGamez and 99loulou999 like this.
  18. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Also im not complaing about subguilds in general, just the overpowered buff they would get with catherine's suggestion here. Yeah past alliances have fallen due to facotrs like playercounts and all that, im not denying that. But if this suggestion gets implemented as-is, the buff to your side's method of operating will be so immense that we might as well disband ours.
  19. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    The FBI will be there soon dont worry
  20. GoulartJJ

    GoulartJJ Why am i still here HERO

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    Can we just remove guilds?

    Dwicey, 7DaysAgo and BTK2000 like this.
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