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Progression Remove the ID system (among other things).

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Tour Guide, Nov 21, 2022.



  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. Kind of

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  1. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Not encourage. If I like doing profs (and people actually could if some of the changes were implemented) I can do that instead of doing it the "boring" way.

    Depends on the case. I don't think is one is one. Especially when these two styles are so different. Also, the combat section could be made interesting in some cases. Possibilities are there. On the topic of implementation yes, it might be harder, but to be honest, on the scale of this suggestion it might not be an obstacle.

    This is where we, I am afraid, diverse in philosophy about choices and freedom in general.

    Except I do not do actual crafting, with no requirements. If it was, I think there would be a fair chance of it. And you can find enough complaining about professions in my posts, feel free to do it.
    By the way on the latter, giving enough xp per quest (which would not realistically happen anyways) would disallow me to skip quests below the ones I want to actually do because then I would have to grind quite a lot.

    Which I would probably need materials, though I admit it would depend on the interpretation. And yes, I mostly considered gathering part, which is the bigger issue when I look at doing profession activities.

    If you could try not to insult me (and others) so that we feel motivated to have a constructive discussion it would be great. Also, you are incredibly foolish to call me smart, but many people make that mistake when they meet me for the first time.
    Does it matter if you add A Cook's Assistant with level 1 cooking requirement and then Recipe for Disaster with level 90 cooking or doing it the other way around? No, you must have level 90 cooking in the end. That was my thinking.
    After rereading I can see the meaning "do it from the beginning so that they can make sure the rewards are appropriate for the grind to the next level".

    This doesn't work if it is just an excuse, as you can see in Rise of Quartron. Though the professions were implemented poorly there (they weren't at all), it was "an excuse" to unlock a grind spot (and "make mining more fun").

    As the quests have higher (combat) levels (and usually are in higher level areas), the profession requirements would naturally rise as well. The level of the materials in the area would get higher, thus requiring you to get higher gathering (or crafting).
    The second sentence was an example: A level 1 tree (oak) being in level 100+ area (Silent Expanse) just so that the quest gathering requirements can be low.

    Yeah, that I haven't replied to some of your points yet. Not much, just a few arguments
  2. Tour Guide

    Tour Guide Travelled Adventurer

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    I hate parkour. Should I be able to skip parkour sections and just kill things instead?

    That's not an opinion. More choices don't make you happier. They just don't. And adding in branching paths to quests because some people might be bothered by roleplaying some profession just adds a lot of work while not really making the game any better.

    I wish I spoke Czech so you wouldn't be forced to use English. None of those sentences make sense.

    Cook Assistant has you get ingredients to bake a cake. That's a profession task right there. Instead of having the baker do it, he can help you do it yourself. BAM: Profession task. You level up cooking without going out to get fish meat. And sure, you have to harvest the wheat yourself, but that's just an excuse to add farming XP to the quest.

    I'm sorry I called you smart. I hope you can forgive my foolishness. :(

    Was the language barrier always this bad? Maybe I'm just now noticing.

    Yes. You start with low level requirements, and then the rewards help you level up for the next profession quest. If you do it right, it won't matter if Recipe For Disaster has a Level 90 Cooking requirement: the quests before it got you almost all the XP you needed.

    Well yes. But you already get higher level materials in higher level areas. Even if you kept them low for some reason, you wouldn't start seeding low-level nodes where they don't belong.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Well, you want to remove all (regular) drops from mobs. By a quick search there are 3600 gear items (weapons, accessories, armour) in total, about 2400 of which can be just normally found. Where do you plan to move them to? You can accomodate what, a hundred items, maybe two before you run out of "off-road" interesting locations (which, if I understood correctly, was your plan).
    359 "normal" items (which could be kept because they are almost useless but can provide emergency gear)
    203 are obtained from dungeons
    76 from Boss Altars
    309 from merchants
    73 from quests
    58 from Legendary Island
    43 from Hive
    72 from specific mobs (or in specific area)
    30 from other sources

    I was talking mostly small interesting locations, places like Half-Moon Island or Regular Island could use some content. I doubt I can explain exactly why, but I will disagree with you on this.
    I meant "depends on the implementation", a mistake on my part. I did understand what you meant.

    You said it from the pov of game designer, not the player. An error I assume? Of course the player would most likely do it from low level.

    And there is still the issue from not doing some quests (which a fair portion people does, from what I gathered, might be wrong about the exact amount) for one reason or another, which forces me to do quite some grind.

    Yes, which would mean that the profession requirements would be higher.

    Again, next time instead of remarking on my (or others') "bad" English please try to either make a constructive question/clarification or ignore it completely. They are quite insulting and do not help anything.
    There were suggestions allow skipping of some harder parkours (notably EO parkour).

    On the other hand, parkour at level 100 doesn't force you to grind parkour from level 1-100 (or "level it up" by other means), you can do them equally at any time.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  4. Tour Guide

    Tour Guide Travelled Adventurer

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    How many caves do you think there are in this game? Dungeons? Raids? Unmarked camps?

    Everyone would start from the low levels. It's the only sane way to do it. That's the point.

    Well now they have a reason to do the quests. I don't see how this is bad unless the quests are bugged.

    I'm really not getting what you're trying to say here. Yes. Profession requirements for higher-level quests would be higher than for lower-level quests. This isn't bad.

    I can remark how poorly we're communicating.

    You don't have to grind much at all if you give out XP rewards like you should.
  5. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    This thread has been locked, as it has exhausted every possible argument it could get. While a novel idea, ultimately, it's not going to go through, but that's not the reason why it has been locked down.

    OP, you have consistently defied the concept of "feedback" in this thread, and stuck to your guns way too overzealously to be considered "constructive response to constructive feedback". Make no mistake, this thread isn't locked because your idea is good or bad, it's locked because if this remains open any longer, it will devolve into a literal stomping ground, which kills off any chance of further civilized discussion.
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