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Progression Remove the ID system (among other things).

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Tour Guide, Nov 21, 2022.



  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. Kind of

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  1. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    Add a poll.
  2. Tour Guide

    Tour Guide Travelled Adventurer

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    Well there you go.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  3. Arbitrary

    Arbitrary I like warrior HERO

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    I'm voting no. While I understand where you're coming from on a lot of this, I see a lot of issues with your specific suggestions and they tend to go against my personal philosophy on game design.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  4. Tour Guide

    Tour Guide Travelled Adventurer

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    That's what the "kind of" box is for. You're halfway on board as it is, what with making sure you can't upgrade your current gear with your average mook.
  5. Arbitrary

    Arbitrary I like warrior HERO

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    Well, sort of. I still disagree with all your suggested changes, especially removing the id system entirely. It's far too integral to Wynncraft's identity. Maybe it's just the poll being vague but I assumed it was asking "Do you agree with the changes" and not "do you agree with the motives behind these changes" and my answer to the former was definitely a "no" and not a "kind of"
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  6. Tour Guide

    Tour Guide Travelled Adventurer

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    I mean, the title's kind of misleading since it started off pretty vague until I'd put it down on text. But the basics really are just "Stop mobs dropping equipment, make crafting not bad, and don't let people speed through the game."
  7. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    um sorry but if someone wants to speed through the game thats their descision, they just miss out discoveries and stuff like that.

    well you say its weird for a worm to drop a spear but wouldnt it be logical for an armed mob to drop one?

    also crafting isnt bad its just boring
    TrapinchO likes this.
  8. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    I'm not gonna dive deep into anything else but this is possible already. If you're in a guild, simply change your guild XP to something like 50% so you gain half as much XP as you normally would. Is it perfect? Not really, joining a guild isn't exactly easy as a newbie player. But does this solution work by allowing the player to choose their own pace of progression? Absolutely
    Official store likes this.
  9. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP

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    "i do not find it fun to do this content and therefore i would like to be forced into doing this content so that i may have fun. also, we delete all optional content. also, we completely uproot the entire gameplay loop so i can grind more. also, we make crafting incredibly overpowered as long as you are dream. also we yeet the entire item pool. no, you do not get a say. also we remove all escapes from grinding for those who are here only for the story. also we take this feature nobody liked and reimplement it, but everywhere. did i mention that i want everybody to have to grind for months to get max level?"
  10. Tour Guide

    Tour Guide Travelled Adventurer

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    Right. I'm pointing out that's the default. This is not good. Lots of content just isn't an option. You don't have much of a choice but to speed through unless you're stubborn and decide to deliberately avoid getting XP.

    So a new player is supposed to know guilds exist, join a guild, find out about guild XP mechanics, then deliberately kneecap their gains to fix a problem they don't even know exists? I'm pointing it out here and people still aren't conceptualizing the issue. It's four pages and two days later and I'm still getting people wondering how they'll get items without random drops.
  11. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    The game doesnt force you to leave an area after youve gotten overleveled for it, you can still stay and explore...
    TrapinchO likes this.
  12. Tour Guide

    Tour Guide Travelled Adventurer

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    Yes, if you're the kind of person that stubbornly insists on exploring content you've out-levelled, you can totally poke around Time Valley. You can also buy gear from merchants, and spend visit Half Moon Island to hoard its ingredients. Why would you? You've been around for a short bit, and you somehow consistently miss the point being made. When's the last time you got a mask from the mask merchant? Nothing's stopping you from doing it right now. You're going to tell me you don't want to, so you can ignore it. This, in your mind, is a good thing. It's optional content, and you chose not to exercise the option of buying from him. But you don't want to buy from him in the first place because you're literally better off walking back to Ragni, killing the pigmen along the way, then identifying whatever they drop.

    So you've got a ton of content like that being ignored because the process of gearing up is not only almost entirely passive, but also gives objectively better results. They could literally reduce the Time Valley Farm to pure void and nobody would notice; Half Moon Island could be replaced with an empty patch of ocean and you'd never think twice about it. All because you're handed good stuff by mobs you just find merely travelling. Half of the suggestion here is just "Hey, what if you actually had to do something for equipment?" Somehow nobody can imagine stopping by a boss altar, or doing a raid, or hopping into a cave, or just talking to the dozens of merchants in every major town and a few smaller ones. And somehow all everyone gets from this is that literally the only way to get any items ever now is to grind professions 'till you're level 120
    luckeyLuuk and MegidoGamerGod like this.
  13. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    progressing through the game isn't the only reason things are build.
    some of the appeal of wynn for me is being able to explore and find the little things this server has to offer.

    a good part of the community enjoys to focus on exploring the item diversity and come up with new combinations.

    all there is to do on wynn which has been expanding in the last 9.5 years has drawn in its current playerbase, with suggesting to remove one of those core points you might as well make a new server from scratch with your own ideas.

    just don't try to break things down for which we are still playing
    and about not having done everything because it is optional and not relevant to the progression.
    I myself and lots in this community have done it all, because we enjoyed it we hope for more not less.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
    luckeyLuuk and TrapinchO like this.
  14. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    i do farm time valley... i have an intelligence mask... actually youre right about people not farming time valley even though the items there are insanely overpowered and thats the incentive. also mobs dont drop as many good items as you think, in fact they dont drop very many items at all (well in my experience you get like 3-6 boxes in a grindspot killing for 30 minutes) much of the playerbase is non grind intensive like me, the whole reason why im here is because hypixel skyblock was too much.

    btw i do buy armor from shops idk if its just me but especially in the early game i buy lots of stuff from nemract and detlas merchants
  15. Tour Guide

    Tour Guide Travelled Adventurer

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    No, I mean there's literally a farm in Time Valley: a Barley farm, with a tool merchant, IIRC. Right next to the Barley Farm, there's a boss altar clearly visible, on a cliff, at the end of a cave. Nice to know at least one person's got a mask, though.

    It's just you, probably. The only things I consistently buy from shops are unique ingredients. Everything else is outclassed by legendaries and rares I get by just travelling between quests. It's only until around level 80 before shop items begin to make any sense again, and even then...
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  16. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Please don’t add any more profession requirements to quests. They add nothing to the quests and only lock out quests for most people bc they don’t want to bother with professions. They should’ve stayed strictly outside of all quests. We already have gathering posts too.
    Also holy fuck, can you not get a clue?

    Literally nobody wants to implement your suggestion and it's not going to happen. We're 75 posts in and you still are dying on this hill. I don't understand why you don't stop wasting your time trying to promote it. I feel sorry that you feel this way about the game and I hope you can find enjoyment in other ways. But this isn't simply a way to go about it.
  17. Arbitrary

    Arbitrary I like warrior HERO

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    I think there's a very important distinction between what a game has to offer, and what a game requires for progression. Wynncraft has a TON of content that it offers the player, but very little that is actually required for progression. It's quite similar to BOTW in that way. In both Wynncraft and BOTW, the player has been given a huge world with tons of content to explore. They can choose to go around exploring, or they can choose to grind levels/equipment and head straight for the quests and combat. It gives the player a lot of freedom when it comes to the pace they choose to play at. This freedom made BOTW feel like a truly open game with tons of possibilities for how you could play it. It was praised for the freedom it afforded the player, they could choose to explore the world first or run straight for Ganon with nothing but your shorts and as much op gear as you could find along the way. There's nothing wrong with running straight for ganon, it's just a different playstyle. Sure, they might miss out on the rest of the game, but because the developers specifically decided NOT to force the player to explore the map first, it made the game feel more free, more real, more enjoyable. In general, forcing players to do anything in your games is a great way to ruin enjoyment. Imagine, for example, if BOTW required it's players to get all the shrines before reaching the final boss. Sure, it would be a great way to get players to explore more, but it would make the game much less fun, feel much more grindy, and ruin the game as a whole.

    So, what does BOTW teach us about game design? More player freedom = more fun = better game.

    How does this tie into your suggestions?

    You have good intentions. You see an issue with most players not spending time exploring the map, and that's an ok concern to have. However, I have a big issue with how you solve it. Instead of increasing the appeal of overlooked areas by sprucing them up and adding content to them, you're trying to increase the appeal of overlooked areas by removing content everywhere else. Instead of trying to lift those areas up to the standards of the rest of the game, you're lowering the rest of the game to the standards of those areas, which is reducing the quality of wynncraft as a whole. Also, removing content always results in a reduction in player freedom. Let's say we remove items from the mob loot pool. Many players currently use mob loot as their main source of items as they progress through the game. Removing that option reduces the player's choices, which lowers their freedom to play the game as they choose. Like I mentioned, removing player freedom results in reducing player enjoyment, which results in a loss of game quality. A better solution you could provide is, for example, buffing the power of items from boss alters and adding more of them in those areas. You seem to like the idea of boss alters, and I do too, so adding more of them with better loot in those more overlooked areas would not only encourage players to explore more, but would give them more (not less) options on how they want to approach the game. More options=more freedom=more fun=better game.

    Thank you for listening to my ted talk.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
  18. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Everyone else has pretty much said it, but I'll mention one thing that I didn't notice anyone else mention and it's also a hard counter to your first point. You said several times that you want to remove equipment drops because they discourage players from obtaining items through alternative ways, or in other words, you think removing it would encourage people to go get these items through merchants, raids, dungeons, boss altars, etc...

    However, what you fail to realize, probably because you know barely anything about how this game functions and why it works, is that people already go through these alternative ways to acquire items even with equipment drops. Merchants are probably the least utilized, but even in the endgame, there are rare occasions where an item from a merchant can be useful in your build. (Here I need to mention my guildmate who thinks that a UNIQUE helmet from an Ahmsord MERCHANT is literally the best helmet in the game @EPIC67890 ).

    Doing Dungeons to get items? People already do that - there are many very useful items that are only available through dungeons.
    Doing Raids to get items? People already do that - there are many items that can only be acquired from raids (especially the tomes, because the fabled items can be sold on the market later, so technically you don't need to do raids to get those)
    Doing Boss Altars to get items? People already do that - once again there are several boss altars with very good items that you can't get anywhere else and people do them.

    Are items from any of those parts of the content essential to your progress on Wynn? Most likely not. Should they be? I definitely don't think they should.

    You're probably gonna argue that this is exactly the problem, that the fact that it's not essential to do these parts of the game, or that (in your opinion) the game even discourages you to do them, is the issue and that players should be pushed into buying stuff at the Merchant, doing Dungeons, Raids, Boss Altars, whatever, instead of getting items from mobs without earning them.

    I can already present a counterargument for that, first of, I don't think the game discourages you to do anything. Maybe it discouraged you, but obviously not the majority of players and the world doesn't revolve around you so the game shouldn't be changed entirely because you didn't like the feel of the game. I have yet to meet a player that has never done a dungeon, a raid, a boss altar or a player that has never bought an item from a merchant. Despite those things not being essential to the player progression on Wynncraft.

    I can also bring up an example from my early game (which is a bit foggy because I started in 2014), even though I did get most of my early game items from mobs, I vividly remember buying items from the merchants, I remember doing dungeons to get items. But I did it because I wanted to. What if I didn't want to do those parts of the content but the game forced me to do them? I would probably quit. Your entire suggestion is so anti-player and you somehow don't even realize it. Many players don't want to do dungeons, especially considering to even getting one item can take several runs, many players don't want to do Boss Altars. Do you really think if you forced them to do it, they'd start doing it? No. They'd quit.

    Also what exactly do you consider unearned? Do you consider mob drops unearned just because it's random? Or do you have an issue with the actual mob killing to acquire items themselves? Because then you could argue that doing dungeons is just killing mobs in a more scripted manner and the only exception is that the reward at the end isn't random. Which honestly seems even less exciting than getting random items from random mobs.

    I didn't even mention profs, because I feel like it's been safely established that this community hates proffing (excluding the minority of psychopaths), so if Wynn was to do what you're suggesting with crafting, they'd essentially kill their own game the second they'd announce that feature. So if the point of your suggestion is to kill Wynncraft then I can't really argue that, because then your suggestion is perfect.

    Also you have the wrong assumption about the fact that if your suggestions were implemented, it would encourage players to explore more, but in reality, most people would just google the location of everything lol.
  19. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    Are you talking about the time troubles? Other than those, which aren't boss altars, the only nearby altar is the one inside ToL, on the other side of the mountains. It seems that you didn't actually go there and you're just looking on the online map.
    luckeyLuuk and nomythrilskin? like this.
  20. BrokenRealities

    BrokenRealities Undefined Variable

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    As someone who is doing a normal item only run, having decently tiered equipment is absolutely crucial to most quests. I can' do Green Gloop (lvl 30~ quest) because I don't have the HP or the DPS to take out a few weak little slimes. Grinding out a level takes a lot of time.
    Random drops should be kept. Maybe restricted to rare or lower, if you're really that desperate to force people to take hours on end for professions.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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