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Game Mechanics Remove Soul Points (v2)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Saya, Oct 16, 2021.


Remove Soul Points?

  1. Yes

  2. Yes but there needs to be a penalty for death

  3. I don't care either way

  4. No

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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I don’t know how they could be more simplified; removing them is the most simple thing to do :3
  2. Sharpie0316

    Sharpie0316 Arcanist Enjoyer

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    This is an interesting issue, and I wonder what the devs will do in the future to balance this out.

    As for the reset skill points issue, there could be a fortune teller npc in every major city (kinda like a merchant) that resets your skill points for a small fee. I feel like this would be accessible enough and also just add a cool feature to the game.
  3. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Skill points resets have already had their cost removed in 2.0, they can be added and removed freely in towns
  4. Sharpie0316

    Sharpie0316 Arcanist Enjoyer

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    Oh ok, that makes things simple
  5. Craft Mesa

    Craft Mesa The Guy who's asking for a way to punch things. VIP+

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    alright, coming back to this after reading how soul points work and doing a bit more playing, I think the best course of action is to keep soul points for teleporting, and removing them for deaths. There's really no reason to lose your items on death, since it's so infrequent it's just a waste of code in the end.
    strikeflame5356 likes this.
  6. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    played titan quest recently, they have the experience pelnaty on death
    why can't this apply to wynncraft - just remove a % of experience to the next level upon death or any other action that used soul points.
    would be way less confusing and limiting that soul points
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  7. TheFrostB1te

    TheFrostB1te Potato Enjoyer

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    105 lvl players after losing 32.1M xp using a teleportation scroll
  8. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    well yeah, the amount should not just be a %
    maybe the least out of 4% exp and 22000 exp (for death)
    should be based off how much exp mobs on the level give, so it's recoverable after 10 minutes of grind
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  9. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    This is actually a pretty decent idea I wouldn't mind, it doesn't intrude upon the experience of people who die and it still rewards you for mastering some piece of content to the point where you rarely die to it. It also means second and third playthroughs will be faster and a bit easier since you'll by this point know most of the content and die less frequently, which I think is also nice, since you're doing stuff you've done before and you can see how much you've grown as a player.
    Though I'd want to have a system where you're instead rewarded for beating some piece of content first try rather than for surviving for a long time, for example if you attempt EO on a character you haven't attempted it on before and you do it first try you'll get an extra reward, same would go for quest bosses, boss altars, dungeons, etc.
    The boss of Reincarnation killed me more than 30 times before I beat him, I've yet to solo bovine barn, the eye, or the final boss of AHC despite having attempted each 10+ times, "it's kinda easy not to die in wynncraft" isn't a very good excuse for a bad death system anyways.
    Secondly you increase game difficulty by making the game harder not by preventing people from playing the game. I'm someone who likes particularly difficult boss fights (like the ones I mentioned earlier) quite a lot more and often has trouble enjoying easy ones, but I don't find soul points to increase the difficulty in any fun way, and that's because they don't increase the difficulty, they prevent you from playing the game in the first place, they're a nuisance not a challenge.
    luckeyLuuk and Bwitty03 like this.
  10. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Like I said, soul points are not a good punishment and should be replaced. Also, if you managed to die so much it's maybe your not using a good build. The game itself is not that difficult, all you have to do is find a good build (at least this is my opininion).
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    A good build doesn’t always solve everything and at some point you’re going to have to deal with lag.
  12. V077

    V077 The Potato Overlord CHAMPION

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    I think soul points should be repurposed if they're gonna lose their current function, like maybe soul points are the amount of charges you have for TP scrolls? or even make it that soul points will respawn you at the last town you visited then if you die without any soul points you get sent all the way back to Ragni, this is just an idea tho
  13. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Yes but the server is not always lagging
  14. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Also remember that not everyone has the same quality of connection
    luckeyLuuk and strikeflame5356 like this.
  15. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I was using a pretty busted chakram build for Bob and both the AHC boss and Bovine barn are pretty much guaranteed to take 10+ attempts regardless of how good your build is since the AHC boss has ridiculous damage while being really complicated and bovine barn is designed to punish you hard for any mistakes you make meaning you can't really win without fully knowing the moveset, this is true of most boss altars as well as many dungeon and quest bosses once you get into the late game but bovine barn especially is the most clear example.
    But I think I do die more often than most people, it's largely because I gravitate towards glassier builds that usually do more damage, I find the game to be more fun that way, 3-shotting Slykaar at level on a nohit build after having learned all of his attacks is always going to be more fun for me than facetanking him with a facetank build although that's an extreme example.
    But like I said that's the playstyle I enjoy the most, a mentality of taking the time to learn the moveset of every boss is enjoyable for me and it prevents hard fights from becoming annoying, and it seems like many other players feel the same way, that's why it seems dumb to have a feature that makes that playstyle incredibly tedious in a way that does not benefit the game in any way whatsoever be that soul points or any other unnecessary punishment for death
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  16. BrokenRealities

    BrokenRealities Undefined Variable

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    As someone who gravitates heavily towards facetank builds (because I find that fun), Slykaar would be much more enjoyable with a glassy build that doesn’t need to chase him across the arena for 10 minutes to chip his hp to 0. Some fights are more fun with damage-focused builds, and while risking death is the downside, the penalty shouldn’t be big (like permanent item loss, which soul points allow) while being consistent (which soul points aren’t).
    Death should have a penalty to prevent highly glassy builds from reigning the meta for, but it shouldn’t be so big as to prevent highly glassy builds from existing in the meta.
    Namakobushi likes this.
  17. Namakobushi

    Namakobushi Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Death's penalty already is high without soul points in the equation. I feel that all the progress lost from dying in a dungeon or wherever you are is enough.
    I'm scared to use glassy builds, not because of losing soul points, but for losing out on a Forgery run or letting my teammates down in a raid. Or losing 12 eb in LI and having to do it all over again to get that diamond token.
  18. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Yes but if this is the real problem then none game mechanic will change it so it's up to the player to find a better connection.
    Well I think that soul points exist to punish greedy playstyles like this, because if the player use a more regular build with good hp regen and def (like I did back in the days) there is no way that soul points become one of their problems because they wont die enough to loose their stuff (unless if they are realy bad). So people willing to use glassy builds should be aware of the risks and accept taking these for the benefit of insane damages.
    But this only applies in the challenges you have set out, dying too much outside (when xp grinding for exemple) should be punished, and no, having to walk to the area where you died is not a punishment (especially on Wynncraft since the map isn't that big and we have city respawn)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  19. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The point is that just bc Wynncraft is easy to you, doesn’t mean it’s not easy for others. Especially since defense and agility got nerfed in 2.0.

    To add onto what the others said, soul points simply aren’t good punishments. If you’re bad at the game, then the player should be able to try as many times as he or she needs to since practicing is the only way they will get better. But soul points literally tell players to stop playing the game for a bit; nothing in a game should do that. It just breaks up the gameplay loop and causes some players to quite all together. And if they want to try out a different build, then they’re out of luck too. It’s not really a skill issue or even a build one; bc no matter why you died, the system tells you to stop playing.

    Glassy builds are still inherently risky without soul points. You’ll die a lot more times and lose time and resources in consumables. I really don’t know why you think that isn’t punishing enough. Not everyone has all the time in the world nor wants to keep regrinding their lost money and consumables. The question you need to ask yourself is does this make the game more fun? And the simple answer is no bc it encourages you to stop playing when you need to play the most.

    Not every game needs a harsh death penalty to be fun, rewarding, or difficult. Most RPGs don’t have any harsh ones, and even ball-busting difficult games like Cuphead make due without any death penalties either. At the end of the day, they’re just unnecessary and impede the fun of the game.
  20. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Im not saying this, Im just saying that Wynncraft is not the most difficult game in the world and anyone with a correct connection could handle it (not saying they will be godlike but at least they wont die enough to experience soulpoints ultimate punishment), also I think that greedy playstyles should be punished to prioritize skill and not luck, for exemple when I was xp grinding with my shaman I died a lot at the Mt Wynn Spider spot and this clearly indicated me that I wasn't strong enough to deal with it, but if SP didn't existed then I could just abuse the spot without even carring about my level or anything else.
    I kinda disagree, like I said when I was grinding I died more on some spots and SP was just a way to tell me "hey buddy you are too weak for this right now but try again later" and thats what I did, I did some quests grinded some levels and came back to try again. If there was no system like this, players could just spam content and pray to get through it (like a boss in a quest, grind spots or even raids since most of the time it's free if you find a party). So soul points are just a way to say to the player to try something else/ find a better stuff/ grind a bit more, before trying to beat a challenge.
    BrokenRealities and luckeyLuuk like this.
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