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Game Mechanics Remove Soul Points (v2)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Saya, Oct 16, 2021.


Remove Soul Points?

  1. Yes

  2. Yes but there needs to be a penalty for death

  3. I don't care either way

  4. No

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  1. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    This is definitely true. When I was new to the game the amount of rethinking of my strategy I would do if there were no soul points, while it depended on the point in the game I was at, would usually not have been that much. However, like I said, you can give the player tips or otherwise encourage them to do this. Forcing them to stop retrying the boss and redo their build isn't a great way to do it.
    Honestly if you just look at what people actually do when they lose all their soul points, most of them probably just log off or afk, partly because soul points do also make reworking your build feel like a less enticing thing to do, since now after losing all your soul points after you have redone part of your build or come up with a new strategy, you wouldn't be able to then attempt whatever it was again because your soul points are still low. Often you will want to redo the boss after coming up with the new build or strategy while it's still fresh in your mind, and soul points don't let you do that, although I guess you could say this is just a problem with the soul points system in particular and not with the idea behind it.
    Also, not all causes of death in bosses are poor strategy or build. Sometimes you just mess up, and if it's a long boss fight most of the time you might mess up. The soul point system cannot know the particular circumstances of a player's death, so if you plan to replace it your system should ideally be able to do that.
    Also, some people intentionally do dungeons or bosses or even the whole game with bad builds because they find the added difficulty to be more fun. This is something that naturally happens in most RPGs, as there will always be veteran players (or otherwise) who would like to try the game at a higher difficulty. These players should not be prevented from doing this. Some people play the game largely for the build system, but some people like to play it for the combat system (and sometimes you're just in the mood to do one or the other of these), and they shouldn't be prevented from enjoying it and expected to use better build, despite their previous build being very much capable of beating the content, just not as good at it, just because the game thinks they're having trouble, when in fact they are enjoying themselves.
    I kind of forgot about the third point from your post when writing my comment, so some of what I wrote wasn't necessary, but I do feel like it's a good thing I wrote it, as I'd like to make the distinction whether rewards are untradable doesn't seem like the most important thing to me. Certainly I do think that high entry costs begin to look especially silly when the rewards are untradable and thus obviously won't significantly impact the economy, but I think that the suggestion I made about LI could be applied to something like TNA, although maybe with some changes. For the most part, people who are currently struggling to beat TNA for their first time are not going to suddenly crash the economy if they gain the ability to practice it more, it's people who already know how to beat it who would create inflation if TNA became free, and the suggestion I made wouldn't change the price for those people.

    My understanding of people might not be that good, so I might be wrong about this, but I feel like after doing it for long enough they'd stop doing it since they wouldn't find it to be fun. Most people play video games to have fun, right? So if people came to LI and couldn't get anywhere for a long time they'd probably eventually stop having fun and decide it wasn't the best use of their time. On the other hand, it's possible they are having fun in this situation, in which case, all power to them at least in my opinion. If you decide you want to beat LI at the minimum requirement of level 95 and you enjoy the process of doing that (which is something you can judge for yourself, once again people probably wouldn't stick to it for days on end if it wasn't fun) then good for you.

    I feel like that would be almost identical to what I proposed, except that now winning for your first time doesn't feel satisfying anymore, so I don't totally understand what you think the advantage would be of this over my idea; nonetheless I would be happy with this, since I entirely do LI just for the fun anyway, so it wouldn't matter too much to me.
    I would absolutely use training mode if it was a thing. I do think it would make doing LI the normal way less stressful since now I'd know what I was doing from practice witht the bosses in training mode, but it might still be an issue since the threat is there (and compared to most players I'm probably pretty poor).
    However, if this feature were implemented I would mostly just use training mode, and only do actual LI when I wanted an item for a build, so it wouldn't be a huge problem for me. Definitely preferrable to the current system by quite a lot.

    The issue is that the baseline created by soul points is already too high on it's own for some bosses. Also, soul points apply to players depending on skill more disproportionately, due to the way they punish you and the way that they build up. The biproduct of the tension soul points can create, which is being forced to AFK for long periods of time or just stop playing the game, is also much worse than those created by other methods. LI's fights, in addition to the tension created by the emerald cost, get more tense as you progress, because dying forces you to start over; the biproduct of this system is having to fight the Mummyboard again, which is overall not a particularly unpleasant experience. Forcing players to redo content that is still fun, just not necessarily what they'd want to do which is beat the boss, is generally the best place to start at when creating tension in a boss; if you need more tension you can come up with other methods like making the runback longer -something which is like having to redo content, but without fun mechanics on the way-, and finally you can do something like adding a system like soul points (although I think it's overkill for most major bosses in this game, and where it isn't there would be better ways to pull off the same thing, but you get what I mean).
    Ok now I get what you mean.
    Yeah I agree with that. Generally I lean on the side of keeping runbacks on the shorter side, and making death less punishing, probably partly because I struggle with the game's mechanics more than most probably do, and partly because I enjoy struggling more than a lot of people probably do; but the basic and foundational concept of death in and of itself is really important, and almost all the fun in boss fights and dungeons goes away when there isn't at least the threat of having to start over again if you mess up too much.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2023
    creature likes this.
  2. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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    soul points are a scourge on the whimsical land of wynn. also bump
  3. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    Loose at least 64 (if available) emeralds and after that just like 50% of emeralds and remove sp
  4. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    All that would do would be incentivize not carrying emeralds around, which doesn't benefit anyone. No death punishment would be ideal.
    shacers likes this.
  5. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    I disagree because I (it does sound weird) liked loosing stuff when I died. I find it actually a bit frustrating that I don't loose anything upon death with enough soul points. There is no exitement, there is nothing to loose when you die.

    I want a system that doesn't stop me from playing the game but that also punishes me when I die. And yes, people will be cautious not to carry a lot of emeralds while questing or grinding, but you're always going to loose some emeralds which makes it feel like a punishment.

    Also thinking about not carrying emeralds before leaving for a grind spot makes it not just a brain dead activity: LeTs gO kIlL somE mObs
  6. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    This would just force people to take more trips to the bank, which is just annoying, not interesting.
    How about you make the mobs themselves require thought instead of building gamewide mechanics around compensating boring or unbalanced enemy design? Right now mobs in wynncraft, especially near the end of the game, are comically weak compared to the player, meaning the open world is mostly pretty nonthreatening. The thought you have to put into fighting mobs that are actually at your level is going to usually be greater and more interesting than the thought it takes to remind yourself to walk to the bank before leaving town (something you'd eventually start doing automatically if this were a feature, and that many people already do automatically, and thus really wouldn't require much extra thought from the player after a while).
    Artificially adding stakes by more severely punishing death makes the game feel more random and has the secondary effect of subjecting players to the disappointment of losing their stuff. Buffing enemies would make players feel actually tense about the possibility of a group of mobs being around the corner or something, and would make it more exhilarating to fight and especially defeat mobs; your solution would not really help tension that much, leave mobs as boring and unimpressive as they currently are, and only really make it feel more annoying to die.
  7. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    *breaks down door*

    (just kidding it's been a week but still this is probably Wynncraft's Most Urgent Issue please fix this please please)
    Sir_Doomed and luckeyLuuk like this.
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Another bump
    En1gmatic likes this.
  9. En1gmatic

    En1gmatic Skilled Adventurer

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    Has this thread become but a battlefield between logical superpowers? Yes.
    Do I still cling to the desperate hope that someday, someone who cares will do something about this? Yes.
    Please fix Wynncraft's most glaring and terrible issue. These set Wynncraft aside from other RPGs in the worst way possible.
    Mardeknius likes this.
  10. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Let's bump this again.
    Mardeknius likes this.
  11. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    I can't play the game anymore because I'm out of soul points, so I'm bumping this thread instead.
    strikeflame5356 likes this.
  12. Pancakeseal

    Pancakeseal Melon

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    Im pretty new to the game and soul points just don't make sense to me. I kept dying to the Bob boss and instead of being able to experiment and try new things I just had to close the game and quit even though i wanted to fight big Bob more because i believed i could win. If i could actually get used to fighting him but no i had to log off not to lose my stuff.
  13. Krooza

    Krooza Professional dumbass HERO

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    why are people voting that there needs to be a penalty???
    walking back is seriously bad enough, and if you had to pay your hard earned emeralds or lose items that would be worse than just waiting for sp to regen.
    Melkor likes this.
  14. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    I think it's because they don't want dying to be exploitable, such as using /kill to teleport or to heal
  15. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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  16. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I don’t see how those are exploitable. Teleport scrolls are still far better than /kill because you can travel much farther while not worrying about ending up in weird areas. Like how in some quest areas you can end up in Lucauso if you die. Without soul points, teleport scrolls will essentially be free beyond the initial emerald cost. Their current soul point cost doesn’t really phase anyone from using them anyway. Plus people already can do /kill once or two anyway to get to the nearest town. You wouldn’t need to do that 10 times in a row.

    And there are plenty of ways of healing fast without heal potions from regen, to life stealing, to mage’s heal spell. If this was a survival game where healing was only available through limited resources like in Don’t Starve then sure it would be exploitable, but Wynncraft isn’t like that.
  17. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    This is still the biggest issue in the game by a huge margin - "hey you're having trouble, time to stop playing" might be the single worst bit of game design I've ever seen and I've played mobile games. You're better than this Wynncraft, every other system shows this. Please, fix this one.
  18. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I thought it would be gone by this update. Oh well, I guess there's always the next update/patch.

    Also holy fuck I can't believe I've been playing this game for 9+ years... fuck
    Melkor likes this.
  19. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    i know i may get chased to death for my suggestion but i want them to be gone too buttt im also on the side that death needs penalty, so whatever
    here is my take on penalty: make the amount of items your inv's drops the same no matter how many times you have died, across levels. maybe a low amount, like ~2-5% of items u have, just a number that will be not too much but scary enough for players to slow down and think of strategies for a little before brute-forcing hard stuff. ofc mythic are not affected, but this time crafted are also affected in some way.
    location of player's death spawns a grave, containing the items lost in it. however, it decays and the items in it are slowly lost or crafted items slowly lose durability as time goes on so players gotta move quick and go back to where they died to retriver their items.
    /kill, dying in dungeons, lootrun and raids does not lose items and graves will not be spawned.
    i think why soul point is so dreading is that the more points u lose, the more items u drop, and you have no way to get them back other than grinding for a new piece. you lose more and more items on death as soul points reduced until u have nothing left to lose, which forces players to stop playing. i think adding graves makes players have a chance to get their hard-earned items back after death, and the decay mechanic can put stress on players so they have to rush to where they were.
    for hunted... well, i think hunted is kind of messed up and ill not talk about it unless im requested to.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  20. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    Soul points are just bad. during my first playthrough it took about 10 tries to complete ROL 1. And that was because of soul points. Every time I died, I would get terrified of losing all my legendaries, bc back then, legendaries actually had value, and I was poor (and bad at the game). I wanted to try it more often but every time I failed, I had to take 2 hour break.
    Also, my friend loved profs at like lvl 60 lost all their stuff because they afked in Olux. I had to spend like 10 le buying all the stuff I need to make up for their gear set. Unfortunately, I couldn't replace their crafted chestplate, ring and necklace. And then I had to spend all of my powder stores to powder their weapon.

    Yep. That's my soul point story. Personally, I have never lost anything to soul points except emeralds, some low-level crafting ingredients, and time.
    But I hate them as a mechanic all the same.

    I don't get it (and the people who like it). If you fail TCC you lose your progress, your rune(s), and your time. That and the disappointment of failure is punishment enough. If you fail CUC you lose those 2 uth runes, that key and all your progress in the dungeon. That's punishment enough. If you fail LI, you have to pay 12 eb to do it again and have to redo it from the start. That's punishment enough. If you fail Bottomless Pit or Orange Wybel you lose all your progress on the boss, the ingredients, and have to walk back from Lutho/Ahmsord. That is punishment enough.

    And that is the end of my rant. Thanks for reading.
    Soul Points are just bad.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
    Sir_Doomed, Spaghetti Man and Krooza like this.
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