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Game Mechanics Reduce the cost of Bank Pages and ADD MORE BANK PAGES [169 Supporters]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by DogeTennant, Sep 28, 2022.


Do you agree?

  1. Yes

    172 vote(s)
  2. No (I'm a psychopath)

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Shiny_Bridge

    Shiny_Bridge I don’t mind pings :)

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    Still haven’t been able to get on yet but here’s what I can remember:
    Page 1: powders, emeralds+pouches
    Page 2: miscellaneous stuff, mainly armor
    Page 3: Un ids
    Page 4: tried to do set items I found, it’s just a mess of weapons and armor
    Page 5: dungeon keys + untradeable items
    I can’t remember if I have 6 or 7 pages, either way:
    Last page: quest items
    DogeTennant likes this.
  2. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Here's that:

    So currently, we have 21 bank pages and people are running out of space. That's 882 slots of storage, but with how many items are in the game, things like ingredients, raids providing tomes and charms, etc. that's quickly not really becoming enough. A lot of new players are complaining about bank space and price, and while I'm aware it's supposed to be a money sink it's kinda a bit TOO much of one, because it ends up blocking off new players from space they really could use. So, I suggest the progression go from this:

    Page 1: Unlocked by default
    Page 2: Lv 5, costs 11 emeralds
    Page 3: Lv 10, costs 26 emeralds
    Page 4: Lv 15, costs 56 emeralds
    Page 5: Lv 20, costs 118 emeralds
    Page 6: Lv 25, costs 251 emeralds
    Page 7: Lv 30, costs 531 emeralds
    Page 8: Lv 35, costs 1130 emeralds
    Page 9: Lv 40, costs 2414 emeralds
    Page 10: Lv 45, costs 5183 emeralds
    Page 11: Lv 50, costs 11181 emeralds
    Page 12: Lv 55, costs 24243 emeralds
    Page 13: Lv 60, costs 52828 emeralds
    Page 14: Lv 65, costs 115677 emeralds
    Page 15: Lv 70, costs 132184 emeralds
    Page 16: Lv 75, costs 149662 emeralds
    Page 17: Lv 80, costs 168098 emeralds
    Page 18: Lv 85, costs 187480 emeralds
    Page 19: Lv 90, costs 207796 emeralds
    Page 20: Lv 95, costs 229036 emeralds
    Page 21: Lv 100, costs 251189 emeralds
    Final cost: 1539094 emeralds, ~6 stacks of LE

    to this:

    Page 1: Unlocked by default
    Page 2: Lv 5, costs 12 emeralds
    Page 3: Lv 10, costs 28 emeralds
    Page 4: Lv 15, costs 64 emeralds(1 EB)
    Page 5: Lv 20, costs 128 emeralds(2 EB)
    Page 6: Lv 25, costs 192 emeralds(3 EB)
    Page 7: Lv 25, costs 320 emeralds(5 EB)
    Page 8: Lv 25, costs 448 emeralds(7 EB)
    Page 9: Lv 30, costs 704 emeralds(11 EB)
    Page 10: Lv 35, costs 960 emeralds(15 EB)
    Page 11: Lv 40, costs 1472 emeralds(23 EB)
    Page 12: Lv 45, costs 1984 emeralds(31 EB)
    Page 13: Lv 50, costs 2880 emeralds(45 EB)
    Page 14: Lv 50, costs 3776 emeralds(59 EB)
    Page 15: Lv 50, costs 5056 emeralds(1 LE 15 EB)
    Page 16: Lv 55, costs 6336 emeralds(1 LE 35 EB)
    Page 17: Lv 60, costs 8256 emeralds(2 LE 1 EB)
    Page 18: Lv 65, costs 10176 emeralds(2 LE 31 EB)
    Page 19: Lv 70, costs 12736 emeralds(3LE 7 EB)
    Page 20: Lv 75, costs 15296 emeralds(3 LE 47 EB)
    Page 21: Lv 75, costs 19392 emeralds(4 LE 47 EB)
    Page 22: Lv 75, costs 23488 emeralds(5 LE 47 EB)
    Page 23: Lv 80, costs 29632 emeralds(7 LE 15 EB)
    Page 24: Lv 85, costs 35776 emeralds(8 LE 47 EB)
    Page 25: Lv 90, costs 48064 emeralds(11LE 47 EB)
    Page 26: Lv 95, costs 60352 emeralds(14 LE 47 EB)
    Page 27: Lv 100, costs 85440 emeralds(20 LE 55 EB)
    Page 28: Lv 100, costs 110528 emeralds(26 LE 63 EB)
    Page 29: Lv 100, costs 151488 emeralds(36 LE 63 EB)
    Page 30: Lv 105, costs 192512 emeralds(47 LE)
    Total Cost: 827496 emeralds(202 LE 1 EB 40 E), ~3.2 stacks of LE

    9 more pages, by adding a burst of three pages every 25 levels and adding one for Lv 105. This costs a little more than three stacks- This is something like 55% of the current pricing and is very much designed to let players get a lot more pages for an emerald amount that they could be REASONABLY expected to have around that point. The staggered design with the bursts of pages around the 25 level mark is designed for people who come back more with multiple classes- since they'll be getting more emeralds through questing and things, then that means they'll need more space as well, but can also afford more pages. After about 26 pages it gets really harsh on the cost, but there comes the emerald sink- the quickly rising cost means that's mostly a sink, but notably you get to that point at Lv 100, when lootrunning and high-emerald rewards are more common. Basically, it's tailor-made to adjust costs to be more reasonable throughout the game without really losing its money sink-ness.

    I originally proposed this on July 1st 2021.
    tig, itay_, shacers and 18 others like this.
  4. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    still bumping this even though a CT member already responded, but it wasn't really made clear if Salted ever green-lighted this considering it was proposed in mid 2021, and I have all of 23 free slots in my entire bank right now, so I definitely don't want this suggestion to be forgotten about lol
  5. issuebubble

    issuebubble Well-Known Adventurer

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    hate to say it but i left wynncraft back in 2020 when my bank pages started costing 50+ liquid emerlad and i really needed more space for prof items
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  6. En1gmatic

    En1gmatic Skilled Adventurer

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    Quick question.
    What's the point of making bank pages cost such exuberant prices?
    These are ridiculously high for poor players like myself, and, honestly, I don't see any need for 3.2stx worth of spending just to not have to choose between keeping my EO keys or my Rarity.
  7. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    These amounts are what one would reasonably be expected to have at said level, but I think you forgot something.

    The pages cost money. This then brings down what people are expected to have. At 55-65 Im not going to have over 5 LE to drop on pages. Sure, if it was ONLY that amount at ONLY that level then probably, yeah. I feel like you miscalculated this though, as what you’re asking for the pages takes up a LOT of that “expected to reasonably have.”
  8. Wackolo

    Wackolo the converger CHAMPION

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    MUCH prefer this

    I hope so
  9. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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  10. Coragon42

    Coragon42 Build Maker in Training HERO

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    Bump, bank pages are overpriced

    The only justifications I can think of for making them so expensive are to encourage players to seek ways to earn emeralds, to encourage selling stuff on the trade market, and maybe even to encourage players to buy ranks so they can use class slots for the sole purpose of storage. These are just my speculations; I personally don't believe these justifications outweigh the downsides.

    I feel that it is more likely that the intimidating barrier of bank page prices would just discourage players from playing. It discourages class builders who want to save pieces for future build exploration (I'm one of them), it discourages proffers, and it discourages collectors.

    Players would be more likely to play less than to seek ways to make money, because the latter is often boringly repetitive (lootrunning, grinding ingredients) and/or relatively inefficient (everything else: quests, raids, etc.), or has its own intimidating barrier of entry (lootrunning, crafting). Such money-making methods need an appealing incentive, and bank pages are not that. Players should be sufficiently driven to earn money when they want to buy something (like a mythic, a crafted, or any other expensive item on the trade market), not when they have to buy another bank page.

    When players sell stuff on the market to clear their bank, that is more likely to feel forced rather than fun. If bank page prices are supposed to be a way to incentivize selling (though this personally seems unlikely), the potential to profit off the trade market already does that.

    Lastly, if bank page prices are so high because they are actually supposed to encourage players to buy ranks just to use class slots for storage, that decreases their likelihood to use those slots for another playthrough and/or challenge modes. It also feels unnecessarily finicky to transfer items from classes used for storage. Plus, as I said earlier, the bank page prices discourage certain ways of exploring the game's items, which can also drives players away or make them play less often. That being said, as long as bank page prices are still non-negligible, some players will still decide to buy ranks for storage to save in-game emeralds anyway; but bank prices don't have to increase so extremely as they currently do.
    shacers likes this.
  11. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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  12. Coragon42

    Coragon42 Build Maker in Training HERO

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    Salted actually mentioned an alternative solution in Olinus10's newest video: each class could have its own bank along with the global bank for all classes. Nothing's a guarantee yet though.
  13. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I'll have to watch that... Anyway it's not a bad idea, but I still think that just adding more bank pages is simpler
  14. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I'm bumping this one then
  15. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    glory to the misc. bucket (still bumping this tho)
  16. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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  17. TotemOfUndying

    TotemOfUndying Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I voted yes, though I think that instead of just adding more bank space, they should add more ways to store items in bulk, which would also help you keep your bank more organized.
    Like for example there could be prof pouches that can hold more than 1 stack of profession mats in a single slot and/or hold multiple different types of mats in a single inventory slot. Maybe There could be a menu where a full set of armour and accessories could be stored in a single slot, or maybe a way to combine different types of scrolls, like with the potion stack.
    I'm not saying these ideas are good, I thought of them in a few minutes, but I think these kinds of changes are better than just adding more bank space, since they also help keep it much more organized.

    Though I definitely agree that bank pages are too expensive
  18. sun6002

    sun6002 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Personally on my first playthrough, I thought there was no such thing as a global bank, and that all banks were exclusive to a particular class. I thought that was the most intuitive way for banks to work, but there'd probably be riots in the street if banks were changed from global to class-specific.

    Getting back on topic: the biggest barrier I had to starting my second class was bank page cost (and then eventually the hard page cap). It came to the point that, even though I started plying in 2018, I didn't even start playing a second class until 2.0 came out. Increasing the effective bank space at different levels of progression would definitely lift those barriers I had in playing the game, and I think it'd add a lot of playability (and re-playability) to the game. More bank space will encourage people to play the game, especially after they hit lv. 105, since it'll make things like class building, lootrunning, leveling profs, and second/third playthroughs more viable and more fun.
    luckeyLuuk and Coragon42 like this.
  19. W1zX

    W1zX Skilled Adventurer

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    Agreed, looking at how quick progression is when ur at endgame it doesn't make sense to have such little storage.
    DogeTennant likes this.
  20. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    No, it's not a necropost.
    I'm pretty sure
    it's been exactly a month
    this has like the highest yes/no ratio out of any significant thread here
    please don't forget about this
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