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Community Event Rank Wynncraft's Non-city/town Locations!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jun 12, 2020.

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  1. penguinbnuuy

    penguinbnuuy penguinbnuuy HERO

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    Southeast of corkus
  2. suzukzmiter

    suzukzmiter Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Highest Level Class: 104

    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    2.Ice canyon
    4.Southern Corkus
    5.Sky islands

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    (least favorite overall) 1.Maro peaks
    2.CoTL: Thanos
    3.CotL: Bantisu
    4.CotL: Eltom
    5.Kander forest
    Dwicey likes this.
  3. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    All I want to say is that timeless valley not having much content is a crime
    easily my favorite place and has so much potential, like seriously
    They say an ancient tribe lived there who used the power of time, which is one of the most interessting concepts that exist. You know how uch they could do with this?
    And the only time you actually go back in time and not just have a flash back (like in hunter's calling) is when you use the altar in timeless valley but after that its not even touched once
    so sad
    TrapinchO likes this.
  4. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    A bit of an update: I've decided to remove "misc. islands" from the list since there's too much variation in terms of islands. However, I have added Half-Moon Island and Dead Island (EDIT: and Mage Island, by popular demand) to the list, as both those islands have a decent amount of content.

    If you want to change your list, please comment your new list below, as it makes things much easier for me to track.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
    btdmaster and Dwicey like this.
  5. Feast_and_famine

    Feast_and_famine Owner of smol unicorns guild HERO

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    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    1. Detlas Suburbs -- Nostalgia
    2. Lake Gylia AND Gert Camps -- I like the lake- its really nice landscaping and vibrant colors. Trees are cool
    3. Aldorei Valley -- Like the houses and the aldorei quests, nice colors
    4. Sky Islands -- Nice landscaping and colors, not too fond of falling into the void though
    5. Jungle AND Troms Outskirts -- spent a lot of time here

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    (least favorite overall) 1.
    1. Mesa -- Just no hate the colors and mobs
    2. Nesaak Tundra -- Lack of colors makes me sad :( also the snow golems suck
    3. Skiens Island -- its sad and depressing, maze is not great either
    4. Canyon of the Lost (all of it) -- I get lost a LOT
    5. The Void -- honestly why if not for profs
    Emogla3 likes this.
  6. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    getting lost in the canyon is annoying sometimes, but damn. I love canyon a lot, the design and concept of exploring it all, also getting lost adds another layer of exploration into the mix
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2020
  7. JohanLTU

    JohanLTU Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Highest Level Class: Level 105 Mage.

    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    1. Half-Moon Island.
    2. Grand Coastline.
    3. Eyeball Forest.
    4. Entrance to the Expanse AND Ruined Olmic City.
    5. Toxic Wastes.

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    (least favorite overall) 1. Lake Gylia AND Gert Camps.
    2. Realm of Light.
    3. Zhight Island.
    4. Ice Islands.
    5. Light Forest.
  8. freakyeagle48

    freakyeagle48 Royal Guard of Ragni VIP

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    Top 5 Favourite Areas:
    1. Mesa (Awesome landscape)
    2. Maro Peaks (like the landscape and atmosphere)
    3. Nesaak Tundra (nice builds and generally cool area)
    4. Ice Canyon (also cool landscape)
    5. Light Forest (happy atmosphere :)

    Top 5 least Favourite Areas:
    1. Dark Forest (too gloomy)
    2. Llevigar Plains (not very interesting)
    3. Ice Islands (just don't like them, don't know why)
    4. Dernel Jungle (too many mobs)
    5. Desert (just pretty boring in my opinion)
  9. Justgrr

    Justgrr Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Highest Level Class: Level 105 (shaman i think)

    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    1. Grand Coastline (theres a bunch of cool hidden places if you take your time to explore there - dunno if that includes regular island but theres a town hidden there o.O)
    2. Mesa (epic landscape)
    3. Zhight Island (New Zhight Island looks amazing - scenery and buildings)
    4. Half-Moon Island (cool island also found a mythic here so that probly puts it higher in my list XD - was warchief though)
    5. Ruined Olmic City (really cool buildings also really like the atmosphere)

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    1. Maro Peaks (is just annoying to navigate)
    2. Dernal Jungle (cool area but I really, really do not like the mobs and that they never drop ingredients and that just every mob there is just annoying)
    3. Savannah (bad memory of getting destroyed by ocelots - also kinda bland area)
    4. Nessak Tundra (really annoying mobs)
    5. Llevigar Plains (just really boring tbh)
  10. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    Highest Level Class: 104

    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    1. Nivla Woods (nostalgia; nice short quests; Infested Pit Dungeon)
    2. Emerald Trail (nostalgia)
    3. Olux Swamp (idk why but I like it a lot)
    4. Molten Hights (just a nice area with a nice Questline)
    5. Olmic City and SE entrance (but I like all of SE a lot)

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    (least favorite overall) 1. Realm of Light (I don't like the quest and the Realm in general)
    2. Cinfras Plains (I just dont like it, its a boring area and it doesnt look as good as the levigar plains)
    3. Pirate Bay (useless Area; no quests; nothing interesting)
    4. Maro Peaks (ClImbiNg hElMEt and annoying mobs)
    5. Ice Island (bad quest and should be rebuild)
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  11. Flyfilo2

    Flyfilo2 Guest

    Highest level class: Mage (44)
    Top 5 Favorite Areas:
    1. Ragni outskirts (Fruma) (Where it all began)
    2. Bobs tomb.
    3. Nivla forest. (Secret Discovery and music)
    4. Decrepit Sewers (Bobs birthplace)
    5.Roots of corruption (The cause of the problems in wynn)

    Top 5 Least favorite Areas:
    1. Great bridge (So many mobs!)
    2. Rymek canyon (I get lost there easily)
    3. Desert (Its pretty boring and without life)'
    4. House of twain (That place gives me chills just thinking about it)
    5.Savannah (I kept dying to the sludge mobs and ocelots)
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  12. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Just a heads up, the giveaway part of this thread will end at 10:00 P.M CST this friday, so if you want a chance at winning 16LE, please fill out my form!

    I'll likely keep the survey up for a few more days though even once the giveaway ends, because I'd really like more responses.
  13. cirogg

    cirogg Detlas AFK Gang HERO

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    me when withthefish changes pfp

    Going to have to go with Katoa Ranch
    (Not really entering just wanted to comment on fish new epic pfp)
  14. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    5. Light Forest Outskirts.

    I think this is a rather underappreciated area, it's rather small but serves as a nice break from combat, as well as a rather peaceful area to explore.

    4. Cinfras Outskirts.
    download (1).png

    For a similar reason as the last, it's a nice birth of fresh air.
    In general, my favorite moments from this game tend to be on the more peaceful exploration side.

    3. In The Littlewoods.
    download (2).png

    These servers, and fills like a simple, and beautiful stroll through what can only be described as an enchanted forest.
    Again, being another area that doesn't throw combat at you, it fills nice.

    2. Olmic City.
    download (3).png

    Oh spooky. This area also lacks enemies, but for an entirely different reason than the others.
    The idea of a city with no one in it at all truly is unnerving, and what few enemies there are does a fantastic job at making you feel watched.

    1. A tie?

    Maltic/Ragni Plains.
    download (4).png

    I'm not going to lie, this only made it here because of nostalgia.
    It's not the best-designed area in the game (That's The Olmic city) The most atmospheric, or even the most fun to explore.
    Do you want to know what it is, however? It is, at least to me, Wynncraft. Fundamentally when I think of Wynncraft this is the area that comes to mind.
    The golden fields and grassy plains can only be described as pure fucking nostalgia injected straight into my blood stream.

    Now for my actual number 1. Grave Mistake.
    download (5).png

    This may be considered cheating, as it is a quest area, but an area non the less.
    This area is the most fun exploring I ever had in this game before; not just because it had a quest centered around it, but also because of the small details and secrets you can find around the graveyard.
    It's also incredibly atmospheric, rivaling that of olmic city in terms of the creep factor.

    I have no doubt that every one of you has realized that all of the areas listed here have a very small amount of combat.
    This is mainly because what I like most about this game is exploration. It has the potential to really feel like a game based around discovery, and every one of these areas allow that to that the forefront over combat. I personally wish the game would focus more on placing enemies in areas that make sense, instead of throwing hordes of endless mobs at the player from every direction. That's really all, I prefer it when the game has few, difficult and more interesting enemies, over hordes of cannon fodder.
    WithTheFish and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  15. Jayurn

    Jayurn Guest

    That's a pretty good ranking, would've chosen the same.
  16. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Ooh, those are some nice choices. Do you two have a list of your 5 least favorite towns though? Knowing them would help a lot with making my final ranking thread.
  17. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    The side giveaway for this event has ended. I used random.org to select a number from 1-55, as that is the amount of post numbers. The number randomly selected was 39, which is this post. Congratulation @Bleiiz ! Message me whenever you'd like to claim your 16LE!

    That being said, voting for the best and worst locations will continue for another week, as I need way more responses. If you're interested in seeing a true ranking of wynn's non-city/town areas, please check my main post and fill out the form!
  18. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I love how half (or slightly less) of people said Time Valley is in their top five
  19. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    1. Ruined Olmic City (and I guess entrance to the expanse, since they're together)
    Really cool builds and atmosphere, wish there were more chests here
    2. Time Valley
    Spoopy time magic. Cool area tho
    3. Void Valley
    *Void Hole?* Anyway lol really like the mobs and layout here, and cool discoveries
    4. Half moon Island
    rly cool place, good mobs for ingredients and also kinda interesting
    5. Mesa
    Bandits are cool. Also, really cool area in terms of how it looks and all the mobs and discoveries too.
    (No death's realm?? :(( rip my all time favorite area)
    1. Maro Peaks
    requires quest helmet, mobs have pull/push spell on those 1 block bridges, annoying to get to
    2. Realm of Light
    bad quest line and terrible ending, the place is cool but the quests and stuff ruin it for me. Also, quest helmet.
    3. Pigman's Ravine
    Annoying low and high level. I know my way around, but it's still annoying and the amount of mobs+ quest helmet area (noticing a theme here??) aka creeper cave
    4. Sky Islands
    Annoying, cuz if you fall its guaranteed death with archer unless you tp scroll, and I only carry detlas scrolls.
    5. Aldorei Valley
    Bad quest line, I don't like how it looks, and elves piss me off.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2020
    TrapinchO likes this.
  20. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Alright, let us begin.

    1. The Void: Just exploring the void alone in 1k meters under is one of the coolest moments in the game, and it's an area that actually gets expanded upon in multiple quests. And there's even a few hanging threads like the sky fortress that can be expanded upon further in the future. It's just a great area, with an alien feel and some of the more interesting lore bits.
    2. Nesaak Tundra: The lore, the dungeons, the ultimate discovery; it's all great. The only reason it's not on top is because the builds, while nice, aren't absolutely stunning. (I'm considering the ultimate discovery as part of it even though I know it's probably Twain Lake territory because it's the reward for all the Nesaak discoveries)
    3. Ruined Olmic City: I love the atmosphere, and just the feeling of being constantly on edge even though nothing is attacking you- until something does.
    4. Void Valley: Creative concept, done well, and the builds all look great.
    5. The Mesa: I love the idea of an area having been co-opted by bandits, and the whole western vibe in it is great. plus, some of the best music in the game.

    Honorable Mentions are Northern Corkus, the Twain Graveyard, Time Valley, Mage Island, the Little Wood, and the Eyeball Forest.

    Least Favorites:
    1. Llevigar plains: I REALLY dislike this place. the quests are all the same besides star thief, there is literally no lore about it, and it's just SO GODDAMN BLAND. There's pretty much no landmarks beside the camps, but the camps all look the same anyways, which sucks because it makes them so annoying to go through when doing the quests. It is the wonderbread of areas.
    2. Pre light Forest: See above, it holds true here, and the only reason this isn't #1 is because it has the clock mystery
    3. Maro Peaks: Why does the climbing helmet need to exist? Nice Music, but that's about it
    4. The Savannah: There's not a single quest in the savannah itself, and it got completely passed over for discoveries. It's flyover country.
    5. Roots of Corruption: Why is the literal gateway to almost all of the evils in Wynn one of the lowest levelled areas in the game? and why, of all places, is this area the one place you don't need any special protection to enter? sure, I need a helmet to climb maro peaks, but you're telling me I can just waltz right up in front of the nether portal with zero repercussions?
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
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