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Community Event Rank Wynncraft's Non-city/town Locations!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jun 12, 2020.

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  1. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    class: 106 wa

    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    1. Durum Isles
    2. Worm Tunnel
    3. Troms
    4. Skiens Island
    5. Selchar

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    1. Sky islands, frick sky islands all my homies hate sky islands
    2. Lake Gylia and Gert camps
    3. Canyon of the lost mainly Banitsu side but all of it is kinda wack
    4. Karoc Quarry
    5. Rymek
    Dwicey likes this.
  2. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    1. The Emerald Trail: It's really nostalgic, also I like it
    2. Aldorei Valley: Very nice buildings, very nice vibe, very nice music
    3. Ruined Olmic City: It's so creepy and ominous, I love it
    4. Pirate Cove: Really cool/badass
    5. Volcanic Isles: Best location OST, excluding cities

    Least Favorite:
    1. Realm of Light: Useful only for one boring fetchquest. It should be WAY more important and bigger.
    2. Lake Gylia and Gert Camp: There are barely any buildings here, except for the farms, the two houses and the watch tower, also the gert camp is basically only used twice ever
    3. Savannah: Boring, I barely stay in it for longer than 5 minutes
    4. Abandoned Mines: You don't really... have to go here at any point during your gameplay, its pretty useless outside of the fact that you get thrown here in Fantastic Voyage at the end
    5. Kander Forest: It's really depressing, but the spook value is why I don't put it at 2 or 3
    Dwicey likes this.
  3. ghasttt

    ghasttt Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    5. Eyeball Forest
    Not exactly sure why I like this place too much. Probably just because I go here a lot for woodcutting, Eo keys, ancient currency, and lootrunning.
    4. Light Forest
    one of my favorite places to explore. The scenery is nice ever since it was changed in 1.18.
    3. Dernel Jungle
    Lootrunning here is fun and the scenery is great.
    2. Ruined Olmic City
    One of the only places you aren’t being completely bombarded by mobs yet you always feel a heavy presence...
    1. Time Valley
    I find this area to be the most fun to explore although I’m not sure why. It also seems to stand out the most of anywhere else in Wynn.

    Least Favorites
    5. Llevigar Plains
    Not very interesting to explore although it has gotten better in the recent updates with the border update and star thief revamp.
    4. Rymek Canyon
    Mostly just because of the huge changes in elevation when traveling here.
    3. Cinfras County
    Barely anything here, mainly just a transition area.
    2. Aldorei Valley
    Didn’t enjoy the two quests here too much and the place is one of the worst places in the game to navigate.
    1. Realm of Light
    Nothing here and gave us 2 quest helmets
    Dwicey likes this.
  4. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Sure why not.

    Highest Level Class: 106 Skyseer

    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    1. Pretty much any area near Nesaak (The lore for the Twains, in particular Theorick and Mael, and Bob is pretty cool, and all the quests here are good or better, with maybe the exception of Underice and Reincarnation because Bob's hpr can die. Also, Prison of Souls is the best 2v1 in the game and honestly the best 2v1 I've ever fought in any game with the exception of the Demon Prince from DS3 and maybe Killing Two Birds from A Hat in Time.

    We don't talk about the Ice Barrows Key Guardian)
    2. Ancient Nemract (The grind spots near this area are actually really good, plenty of loot caves nearby to explore, Charon still remains one of the best bosses imo, Graken is one of the best characters in the game, and Rotten Passage makes me feel like I'm in the midst of a war. Only real problem is a lot of the quests here are meh, but hey at least Misadventures is around the corner)
    3. Emerald Trail/Pigman Ravine (Emerald Trail is mostly for nostalgia, but Pigman Ravine has the war at the front gate, and yes I know the Emerald Trail does to but I'm far less scared of zombies than I am an army of pigman, and it's a really good area to get some low level gear with plenty of areas, mostly up top, to explore, and yeah I died to the Pigman Overlord the first time I fought him who's asking?)
    4. Northern Corkus (The Avos lore is far cooler than the rest of Corkus, especially with the Phoenix Prince and the implications that Corkians fucking experimented on them with the Aerie of Recluse which gives me more of a reason to agree with Antikythera and nuke all Corkians off the face of the planet)
    5. Durum Isles ("You will not be allowed to defile this sanctum of nature!" is the last thing I heard before I saw the message "2 Soul Points have been lost")

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    1. Realm of Light (You already know why)
    2. Dernel Jungle (Grinding here is a pain in the ass and the grind spots aren't even good and Galleon's Graveyard Key Guardians do in fact exist. None of the quests here are good, maybe with the exception of Lost Soles but I have the code memorized so yikes, but at least most are inoffensive)
    4. Kander Forest (I have PTSD from grinding Werewolf tails)
    5. Llevigar Plains (Hey at least it doesn't piss me off, but the area and pretty much all the quests in it aside from Star Thief are just so bland)

    ... ....... ..
    Oh who am I kidding.

    1. Northern Corkus
    2. Troms Jungle
    (This was in the brief Hero Beta for when they wanted to check to make sure Trade Market worked correctly please no ban)
    3. Sky Islands
    4. Roots of Corruption
    I couldn't find the LI one.
    5. Toxic Wastes
    Don't touch my son ever again or I will personally feed you to him.
  5. smugleafthesmug

    smugleafthesmug Well-Known Adventurer

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    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    1. Detlas (Especially with the redesign, it's a cozy little hub town.)
    2. Misc. islands (They don't do much, but I like them. Regular Island and the one with the big tree on it stand out. A set of secret discoveries for the ocean would be great fun.)
    3. Lake Gylia
    4. Cinfras County
    5. Jungle/Troms Outskirts

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    (least favorite overall) 1. The Mesa (not fun to navigate, lifts need to be unlocked, a long distance from the nearest bank)
    2. Maro Peaks (physically painful to navigate, enemies launch you off of the bridges, boring)
    3. Karoc Quarry
    4. Pigman Ravines
    5. Ice Islands
  6. Jelliee_

    Jelliee_ ♡Owner of SDY♡ VIP+

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    Top 5 Favourite Areas:
    1. Void Valley & area past EO - I love the void hole puzzle in AJF and the music for both these places is among my favourites.
    2. Detlas Suburbs - I'll never forget the feeling of making it past Nivla Woods for the first time and heading towards Detlas. I miss the old Drale quest though.
    3. Entrance to Expanse & Ruined Olmic City - Very nice atmosphere. Omnispective Wanderer never fails to catch me off guard and make me jump.
    4. Sky Islands - Despite the number of times I've fallen into the void Sky Islands is really fun to explore.
    5. Misc. Islands - Specifically the "Human" island, I had a really bizzare encounter with it while doing Craftmas Chaos entailing some guy telling me he was leading me to Narnia. Anyway I really loved that little discovery (this was before Secret Discoveries, imagine how happy I was when that feature was added). Edit: oh, no more regular island :(

    Top 5 Least Favourite Areas (1 being worst):
    1. Maro Peaks - I manage to get lost here every time I make my way back from Baab, also the Maro's Eye Jewel took me a good hour to find. Can't go anywhere without being chased by sheep, or pelleted by those towers or Galleon's Graveyard guards.
    2. Lake Gylia & Gert Camps - The only thing I like about this area is lots of Gylia fish nodes.
    3. Llevigar Plains - Pretty poor introduction to Gavel. Everything is a fetch quest and there's nothing to explore.
    4. Realm of Light - Please rework this quest.
    5. Ice Canyon - Annoying to get to since Lusuco scrolls don't exist (I think), place is also pretty boring. I only come here for ToA and Frost Bite. Nesaak discoveries make this place a little better though.

    Oh and, isn't Pirate Cove technically a city? Has its own bank and everything.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
    Feast_and_famine and Dwicey like this.
  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Jelliee_ and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  8. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    Dwicey likes this.
  9. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    not gonna lie I just go through the messages sometimes and like those that somewhat align with my views
    Altakar and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  10. KingChampion

    KingChampion Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Well, here we go...

    Most Favorites:

    1. Time Valley. It is an area that really demonstrates the ones who constructed it pretty well. We know the Olm are an ancient civilization, and we can clearly see their distinct architecture. Good area, hope to see more of it in the future (I guess we'll know more, in time)

    2. Sky Islands. Now this..is a pure fantasy region. Despite it being a somewhat difficult place to navigate around, it still has its charms. The overall notion of the region is great; the buildings, islands that have unique features to them, etc.

    3. Ruined Olmic City. This place is very different from the other areas we have seen. It is quiet and somewhat... peaceful. It truly conveys a sinister, yet tranquil atmosphere, and it fits well. My favorite out of all areas in the Silent Expanse.

    4. Canyon of the Lost: Thanos Region. The Hive stands out completely, great area. Thanos is a pretty nice place, though it could use a build rework since it is obsolete to Wynn's current style of building. Nothing more to say, just overall great area.

    5. Northern Corkus. Each unique segment of Corkus is epic, but the Avos region is what really stands out the most. The civilization has distinct styles to their buildings and atmosphere. Good area.

    Least Favorites:

    1. Mesa. Not much exploration. It's an area that you forget most of the time and never go back to.

    2. Realm of Light. RoL has so much potential to be considered a great area, but it hasn't reached to that point yet. It is basically a unfinished region that has a lot of room for content imo.

    3. Maro Peaks. The towers are annoying to deal with, and the whole region has nothing too special going on.

    4. Karoc Quarry. Not much of a place you would really want to spend time in, as it only has 1 quest and is overall forgotten (excluding ???).

    5. Volcanic Isles. Okay area, not a super relevant place in terms of lore and content (I know about WynnExcavation Site C and it's a neat quest, but I am only referring to the rest of the island as a whole).
    MlecznyHuxel99 and Dwicey like this.
  11. Steampunk

    Steampunk Acc not linked. Ing _Steampunk

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    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    1. Southern Corkus : I like Corkus. I have no bias (please ignore my name thank you)
    2. Ruined Olmic City: Really nice atmosphere. It really feels abandoned
    3. The Void: Honestly I have no idea why
    4.Void Valley (Includes area past Eldritch Outlook): I like the area behind EO particularly, also bulb cave
    5.Cinfras County (The area surrounding Cinfras): Forgery because you can get decent items

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above): (I mainly hate these places because of natural hazards/are annoying to navigate)
    (least favorite overall) 1. Realm of light: USELESS, QUESTLINE SUCKS, the area looks decent, YOU GET MURDERED BY EVERYTHING, 1 quest, that requires 2 other quests to get to and gives you 1 le (please make Realm of Light good. thank you)
    2.Molten Heights (Upper and Lower): I HATE LAVA
    3.Sky Islands: Molten heights but there is void, a plus is that it has Kandon Beda which connects to Corkus
    4 Canyon of the Lost: Thanos Region (CotL near Thanos, includes the Hive, Ozoth's Spire, and Cherry Blossom Area. Home to Phoenixes and Dragonlings)Canyon of the Lost: Bantisu Region (CotL near Bantisu, is where the quests Beyond the Grave and The Lost take place. Home to the ElefolkCanyon of the Lost: Eltom Region (CotL near Eltom, is where the quest Cowfusion takes place): CoTL is just really annoying to navigate, unless you are an archer or assassin, and somewhat as mage. I haven't done it as warrior as of yet, but I'm pretty sure it will suck, as charge has no vertical mobility
    5.Dernel Jungle: It took me forever to find the entrance, and navigation is annoying

    (I;d rather die to mobs and not the environment)
  12. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    Highest Level Class: Assassin 105

    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    1. Sky Islands
    The lore is mysterious yet explained well, the builds look absolutely fantastic, there are angels there which really give a sense of finality to your journey. Finally after fighting through waves of lava monsters and decay creatures you get to the endgame where you fight literal gods and dragons. There are also callbacks to places you've been on your adventure such as there being a swamp island. Overall the Sky Islands are the most fantastical places in the game, which I absolutely love. For me it really embodies why I love the Fantasy genre so much. Every time I go back there, there's always something new to find. Every mob is interesting and fits with the lore. Every challenging mob is fun to fight. However, what sets it apart from the Light Forest is that its not perfect. It's ambitious, the ideas are wacky and out of this world (no pun intended) but its attractiveness, charm, and potential for endless ideas is what makes the Sky Islands the best place in the game.

    2. Light Forest
    There's a track on the Wynncraft OST called "Forest Dance" which really sums up the aesthetic of the Light Forest. It's incredibly vibrant and full of energy and lore. There's really a sense of life to the Light Forest, more than anywhere else in Wynn. It's a perfect place, there's no other way to describe it. There's no way to improve it, and it's perfect the way it is. What sets it apart from the number one is that, although the bar is incredibly high, there's no way to go up. Maybe a giant Mushroom bossfight would be interesting, but other than that, the light forest is perfect where it is and has no way to improve. It's capped at where its at, and that's fine, but it will always be second place to the number one.

    3. Roots of Corruption
    Every time I visit the Roots of Corruption I think about the glorious potential for it. I always imagined going to the nether and Doomguy shows up and we start killing demons together. There could be like a hell raid where a bunch of guys wielding Mythics go up and slay Garaheth. There's not much in the Corruption realm yet, but I see massive potential. More than anything, potential for good ideas is what gives Roots of Corruption the number 3 spot on this list. It's like a grand opening for the Nether update, except the door is shut and you don't know what's going to be on the other side but you expect great things.

    4. Time Valley
    Though not very well established, the looks and lore are very nice. Time travel is very useful for "plot" purposes so there's an excuse for that. Time Valley is similar to the Roots of Corruption of why it's on the top 5. The potential for an incredibly unique and interesting place is there already, it just needs the extensions.

    5. Canyon of the Lost, Thanos Region
    I have so many fond memories of leveling at lvl 80. Fighting phoenixes and dragon turtles is always a blast, and The Hive is a very interesting area. The Hive almost seems like a military camp that Qira has made in order to prepare for a great war. Like an elemental stronghold waiting for the moment to unleash her troops. I wish we could fight Ozoth at lvl 100, that would be such a fun fight. Overall, there is just so much lore in the Thanos Region of COTL, and it would be a blast to see all of the lore get some resolution.

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    (least favorite overall)
    1. Ice Islands
    Every single place in Wynncraft is notable. Every single place in Wynncraft, despite how goofy or horribly built some of them are, has significant lore. Every single place in Wynncraft, if it were to suddenly vanish, we would mourn over it, but not the ice islands. The Ice Islands offer absolutely nothing to the lore of the game. Humans landed on the ice islands a while ago and now they're fighting. That's not interesting at all! The Ice Islands are not even hilariously bad or poorly designed like the Void Valley. It's just bad, but not bad enough to laugh at. It's bland, poorly made, offers absolutely nothing to the world, and it could be easily replaced by something else and we would've lost nothing. Think about that, if the Ice Islands and its quest were to suddenly vanish, what would we lose? Ice climbing helmet? Screw the Ice climbing helmet, I always forgot to bring it when I did Temple of Legends and Reincarnation and I always hated it. The absolute worst part about the Ice islands is that there's nothing CT can do to improve it, apart from deleting it and replacing it with Skyrim.

    2. Olux Swamp
    Just not a very interesting place, except it's actually dull and is poorly designed map-wise. The Kander and Dark forest do the decay theme much better than Olux does. If Olux was just straight up deleted and replaced with a different area, we would lose 2 good quests. That's not the outlook I should have regarding a large place in Wynn. The worst part about the Olux Swamp is that there's really no way to improve it. It's very much a filler area, for the player to adjust to the looks of the Dark and Kander forests. However, the merit of those two quests and at least somewhat interesting mob design give it some merit.

    3.Void Valley
    The place right outside of Eldritch Outlook, and it looks like someone just put a random generator for builds. There's floating orange plants and strange darkness formations and strange things that don't look very good. The mobs are also randomly generated and the "Reality Swimmer" just doesn't fit the darkness theme. I get that it's more abstract and cosmic horror than just plain darkness but come on. Void valley is more like an Ecosystem than a place that frightens me. However, more than anything, the Void Valley is a demonstration of an amazing idea gone wrong. The ideas are there, it's a clash between Darkness and the abstraction of the Void. In execution, however, it all seems so goofy. Every time I go to Void Valley and I see a reality swimmer and a Wormhole hang out on an orange plant-thing, it looks like I'm at Disney Land and it's Halloween. Every time I look at the dark obelisk and the goofy ass plants around it, I just imagine a pinata just hanging from the top of it and party balloons floating because that's the aesthetic the void valley has to me.

    4.Eyeball Forest
    Eyeball forest is the opposite of the Void valley in every possible way. In the Void Valley, there are many many different ideas for mobs that clash way too hard. In the Eyeball forest, there are only eyes. Eyes Eyes Eyes. The eyes running at you trying to kill you with god knows what aren't even that well designed. Whats that, you want an intimidating mob for the gate of the land of darkness? Nah, here's three eyes with wings ripped straight out of Pokemon. You want a good generic enemy that people won't be tired of seeing and offers a good challenge when faced in groups? Nope, here's exactly the opposite of that, plus it's just a big eye with the eye stock being its body. The Eyeball trees look nice, except the ground looks like some toddler messed around with paint and splattered it all over the Silent Expanse. God it looks awful, like if a Rainbow puked. There's just no cohesion there, it almost seems like the builders were clashing over what to build. It's just a playground mess of ideas, random colors, and structures that don't belong. RAINBOWS should not be the colors that I depict the SILENT EXPANSE as, you know, the place where the normal world of Wynn clashes with the essence of DARKNESS INCARNATE. There's a reason why I put almost the entirety of the Silent expanse in my worst 5. That's because they're all either amazing ideas gone horribly wrong, or horrible ideas gone right. There's nothing worse than something that could've been great wasted. That's just my opinion though, I'm probably gonna get flamed by people saying "WroNg OpInIon RaInBoW ExpAnse Is GrEaT YoU SuCk, KiLl YouRselF".

    5. Toxic Wastes
    The toxic wastes is just a valley where you encounter various creatures. Other than that, although the lore is interesting, the toxic wastes I think doesn't fit in SE just due to how random it is. The last thing you expected to find in a realm of darkness is Wynncraft Chernobyl. However, what sets Toxic Wastes from the other two locations is that it has cohesion. It actually looks pretty fantastic, green and black is a consistent color scheme and it's a good color scheme to start with. All the mobs are diverse yet follow the same cohesive idea. It's the other locations done right, it's the best blend of both Silent Expanse areas. The problem is that, although it fits within itself, it doesn't really fit the darkness theme to me. Sure, it's executed almost to perfection, but the ideas weren't there in the first place. The idea of chernobyl in Wynncraft is almost seemingly random, and it's not very fantastical. Overall, it's a bad idea done right, and that's why it's on the list.

    Sorry for the long read, every post of mine is like this. Should call me Wall of Text man. Lord Wall of Text. Wall of Text the meme.
    WithTheFish and Dwicey like this.
  13. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    1.Coral Reef, the amount of time I spent sea diving in there, its just too calm to hate this place at all

    2.North Corkus, I like the relief of that place, it feels good
    3. Ocean east and west border, its soooo fun to explore and its always fun to find little camps with drunk pirates
    4.The Nesaak tundra, the amount of time I spent grinding in wolf den, + I like frozen places cause they're usually very chill.
    5. Maro Peaks, M U S I C

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    (least favorite overall) 1. sky islands, I thought it was bad with vanish mobility but its bad with pretty much any mobility spells and you can't even go at 300% ws without inevitably becoming part of history, im sure Bob didnt die by wolfs but actually fell of sky islands to his death
    2. Rymek canyon, I hate the colors, the 2 levels thing, the quests, the mobs, just whyyy
    3.Twain Masion, a grave mistake scared the sith outta me younger, never again
    4. Dernel Jungle, im always lost, even with Wynntils
    5.kander forest, I hate these mobs they always have high pitched hit sound and I hated the quests there, + the towns arent really safe so the whole area is always dangerous
    Dwicey and yuuenchi2 like this.
  14. penguinbnuuy

    penguinbnuuy penguinbnuuy HERO

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    Highest level class: Level 67 archer

    1. Light forest
    2. Grand coastline (I love the idea of fruma gate)
    3. Nesaak Forest (deducted points due to mobs)
    4. Sky Islands (good memories of going there as a level 1 shaman)
    5. Emerald Trail

    1. Olux swamps
    2. Dark forest
    3. Nivla forest
    4. Twain's lake
    5. Troms jungle (way too many ranged mobs.)
    Glenncrafter and Dwicey like this.
  15. Rothboy

    Rothboy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Highest Level Class: 106 mage

    Top 5 FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):

    1. Time Valley
    2. Twains Lake
    3. Karoc Quarry
    4. Lage Gylia and Gert camps
    5. Skiens island

    Top 5 LEAST FAVORITE AREAS (from my list of areas shown above):
    (least favorite overall)
    1. Maro peaks
    2.Realm of light
    3. Mesa
    4. Canyon of the lost: Bantisu area
    5. Silent Expanse entrance and ruined olmic city
  16. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Highest level class: Assassin/Warrior/Mage lvl 105

    1. Eyeball forest - I like how the eyeballs are watching you running around the place, and it suits such a bizarre place like the SE.
    2. Maro Peaks - Yeah, the whole island is pointless and boring, but the mountains with skeletons shooting you, dead miners mining diamonds up there, the caves and the bridges linking each hills (what do you call that LOL) looks cool and stunning.
    3. Tree Island - Is it just me or someone actually thinks this place has potentials but it has been being abandoned for a lot of years? They literally wasted the effort of building such a big tree because NO content is included in it.
    4. Troll Tower - That was the only place I was interested in just by looking at the wynncraft map.
    5. Roots of corruption - It looks very terrifying just to look at it, but because of that, its cool as its the place where monsters come from, so well

    Least Favoutites:
    1. Zhight Island - no, everything about this place suck, please no
    2. Mesa - Is that what I should expect? it is basically Maro Peaks and Canyon of the lost combined but it's way smaller. The builds are the contents aren't even impressive as well.
    3. The realm of light - Do I need to repeat this shit for like 326543759095th time that THE LORE SUCK, QUEST HELMET SUCK, THE QUEST SUCK ASS and the building doesn't even show the feeling of "light". To me it is just retextured mushrooms, random house from Rymek and jeb_ blocks mashed up and you called it a "dimension" and thats it.
    4. Llevigar Plains - Boring. Doesn't even need to explain.
    5. The whole Corkus Island - The builds are cool yeah, but the "Man VS Bots" lore is just so generic and lame that I thought I went to Mann Up in minecraft. Also as a whole Island, there are so little quest out there. Just please make more quest regarding the lores and the whole place is completely fine. (I know making quests are hard, but if you could work on low-level quests then why don't use that time to take a look at these quests hated by the community?)
    Dwicey likes this.
  17. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    where is Imperial gate?
  18. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Highest Level: Warrior Lv. 105 (This gonna be long boi)

    1. Realm of Light: People seem divided about this, but I really like this area. It gave a lot of cool lore, gave a cool visual of the impacts of the Corruption, and the war between the realms, and the areas were a sight to behold.
    2. Rangi Outskirts: This area (although just a tutorial area) gives such a great introduction to the player into the world of Wynn as does not disappoint, teaching the player what they mostly need to know, and leaves a really good impression. (Also, the noteblocks are good)
    3. Sky Islands: Really cool idea, traveling across floating islands, having a more celestial, magical feel with angels, and does feel like an accomplishment to getting this far, and there are many areas to explore in this area.
    4. Mesa: I really liked traveling throughout this area. Seeing bandits, or the rougher parts of Wynn, seeking that there are villages above the mesa, and it feels like you get to explore the place, waiting to be discovered, without being overly dense like Dernal Jungle, or being humongous like Canyon of the Lost
    5. Southern Corkus: It's really interesting to see more of a steampunkish area in a fantasy world like Wynn, and had very interesting architecture, including the looming threat of the Fallen Factory that towers over the land.

    Least Favorites:
    1. Canyon of the Lost (All of it. Just, all of it.): This area brings me pain. If as if the mobs that spawn here is as twice as fast as normal. This area is also a nightmare to traverse through, even with the Offical Wynncraft Map, it's a nightmare to know where to go. Though, credit where credit is due, it does have some interesting discoveries or off to the side to find and explore. However, it's still long, really, really big and confusing.
    2. Dead Island: True to it's name, it's as dead as it's inhabitants. The area felt bland, annoying to go through it, and the quest felt drawn out and boring.
    3. Pigman's Ravines: A similar issue I have with Canyon of the Lost, in that it's confusing to go through the area. It's not as bad, since it's small, but there's only two interesting things, the secret discovery, and that Creepers exist in the Wynncraft universe. There's not as much areas to explore, and it's a pain to have to backtrack to the guy in the Creeper Cave to do Temple of Legends Quest (and have to get a Creeper Mask again if you sold it).
    4. Skien's Island: Sure, the lore is cool, but the place is confusing, in that what are you trying to accomplish by coming here, and where the [RETRACTED] is that Painting for one of the most annoying quests of Wynn. Feels like the place need more of a purpose than just lore and required item that has a bunch of mobs.
    5. Maro Peaks: Like CotL, and PR, it's confusing to navigate. It has a cool environment with the bridges and mountains, but it also makes looking at cords all the more harder. Also, why do I need a Climbing Helmet compared to every other time I climbed a mountain in Wynn? Not like it stops me from falling down anyways.

    Unremarkable List(They're bad, but I don't hate them or don't have as much wasted potential):
    Savannah: Boring, nothing interesting
    Volcanic Isles: Let's be real, you only came to this area for the WynnExcavation Site C and never looked back.
    Abandoned Mines: Nothing remarkable other than (*not clickbait* Could this be Dern, OMG *crying emoji*) pre-1.19
    Lake Gylia AND Gert Camps: *in Gert voice* Gylia good. Gert bad. Balance out.
    Kander Forest: I want to like this place, it's different from Dark Forest, but I just don't get anything out of this. Also, it's home to one of the most worst quests in the game.

    Not Listed (Just wanted to say about these areas):
    Roots of Corruption: An intimidating place that serves as a reminder of the force of the Corruption in Wynn... Which as used to teleport us to PvP. Is that supposed to be some deep stuff where we are the Corruption? Brought to you by r/I'm14andthisisdeep.
    Molten Heights: Interesting area, with lots to see and home to the D&D questline, in all of it's buggy glory :D (Also, pretty good area to Loot Run)
    Twain Lake: Interesting area with the undead, and the mansion is an interest area to explore, but the quest is still bad.
    Ice Canyon: Pretty cool(heh) area with lots of things off to the side and ToA is interesting.
    All of Silent Expanse: Really creepy area and really sets the mood of "Oh Bob, what did I get myself into".
    Half Moon Island (Pre-1.18): I liked it before, since it felt like a mini adventure of exploring this place, while feeling linear, and more easier to know where to go, and is smaller and less confusing to explore than Skien's Island. Now, it just feels an eh area, that you wouldn't want to explore as much since it's has less cohesiveness.

    Joke Favorites Entries:

    01001010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01010010 01100101 01100111 01110101 01101100 01100001 01110010 00100000 01001001 01110011 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100100 00101110

    01001010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01010010 01100101 01100111 01110101 01101100 01100001 01110010 00100000 01001001 01110011 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100100 00101110

    01001010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01010010 01100101 01100111 01110101 01101100 01100001 01110010 00100000 01001001 01110011 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100100 00101110

    2. The Moon: You go to the Moon, now that's epic. Even though there's another moon the sky at night... Wot? Also Ducktale fans eat your hearts out.
    3. Imperial Gates: *Insert bass boosted, "ThEiR Is nO wAr iNsiDe THe fRUMan wAllS'*
    4. Qira's Battle Room: If it's a territory, and if Qira lives there with her servants, you can technically call it a town location :3
    5. Santa' Hideout: It's Christmas, who doesn't like Christmas?
    6. Olux Swamps: It has Shrek in it, what more can I say?
    7. Path to Darkness: You met Black Sans, need I say more?
    8. Zhight Island: Does this count as the Wynn Beach Getaway Episode?
    9. Mt. Wynn: Bring climbable Mt. Wynn outside of quests bacc
    10. Enderman Island: Let's change back into the olden days with Dern Emigrate Mobs included, after the CT said, "We will build an island, it's going to be huge, it's going to be great, it's going to keep all of the Dern-ternals out. Make Wynncraft Great Again."
    (This is the end of the really, really long post)
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2020
    WithTheFish and Dwicey like this.
  19. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    here we go (highest level 105 assassin)

    Top 5:
    Nesaak Tundra
    Troms Jungle
    Time Valley
    Savannah (REALLY underused)
    Roots of Corruption

    Least favorite:
    Nemract Area
    Twain Lake
    Misc. Wynn
    Pigmen Ravines
    Top 5:
    Sky Islands/CoTL Thanos region
    Light forest/MH (I can't decide)
    Kander forest

    Least favorite:
    Olux Swamp (worst area in the game)
    Dark Forest
    CoTL Eltom region
    CoTL Banitsu region
    Karoc Quarry
    Top 5:
    Grand Coastline
    North Corkus
    South Corkus
    Misc. Islands
    Volcanic Isles

    The only one I don't like is Skien's Island.
    Ruined Olmic city
    Toxic wastes
    Void Valley
    Eyeball forest

    Main list/summary:

    Most favorite:

    1. Ruined Olmic city

    I think that the builds here are possibly the best in the game. The atmosphere is perfectly constructed with the music, colors and every little detail.
    2. Nesaak Tundra
    Good builds, snow, I like the music, has good lore
    3. Grand Coastline
    Like the Olmic city, has some of the best and most impressive builds made
    4. Sky Islands/CoTL Thanos region
    Can't decide between these two, the Sky Islands are overrall really good, the Thanos region has also some really good builds like the Hive.
    5. Troms Jungle and Troms Outskirts
    Good music, chill area except for the Jungle Fetishes. I like it.

    Least favorite:

    1. Olux Swamp
    Gloomy, depressing, has the most boring quests in the game, has only ONE interesting thing (Plague laboratory)
    2. Nemract area
    Olux reasons but not as bad and has decent quests. Worse OST though.
    3. Dark Forest
    It doesn't have anything special about it. Same as Olux and Nemract, just a tiny bit better
    4. Skiens Island
    Really messy and repetitive
    5. CoTL Eltom Region
    I don't want to see Cowfusion again
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
    Dwicey and Glenncrafter like this.
  20. Bleiiz

    Bleiiz The Hole Finder HERO

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    Highest Level Class: 105


    1. Ruined Olmic City (love the aesthetic and the moody vibe that it gives)
    2. Roots of Corruption (the scale of the corruption coming out of the portal is something to admire)
    3. The Void (even though it's pretty empty, the way the Void itself works is rather fascinating)
    4. Ice Canyon (has Tower of Ascension, one of my favorite builds in the game, and also cool ice spikes I guess)
    5. Misc. Islands - 'Human' Island (just a fun, rather hidden place to come across while exploring)


    1. Sky Islands (If it wasn't enough of a death hazard falling into the void at every turn without any chance of saving yourself, the constant lag spikes and EXTREMELY ANNOYING mobs just further make the problem worse)
    2. Maro Peaks (Everything's cool until you get pushed out of a platform without even knowing how and why)
    3. Olux Swamps (Boring look, only redeeming quality is the Resource Tunnels)
    4. Canyon of the Lost: Bantisu Region (I have a dream that one day all harpies will be erased from existence)
    5. Pirate Bay (Kinda sad it's just there with 2 loot chests and there's no backstory about why there's a pirate ship and pirates there)
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2020
    Dwicey and Emogla3 like this.
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