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World [quest] A Baleful Shadow - 9 Supporters -

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Freestyle_Build, Apr 10, 2016.


Do you like this quest?

  1. Yes, it is awesome! (+1 Supporter)

    10 vote(s)
  2. Well, its okay, you can improve it a bit. (Please leave a coment!)

    11 vote(s)
  3. No, you have to improve it a lot! (Please leave a coment!)

    2 vote(s)
  4. NOOO! We don't need any high level quest anymore!

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Freestyle_Build

    Freestyle_Build Wizzard

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    I would appreciate if you could submit me some fixes for grammatical errors.

    And of course you can't enter the cave before the quest and there will be pre-quest dialogs too.

    But I have to ask you about the level thing, do you think the bosses are too strong and have to much Hp or is the level of them just to high?
  2. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    Level is insanely high - look at the examples I've provided you with. Perhaps setting the level at 100, or 105 would be reasonable. As for the Shadow Guard Classes, perhaps level 95 would be fitting.

    I'll submit the grammatical corrections in an update tomorrow some time.
    Freestyle_Build likes this.
  3. Freestyle_Build

    Freestyle_Build Wizzard

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    So I should only change the level and not the HP, Attack Dam., etc.?
  4. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    Nerf your Mage so it won't murder everybody off the bat, have the boss have only 275000 hp (Qira has 350000, and is level 150). Your damage values for your boss are good, might want to nerf your Mage's damage to 1500.
    Freestyle_Build likes this.
  5. Freestyle_Build

    Freestyle_Build Wizzard

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    Thank you for that information, I will change the stats as soon as possible.
  6. Freestyle_Build

    Freestyle_Build Wizzard

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    Changed Stats of the Boss Mobs!
  7. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    NOTICE: I have prematurely posted this edit in order to preserve the corrections already made. If the text isn't coloured, and I corrected it, I made it blue. If there is a colour in particular that is specified, an example will be provided. As for your colours, I have done my best to retain them whenever possible - that is, when there are no errors in the text.

    [QUEST] A Baleful Shadow (Eight Supporters)

    Hello everyone,
    I wrote this quest for the Gavel Province.
    I hope you like it, and I would appreciate if you would give me any feedback.

    A Baleful Shadow
    • Quest unlocked at level 85
    • Difficulty is marked as Very Hard (Have Very Hard in red)
    Short Summary:

    A Baleful Shadow is a Quest located in the Gavel Province. This quest contains many stages, with many different tasks. This quest ends with a difficult boss fight.

    1. Speak with the King of Cinfras

    King: Hello, you must be one of the brave warriors of the Wynn Province.

    [2/5]King: I need your help…

    [3/5]King: As you no doubt well know, there is a society known as the Shadow Men. This society seeks to kill the kings of Gavel, myself included. Their goal is to take control of the entire province.

    [4/5]King: You have to defeat them, before they come for me!

    [5/5]King: First, talk to my police chief - he should be able to tell you more about them.
    2. Talk to the Police Chief at the Prison

    [1/4]Police Chief: Oh, hello. What can I do for you?

    [2/4]Police Chief: So the King will send you to fight the Shadow Men?

    [3/4]Police Chief: Very well, but I cannot help you. I don’t know any more about them than you do.

    [4/4]Police Chief: However, we caught one of them some days ago. He's in the cell over there, you should go interrogate him.
    3. Interview the Prisoner about the Shadow Men

    [1/5]Prisoner: Yeah, that's right. I belonged to the Shadow Men, but I left them a day before I was caught.

    [2/5]Prisoner: I wanted to tell the Cinfras Police all about the Shadow Men, but they sentenced me to death.

    [3/5]Prisoner: I asked if they would set me free if I tell everything, but they told me that I will die anyway.

    [4/5]Prisoner: So, I didn’t tell them anything.

    [5/5]Prisoner: However, if you can get me a [Letter of Reprieve] from the police chief, I will tell you the information I have.
    4. Talk to the Police Chief about the [Letter of Reprieve]

    [1/5]Police Chief:He wants what?!

    [2/5]Police Chief: A [Letter of Reprieve]?

    [3/5]Police Chief: No way! I would never...

    [4/5]Police Chief:(Sighs)… Then again, it’s for the King, isn’t it?

    [5/5]Police Chief: Tell you what, my brother Sam has a bad disease and the medicine is difficult to get - if you help his doctor cure him, I will give you the [Letter of Reprieve].
    5. Speak to Sam's Doctor
    [1/7]Doctor: Oh, hello, I hope you aren’t a new patient.

    [2/7]Doctor: I have enough to do with this one here. He has the terrible Canyon Fever, and I don’t have any of the medicine he needs.

    [3/7]Doctor: Oh, you want to help me with getting the medicine?

    [4/7]Doctor: That’s great!

    [5/7]Doctor: The best way for you to help me would be by getting the ingredients of the medicine.

    [6/7]Doctor: I need [3 Cultivated Aerolia Flowers], which you can get in the Botanical Garden near the south exit of this town.

    [7/7]Doctor: I also need one [Potion of Healing V] and a [Red Powder II] to mix the medicine.
    [/Spoiler= Stage Six]
    6. Get the ingredients for the medicine.

    When the Player tries to enter the Botanical Garden, he is stopped and a dialogue with the Botanist starts.

    [1/3]Botanist: Whoa, my friend, be careful this Garden is dangerous.

    [1/3]Botanist: Oh, you need [3 Cultivated Aerolia Flowers] for a medicine?

    [1/3]Botanist: Okay, I will let you enter, but there are some mystical plants inside which don’t like visitors, especially if they try picking some of their friends.

    If the Player talks to the Botanist again a new dialogue starts:

    [1/2]Botanist: Oh, you don’t know where to find the flowers?

    [2/2]Botanist: They are at the end of the garden, in a small flower bed.

    7. Hand the ingredients to the doctor

    [1/5]Doctor: Perfect, you got everything!

    [2/5]Doctor: I will mix the ingredients together.

    [Sound effects]

    [3/5]Doctor: And now I will give our patient the medicine.

    [4/5]Doctor: The Fever is gone, he is completely cured, what a luck that we had you.

    [5/5]Doctor: Here take his medical report as reminder.

    Player gets [The Police Chief’s Brother Medical Report].

    8. Hand the medical report to the Police Chief

    [1/5]Police Chef: He’s alright?

    [2/5]Police Chef: My brother is cured completely?

    [3/5]Police Chef: Thank you so, so much…

    [4/5]Police Chef: …and like I promised, here is the [Letter of Reprieve] you asked for.

    [5/5]Police Chef: And now go and get the information we need!

    9. Hand the [Letter of Reprieve] to the Prisoner

    [1/5]Prisoner: You really got it?

    [2/5]Prisoner: Wow I’ll finally survive, thank you so, so, so much…

    [3/5]Prisoner: Oh sorry, I was so happy I almost forget to give you the information. Hehe.

    [4/5]Prisoner: So okay, the Shadow Men have a secret hideout, it`s east from here. The entrance is between two mountains, it looks like a cave and is under guard.

    [5/5]Prisoner: The leader of the Shadow Man is called “The Shadow King” he is in the Hall of the Shadows, inside their hideout, you have to kill him, the Shadow Man wouldn’t be anything without him.

    10. Talk to the Police Chief about the hideout

    [1/2]Police Chef: A cave in the east, he said?

    [2/2]Police Chef: Go there and tell me if it’s true!

    11. Go to the cave and try to enter it.

    When the Player tries to enter the Guard stops him

    [1/2]Shadow Guard:Hey, what the Nether are you doing here?

    [2/2]Shadow Guard: Go away or I kill you!

    After the guard sent you away, you hide behind a rock to observe the cave a little bit longer.
    Some minutes later, you see a man wearing a mask going towards the guard.

    [1/4]Shadow Guard: Hello Shadow Man.

    [2/4]Shadow Guard: You want to enter?

    [3/4]Shadow Guard: Then please solve our puzzle first.

    [4/4]Shadow Guard: I am bigger than an elephant, but lighter than a feather.

    Then you see the Shadow Man whispering something to the Guard, and you decide to report it to the Police Chief.

    12. Talk back to the Police Chef

    [1/5]Police Chef: So is there really a cave?

    [2/5]Police Chef: Perfect, but what about the guard, I think he won’t let you go near the cave one more time.

    [3/5]Police Chef: I know, you need a Shadow Man Mask.

    [4/5]Police Chef: My friend can make good masks, he has a mask shop at the west entrance of the town.

    [5/5]Police Chef: Go ask him about what he can do, and if you get the mask try to solve the puzzle and go into the cave and kill the Shadow King.

    13. Speak to the Mask Maker

    [1/8]Mask Maker:Hello, what can I do for you?

    [2/8]Mask Maker: A Shadow Men Mask, are you crazy?

    [3/8]Mask Maker: You shouldn’t make fun of them!

    [4/8]Mask Maker: Oh, the Police Chef sent you to me?

    [5/8]Mask Maker: Okay, but I need some special materials for the mask.

    [6/8]Mask Maker: As base I need a [Bear Mask] from the bear zoo in Wynn.

    [7/8]Mask Maker: For the color you have to bring me [5 Ink Sacks], from the squids in the river, outside this city.

    [8/8]Mask Maker: And for the details bring me [2 Red Powder II], [1 Blue Powder I], [1 Green Powder I] and [3 Bonemeal].

    14. Give the materials to the Mask Maker

    [1/5]Mask Maker:Good, you got everything.

    [2/5]Mask Maker: Now wait a minute, I’ll make you the mask.

    [3/5]Mask Maker: Here, your Shadow Men Mask, you won’t get a better one.

    [4/5]Mask Maker: But now go, I’ve a lot of work to do.

    [5/5]Mask Maker: And good luck!

    15. Try to enter the cave again.

    [1/5]Shadow Guard:Hello Shadow Man.

    [2/5]Shadow Guard: You want to enter?

    [3/5]Shadow Guard: Than please solve our puzzle first.

    [4/5]Shadow Guard: I am bigger than an elephant, but lighter than a feather.

    [5/5]Shadow Guard: I am a…

    Sign to enter the solution opens:

    If the player answers wrong:

    [1/1]Shadow Guard: That’s wrong, go away!!!

    If the answer is right:

    [1/1]Shadow Guard: Welcome brother, fell free to enter our home.

    16. Go to the Shadow King in the Hall of The Shadows

    When the Player tries to enter the hall of the Shadows another Guard stops him.

    [1/4]Shadow King Guard: Hey you, stop, nobody enters the Hall of the Shadows without appointment.

    [2/4]Shadow King Guard: Let me check you, you look a kind of weird to me.

    [3/4]Shadow King Guard: You aren’t a Shadow Man!!!

    [4/4]Shadow King Guard: I hope that you will die in our dungeon.

    17. Escape from the dungeon

    There are many puzzles (easy and difficult) inside the dungeon. The Player has to solve them to escape.

    18. Go to the Hall of The Shadows again

    The Player is able to enter the hall know.

    [1/1]Shadow King Guard: No, don’t enter the hall!!!

    19. Enter the Hall of The Shadows

    [1/4]Shadow King: Who are you?

    [2/4]Shadow King: Ah, so you are a marionette of the King, and he wants you to kill me? Ha, ha, ha!

    [3/4]Shadow King: You and your weak King are going to die a painful death!

    [4/4]Shadow King:Kill him Shadow Assassin, slow and painful!

    20. Fight the Shadow Assassin

    21. Fight the Shadow Archer

    [1/2]Shadow King: So you killed my Shadow Assassin?

    [2/2]Shadow King: Then the Shadow Archer will shoot you!

    22. Fight the Shadow Warrior

    [1/3]Shadow King: You killed the Shadow Archer?

    [2/3]Shadow King: But now you will die!

    [3/3]Shadow King: Shadow Warrior, send him to the Nether!

    23. Fight the Shadow Mage

    [1/2]Shadow King: What the Shadow Warrior is dead?

    [2/2]Shadow King: Shadow Mage rip him into pieces!

    24. Fight the Shadow King

    [1/4]Shadow King: What you defeated all my Shadows?

    [2/4]Shadow King:You have to be more powerful than I thought.

    [3/4]Shadow King:So I will take care about you myself!

    [4/4]Shadow King:NOW FEEL MY WRATH!!!

    When the Player killed the Shadow King he gets:

    - 1 Shadow Essence

    - The Shadow King’s Chestplate (Basic)

    25. Bring the Items of the Shadow King to the King of Cinfras.

    [1/7]King: You defeated them and killed their leader?

    [2/7]King: And as he died you found this essence and his chestplate?

    [3/7]King: But the chestplate seems to be useless, it’s only crap…

    [4/7]King: …oh, look maybe the essence will make the chestplate better.

    [5/7]King: I have heard of a Blacksmith near Ternaves in the Wynn Province, maybe he can combine them.

    [6/7]King: But wait, I almost forgot your reward.

    [7/7]King: Here take these emeralds and my Letter of Trust.

    Player receives the reward:

    - 61 440 Emeralds (15 Liquefied Emeralds)

    - Letter of Trust (Quest Item)

    - The Shadow King’s Chestplate (Basic) and the Shadow Essence

    - 1 000 000 XP

    26. Talk to the Blacksmiths at Ternaves about the Chestplate and the essence

    [1/9]Blacksmith:Hello, my friend, what do you need, a sword, a spear or better a knife?

    [2/9]Blacksmith: You want me to combine this plate with this essence?

    [3/9]Blacksmith: Let me look…

    [4/9]Blacksmith: You’re right they belong together.

    [5/9]Blacksmith: Wait, I’ll combine them.

    [Anvil Sounds]

    [6/9]Blacksmith: Wow, I didn’t expected this, it’s enormous powerful.

    [7/9]Blacksmith: It seems to not only protect you, I think, it makes you stronger and faster too.

    [8/9]Blacksmith: It is certainly the most powerful armor I’ve seen!

    [9/9]Blacksmith: Here, I hope it will protect you well, my friend.

    Players gets:

    - The Shadow King’s Chestplate (Legendary)

    [Quest completed]
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
    Freestyle_Build likes this.
  8. Freestyle_Build

    Freestyle_Build Wizzard

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    Thank you very much Andy0132 I will include your suggestions as soon as possible.
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