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Guilds Please, Help Us Fix Guilds.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Pally, May 1, 2020.


What do you think about this situation?

  1. I love guilds, and I believe that this issue should be addressed and finally fixed

  2. I love guilds, but I don't think this is our biggest issue right now

  3. I feel neutral toward this.

  4. I dislike guilds, though I do agree that this issue needs to be addressed

  5. I dislike guilds, and believe that wynn should put its resources elsewhere

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  1. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Alright, small rant.

    I honestly believe that they have a good reason that they are not responding directly to suggestions, feedback, and overall criticisms of the game unless it's on a massive scale. Imagine you being in their shoes, constantly having to plan, develop, and monitor the future content being make, while simultaneously making sure that your game is bug free as possible in the most important of places. Then you get a bunch of criticism from players of "Your game is broken," or "This is unbalanced/boring! Make it better." That would be a bunch of negative feedback and criticism that you'd have to constantly deal with and be on your mind, and honestly it can drive some CT members away from developing Wynncraft.
    The past few months I've seen the Content Team get more crap than ever before. To an extent, it's justified criticism and I'm not saying to not criticize, but sometimes the community can take it too far and make the CT feel like they're being attacked by the community for a game that they are constantly trying to improve day-to-day.

    That being said, I'm betting that the CT feels like responding to something like this, regardless of what it is, would be met with one of two scenarios: Players raise their expectations of seeing fixes in the future, when they may not even be able to promise it in the first place with everything that they have on their plate. OR, the comment or response would be met with criticism.
    You also have to keep in mind how much work it is to actually make Guilds function, and the limitations that they have. Wynncraft has VERY few developers, with the primary game developer being swapped time and time again. Guilds hardly require any GM, Builder, or CMD work, and it mainly falls into the lap of the developers. Even if it did require some, the amount of CT they have in those departments outnumbers the developers by an incredible margin, so they would be able to get their part done on time.

    Now, in terms of the Developers work for making Guilds better or even functional to a large degree, there are a few key factors that make this a very hard task:
    • Very few Developers. I think only Colin, Jumla, and may Red are the only 3 main developers, and not all of them may be working on the actual game. There is very little developer power currently to spread out across the multitude of areas that need addressing for the Developers.
    • Guilds are VERY heavy on cross-server technology if it's not obvious. It has to send messages to all guild members across all of the Wynncraft Worlds, have a global timer for all players for when wars start that can be slightly off if the ping is not so good, get all players in ALL servers that are in the territory that is also in ALL servers, etc etc. This is a lot of cross-server work than most of Wynncraft's other systems, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the most heavy cross-server feature for Wynncraft.
    • This is not their only focus. They have to fix other bugs, make other improvements, add in balancing changes, new features, new technology, and so on.
    • Prioritization. Addressing the OP's post, fixing the Trade Market would absolutely come first. It's a feature that is used by almost every player in Wynncraft, and is a large part of the Economy. If that goes down, it could have drastic problems with the economy and selling items. Plus, the Trade Market going down means that it is down. It's not "partially functioning," it's not functioning whatsoever and is a major issue that the developers address ASAP. Now in terms of Guilds, yes there are bugs but keep in mind that Guilds are still working, even if they are "partially functional." While I do agree that Guilds do need to really be fixed and made better, the Developers can only put their efforts towards one thing at a time.
    There's probably a few other key points that I'm missing, but these are the ones that come to mind.

    Now do I think guilds should be improved/fixed? Absolutely, as it's a task that has been on the list for a long time. Do I think the Developers have justified reasons why they have not done this? Yes, as you can see the list above. Cut the developers a little bit of slack, as the stress on them is quite enormous for such a small team.
    Dream, A Human, Saya and 3 others like this.
  2. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I understand they have a lot on their plate and I can't help liking what you put, but why is it your place to tell everyone what they're doing? Surely it wouldn't hurt if ANY of the staff just put a simple message like:

    "Sorry, we know guilds is a concern at the moment and we are working on it/ may work on it, but we're doing other things at the moment so it won't be instant and will have to wait."

    See? That's not that difficult, a bit of clarification of what will happen and assurance that our ideas and needs for the game haven't been overlooked or abandoned.

    It's my absolute trust and knowledge that the Wynn team are fantastic and work very hard that prompts me to ask whether they will acknowledge the community on this topic
  3. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    You're right it's not my place. However, I've had experience with previous teams and with situations similar to this. I can only make educated assumptions, which is better than nothing. I'm not speaking on behalf of the CT whatsoever, but based on previous scenarios, this is my statement.

    I know for a fact that there are players out there who will quote them on this in the future. Say 1.20 is not "the Guild Update," or guilds are hardly addressed, if at all. I'm sure people will come back to this post and quote this statement, then proceed to say "You promised this. Where is it? Trash update, guilds are still broken, such an empty promise." The Content Team has to be very picky on what they respond to in order to keep the promises and assumptions to a minimum.

    Of course, this is just an educated assumption on what runs through the CT's mind based on my own experiences in the past, so I don't blame you for accusing me of speaking out of place here.
    StormKing3, Dream and Saya like this.
  4. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Ah I suppose that could happen to be fair, I still think they should respond with something other than "don't tag mods" but I actually understand this as well and didn't think of this before.

    Oh gosh sorry, I wasn't "accusing" you of anything like it's absolutely fine to guess what they're thinking and how they should act, just look at what I'm doing xD, I didn't mean to be quite as harsh as "but why is it your place to tell everyone what they're doing".
    Novalescent likes this.
  5. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    But I can see why you'd think it is.

    And I can see why guilds are not a priority. They're a part of the game that brings a lot of drama and doesn't currently help the majority of players. Dev time is extremely limited. (Oh no I'm just saying what Nova said but worse)
  6. APersonWasHere

    APersonWasHere But who? HERO

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    Here's my thing; there is NOTHING you can do about those players. They will do everything in their power to find something to create drama over. Trying to avoid upsetting them will just piss off a larger section of the community that is tired of feeling ignored by the dev team. It's a total damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't situation, but that's all the more reason for them to communicate with us. I'm willing to bet more people are upset at the lack of transparency than those who would be pissed at the devs failing to meet an imaginary promise.
  7. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    It's all a matter of opinion, you can't just go "HAHA nope it's not hard for anyone", when even though I'm lvl 100+ I've never managed to win legendary island despite trying many times (and yes with people before you say), and I can't even do one of the new quests lol. Some parts are meant to be difficult, you may be some God-tier death to all stength-build master ultimate pro at the game but I'm not lol.

    A lot of people want guilds fixed though as it's a big part of the game that most people feel can be improved, as shown by the poll in this post. I get that some players will always want the game to be improved to fit their vision despite everything the devs change, the devs have made changes that I personally do not like, but I have to go with the majority and I accept that. You can't have everything your own way lol, but saying that basically everyone wants guilds to be fixed so I think it will be a valuable thing to work on.
  8. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    LI being quite easy in a group is already well established. I think that you're just the exception, rather than the content actually being too hard (which is why people point out a lot of mistakes when you comment in general suggestions).

    Or maybe it's the game's fault again for not clearly explaining how basic mechanics actually function. I'd actually blame the game on this one, it misleads most players and tricks them into believing the opposite of what actually happens. It also doesn't present how crucial parts of the game work, from steals to attack speeds to damage calculations and more.
  9. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Oh Christ you've come across rather aggressive now haven't you, when I said "it's definitely sometimes challenging" I was actually commenting on guild wars being difficult SOMETIMES with those healing mobs I just remembered that now. I want to make it quite clear that I honestly do not care how bad or good at I game I am, as long as I enjoy it I'm happy. I've never got higher than silver on Overwatch and I still have a whale of a time on that xD. Obviously my attempts at trying to end the conversation by humouring you being good at the game and having more expensive equipment than me didn't work.

    I'm not a master at the server so I'll make mistakes, I can't remember any I made recently that weren't objective opinions but I 100% have before thank you for so nicely pointing that out to further develop the converstion
  10. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    ??????? I'm not "good" at Wynncraft, I don't use expensive equipment, I'm basically average. That attempt at a jab doesn't work either, since current good builds end up being extremely cheap (heavy melee!!!)
    Again, everyone makes mistakes, but you're constantly trying to make everything seem hard and scary and difficult when it isn't. You don't have to be a master. Barely anyone is. I'm definitely not.
    Well when you're always victimizing yourself...
    That's a great mindset to have. What's not great is projecting your difficulties onto the general playerbase.

    Anyway I'm just nitpicking at this point, I'm just an average player mad that someone's saying that everything is hard when a problem with the server is a distinct lack of interesting challenging content. This conversation has run way too far anyway.
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
    StormKing3 likes this.
  11. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Oh come on lol, with all respect all I said was that legendary island and some guild wars were difficult, hardly everything.

    Haha fair enough, I'll try to take it next time

    What's not great is you taking me saying guild wars are SOMETIMES difficult and blowing it out of proportion like I'm flipping preaching to everyone or some shit like that or something

    Thanksss :0

    And dw, we all have our opinions, I think guild wars can SOMETIMES be difficult you think the game needs more challenge, which I can totally get and I will be up for the devs adding more challenges to the game like you want
    Saya likes this.
  12. APersonWasHere

    APersonWasHere But who? HERO

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    No clue what you're talking about, I was addressing how poorly the dev team communicates with us sometimes. I think you misinterpreted what I was saying...
    StormKing3 likes this.
  13. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Ohhh I see what you mean on a second read, yeah sorry I totally missed the mark lol
    APersonWasHere likes this.
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