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Pick Your Spells

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Voltage_SR, Jan 5, 2017.


Would you like to see this overall idea added to Wynncraft?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. With more improvement, Yes

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  1. Relja_J_3

    Relja_J_3 Salty Sunflower

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    More customization.
    +1 love it pls ad
  2. Voltage_SR

    Voltage_SR Commands and Stuff HERO

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    Thank you all for the amazing Feed back. I'm sorry that I got back to this so late. Some problems in my family arose, and real life comes first. I have realized that I had put way to much on the back of the Wynn team in developing this improvement. This is something that would completely change the game, and it wouldn't happen over night. Also, I have some experience in commands, so I should have realized sooner that this would be a big project, as these spells are no small part of the game. Even if I had given exact detail, all the way to percentage of damage, and what the spells should look like in-game, it would still be hard to put together. Please for give me on that. I am right now brain storming with some close friends that all enjoy this game (As feedback and Ideas from others is always helpful) to design and put together what the spells should be. I am glad, however, that this has had such helpful and positive feedback. I appreciate the help, and if you all have any ideas for a spell, please put it in a reply to this. If I remember (I am a little forgetful) I will mention you when I put down your spell if I chose it for the finished list.

    I think I am going to put the completed spell list in a whole new thread, that way people wont have to scroll down this one to find the full list. Is that against any rules? I don't want to do anything to ruin my chances of them accepting this Idea.....
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    So how exactly will the player choose their spells? Through a new GUI or something? Maybe people could use an NPC to change or upgrade their spells? For example, the magic teacher on Mage island could be this NPC and have a cost and/or a level requirement for his services. This would give Mage island an important use instead of it being used a few times for questing. What do you think of it?
  4. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    this wwould be great
  5. Voltage_SR

    Voltage_SR Commands and Stuff HERO

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    What I was thinking was that you can pick the spells as you earn them in the compass in a new Menu.

    As for the ability of changing spells, I was thinking the tower of amnesia, as with the new skill point reset option it is kind of useless. With this, it could be used to change spells, instead of just skills that can easily be reset for two soul points.
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