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World Multihit Crowd-buff Effect.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by kokonut_pi, Sep 21, 2016.

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  1. Invincitron2000

    Invincitron2000 Insomniac CHAMPION

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    You said multi-hit was "only" useful for boss fights when in reality you don't know how useful it actually is when fighting bosses. If you remove the force ability then if the mob that you hit doesn't die it may be thrown back into you and hit you since you have no control over its movement. (This happens at earlier levels when you don't have the 3rd upgrade)

    Also you are completely wrong assuming everyone that currently plays assassin spams smoke bomb. All you need is some mana regen and intelligence boosts and you can do all types of spell combos. There are also plenty of videos that show that

    If you don't even play the class (which I should be allowed to assume by the fact that you don't know how to play the class and are suggesting random things at this point) then why are you saying it needs a buff or saying that its boring or even assuming how most people play the class

    Will anyone every realize that the class has a high skill cap for a reason?
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
    Morgan83 likes this.
  2. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    1. Did not say smoke bomb, said multi-hit
    2. Show me
    3. Because lots of people are complaining about it. There must be a legitimate reason. No one is that stupid
  3. Invincitron2000

    Invincitron2000 Insomniac CHAMPION

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    Not going to tag anyone or post videos, but Sanae_pls recently solo'd Qira with assassin and showed a good example of how to actually play the class (you can search that up on youtube)
    Just because lots of people complain about it means nothing. Try playing the class for yourself and then come back and yes people can be that stupid.

    No real point in arguing since Selvut will eventually see this thread and give a much better explanation than I can on why assassin doesn't need to be changed. (There are like 50 threads on this topic about assassin being buffed/changed and most of them end like that lol)
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
  4. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    You still have not proved that the majority of assassin users are either A: Stupid or B: Think assassin is balanced

    Also Sanae spammed Multi-hit and vanish, which is almost the exact same thing as what I stated. Trapped Qira in a corner, spammed spells. Rinse, repeat. That does not seem very fun.

    Also the warrior vid took 3 minutes. This one took 11. Just wanted to point that out
    Oh yeah and the fact that I didn't really see the "force" ability used. Further proving my point.
  5. Invincitron2000

    Invincitron2000 Insomniac CHAMPION

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    I don't see how adding a shield spell to assassin and removing the force skill (making multhit basically useless since the mob has a good chance of flying back and hitting you when you can't control it) is going to make assassin seem fun. Then again it's your opinion.

    Sanae used every spell a good amount of times if you were paying attention

    Also the warrior video was really old. Qira is easier to fight now.

    I'm done wasting my time arguing have fun trying to add a shield spell to the assassin class since apparently multi hit is useless and spamming smoke bomb is the only viable solution to making the class usable
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
  6. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    1. How specifically? Attacks should send people away, not towards you. I don't know how this possibly could not be coded.
    2. You missed the point. If Qira was easier now then the assassin video would be 3 minutes as well
    3. Its clearly not a waste of time if you've quoted me multiple times already
  7. Invincitron2000

    Invincitron2000 Insomniac CHAMPION

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    Omfg… The reason the attack sends them away is because your crosshair is aiming in that direction. Using multihit without the force upgrade will cause it to shoot in random directions (possibly launching the mob towards you)

    The reason Qira died faster in the warrior video was because attack speed and life steal were incredibly op at that time. (Lifesteal doesn't activate as often now and attack speed no longer boosts spell damage)

    The biggest difference here is that I'm the one who actually plays the class and you are the one saying it needs to be buffed or that its boring when you haven't played it

    If it makes you feel any better I will stop quoting you
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
  8. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Right now Strength and Resistance (and weakness) are all duds that don't actually do shit
  9. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    1. What. Explain why it is logical to give level 20 - 30s an ability to literally eat the mobs and die.
    2. You don't make any sense. Easier boss = longer video? gg.
    3. You yet again proved my point. Warrior is a better class, if it can do better against Qira. And if a high level mage wrecks all, well then you can see why people complain about assassin.
  10. Invincitron2000

    Invincitron2000 Insomniac CHAMPION

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    @Selvut283 (Sorry if you are busy) Hopefully you can explain this better than me :/
  11. Siradm

    Siradm sira-ded HERO

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    :( agreed
  12. Golurk_

    Golurk_ In Golurk We Trust

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    As much as it would be cool, Assassins are usually rolling solo. You know, its better if one assassin assassinates something rather than 4 jumping on the same target.
    Assassin is the most fun class . Archer just spams bomb arrow. Mage just spams heal and meteor. Warrior just spams uppercut and war scream or whatever, assassin's smokebomb only works for slow mobs, and is basically useless in duels. You barely can win any boss fights only using smokebomb, if you want to kill something fast, you must get it into a corner and smokebomb & multihit it, while also dodging to stay alive.
  13. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    Why is everyone misinterpreting what I say :P I never said smoke bomb needed a change. I said smoke bomb and multi-hit are useful in boss fights, where the boss tends to either be a slow heavy-hit melee (Smoke bomb) or a speed demon (Multi-hit)
    Also classes in my opinion need tight synergy, or a combo, like mage and everyone or warrior and archer. Assassin doesn't have that, and it is not really helpful in groups. I'm not saying that assassins should stick in groups and not be loners, I'm saying that no one will like you if you're in a party as assassin.
  14. Golurk_

    Golurk_ In Golurk We Trust

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    I was in a party of about 5 while fighting Qira. I did 1/3 of its health at level 89 by using mostly multihit and smokebomb. Assassins in parties are great.
  15. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    Assassin's Are assholes. (I'm an Asshole).
  16. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    Yeah, I hate having people playing a really high dps class when I'm trying to kill bosses, makes it nearly impossible to kill :/
  17. Toasted Asian

    Toasted Asian Toasty VIP+

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    What assassin needs now: a lightsaber

    the force is with you

    +1 support
    damnit no poll
    TheKingofStuff and PikaLegend like this.
  18. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    Just doing damage does not mean being helpful in a team. A warrior does damage too. But he also draws away damage from the mages and archers by tanking and aggroing the enemies. If you actually read the very first post of this thread. This person wants assassin to be more helpful in a team. Plus, again you are proving my point because you are SPAMMING smoke bomb to do that damage.
    kokonut_pi likes this.
  19. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Well, I do believe that the assassin IS somewhat helpful in a team :P I can list out a few ways you can save your teammates as an assassin if you want!

    Spin Attack:
    After unlocking the Spin Attack's first upgrade at lvl 16 (Disease), you could blind and slow enemies for a short amount of time. Although other classes also can perform this technique (Mage's Teleport and Archer's Escape), it is hard for them to pull off those spells in a pinch! (Well, I never really played the Mage before, so I don't really know if using Teleport for blindness could save a person's life yet, however Archer's Escape blindness isn't instant, as you need to escape up and fall down again!) Using spin attack, you could make the mobs lose focus and is especially useful when they are about to use their spells. Not to mention, Spin Attack is also much easier to aim as well (AoE debuff), and it deals quite a lot of damage if you are using the correct build!

    Multihit's Force:
    Sometimes, the best way to get an enemy away from your friends is by forcing the enemy. Using Multihit, you could buy some time for your friends to get out and heal while you switch in to distract the enemy. Spin attack could be used before Multihit to help the player to get closer as well, or switching the mobs' attention. Not to mention, using Multihit, you could easily trap an enemy into the corner or somewhere you want them to be sent into! (lava, fire etc) Trapping the boss could be a pain sometimes with other classes, especially if the boss is quick! (Warrior's Uppercut and War Scream helps, as well as Archer's Arrow Storm and Arrow Shield, but I'm not too sure if Meteor has a huge knockback.....) Of course, you could use Air Prison (With powders from the Gameplay update) if you are an air build to knock the enemy to a corner, but I do believe Multihit's Force is the best way to trap the enemy! Trapping the enemy in the corner means you and your party could perform party combos, which, means you will do a lot of damage.

    Smoke Bomb:
    Believed to be one of the more useful spells for assassin, it is a pretty good spell for damage dealing. The fact that it could be paired up with spin attack to trap the enemies in smoke is enough to rack up a lot of, damage. If you could some how get the mob you are against distracted, you could spin around them to make sure they stay in smoke, and when the smoke bomb finally wears off you could blind them straight away and repeat the process if needed. Of course, that is until the mob performs its spells and you would need prepare a defence.

    Most players believe that the assassin is pretty selfish, and I'm pretty biased to the assassin since it is my favourite class. Vanishing means that you could sneak behind the enemy lines where non-assassins cannot get in. And this is really where assassin excels: This is the main purpose of the assassin. Your job, is to get close to the enemy in a pinch and send them flying. Sure, it could be harder said than done, but after a few times of practice using the assassin, you will get used to it.

    Giving proof that the assassin isn't a bad class doesn't really need words. In fact, people should understand and know what the spells of the assassins could be used for creatively and make the most out of it. And this doesn't limit to just the assassin, people really should analyse every single spell in every class to know what type of combinations could they achieve, as no spells in the game are useless, and we should learn to appreciate that. Sure, maybe some people will just spam smoke bomb over and over, maybe some people would believe there's no hope for the assassin, but not everyone will, especially when there are some friends you want to protect, and maybe what is supposed to be a selfish class could be god damn generous.

    And trust me, my favourite spell is Multihit.
    Invincitron2000 and BuffAirSpear like this.
  20. coga

    coga Noob CHAMPION

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    I thought spin attack removed negative effects from other players too? Or does it not do that?
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