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World Life Steal Mini Rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Ramattra, Feb 4, 2021.


Do you agree with these changes to life steal?

  1. Yes, I want to improve life steal

    86 vote(s)
  2. No, I want life steal to stay the same

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Ramattra

    Ramattra Ravager CHAMPION

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    I don't think melee builds totally suck, they're definitely way worse than they could be because of how terrible life steal is, I think if this change was implemented into the game melee would automatically become more rewarding to play. And yeah like Toast said, I really don't think this would be a difficult change to make.
    Toaster likes this.
  2. Ramattra

    Ramattra Ravager CHAMPION

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  3. Ramattra

    Ramattra Ravager CHAMPION

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  4. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    very biased poll

    It isn't equal, but the sustain from life steal is better because of the amount items in the item pool have. Not because mechanically every point of life steal is worth more than that of health regen.

    These are the 6 highest lifesteal items:

    and these are the 6 highest health regen items:

    Also note that the variance in health regen IDs is higher than the variance in life steal IDs. If we look at numbers 19-24 instead (a more representative thing to do than just the very top, chose this row because this is the first row of items in these categories without mythics.)

    You can see that the base amount of life steal is a little more than two times as high as the base amount for health regen. (The golem is actually item number 18, not 25. So should be compared to anthracite ballista with 650 life steal)

    It's better for the amount of sustain per point of these IDs to be around the same because that's more intuitive. This also clearly shows that life steal will give better sustain.
    Also, life steal procs of each enemy you hit. Which makes it much better than health regen during most fights.

    Attached Files:

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  5. Ramattra

    Ramattra Ravager CHAMPION

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    aight so first of all the poll answers are a little joke, second the entire reason I'm making this thread is that life steal is not better than health regen right now, it has too low of a chance to proc whereas health regen is consistent. Super slow you could maybe make a case for (even though I think the inconsistency is just stupid), but if you try fast melee the life steal is absolutely terrible, it can barely sustain you at all.
    another key thing to note is there are a lot of items that have % health regen as well so just looking for raw isn't really effective, it adds up quick, while life steal has no multipliers. Not to mention if we look at these items Divzer is absolutely terrible because it was over nerfed, gaping cavity has a massive drawback that makes it not used in builds as much, deathsplinter is never used, stinger usually isn't a great option for archer since heavy melee is most effective with ETF and archer doesn't work well without agi too well this update, Apoc is fast melee and can never make use of its life steal and hellstrand has never been good. I think your main argument here is that on paper life steal is better because it has higher numbers, however in practice it is very inferior. Also consider things like Phoenix Prince's crown and Eden, those items have kinda mediocre health regen raw, but a lot/good amount of %
    creature likes this.
  6. Ramattra

    Ramattra Ravager CHAMPION

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    The final thing I want to add is that while I did want to have this discussion at some point because I kinda knew it was coming, it's not the purpose of the thread. When I made this thread with my friends our only thought was life steal, health regen had nothing to do with the thread originally, but it's whatever. The point of the thread is to propose a fairly balanced system so that life steal can be actually good and consistent, in practice life steal is absoulte crap right now the higher up in attack speed you go and it's not even that good on super slow because of how inconsistent it is, RNG based sustain is just such a random feature I have no idea why it was put into the game like this, it just makes for incoherent and sloppy gameplay.
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  7. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    I feel like I should clarify some things:

    1. I do like taking the RNG out of life steal. Hell, I made a similair thread a while ago: Proposed Life/mana Steal Change. Making it cooldown based rather than percentage based. Which turned out to be too laggy, but your version could probably work. What I dislike about your suggestion is the formula (amount_of_lifesteal / attack_speed_multiplier) * 0.75. This'd give your total amount of life steal every 1.33 seconds (1/0.75) rather than every 4 seconds. If the formula were (amount_of_lifesteal / attack_speed_multiplier) * 0.25 I'd agree.

    2. I do not think that life steal is better than health regen. The restriction of needing a melee is big. What I said was a reaction to you saying "I don't think health regen and life steal should be equal". My point is that life steal giving back more health should be reflected in the size of the numbers of the ID, keeping it at X/4s for both mechanically. I do think that if life steal were changed to be consistent rather than chance based, even with the * 0.25 formula, life steal would be better alot of the time. I understand your health regen % point. But don't forget how often you're attacking more than one enemy (unless you're archer but in that case you don't have to go in melee range.) Every additional enemy is basically + 100% health regen on life steal. (And pretty much all bosses have minions)

    3. I understand the frustration with super fast attack speed life steal and once you're at low HP you have to start being more careful so you can't maximize your hits with faster weapons like you can with slower ones. So I agree that it's worse on higher attack speeds but don't disregard it like it is useless.
    Aside from that, this thead ‌psa: ‌our ‌life/mana ‌steal ‌probabilities ‌are ‌fucked | Wynncraft Forums also told us that the chances are so that it procs once every 4 seconds, and gives super slow an advantage over super fast even in the theoretical perfect hits perfect average life steal given scenario. Which is a whole other problem that would be solved by your proposed change.

    Divzer is still good. It's just not freedom/gma
    The nr.2 on health regen is amulet of rejuvenation instead of Gaping Cavity, you sure you wanna make the "massive drawback that makes it not used as much" argument?
    Deathsplinter is one of the few unique endgame wands I've seen being used, definitely seen it more than Kivilu. The unique endgame health regen weapon shown here.
    Stinger mostly shines as a secondary.
    Apoc fast melee: see point nr. 3

    Hellstrand truly is stranded in item hell, just a bad item. Especially compared to similair options.
    Ramattra likes this.
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