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Guilds Let's Fix : Guild Wars

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ivo_bs00, Jun 18, 2019.


Do you want Guild Rewards? If yes which ones ?

Poll closed Jun 17, 2020.
  1. Free banner customization

    0 vote(s)
  2. In Game Badges for the players

  3. Store Vouchers for the Captain+ that war

  4. Emeralds added to the guild’s bank

  5. Exclusive Pets

  6. Other

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  1. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    why yes, that would be how one maintains a bank properly

    friendly reminder that the guy I'm quoting literally never defends whatsoever, yet complains about level 50s "sucking the fun out of the game"
    are you literally trying to play god in Minecraft, please elaborate on what you feel makes a guild deserve territories, because it sure as hell isn't hard work or time it seems
    Drew1011 and brokenmotor like this.
  2. Bear_Force

    Bear_Force Yup, still the same Bear HERO

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    Mazing idea Ivo :D
    You got my support
  3. Xyz

    Xyz Finder of purple things CHAMPION

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    well that's wrong for starters Mr. Viceroy, i don't defend at all 99% of the time because i don't like using level 50 trash mobs, and the 1% is always a defence above 10k, which i only do when i'm bored and feel like blessing (or murdering) someone with a REAL defence for once, which at this point is almost as rare as.. no actually even rarer than a mythic, seriously i've probably found more mythics than 10k+ defences in the past two months, not even kidding...

    defending right now is just a two way street, no in between other than just.. not defending, you either waste peoples time or you waste your own emeralds on a 'strong' defence that some dude with a mythic build is eventually just going to come and knock down with no effort whatsoever.
    boi do i look like notch to you? fr
    and idk what exactly makes a guild deserve a territory, i don't care enough to actually hold any myself at this point.. hard to imagine why huh? but it certainly isn't earned by spamming the weakest possible defence on every. single. territory. just to waste peoples time as much as possible when they decide to attack you, even Hax - the guild with the biggest damn bank in the game by miles just spams level 50s a vast majority of the time, that's how you know something is wrong.

    guild wars could be really fun, key word: could, just get rid of all the time wasting elements and you've got a pretty fun endgame system for people to enjoy once they've done pretty much everything there is to do in wynn and want something to grind, somewhere to take their godly builds for a good fight, but oh well who cares just keep spamming level 50s because it's the most effective amirite? haha xd

    Signed sincerely, a dude who has solo'd enough level 50 defences to drive most normal people to boredom induced madness.
  4. Ayn4rch

    Ayn4rch Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    The thing I don't understand about your viewpoint xyz, is why the hell you blame players for this ? I mean as a player, you will try and take the most efficient option most of the time, even more when you are playing in a guild, because you are using money that is not only yours (you may have some problems understanding this point since you are alone).
    Why would someone defend higher then 1k fillers, if there's only a 2% chance someone will die on it ? Almost any guild that has high level players can defeat any defence, so why spend more money to accomplish the same thing ?
    Personally I like defending with high defenses because I find it fun, and love when people defend high for me, just because it changes from 1k fillers, but I donate the money back into our bank when I do so, because I don't want to spend money that isn't mine on something near useless.

    This is a design flaw, not the players fault, so why are you always blaming players and guilds ?
  5. HV_Metal

    HV_Metal Convergence VIP

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    Congratulations. The Universe is surely thankful for that 1%, albeit nobody really ever notices it.

    I'd write an answer for this, really, but... you're one step ahead of me:

    Edit: also, from this quote you can conclude that even if prices were lowered, even if the defense system was crippled, it would technically result in nothing significant for high level guilds. (Read the bolded part for the reason)
    (Btw Hive Infused weapons can do the job either or other legendaries, not only mythics)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2019
    Ayn4rch and Snipy like this.
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