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Info Item Team Thread - Item/ingredient/major Id Changes, Updates & More

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Selvut283, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    yeah, sorry

    itech pretty much got it though, and more eloquently than i could have

    also kind of amusing that all of the "going to quit if this shit keeps happening" comes from people using items like fcosm or bcata, which were obviously swapped into builds
    Saya, hppeng, Melkor and 1 other person like this.
  2. SlyamPoetry

    SlyamPoetry dedicated pikotaro fan!!!!! CHAMPION

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    rainbow metaslave mentality
    one_ood likes this.
  3. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    The angry lack of understanding in this thread... If you don't like what the item team did, say that you don't like it because <reason>, don't whine about how it's ruining the game and driving away players and they ignore us and hate us and want us and our families and our dogs dead. Seriously, they (as volunteers) devote their time to improving a free game you can play for free, without them getting paid for it. Be polite.

    Speaking of which, while I agree that King of Hearts needed a serious nerf, I will say this might have been even too harsh, but that's more of an issue with endgame content virtually requiring massive tanking or healing capabilities than it not needing the nerf (also I'm bitter I can't use it anymore, so take this with a grain of salt). That is, I think the issue is more a general content balance issue than an item specific one. Also, I'm annoyed you nerfed Fatal because I was looking forward to having infinite damage.
    Also how did I miss the Gaia buff? Hmm. Earth spell mage anyone?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    one_ood likes this.
  4. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    There’s heartbreak to things changing, and that’s because it feels like ripping away something you grew with.

    Change may be for the better, but that void is still there.

    In my opinion, I suggest changing things but not by giving them the cold shoulder with game data and what-not, but gently reassuring people and explaining why they should keep their chin up, patching that void up bit by bit.

    I know this all sounds hella cheesy, but I think we just need to have faith in our IMs, and encourage the IMs to talk to us more about anything at all, even not wynn related things.

    This will shift the community’s view on IMs from build ruiners to funny, friendly, reliable people and shift the IMs view on the community from selfish shut-in consumers to people who just love the game and the memories created in it, hopefully restoring the one thing we’ve all missed for so long: Trust.
    Melkor likes this.
  5. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    i will never trust bart mc again
    not after the swordfish spear incident
    Melkor and starx280 like this.
  6. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    What was the swordfish spear incident?
    starx280 likes this.
  7. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    swordfish spear appeared as a supposed item in a wynncraft trailer even though it doesn't exist. i don't actually have the reference to said trailer but i'm just giving a quick answer before someone who does gets back to you.
    starx280 likes this.
  8. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    After a recent trailer showed several incorrect things, it's become a bit of a meme to ask for things like Swordfish Spear to be added. That being said, here's a step-by-step tutorial to get swordfish spear into your game regardless:

    1. Download the Wynncraft resource pack by going into your minecraft folder (/.minecraft/server-resource-packs), taking the correct file (it's best to check on date- otherwise remove all of them, join Wynn and redownload the pack, and it'll be the only file in there), renaming it to anything + .zip, then moving it into .minecraft/resourcepacks and extracting it.
    2. Open the resource pack folder and go to /assets/minecraft/models/item, open the iron_shovel file, then replace "model":"item/wynn/warrior/spear_water_c" (this can be any model, but t3 water spear makes the most sense, right?) with "model":"item/wynn/skins/wand/swordfish_wand"
    3. Save (this is Very Important)
    4. Set server resource packs to disabled on Wynn, join, and turn on the right resource pack
    5. Swordfish Spear

    This used to happen and we still do for more out there changes, but due to the workload and the very direct nature of almost every change this time around, it was left to an ask-if-confused. I'll try to remember to pick putting explanations under changes back up in the future.
    Druser, one_ood, starx280 and 3 others like this.
  9. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    Add it coward
  10. Sherlock_Shears

    Sherlock_Shears Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Question for the item team, why were all the heavy melee items nerfed so much? I quite enjoyed using heavy melee builds for general use (they really aren't that great in wars) and I certainly wouldn't say they were broken, yet the damage has been lowered significantly. Before you respond with "Well the Str/Dex changes balance it out so you aren't actually doing less damage" That is untrue, having spent most of today and a fair bit of yesterday testing it myself.
    starx280 likes this.
  11. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    unless i'm hugely misremembering, this is comparable, if not better, to pre-1.20.3 HM
    (no dawnbreak)
    upload_2021-7-7_12-45-19.png (archer)
    upload_2021-7-7_12-45-47.png (assassin)
    upload_2021-7-7_12-46-52.png (warrior)
    starx280 likes this.
  12. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    I’d still take 250 quakes, enough to one-shot lari anyway though ;)
    Nukewarmachine and one_ood like this.
  13. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    Unless i'm wrong, mathematically on average (obviously depends on builds, writhing growth is a little weak and *may* require buffing to make it more competitive with the other items), heavy melee was upped in terms of damage output, especially if you put the extra sp you had in your heavy melee build into more offensive sp (which you kinda can do since heavy melee is extremely good at keeping you alive already as-is)
    I would love to see what builds you're testing though, since even writhing growth should, if i'm not mistaken, be still at the same level it was before in terms of damage output.
    iTechnically and Castti like this.
  14. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You can say all you want about how you try to avoid breaking builds, however, I don't remember there being a bigger change in items that DIDN'T break at least one of my builds, this time it was multiple. Guess I'm just using the wrong builds and wrong items, I don't even know what am I supposed to use, why am I being pushed into playstyles I don't enjoy... Item Changes always make me super frustrated and not want to play the game, I almost quit before just because of this in the past.

    Never has there been a change that I had positive thoughts about, I know that the server doesn't revolve around me and that the Item Team, doesn't look specifically at me to not break my builds, I get that, but it's just frustrating when you're playing a playstyle that's only getting nerfed, your builds are getting nerfed or just destroyed completely.

    I just keep questioning why was Warp nerfed in damage, people were already memeing on it as it was pretty bad in combat, I loved using it and while I will probably continue, cuz I don't have any other wands to use, but it will be a lot less comfortable. I know Tank Warp was pretty powerful, but not in damage, you couldn't even complete LI with Tank Warp ffs, the bosses had higher hpr than I had damage. and Warp DPS getting 17-22k meteors with huge setbacks like absolute no defense or hp or hpr, wow... so powerful, needs to be NERFED! I can get more dmg on meteors with Fatal with only one item (well at least I could before the changes, idk how much that has been nerfed). I will never get why such a low damage weapon was nerfed even more in damage unless someone will properly explain that...

    edit: not even talking about the fact that when these changes were revealed, I got so nervous, because I was still in the process of completing my challenge that I made a topic about in general and I was using builds that were meant to be terminated, so I had to nolife extra hard, just to finish before it released. I finished my last quests the day the update released, had to find an old-world, just so I could finish. I don't think this is how updates should make people feel or act
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    Epicness937 likes this.
  15. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    i thought boss hpr was abolished

    as to the rest, wfa/wf/wa are all still very usable, just got their damage reduced to make up for their effective immortality
  16. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    unless they changed it very recently, Robob had high enough hpr that I couldn't kill him with like 12k meteors, don't remember the damage exactly and I can't check cuz the build now does 9k meteors. Also it took me over an hour just to get to Robob only to find out that I can't kill him lol

    Also ye, it's possible that they are usable, but I'm saying that this specific update broke more than one of my builds skill point-wise and people told me to just go different archetypes than to bother with wfa again.

    Also WA at least in terms of Warp is nowhere near immortal, yes it has high survivability thanks to walk speed and agility, but agility fails to proc once and you're dead. (in LI) that's not immortal. You also have to deal with -hpr which WA warp doesn't even try to counter, at least the builds I've seen it didn't and you can't use koh, that's now bad anyway, since you have no def. So if you want decent healing, you also need to own a second mythic, Lament to have healing. All that for 17k-22k meteors. Well now 13k meteors, ofc because that 17k was too overpowered
    one_ood likes this.
  17. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    ok first of all koh isn't bad now by anymeans

    also, from what i've personally seen, most builds "broken" this update by sp changes can be remedied with a few simple item swaps
    would be helpful to see your builds that got hit
  18. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Well I'll show u the builds even tho I don't think it's necessary, both of them were using bcata without any extra sp, I asked in class builds what to do about that, and they said that there is no substitute for bcata and that we'll just have to build differently

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Starglass
    > Eden-Blessed Guards
    > Capricorn
    > Black Catalyst
    > Black Catalyst
    > Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    > Gigabyte
    > Nirvana [w6w6w6]

    This nirv build was pretty op, I already said that in a different thread, only took me 7 minutes to kill the Eye while still being pretty tanky


    WynnBuilder build:
    > Phoenix Prince's Crown
    > Hetusol
    > Eden-Blessed Guards
    > Capricorn
    > Black Catalyst
    > Black Catalyst
    > Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    > Diamond Hydro Necklace
    > Idol [f6w6f6]

    This build while also being really tanky, possibly a bit more than the Nirvana one, the DPS change was pretty huge, as it took me 15 minutes to do the Eye with this one and 36 minutes to do LI. I tried a different build with Idol that had a bit more damage, but on the other hand, was a lot more uncomfortable to play for me because it was a lot less tankier and it turned my favorite Warrior weapon into something I didn't want to play at all
  19. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    it's not surprising considering you put all your eggs into one basket. across the board a lot fewer archetypes were actually hit. it's also true that the item team minimized the number of nerfs to skill points, ensuring that most builds were still wearable postpatch.

    every piece of content that "pushed" players into ultratank was newly introduced in 1.20, and i share your opinion there. however, this is a matter of game design, not item balance. most changes since this year have been buffs or introductions of higher-power items. isolated from external issues, your builds shouldn't have broken recently unless you opted to swap into busted items.

    you don't hesitate to depend on bcata, something that was unhealthy for the meta and something that you didn't actually have access to pre-1.20. what were your thoughts on that patch and surrounding item changes?

    that's a problem specific to air mythics since they hold a high agi req; strati suffers similarly. the nerf is indirect and not deliberate. yes, it's a problem, but this problem is known. i also hope that the item team will eventually find a resolution.

    boss hpr was abolished in 1.19. i also vouch that i could easily beat robob with 14k meteors.

    i told you that because i suspected a poor fit. you seem to have a problem with the low damage in the archetype whilst many wfa users don't. wfa is intended to be an extreme archetype; if you're not that extreme, then it makes sense for you to use a balanced build. you feel that you've been thrown around a bit because wfa was balanced incorrectly in the first place. i'm a bit radical to support sacrificing people's builds for a healthier meta, but that's just my view.
    XavierEXE, Saya, hppeng and 1 other person like this.
  20. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    concur with qz on the points he made, especially the last one-- wfa is supposed to be the opposite end of the spectrum to etw. hypertank instead of hyper damage. obviously, similarly to how etw suffers in tankiness, wfa will suffer in damage. pre-1.20.3, wfa didn't suffer nearly as much in damage, due to the amount of damaging items available to it, such as virtuoso and adrenaline and starglass (not to mention trift courage/cursestacking) to name a few.
    these changes brought wfa to a place more reliably at its end of the spectrum

    as for your builds, wfa can't hit both near-immortality and very high damages anymore
    but, since you were using it when it was incredibly strong and the go-to for most mainstream builds (along with twf(a)), i doubt you would have a moral objection to using rainbow (which is similarly dominant this patch as wfa/twf(a) were last patch), which can reach similar stats

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > Libra
    > Greaves of the Veneer
    > Capricorn
    > Black Catalyst
    > Black Catalyst
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Hydro Necklace
    > Nirvana [w6w6w6]

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > Time Rift
    > Adrenaline
    > Capricorn
    > Draoi Fair
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Atlas
    > Contrast
    > Idol [w6w6w6]

    these are just quick slap builds, one (idol) more adjusted for damage with cursestacking, and the nirv one towards tankiness. they should be pretty interchangeable weapon-wise though.

    if you enjoyed using wfa not for its strength but just because it was cool, then you should have been prepared that it would be nerfed, as it was previously too strong. if you only like something when it's dominant/too good, you don't like it, you like the strength it gives.
    Saya and Qzphs like this.