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I'm replaying Wynncraft, here's my thoughts (part 5 out!)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by WithTheFish, Jan 2, 2022.

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  1. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    they are supposed to be racist, for some reason. Humans are bad, humans may not be in Gavel.
    Which is incredibly funny considering how many people request your help and the inter-province connections.

    I think this was more of a back-up plan to mess least amount of things possible, rather than "oh no, I must do good!"
    I think that although all the mistakes he has he still genuinely cared about Wynn.
    luckeyLuuk and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  2. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Lot of quotes but oh well
    Cooking assistant also got updated recently with profs but yeah, I kinda miss the old version since killing wheat was more fun.
    Agreed. It's not really good but it's not bad. I will laugh at that quest solely due to the amount of spiders (which surprisingly prepares me for meaningful holiday's same issue)
    They're off the path but I have seen they tend to get close enough that you end up in a fight with 1. Rarely but common enough that yeah they're an issue.
    Imo I'm fine with decrepit sewers being the generic dungeon since it does teach the player what every dungeon will do. It probably should have something unique, but it's perfect as a dungeon for a first time player since it basically tells the player "most dungeons will involve these mechanics" only way it would be better is if it also told the player in some way that every dungeon had a unique twist.
    Only mob i remember is witherhead which as a mage, air makes that fight so much faster.
    Been to that cave. Hate the termites there. There's too many.
    Same exact room with 1 more token 3 times in a row. Boss fight is literally a token room. Yeah no imo it's worse than decrepit sewers because decrepit sewers teaches the player and has an actually fun boss battle. To me, a token room 4 times in a single dungeon really kills any enjoyment
    Especially since I don't think war is ever brought up in the lore outside of the quest.
    Tbh. I'm the opposite. I like the entire dungeon BUT the boss fight. Charon feels like a unfun boss fight due to the mechanics in it.
    Yeahh time travel in wynn is weird. Fate of the fallen does it well but I think that's the only time it works since it's less time travel and more time viewing.
    Because wynn hates the player. In all seriousness it sucks. I literally wait till I unlock sand swept to do that ques.t
    I don't hate the mesa itself. I just think it's useless there. Like it's just... there. You got 1 bad quest (tribe quest) 1 meh quest (canyon condor) a fetch quest (ToL) and a dungeon quest (SST) The area's fine but the quests just don't do much for it.
    tribal aggression. The fetch quest that makes me hate level 30-40.
    I miss that old puzzle. It was better than the current one imo. Bring bad old mummy's tomb
    Honestly. A lot of island quests suffer from this. Especially with how ticket's work. Coordinates are not good enough if it's an island you've never been to.
    And even then you still might miss.
    Tbf, I think this would come down to general minecraft knowledge since at some angles you could see the green on the sticky piston naturally.
    This is unpopular? God I was so glad when it got revamped. It's better than what it was before. Agree on not being special but least it feels better/
    I think cluck cluck is the first time this happens? (if anyone's confused the guy says to take care of the chicken, but the player interprets that as "must kill the chicken") But yeah wynn does it enough to a point I genuinely hate it, I hate it when the game makes the main character an idiot to the point it's like "how were you not arrested?" Should make the player at least average in terms of intelligence so it doesn't become "what idiotic action will the player do today"
    I will argue that it sucked solely due to being the first town where even if you were actively playing, and not afking. You could still easily die. Ice barrow mobs with pull. Some mobs just basically sneaking past every soldier somehow. It imo really needs the revamp.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Yes, that is because we have almost no information about Fruma.
    luckeyLuuk and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  4. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yeah true, should point out though even in the quest, outside of that moment with the infamous quote, there seems to be no war and more just a slightly tyrannical royalty. Gotta be honest, that quest gives a lot of mixed signals about what's happening. Also Seaskipper implies that Fruma just sucks not that a fight's going on.
    Also if they're at war why are they sending their brainwashed/hypnotised/memory wiped potential soldiers to wynn? If there's a war you're sending them to your fight not someone elses.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  5. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It’s probably a civil war
  6. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Eh. I doubt solely because there's no indication of a war at all.
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  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    As Bwitty said, it is most likely a war between royalty and rebellion. They cast out people they do not like.
    Also, why would there seem to be a war? They send soldier to help Wynn and they are extremely secretive. No information gets out, so how are you supposed to know anything?
    Why would you you persuade someone that there is no war if there wasn't?

    At this point, there isn't really "there are no indications of it" but rather "no indications were made yet".
  8. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I think the issue here, out of the 3 people we meet (and see memories of) how is a rebellion NEVER brought up? Either through overhearing it or actively taken part.
    As I said, if they have a war/rebellion going on, why help another province? They could just use their memory wiped soldiers to fight against a rebellion.
    I mean talking about just general story. To me it just seems more like such a forced in plot point. Sure if the quest itself had a hint there was a war going on beforehand then i'd be more eager to accept it. But just showing 3 people get merciless treatment from the royal guards then saying "oh there's a war" is a sudden change. Sure there's probably gonna be a war in the future, but right now there's more evidence to say Fruma has close to full control.
    I have checked wiki and there's only 1 instance of a war POSSIBLY being implied, and this sounds more just like a threat of submit but "This village would do well to remember who protects them from external forces." That's the only time other than the bad quote that a war is possibly implied, but as I said this sounds more like a threat of "you need us"
    I feel like if they did introduce a war it'd have to be a rebellion (but at the same time that'd probably be after the player appears or they change recover the past a bit to make it clear on how no one even notices a war going on.)
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  9. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I think it is supposed to illustrate how bad it is in Fruma. In theory we could see some hints in the last memory, but still I don't think this necessarily ruins the theory.

    I mean, why not? It makes you look good to other provinces and you get rid of them forever.

    It is not too sudden. When there is a form of tyranny, there is always some rebellion. Aside that, the story would make more sense than "we come to Fruma and start rebellion from the scratch (and most likely) overthrow the regime".

    Yes, war against the rebellion.

    I mean, it is fine as it is now, and one hint doesn't hurt in my opinion.

    Also maybe we should move to dms so we don't interrupt the thread too much (or I can send you link to wynntheory discord)
  10. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Don't worry, this thread isn't dead, at least not yet. I've just been busy with midterms and then last week I spent most of my time playing a videogame that I'll probably bring up a bunch in my next feedback post. Expect a new part to this thread soon or soon-ish.
  11. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Well, this thread had a good run, but sadly I've lost a lot of my motivation to keep this project going. I can see myself starting it up again when 1.21 drops, but for now, I'm gonna stop. I wasn't able to review everything, but hopefully I was able to give the ct some good feedback.

    Oh, and I might as well share the last few things I wrote down:
    Bob’s Lost Soul:
    [this part might be incomplete, I'm not sure if I ended up writing down all my feedback on it]

    I’m glad they explain that the zombie in Ragni isn’t actual Bob, because that’s actually pretty confusing… except Bob the Zombie’s head is in the tomb. I do think it’s kinda absurd that Tarod never found Bob’s tomb considering how obvious its location is. From there is just gets more confusing: why does Tarod somehow immediately know we need to put Bob’s soul to rest? (something I don’t even know if we really accomplish in the quest). Then there’s the whole “soul” lore, which is just really confusing to me from a worldbuilding standpoint. What caused Bob’s soul to enter random weapons? How did Wedyf split a soul? How does this relate to soul points?
    (Side note: an easily missable secret discovery may or may not imply that Bob isn’t dead, which would make this stuff even more confusing. Huh.)

    The amount of backtracking gets really tedious. You have to go all the way to Bremminglar from Nesaak, then somewhere to get the rose, then somewhere else to get the tear, then back to Bremminglar, then Ternaves, then elsewhere to get the weapons, then Ternaves again, then Bremminglar AGAIN, then Nesaak for a final time. This reminds me a lot of old Jungle Fever. It isn’t super time consuming but it’s just not fun at all. Of course, you can get a lot of those items from the market, which the game actually hints at, but players, especially newcomers, may not want to spend their money on that (the least expensive depressing weapons there were 7EB). Hell, I didn’t want to waste money and I regretted that choice. If Wedyf and the Blacksmith were in the Nesaak region, this issue could have been completed avoided.

    I think that making the door permanently open was the right choice. If I had to head back to Detlas to find players after all that backtracking I would’ve been angry. This was also a good choice for Reincarnation. However, this does eliminate a source of cooperation from Wynncraft.

    Also having a wizard say “yo, what’s up bud” may have been the most immersion breaking thing I’ve seen so far.

    WynnExcavation Site B:
    The story continues, and now we know that WynnExcavation is definitely an evil organization. And for some reason, after their first assassination attempt on you fails, they just let you go? Yeah, after the puzzle, the quest starts to have some minor problems that add up. Why are they struggling to find the crystal when it’s behind a potentially destructable door? Why is their cavern excavation site (the one past the puzzle) completely abandoned? Why does the starting NPC basically spoil their entire plan? That last part really annoyed me, as it’s a trope that I’m just not a fan of.

    I think the puzzle is decent (maybe a bit too vague), but it just feels very out of place. This is especially apparent given that it takes up about 90% or more of your time in this quest, and just feels so disconnected from the story and everything else.

    Fun fact: the starting NPC still uses a pigman model, which means that playing in 1.16+ will give him pig ears.
    Nesaak Region:
    Explorer’s Corruption Studies:
    Not much to say here, hit all the marks for a solid discovery. Not too obovious or obscure and has okay lore and gameplay.

    Wolf Temple:
    I’m glad it’s a bit more clear that there’s some content up in the mountains (which I feel like players are generally discouraged from climbing), but the wolf “puzzle” itself just feels like trial and error, unless there’s some explanation I missed.

    Frozen Cave Hideout:
    I like this. Not obvious but also not too obscure. I like how it shows that Theorick’s actions weren’t as good on the surface as it seems. I also like how the lore of those giant statues remain a mystery, they’ve been there as an oddity for almost a decade and I love how they’re just… there.

    The Lone Telescope:
    Another discovery where you have to climb a mountain. This one feels a bit more like filler, as I don’t really feel like I learn anything about the world from it. It’s also overshadowed by the Illuminati triangle easter egg nearby, which seems a lot cooler. (side note: the wynn discord forgot illuminati memes were a thing like 7 years ago and I feel old now)

    Pottery Wheel:
    This is the third discovery I’ve found in the region located in the mountains, which is starting to feel a bit repetitive. This is a shame, because out of the three it’s my favorite due to providing nice backstory to the region’s main character.

    Lusuco’s Secret Library:
    Great in terms of lore but incredibly flawed in terms of how you find it. Getting the gunpowder frustrated me, as while it is on the trade market, it cost about 15EB. The alternative was heading all the way to Rymek and grinding mobs; an option newcomers may not know about it. Once you have the TNT, you need to throw it onto one carpet with a different color in a random part of town, in a time where carpets aren’t really used much. I feel like these issues could be fixed however, and even now the lore can definitely make up with it for some people.

    Nilrem’s Sealed Letter:
    Has some really intriguing lore, but it has some gameplay issues. The keys you find are a bit too easy to miss, and their text says they open something in Nesaak. I think they should say they open something nearby, as I went to the town of Nesaak and spent like 5 minutes searching every house. Then, the doors on those structures near the great bridge have no indicator that a key works on them, but that might be a bug.

    A Deathly Warning:
    Death is my favorite NPC, so it’s always nice to see more acknowledgement for him. It does seem too hidden however, but that might just be from my own experience with it.

    Torn in Twain:
    I like this one. Very simple but provides some good lore.

    The Twain’s Downfall:
    There are no grand revelations or anything here in my opinion, but this is nonetheless very entertaining. As I said earlier, Theorick’s lore was the first time this playthrough where the lore interested me, and this cutscene continued the trend.

    Llevigar Secret Discoveries
    Unstable Experiments:
    I think it’s really cool how you use a spell to reach this discovery, although there’s nothing in terms of prior gameplay or background hints that lets you know that you need to use a spell. The discovery itself is sadly underwhelming, as I already knew that overcharging quartz could be dangerous from the Rise of the Quartron quest.

    Teachings of Old:
    This actually might be the best discovery in the game, at least thusfar (keep in mind I haven’t done half of them yet). It feels too grand to be a discovery honestly, it could stand as a quest and would probably be in the top 20. It isn’t hand-holdy, but I found like I was able to solve everything with logic. The fishing minigame was actually so cool and is somehow way more fun than the fishing profession. Lorewise, while the discovery text doesn’t tell much, other parts do a great job at introducing the decay and its effects. Just so good overall IMO. This might be the high point of the level 40-50 range.

    Spider Ruins:
    This is way too obscure. I doubt anyone would consider doing some random woodcutting in an area filled with dangerous mobs. If the trees had like a different name or wood type, I think this would work better. And honestly, I think this discovery uses profs really well.

    Abandoned Excavations:
    Nice and simple, rewards the player for going off the main path. I’m always a fan of diary entries and stuff.

    At The Edge of Decay:
    Now we’re really getting into the lore. You’ve been hearing about the decay, but now, you actually get to see it in action in what I think is a cool sequence. I’m indifferent towards Lari as a character here, as she does a good enough job as a source of exposition. But her appearing after RoL 1 or later (presumably) is gonna be pretty immersion breaking, and I’d imagine not everyone will do this discovery before then. Side note: Lari mentions being the only person who can hold back the decay, but unless she has some exclusive magic powers of destiny (this would feel too cliche if true), you’d think she’d teach others about how to do it? Oh yeah, re-arranging the map was a nice puzzle too.

    Ultimate Discovery:
    I never really felt like I needed to know exactly why the villagers set sail, but still, it’s nice to get some more context for some of most important lore in Wynncraft. The cutscene is great as always!
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It is even worse after RoL V (same also applies to A Dividing Force SD).
  13. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    You're now almost at the same point in game as I am. So honestly, you couldn't have stopped this at a better moment haha. Thx for the great thread!
  14. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I kind of disagree about making Nivla easier, if Nivla is too hard for you, as it often will be, you have two recourses, either stick around the Ragni areas until you're a higher level either by doing decrepit sewers or just killing mobs/getting discoveries, or you can just go around Nivla, there's a road even marked with a sign right by the Nivla forest entrance that goes to the south-east past time valley, and you could also go around to the north through the coastal trail. You could say expecting players to find ways around nivla doesn't make sense for the early game, but firstly, I think it makes sense to reward players for exploring the map more and not just following a linear path, and Ragni is already kind of designed to encourage exploration with how it has 3 gates each leading into different areas which ultimately connect back together, it's kind of communicating something to you by doing that, but secondly once again if you're having trouble with Nivla most new players will just assume they're a bit underleveled and hang around Ragni a bit longer which isn't really a problem at all, it just means you'll spend like 1 more day around Katoa ranch or the emerald trail before reaching level 11, or 14 or 15 depending on how much you're struggling, which on your first playthrough isn't a really big deal.
    I will however say that the Emerald trail + Nivla forest + Detlas suburbs is a pretty long road put together and having to go all the way through Nivla again if you die in Detlas suburbs could be pretty frustrating, at the same time though Detlas suburbs is in my experience usually pretty easy especially compared to Nivla, if you got through Nivla you're unlikely to die while going through Deltas suburbs at the same level since the mobs are more spaced out, Detlas suburbs is just the home-stretch of the Ragni-Detlas journey at least in my experience. I wouldn't mind if they added some way for you to respawn at the Detlas-side of Nivla, maybe if they put an "Inn" next to the powder master house that counted as a respawnable city or something, since there will be some people who instead of going straight towards Detlas will explore the caves and such first, caves which are more dangerous and could definitely conceivably kill a lot of people, and like I said earlier the game should really reward exploration, not punish it.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
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  15. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    There's Sunrise Canyon aka at least one of my favorite bosses both in the desert/mesa area and in the whole game, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people's as well, But also the place just being there is cool honestly, there's a bunch of caves as well, and if you just walk around the upper canyon for a while there's a whole bunch of stuff up in the mountains that you wouldn't expect, but just in general it feels good to be there for me regardless of what I'm doing, it has enough content to be alright for a side area of the desert and combined with the awesome terrain and the wild west aesthetic which I agree with Withthefish is really cool, makes it one of the best areas on the map in my opinion at least.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  16. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    I agree the recommended levels being misleading and they should be fixed. I’ve seen new players trying to beat the whole thing while not knowing the difficulty and the rewards are not for their level (I only know this when I checked the wiki on my first playthrough and I beat it on 75), and ended up in confusion and giving up the quest or even the game as a whole (for example players who don’t like challenges and give up a game just because some failure), and 105 players doing this quest only finding it boring due to overpowering the mobs and realising the items are underlevelled. They missed a good set that could have been make their 75-87 levelling easier.
    Personally, I think they should put the recommend level besides the updated quest book instruction (sry idk how to elaborate it) or remove/revamp the recommended level shown at the floor entrance.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
    luckeyLuuk and WithTheFish like this.
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