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World How I Think Mythics Could Be Fixed.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Sonick, Aug 27, 2017.


Should they do this?

  1. Yea!

  2. No!

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  1. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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  2. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    If these changes are implemented, how much would would lower end mythics, like a Pure, go for if the player chooses to trade one for LE?
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
  3. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Dr Zed, Aya and Lexwomy like this.
  4. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    It's that time again... @SilverMirror SLAP
  5. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    It's time for a B U M P.
    They would be traded for 15 stacks or one of the new mythics., just like all of the older mythics. Pure still has a 7/1.000.000 chance of being found, just like every other mythic, so it makes sense that it would have the same value as all the other mythics.
  6. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    uh Ice Bear doesn't think it works like that because of supply and demand, there is almost no demand for pure so the price isn't high compared to Gaia, Startiformis, grimtrap, etc. by each of them still having a 7/1000000 chance of being found that just means they have the same supply.
  7. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    The chance of finding a mythic is 7/1,000,000

    Not the chance of finding an individual mythic.
    If your stats are true then the chance of finding a mythic become 7*x/1,000,000

    x = amount of mythics in game.

    That's ignoring rarity of different mythics, some mythics are harder to find than others.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
    Stag2001 likes this.
  8. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    Time for bump.
  9. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Because it's terrible. You can not play the game with a goal in mind and eventually reach your goal because you stayed dedicated. You need to get lucky. That's a terrible game design for an RPG game. Luck plays too much of a factor in this game.

    And that's exactly the issue. The only way to earn big money in this game is to trade. Do you not see an issue? It's an RPG game. Trading playing the biggest role in you earning money. This isn't a market share simulator. It's not a business oriented game, trading should not have such a huge impact on your earnings, but it literally makes almost all of your money if we are talking about stacks. Again, an absolutely terrible concept for an RPG game. If you play a racing game, you will earn money trough races, not trough selling car parts. You want to be rich in an RPG you go grind, craft and trade. Or a combination of 2, but definitely not just trade.

    Because you cannot go grind for it. You cannot go into the game with a goal in mind, dedicate time to it and get rewarded due to your skill and dedication, because obtaining mythics takes only luck, and not skill. You can find a mythic while being the absolute worst player in the history of mankind while someone with thousands of hours who can solo Qira blind won't find shit. Alright, you are not lucky, you can just buy one!? Nope, buying mythics takes huge amounts of money which are not directly earned via game, but trading, which should be a secondary way of obtaining currency. Grinding should be your number one priority, in any RPG game, otherwise there is something seriously wrong. When is the last time someone suggested to go kill mobs so you can afford a mythic? There was no last time cause no one ever said it. Everyone knows grinding is piss poor and trading overshadows it by way too much. That shouldn't and can't be a case if you want your gameplay to be rewarding and fun.

    You cannot possibly say that. I have been playing RPG games for 10+ years, they are literally the only kind of a game I'm really good at. I am bad at puzzles, decent at platforms, shooters and actions, but RPG games are literally where I shine, and I'm gonna be real honest right now, the gameplay in this game is bottom line terrible. Mythics are broken, whether because their stats are unbalanced between each other, be it because luck plays too much of a factor or simply because they are expensive for all the wrong reasons. Mythics are severely broken and need a change.
    Jaymon likes this.
  10. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    i agree, but luck is... amazing when it works out for you. eventually it will work out for everyone. I can see what you are trying to say but from my perspective, this isn't an issue.

    that's not an issue in my opinion, i love the trading aspect of this game. for others, they might dislike the idea of trading so much in this game. I can understand what you are trying to say, but if it's fun, it's fun. wynncraft does need another OP method of good money income and some major money sinks/item sinks.

    I agree, but the price of mythics isn't too bad. If you are dedicated you could buy a lousy mythic and work your way up the mythic market within 2 months.
    But yeah I agree with this whole paragraph.

    this one could go on forever, but I still think what I posted is valid. yes, mythics are hard to come across, but is it really bad? its not what an RPG game should be like, but its not boring is it?

    thanks for your response.

    off-topic here, what are some cool rpg games you've played and enjoyed[/QUOTE]
    T-Flex likes this.
  11. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Wall of text incoming, sorry about that.
    Kinda skipping other parts because I don't want to run in circles, I understand your point.
    What do you do in game? Cause there is little you can do. You love trading because it's rewarding. You can see progress over time adding up to a substantiational amount so you are able to afford mythics. Do you enjoy anything else?

    I don't. There is not a single aspect of the gameplay that makes me want to play it.

    Most of the quests are OP with exp gained, I don't want to rush trough the game, but the grinding is so dulling I have no other choice. I find quests a chore, because they are all the same, just reskined, more or less. Some are creative and fun, which I enjoyed doing, but most were a task to complete and I had no fun in doing.

    Dungeons aren't rewarding, at least most of them, in terms of gear. Low level ones require too many runs for items you will over-level too quickly, no point doing them. FF is decent with couple of gear, but the weapons are pointless. Like packet for example, no reason for anyone to grind for it cause you can buy better gale and cluster for cheap, saving bunch of time. In terms of exp gained, dungeons are severely OP.

    Making builds is too restrictive with SP requirements. Instead of giving people free will and making other items more special, they restrict you with SP limiting your options severely. That's not fun. I cannot gear up according to task I am performing, but according to gear I can wear. That's a wrong approach. You can make people use different gear via other means that don't restrict you.

    There is almost no end game content. LI is kinda one, but the gear there has too high SP requirement for me to make it worth grinding. I would need to sacrifice something in the process in order to use that gear which just makes doing LI pointless, other than finishing it for self achievement.

    Grinding is boring because it has been neglected from the start. Every RPG enthusiast loves to grind when grinding aspect is done correctly.
    You never complain about CoD having too much shooting. Or city skylines having too much building. That's how it should be with RPG games, grinding should be fun, here it's not because you earn nothing from it. It's pointless. It's the main reason so many dislike it. Either that, or you don't like RPGs in general, there is nothing else to it.

    Skill tree makes game a lot more fun and increases the potential playtime by a lot because it gives the game uniqueness and promotes creativity. In this game, there is none. Every archer class has exactly the same skills. That shouldn't be the case. Why couldn't there be an archer build oriented around arrow shield? Or a mage build that serves as an aura-booster for the people in the party increasing their regen rate and DPS? Even D3 gives you some options regarding skill customization, and their skill tree sucks, says a lot about Wynn doesn't it.

    Crafting doesn't exist.

    No substitutes for mythics. Gale is not a substitute for Strati. If you are making a chocolate cake, you can substitute coco powder for powdered chocolate. You can't use powdered paprika because they are both in a powdered form and say one is a substitute for other. If we had a weapon with similar DPS to strati with at least 60% WS, then we could talk about a substitutes. Currently strati can have up to almost x3 times WS, that's a lot, gale can't compare to that.

    Nerfs currently happening aren't making your builds weaker, but breaking them. You are not able to wear items you previously could. Again, instead of making other items more special so they are used more, they are increasing SP requirements so you are not able to wear gear anymore. It's not fun. The only reason people are currently changing builds is so they can have one, because nerfing broke their last build, instead of being motivated to gear up depending on what you wish to do. If you wanna grind and get loot faster, go equip something with loot bonus. Wanna do Qira? Equip something that reduces chances of you being caught in the web. Doing matrojan? Equip gear with bunch of fire resist so you can tank up the damage. But instead of that approach, you equip what you can wear due to SP limitations and tedious SP re-specing. Such a terrible approach.

    Another thing I mind about the game is not having a proper beta testing team, which is a shame. It affects the game indirectly and makes it less fun. For example, because certain things weren't considered, we have nerfs of such magnitude making people frustrated. If we had beta testers, proper ones, that could have been avoided. At least chances would be higher. If you wanted to train Aikido and someone said they were training for years, you'd ask them for advice. You'd listen to their opinion and work on your mistakes. I have no idea why Wynn doesn't ask the experienced part of the community about balancing issues and gameplay mechanics. From my experience, admins often know the least about their game. Take Salted for example. People are screaming to change the mythics but he ignores it, just being stubborn, gives no shit about it. It's hurting the game. Grian has so many builders helping him with builds, why couldn't we have more people to make the gameplay better? To add new things, something that we can do for a major time in the game.

    Everything I listed is just a tip of the iceberg, my reasons why the gameplay is not fun, for me. I could talk just as much about the economy and how it makes the game less fun. Lack of achievements, money sinks, horse breeding being irrelevant, game abusing, lack of skill required, easy leveling system...I could write 4 times the length of this post, but I decided to stop here. Kinda overdid it anyway.

    Diablo 2 - the 1st one I ever played. It's a classic and to this day, still played by a lot. It's punishing yet rewarding. Has issues, but still fun to play. It can be a perfect example of how you should and should not do certain things.

    Titan's quest - another classic. In my opinion, it's better than diablo 2 because it gives you more options regarding the skill tree. You can also combine 2 different classes, which back then wasn't a norm, it brought something unique to the RPG table.

    Grim dawn - made by the same people who made titan's quest. It brings many of the Titan's quest features while introducing new things to the game. For a single player game, it's amazing.

    Diablo 3 - it's kinda fun. Story is good, graphics are polished, greater rifts are kinda fun to do, until you get burned out, because the game has been lacking content for a long time. I still enjoy playing it with my friends.

    Skyrim - I played it for a couple of days. It has been fun during that duration, but the game had too many bugs, and when there are bugs, I abuse them. Kinda ruined the game for me because I level up too fast. It's my own fault. If you can not to that, you are looking at hundreds of hours of gameplay if you can force yourself to play an offline game. There is also an unofficial patch which increases the quality of the game.

    Witcher 3 - that one focuses on more on the story than gameplay. It's really, really good, but it's not similar to other games because it doesn't put as much emphasis on the gameplay and grinding.

    Heroes of might and magic 3 - the absolute prince of all heroes of might and magic game. It came almost 20 years ago and it's still very popular. It even has a huge modding community. It's different to other RPG games, as you are not controlling a "hero", but your hero has monsters you control.

    Fable, the lost chapters - I replayed it so many times I stopped counting. The thing that made it fun is the fact that your decisions affect the outcome of the game. You can play as a good guy or a bad guy. Or something in between. There are also fun side things to do.

    Super mario RPG - played it on snes. It's soooo good for a snes game. It's often speedran on twitch. I always get nostalgic when I heard about it.

    Stardew Valley - that one made me lol, but I had to include it. It's not like other dungeon crawler games, it puts more emphasis on farming, literal farming, but it still contains a lot of RPG aspects. It was amazing when I played it, and since then, many major patches came out. Such a good game, 10/10 on steam.

    Torchlight 2 - not sure what to say about that one. It's not actually unique, but the reason I like it a lot is because it taught me I liked playing ranged classes more than melee. It's the 1st game that showed me the game style I enjoy the most.

    And lastly, the absolute best game I ever played,

    Path of Exile - you should see grinding in that game. It's not fun. It's way beyond that. When you are sleeping, you are dreaming about grinding. When you wake up, it's the 1st thing you do even if there is hurricane outside. That's how grinding should be handled. PoE is, for me, the king of all RPG games. I could sit for hours grinding and not getting bored, it's that fun.

    I also played many other games but they don't hold a special place in my heart. I also know a bunch of other games people enjoy a lot, but I never tried them. WoW, Final Fantasy, legend of zelda, undertale, dark souls games, darkest dungeon, sacred 2, fallout, chrono trigger, dragon age, divinity original sin, earth bound, south park the stick of truth (amazing if you like watching SP show[fractured but whole coming out soon]), secret of mana. Some of those I played, but didn't overly like, some I didn't play at all, but I know others enjoy them a lot, so they are worth mentioning. I probably forgot a couple of games.

    As you probably realized, I'm very passionate about RPG games. Eh.

    EDIT: sorry for all the typos, it's a long post.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  12. At World's End

    At World's End Infamous Adventurer HERO

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    Can you imagine a lvl 200 cataclysm? *1 million spins*
  13. Grion

    Grion Hit that mf yeet. VIP+

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    It's fake
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