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World [house'ing] Your Own Private Flying Island, A Bit Big And Detailed Idea Without P2w/balance Fails

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by KebabCycek, Jan 26, 2019.

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  1. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Your idea is great in terms as it has shattered and preconceptions of housing threads! However, if you let people who think your housing suggestion is like everyone else and insult you, I suggest not giving in and insult them back, which will feed back into the notion of what they think of you and your thread.

    Personally I think you should find a reason to make this work lore wise in game.
    Druser likes this.
  2. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP Item Team

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    What I meant by that was that the implementation wouldn't be too hard based on the root idea.
  3. KebabCycek

    KebabCycek Travelled Adventurer

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    It depends. Some people belive it needs many many many many new slots or instances to make every island private and every player will have it own part of the WynnCraft world. That's not true.
    Theoretically, the system could work in a simple way - you appear on a free island using the NPC, which does not allow you to teleport there every minute, for example you can go there every 30 or 60 minutes. We can also limit islands per server, for example 8 per server.
    Server uses variables, small database, few kbs maybe more to see what kind of rooms you placed in your home and simply changes blocks (rooms) to these selected by player. If the room is connected by corridor, it simply marges exits and allows you to go through them. State of the island is saved when user is changing rooms, it also isn't heavy for the server. Just some variables.
    Rooms may be small - the only thing that must fit inside is rafinery, so we can slim amount of data if rooms will be near the same :)

    Thanks Mario for insane "review". Maybe I'll add some videos with room projects or something.

    Sadly we both know how it will end - with massive downvotes. Why? People that would like to see housing are leaving the forum because of instant-hate from active users that are against housing and are still active on the forums. Any kind of poll may be easly abused by "friends" or "castes" who are trying to look like the decisive majority in the community.
    So if so many people are against housing, we should ask them - why so many people where posting ideas about housing? Huh...

    Remember: if you think that prices are too low, we can manipulate this in easy way. Placing room may be a bit cheap (for 40-60 lvl players), but maintaining it can be more expensive. For example, each room must be paid so it can be used.This can be used in the lore - you rent an island from a powerful mage or every worker in the room needs to be paid to maintain your access to the tools.
    We can increase payment for room twice (100+ EB) and add for example 5 EB daily to use it. It must be usable by mid-level players too, right? Right. Another thing - changing the rooms requires another payment.
  4. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    You know you made an interesting point here. You said that due to the established users reacting negatively, oftentimes new users leave before they can become established users themselves. I think that we can't just ignore this because if it true then we might be stopping a large amount of the player base from sharing their ideas. I think that we need to make sure that we are accepting and say what exactly we have a problem with in the future.

    However I am still personally against this due to a couple of reasons
    1. If it is implemented in the way you said with you having to wait 30 mins in between each use, then it would only be useful for serious players and not those who play casually

    2 If each house is only a series of "tiles" then they would lose the individuality I would expect from them

    3 it does seem a bit OP that you could refine everything and then immediately craft it. Currently, even in detlas you have to walk a fair bit.

    Overall the best housing thread in a while
  5. Kheya

    Kheya shoutbox has 100 pages!!!!!!! VIP+

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    Even if this was managed to be put in the game that without making everyone lag, that doesnt change the fact that housing doesnt fit with the lore or theme of wynncraft. What would be the lore about "you randomly have an NPC that can teleport you to a floating island where you can build a house". This is a well put together thread and easily the best housing suggestion ive seen, but housing really shouldnt be put into wynncraft.
  6. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    I mean, there are random people who stand outside otherwise unreachable magical dungeons that managed to get past the strong magical barriers and just take keys to let you in the dungeon. That doesn’t make much sense either.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  7. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    The people with the loudest voices dont have the most popular opinions.
    Also there was like a 3 month gap of 0 housing threads
  8. Kheya

    Kheya shoutbox has 100 pages!!!!!!! VIP+

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    I agree, that doesnt really make much sense, but at least it makes more sense then the floating island that comes out od nowhere. KebabCykek even specifies in the thread that there wouldnt be a quest to unlock it, meaning there would be no explination at all.
  9. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    That’s a lego house
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