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Full playthrough feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Ultraman001, Jun 17, 2024.

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  1. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Wait with removal of soul point what will you loose when doing /kill
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Corruption Portal. Nether isn't canon, and almost all instances of the world are being cut from the game in 2.1
  3. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Yeah I mean Corruption/Nether Portal I just call it that cuz I'm used to playing survival not MMORPG
  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    It's not related to the vanilla Nether at all.
  5. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Yeah but it use the Nether Portal from Minecraft to represent it
    Sad that the Mimic mechanic found in Loot Symposium is not used across the rest of Wynncraft
  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    No it does not.
  7. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    I mean the blocks
    Like nether portal blocks
    The purple ones with the animations
  8. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    All of your progress in whatever dungeon/quest area progress stuff/quest battle you are doing, some mats & ingredients, and you get sent back to a city that you most probably do not want to be in. To add to this, you must walk back to whatever it was you are doing. If you are in a raid, you must hope your party finishes the room or kills the boss. If you are in a lootrun, you lose a minute and go back to camp. There was an entire, giant thread detailing all of the reasons soul points should be removed. (Especially when a lot of the games hardest challenges remove soul points' effects.) I cannot find this thread anymore (as I do not know where it went), however the reasons the poster had for removing soul points match the ones I listed above.
    This would be extremely annoying and would not match most areas of the game.
    It is still called the Realm of War Portal, even if outdated dialogue refers to it as the "Nether" or it uses the vanilla nether portal blocks.
    Post that in the dialogue errors megathread. That is where the staff look for dialogue errors. Not some random thread.
    Multiple people of the same species making mistakes is not racist, unless the game implies that they are stupid because their race is stupid, little, evil, demonic, and dumb. Which, by the way, it does not. (For instance, an example of racism is the dwarves calling doguns "demons" throughout the questline, which implies that doguns are heartless, evil, monstrous, and aren't cared for and don't care for anyone else. However, the game is not racist because the entire questline is literally convincing the dwarves that the assumption is wrong.) Also, the detection range is not as large as you make it sound. I literally did that quest today and there wasn't an issue. It can be frustrating in circumstances where you do not notice the guard or you think they are looking the other way, but you walking directly in front of them and being caught is not some sort of absurd detection range issue. If you didn't move, but got caught, make a bug report.
    Most of your comments aren't even "feedback" at all, they are just you asking questions, making uninformed assumptions, proposing suggestions, and being stubborn.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
    Earthbrine, Deusphage and Da Homeboi like this.
  9. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    if it were used everywhere else in the game it would not be interesting.
    Deusphage likes this.
  10. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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  11. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Firstly, I know this is isn't exactly a feedpack post, but when I posted it elsewhere someone else told me to post it here.
    Secondly, even if Soul Point will be removed you will still die lmao they never said they will make player invincible, so all the problem you said about loosing a minute in lootrun, or spawning in a random city will still be there.
    Also like I said now multiple times, I call it the Nether Portal because I'm used to call it that way there is no need to attack me for that.

    And finally, the "wynncraft is racist against elves" was more of a joke if y'all didn't understood, it's just that like I said I noticed that every problem in the world of Wynncraft is linked to some elves doing stupid mistake.
    And please send me the link to the dialogue error megathread I can't find it
  12. Existing_Player

    Existing_Player Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    You titled the thread "Full playthrough feedback". It's also in the feedback subforum.

    Elytry's post wasn't claiming these were issues, it was a response to your question (what you will lose on death after the removal of soul points). Currently the problem with dying isn't getting punished for it, it's getting more and more punished the more you die, and having to wait to get your soul points back in order to avoid losing more important items. It basically forces people to stop playing the game for a little while.

  13. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Oh ok sorry Elytry I misread and tought you were answering to smth else
  14. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Extremely important question: will the bell on the Seaskipper ship be replaced by an actual bell when they update the map to use newer version blocks
    eyo in the Cluck Cluck quest Nohno says "you human look all the same to me"
    racist villager
  15. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Guys I'm redoing the Recover the Past quest on a new character, and Dr. Picard said that Sailor Caid "found himself here in Wynn, as a soldier"! That mean that we can actually leave the army!
    Ok so I finished it, like I usually see people depicting Fruma as kingdom ruled by a tyrant or smth, but like maybe they are not that bad? I mean Caid and Reynauld were criminals for sure, and we don't know what Aledar did
    Their is just Tasim that got caught in the crossfire but it's still acceptable
    What we should really talk about is HOW TF did the inquisitor managed to detect us IN THE MEMORY
    Like that's a whole other level of power at this point
    Wouldn't even surprise me if the most weak mob of Fruma expansion was level 300
  16. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    It's literally fine right now. There's no reason to replace it if it works fine. In fact, normal Minecraft bells are weird and can't be rung from certain angles. (Besides, who knows what the WynnPack will use bells for. Seeing as we have realistic normal bells and big bells made of blocks, they wouldn't need to use the bell at all.) Also, this is not the section for questions. (And this question is not 'extremely important')
    In a subforum for actual feedback and on a thread that does not have 'joke' in the title, you are saying any staff on this thread are wasting their time because your 'feedback' is actually you making a joke. Also, making jokes about racism isn't funny.
    Someone having trouble distinguishing people who don't like them and look similar to each other comparatively is not 'racist'.
    In case you didn't know, there's actually a subforum for sh*tposts. It's called the VIP Plaza. You could also say stuff like this in Nemract's Bar, which isn't as serious as the general suggestions and feedback subforums. This isn't feedback, it's just wasting the time of staff members reading this and people like me who respond to it.
    This is a theory. Not feedback. But since you keep posting stuff that isn't feedback here, I'll debunk your theory. Firstly, they wipe minds and you weren't observant enough to realize that they were criminals out of necessity. The Fruman economy is clearly not great, and people have to steal to survive. The government is downright ignorant of this, and punishes poor people for surviving. They also wipe people's memories and seem to use The Rest Of The World as a just a trash bin for their criminals. If they want to help win the war, shouldn't they be sending their army instead of their thieves, murderers, and unauthorized magic users. Russia is doing something similar in the on-going invasion of Ukraine. They are freeing their worst criminals and sending them to the war, while jailing those who want peace.
    Additionally, they use magic to stay in total control of the populace. If no one else has magic, no one else can lead a revolution. If they can use their own magic to control a magic-less nation, they can stay in power forever.
    The inquisitor (at least in my interpretation) is reacting to the player in that memory, not you from the future. I believe he gets freaked out by your past, not your present. As for you getting stuck in the memory, it's most likely because Dr. Picard's orb was faulty in some way. After all, his dialogue states that you are being sucked into the memory.
    Seeing as the Fruman Guards outside the gate are level 60, (though it may be increased to 105 or 115) I highly doubt that.
    Deusphage likes this.
  17. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Please post only feedback. Stop with the rest of the stuff. If you have genuine questions, ask them in the questions forum.
    Elysium_, Earthbrine and Elytry like this.
  18. Ultraman001

    Ultraman001 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Do you seriously take everything so seriously? Like the "it's extremely important" part was OBVIOUSLY a joke :/

    Thank you, I will move this thread to the Nemract's Bar

    Apart from the slums (and pretty much every country have slums or homeless people), the other place we got to see seemed pretty good to live in and not poor
    Also, their is a difference between stealing for surviving, and stealing military equipment. In any country, poor or not, with a tyrant or a good president, stealing military equipment is a very important crime; also Reynauld was part of the army so I don't think he needed to do contraband to live, yet he still did and got caught.
    I don't think unauthorized magic users are criminals? Like in Tasim memories we can see him using healing magic
    The "level 300" part was again obviously a joke :/
    https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...ry-feedback-question-idk.317195/#post-3662800 new thread
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2024
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