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Fuck Profession Speed Bombs

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Theeef, Dec 29, 2019.

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  1. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Wynn professions are more of a mindless grind than Hypixel Skyblock, and that's saying a LOT.
    Tsuneo, Gogeta, StoopidDog and 6 others like this.
  2. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    If you haven’t seen it already check my thread on gathering changes. It’s in my signature
    Dr Zed likes this.
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I’ll check it out. Thanks!
    Theeef likes this.
  4. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    you guys are really shitting on professions lmao
    I think they have some issues but they aren't that bad

    Dream likes this.
  5. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    ok HIC
    SoulBurned, YYGAYMER, Gogeta and 7 others like this.
  6. Spaetzluh

    Spaetzluh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I feel like the Economy Update is basically viewed as Minecraft's Combat Update for Wynncraft.

    Both need serious reworking.
    Theeef and Dr Zed like this.
  7. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    wow. ok I see how it is
  8. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Professions are actually good in terms of the concept, but it lacks of a good gameplay.

    Let's say, before the gameplay update came out, I bet everyone was grinding frozen heights with an XP bomb with a party of people just to level up from 90-100. Wynn address this case by adding more dungeons and quests, while removing missions. Later on thay added FF, csst and those corrupted dungeons, which provides more way for people to level up characters, so that people doesn't need to rely on XP bombs and parties. Yes, people abused csst, but the thing is that there are a lot of ways to leveling up even without csst or grind parties.

    Wynn professions are pretty much suffering from this case. The reason is that there is only ONE way to level up - gathering or crafting. Even they added miniquests, it still suck because the whole thing is still grindy as fuck. It is like you mine 10 nodes just for 1% of the XP. Are there something like dungeons that you could constantly do for profession XP? No. The whole process of leveling is grind, grind and grind, which is dull and boring. Not to mention that there aren't any XP gears for professions. And the same case is here, I don't want to mine or fish or idk unless there are profession parties.

    I understand that the intention of professions are to extend the playtime. However it does nothing since it is optional and grindy, which actually makes people not willing to do them. I won't lose anything or content if I don't level up my professions to lvl 110. But if it was a must, people won't be willing to play wynn since it would be very grindy. They have to improve the ways to get profession XP, such as adding actual quests that add both profession XP and combat XP, or only profession XP is also fine.

    TLDR: wynn professions are grindy, add actual quests and stuff like dungeons for professions to fucking fix this
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    At least 1.9 added dual wielding, mending, end cities and the Elytra for endgame content
    the economy update just added grind
    Gogeta, Epicness937 and Theeef like this.
  10. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    a lot of people are complaining about getting all their profs to 100 or whatever but didn't salted mention from the outset that you're only supposed to specialise in a few max? i've only invested in farming/woodworking and it's not really grindy or anything (even with a decent portion done bombless), im doing just fine. problem only comes if either you insist on tackling everything or you insist on going 110+ in something.
    Mr_Valle likes this.
  11. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    If content is there, people will go for it.

    I don’t give a fuck if salted said it’s intended to focus on one. If there is content available majority of people will seek to complete all of it. Just seems like you’re an underachiever.

    This argument might be valid if there was mechanics discouraging going into every profession, but there isn’t. Regardless there’s too much grind.

    edit: just so we’re clear by the way, professions are not content lmao, they’re just a grind
    Epicness937 likes this.
  12. ImBaddest

    ImBaddest Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    So, I started playing the server last summer. I joined just around six years ago and thought this server was stupid (I'm not the questy type). I started playing again last summer when I found out a few of my close friends played on here and loved it. Around August I got my first class to level 100, and had/have the goal in mind as a completionist to try and do everything possible on said class, but I also like the venture and do other things. So now you might be thinking I'm on the band wagon to want to rid the server of bombs, which you're wrong. I, like most of you have a life, a job, and soon to be attending school to better my future, I casually play games as much as I can in my free time, and enjoy doing so. From reading just about every single post in here, do you realize how damaging some of these thoughts are for the health and balance of the in-game economy? From what I've seen in here, a lot of the people commenting on any of this, have no idea what they're talking about, which is fine, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

    So with saying this, I officially started my professions grind in November, I got the whole way up to 90 mining without even knowing what a professions party was, game-play was fine. While yes, professions are a grind, it's meant to be that way, on purpose, do none of you realize the success of some other not to be mentioned games that have systems in place to make it 2,000 or more hours to max out skills? At the same time, can no one step back and realize how much they've actually done in the last update for one to increase professions productivity and help the healthiness of current professions?

    Here's a few of the things they've added into the game to help the health of professions;
    • Hunted Mode: With finishing the last quest of the game you achieve access to toggling yourself into hunted mode for increased experience, at the risk of being killed by other players in hunted mode. This honestly was an extremely healthy addition, with risk comes reward, and they even made it easy because of how much in the game can't be dropped while in hunted mode. (I favor that of a less forgiving system, makes it more fun in my eyes) This right here has rendered basically any complain from gathering 1-70 useless, because you just speed through those levels if you toggle hunted mode. With or without hunted mode, until level 70, it's not a hard grind, slightly more tedious the higher you go, but no where near bad.
    • Gathering Posts: Another implementation that has helped the health of professions. These are a tremendous help to skip anywhere from 25-30% of said level of which they're for, if not more. For the point of people complaining about it wasting the resources your gathering, then why haven't we complained about normal gathering posts for awhile now? Kill mobs, get drops, spend drops, get experience, I don't see the issue. One star ingredients of any gathering are basically valueless anyways, and easiest to gather of them all, so what does it matter at level 98 to give up 61?
    • Ingredient Pouch: No more inventory management to gather some ingredients for crafting, need I say more? So much better to farm ingredients now when you can hold an additional 27 stacks of whatever you're farming.
    I don't think a lot of people realize just how badly the in-game economy or health of the player base would crash if they killed professions (In the sense of dumbing it down to make it easier for everyone to max out) As quoted by one of the people I was discussing this with "Once everyone's super, no one will be" - The Incredibles Crafting is awesome, and some of the items you can craft with endless possibilities are OP, which then means the OP things can and will sell for some good money. You can survive this game without crafted armor, weapons, jewelry, scrolls, potions, etc but crafted items make it just a tad bit easier. So now if you make crafting extremely easy, you rely the entire economy of the game down on the supply and demand of ingredients, which would then collapse because you can't weigh an entire economy on ingredients. Now. with the economy part out of the way, think about the player base, with how current crafting goes, honestly could craft five or six sets to carry yourself through the entire game, if everyone and not just the less than 1% could do this, how many people do you think would come back to play everyday? There would be no point.

    As I currently sit in the state of the game of how professions are, I see it as anything else. Those who are willing to push through, deserve the riches the can seek out because of it, and as someone who enjoys the server I don't want to see something go downhill because something in the game isn't for everyone. I feel the 1.18 update was an extremely healthy update for the game, and 1.19 made it even better. If they were to implement even half of the ideas portrayed in this thread, I don't think many of you would see just how detrimental it would be to the play ability of the game.

    Professions aren't for everyone, and if they aren't for you, don't do them. Simple as that. By no means am I saying the current system is perfect, but it sure as hell isn't broken. Don't fix something that isn't broken.
  13. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I feel there is a lot of negativity on professions right now.

    Professions do have some problem but they aren’t that horrible. I do hear that leveling in the lower and mid levels are okay but when you get to the end it gets really grindy. So the problem is with the endgame grind right? So I assume when they add ingredients that do have gathering XP it will speed your progress faster.

    Another problem I hear is with the need to make a lot of useless items to level up crafting.
    Adding another way to leveling up your crafting is the best thing I can think of.
    Maybe making a mini game where you put the materials and it will start and after you finish you will get XP depending on your score.
  14. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Um, what's so bad about just getting the refined material instantly from a node? Changing between left and right click can't be too hard, or did you word out your sentence wrong?
    They did that in the 1.19 changelog, or do you want another 50% on that?
    I have unfortunately fell into the addicting loop of that shithole, hell, I even have a Pigman Sword
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  15. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I do kinda agree that professions aren’t for everyone and it’s optional too, but there is a small problem with that. The tutorial made professions looks like it’s one of the main things that you probably want to do, just changing how professions would be introduce might fix that problem.

    Just to note that the big problem right now isn’t probably the grind (even though that what it seems from this thread) it’s the bomb professions. From what I understand it seems those people who wants to level up their professions wait for the bombs then they start grinding, that might seem lazy but with the advantage you get it will make players wait for the bombs. It’s just like how combat bombs were affecting quests which made players wait for a bomb to do them.

    Also, what do you think of these ideas:
    It’s not about changing from right to left. There is simply some advantages to having unrefined materials instead of refined ones.

    Also, look the quote up.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  16. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    The Economy was a good update overall, it's just Professions that kinda sucked, but 1.9 wasn't that bad, I mean 1.8 combat seems very dependent on CPS
    Dr Zed likes this.
  17. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    To be fair, they finally added the Dwarves and Doguns questline, improved a lot of quests (such as Spider Cave), and added custom mob models (which in my opinion were the coolest part).
    Mistrise Mystic and ParkourTNT like this.
  18. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    They also revamped nearly the whole world and add a lot of good quality things.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  19. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Level 1 through 20 aren't that bad. Though when you need a tier 3 tool and above, you'll have to stop what you doing, do an entire quest with its dungeon, and comeback. And if your tool breaks or becomes too ineffective (since tools lose effectiveness with durability), then you'll have to do that dungeon AGAIN. By the time you're level 90, each tool costs 9 fragments. And you better hope that you're connection doesn't die in the dungeon or else you'll have to start again. So even though the lower levels aren't technically as worse as the higher ones, they're still not a breeze and suffer from the same problems of dungeons breaking up the pacing and adding more backtracking.

    I honestly don't know why they restricted higher tools behind dungeons. Dungeons have nothing to do with professions beyond that, and it would be much better just to have the tool merchant sell them. That way it would act as an emerald sink too.

    I don't see how adding another layer of leveling to crafting is going to help. Especially if it doesn't change the actual items. Even Salted said that crafting in the low to mid levels are just not worth it. There's no way around this problem unless if you severely nerf most regular items in that level range, which I doubt the IM team would do. But even then the game is so easy and the damage, health, and ID values are so low anyway that it doesn't make much of a difference. That's why having a good build in the low to mid levels isn't important.

    Maybe sacrificing your materials for XP might work? The main problem with this is that it defeats the point of people trading their surplus materials.
  20. Bogdan172

    Bogdan172 Profession Tryhard VIP+

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    As a fresh Prof. Tryharder, I agree with you. I have been leveling jeweling very easily, I got lvl 90 Jeweling at lvl 83-84 gatherings which is insane. The gathering grind is too much.
    Theeef, Son_Omega_Dan and Dr Zed like this.
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