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Fuck Profession Speed Bombs

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Theeef, Dec 29, 2019.

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  1. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    You're not wrong... (This may be a bit much tho with hunted mode existing, idk tho)
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The whole reason why they’re so tedious was to force players to trade with each other by preventing people from doing all 12 at once. However, from talking to others and looking at previous threads and the trade market, it just seems that people only trade ingredients at most because no one is certain there is a market for their crafted items. Or even if they’re that much better than regular items (especially after ingredients were nerfed). The crafting section on the forums is a ghost town compared to the class builds section, and most people I’ve heard that do professions rely heavily on bombs. Not to mention that low to mid level crafted items aren’t just worth it.

    If they just wanted to prevent players from leveling up all 12 professions at once, they should’ve restricted each class to 1 crafting profession and it’s 2 respective gathering professions, and restricted crafting based on your combat level instead of an individual crafting level. That way they could’ve made professions a LOT less tedious, less complicated, spur trade, and you wouldn’t have to craft items you don’t want, especially if you don’t have ingredients.

    Salted said they still wanted players to have the choice to do all 12 if they wanted to. But because of these 2 conflicting goals, now everyone has a hard time leveling up ANY profession. And even if it was restricted as I said, hardcore players could still do the other 11 professions through other classes.

    Besides my other gripes with the system (like not being able to choose your own attack speed), I just wish they stopped trying to justify the tediousness of it. Tedious is just tedious. Period. It has no place in a game or any piece of entertainment. Not even an MMO. I don’t care if that feature is optional or not; it’s a bad feature then and should be changed. Especially when that feature is so huge.
    sarscov2, HalfCat_, Tsuneo and 12 others like this.
  3. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    If they wanted to make it so you could still grind all 12 while making it less grindy for those who just want to specialize they should add specializations, where you get to pick any three professions to get like a 5x xp boost and 2x gathering boost while keeping any other profession xp and gathering as is.
    Jirayut and Dr Zed like this.
  4. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    yes they did decrease grind time, but by about 1/20 of how much they needed to decrease it.

    also grind boards don’t decrease monotony at all. You don’t change anything you’d be doing, you just might right click twice once you’ve grinded the materials that you were already grinding for..
    Play time means literally nothing if the time you’re playing is the most mins numbing, boring thing ever. If you’re arguing that padding gameplay (also don’t forget that this content is completely optional so it really isn’t padding shit) is something that is necessary then I think you need to take a second to reconsider the basic gameplay loops in Wynn.

    With the current state of Wynncraft there is essentially no replay able endgame content. People mainly stay because of guilds or they just straight up quit. No matter how much content you pad things with, people WILL run out of content no matter what. Would it not be better for this content to be satisfying and enjoyable, and something you can remember fondly when you look back on, as opposed to a huge fucking grind fest that makes you hate half of the games “content”?

    Really what needs to happen is all of this shit grind padding needs to be removed. Like I said, grinding in RPGs is meant to break up fast paced gameplay and give people a chance to get some items. Profession grinding does neither of these. If we’re still pretending professions are padding for level cap, then we know they’re going to run out of content anyways so who the Fuck cares how long it takes as long as they enjoyed themselves. Then just add some good fucking endgame content that has replay ability.

    - good fucking pvp
    - make guilds and war not shit
    - bring back the Nether with new purpose
    - fix the fucking economy and endgame items
    All of the gameplay in Wynn is optional. You don’t have to level your combat at all, you don’t have to do quests, kill mobs, etc. tbh its really not that important.
    edit: misread this message, I like the concept after rereading
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  5. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I always wanted to start a class to play professions but ended up never doing that.
    At first I leveled up a little bit but my bank got filled with materials, and now it will be filled with more materials because you always need to refine them.

    There is also the reason of not being that much of a reason to level up in the first place. The only thing is stronger items, but now we have specific stats that are only in ingredients which is cool and motivate me to do professions.

    But it’s really hard to start doing something that a lot of players call very grindy and now it can fill your bank faster because of the always refined when you grind.

    So, I do really want to know how much time it might take to do professions.

    Also, please make it that you get unrefined material instead of the refined one. Also, maybe make it possible to refine the material by right and left click and it will be instant.
    dotGenco, Dr Zed and Theeef like this.
  6. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    To level every profession up to 105 would take several months probably.

    Perhaps more for the average casual player.
    Dr Zed and ParkourTNT like this.
  7. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    i fucking hate everything about professions, so i dont do them

    the ONLY reason to do professions is because loot quality as an ID can ONLY be done from HIGH AS FUCK crafting levels, and that shit SELLS

    so if you add loot quality to actual items, not this fake-ass bullshit, maybe people will hate professions less? maybe? because then they aren't necessary to unlock a part of the game? yeah, that would make sense, wouldn't it?
    dotGenco, Gogeta and Dr Zed like this.
  8. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Agreed with prof bombs and servers having problems. People shouldn't have to try and get into a 50 player server just to progress through a part of the game.

    In my opinion, profession speed bombs and crafting are the worst offender. Crafting without a specific bomb not only wastes time, but also resources.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  9. KrzysztofMaz

    KrzysztofMaz Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Gathering posts are bad, because you lose materials inportant for GRINDING crafting skillz.
    Dr Zed and Theeef like this.
  10. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    True, although TBH half the time you have way too many materials just because of how stupidly long grinding gathering takes. This would become even more of a problem if they decrease gathering XP requirements (WHICH THEY SHOULD ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DO).
    KrzysztofMaz and Dr Zed like this.
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Btw, having loot quality on your items decreases its durability by 1-2 for every second of active movement. So if you have 100 durability, after 20 minutes or so of moving, you’ll have to repair your item again to get the effect.

    I’m not kidding.
    Unless if you try to do more than 2 crafting professions and you don’t have that much ingredients.
    That could work too. They would just have to make this clear to the player though. I could easily see someone trying to do all of them and not checking their compass or something to see that they’re not gaining as much xp.

    When I started a new play through on my shaman I forgot that having multiple tools decreased your yield until I noticed the message after I was level 8 in woodcutting.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
    Theeef and KrzysztofMaz like this.
  12. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Agree on remove bombs
    But not until after prof grinding doesn't make you want to die.
    Theeef, KrzysztofMaz and Dr Zed like this.
  13. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    What I did like about the old system compared to the new one is that if you’re gathering level was high enough, you’d have a 100% of refining.

    Though then again, that weight limit was absolutely horrendous and encouraged you to grind other professions. Even though that was against the intended design, so it might the grind even worse. Not to mention of all the backtracking and time it took to refine a stack of materials...
  14. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    There's a lot of problems with the whole gathering/crafting system. Too many to go into in one thread really, but I think the biggest part is, as you stated - it's just fricking boring.
    I realise that there's some new ID's coming to help with profs, but really they don't seem like they'll be enough. Here's what could make it slightly better:

    1. Gathering needs to be 50% faster. (This makes it faster and therefore boring for less time)

    2. Crafting used fewer materials - 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 use (for example) 1 wood, 2 ingots. 31-40, 41-50, 51-60 use 2 wood, 4 ingots. 61-70, 71-80, 81-90 use 3 wood, 6 ingots. 91-100, 100+ use 4 wood and 8 ingots. (Prof speed bombs can then be removed from the store and game)

    3. Make crafted gear lose durability much slower OR make it so they DO NOT lost effectiveness at lower levels.

    4. Buff gathering xp and crafting xp beyond level 70ish as that's where it gets REALLY slow and tedious
    btdmaster, Theeef and Dr Zed like this.
  15. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I'm not what you're trying to say exactly. Do you mean that the system before encouraged you to hoard the materials?
    Theeef and Dr Zed like this.
  16. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    That too! It pretty much defeats the whole purpose of them being stronger than regular items. It’s especially annoying because you don’t know how much less damage you’re doing exactly.
    Yes and no. The refining encouraged players to hold onto their items and wait until their gathering level was high enough. While the weight limit discouraged players from holding onto items. So the only way around this conflict would be to store your materials bit by bit in your bank and backtrack a crap ton to the refinery.
  17. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    lmao just play ironman problem solved /s

    yeah i think there’s some issues with professions
    maybe prof speed especially, not the XP as much
    i think prof speed should be always there
    Dr Zed likes this.
  18. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Then what do you think about this idea:
    When you gather materials you get unrefined materials instead of the refined ones, it will have the chance of getting them just like now and when you level up the chances will be higher.
    You can refine the materials by right or left clicking them, it will be nearly instant or instant.

    These ideas were in the Hero Beta discussion and suggestion, i found them pretty good because you would be able to choose what refined materials you want later and it's less crowded for your inventory and bank. It would be also easier to sell them in the market.
    Note that this is without returning weight and refiner stations, though I kinda loved how refiner stations looked with the world.
    Theeef and Dr Zed like this.
  19. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I’m fine with the idea of gathering levels and I wouldn’t mind it too much if they weren’t made easy as I would like. My main gripe are crafting levels because they force you to craft items you don’t want and your gathering levels.

    So if you were level 100 when 1.18 arrived, you couldn’t just buy the materials you wanted to craft your items. If you wanted to avoid gathering, would have to buy enough materials for EVERY level range BELOW you (not even including the ingredients) and craft useless items for hours on end.
    I would like it! I did like the look of refineries too. I was really impressed because I had no idea you could do something like that without mods.
    Theeef and ParkourTNT like this.
  20. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Just here again to point out a few other overlooked things here:

    1: Ingredients are already to grindy and at one point I was trying to make a bow and couldn't get ONE drop I spent 5 hours grinding for and no one was selling it because the mob was so rare the only way to obtain it is basically loot running AT LEVEL 50. If an item is this rare why would you bother with professions because even if you can get materials yourself ingredients will run you more than the value of a similarly powered legendary.

    2: Materials are too damn rare at higher tiers so 1le for 90s and 2le for 100s and then more for dernic mats at 3 stars FOR EACH its no wonder people abuse bombs to craft because the bombs become pay to win. You could argue that item bombs are pay to win but the biggest difference is that item bombs act more as an alternative to grinding where as prof speed is 50% OFF PRICEY ITEMS TO 50 LUCKY PEOPLE

    3: The grind is horrible, mindlessly punching trees while wishing you where dead isn't good content and sure as hell not something you want to do at 106. If you want endgame content give us pvp and better wars. Most people level professions because they want to try to make money, but the amount of time you have to put into it for money, or the amount of money you have to put into it to save time simply isn't worth it. and if I want a custom crafted item I can just find someone to sell it to me to save myself 200 hours of hell.

    4: Durability is broken. Rewrite the durability formula cause being at like half durability with a total of 300 and already losing effectiveness is bullshit.

    5: 1.19 made leveling gathering at lower levels faster, NOTE LOWER LEVELS. higher levels are still mindlessly horrible and I'm willing to assume this is only to get the unsuspecting early game player into thinking professions actually are satisfying and fun. I mean yeah mid and late game profs are just slightly faster BUT NOW THE TOOLS BREAK SO WHO CARES.

    6: Even if I waste 200 hours of my life to get maxed profs I still am going to have to spend an obscene amount of money on ingredients like dura boosters and rare 3 stars because most are to rare for me to grind myself if I don't feel like wasting 5 hours of my life.

    Just in the end I got no idea what is going on with profs. We have complained enough on how grindy they are and you would think the game makers would see just how horrible it is and make the experience not even fun but at this point just bearable at the very least. Professions as a system are amazing I love the crafting system but the grind is utter bullshit and adds absolutely nothing to the game. This monitization tactic is stupid and is bound to bite them in the ass at some point and the game itself benefits very little from this system all around. I think I speak for all the community when I say that we need a better prof leveling curve and for ingredients to be less impossible to obtain. Please Wynncraft devs, wake up.
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