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Fix Guild Wars?!?!?!? Is That Even Possible???? (not Clickbait, Tl;dr At Bottom)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by skywalker998, Apr 9, 2021.


Do you agree with these changes?

  1. Yes! All of them!

  2. Yep, most of them.

  3. Yeah, some of them...

  4. No, none of them >:c

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  1. Pandamonium

    Pandamonium hate av*cia (cringe bird furry guild) CHAMPION

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    My question is, why is it always guilds that aren’t as active in the warring the ones who make these posts? Shouldn’t guilds like ERN, who have pretty much warred non stop in the new system, be the ones who should raise the most concerns? Yeah, warring seems unbalanced but maybe a guild that actually knows what they’re talking should about make a post critiquing the war system, with actual experience backing it.
    99loulou999 and Dream like this.
  2. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    ERN too bussy warring of course..
  3. skywalker998

    skywalker998 Mandalorian Mage / Archer CHAMPION

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    There was a raid on EDN recently, they lost 15-20 terrs and then this happened (attached photo)

    Note also that this was taken after EDN reclaimed everything except maybe 11 terrs, and their allies had reclaimed 6 of those, not to mention this started 2-3 hours ago. Pity timer is still unfortunately very broken.

    Turtle up doesn't work, because you can't capture enough terrs to sustain effective defenses; if you do, pity timer kicks in. Taxing doesn't work always because the enemy can simply unupgrade terrs not connected or in the scenario of having a completely surrounded HQ just unupgrade everything except the HQ, then the 5-10 hour long waiting game kicks in. Taking down doesn't work because the massive amount of resources built up also means defenses can be INSANE and pretty much impossible to take down without glitch/exploit abusing. I don't mean to be rude to you here, I'm just stating the facts.

    I've been personally warring since 1.20 came out, and I have well over 650 wars on my mage alone. I've been through every change to the wars, adapted my own strategies, came up with new ones, and have worked around present systems to the best of my abilities. I've also quickly shown my skills within my own guild by becoming the first chief to be promoted since 1.20 came out (from a recruiter no less), and that was entirely because of my war abilities rather than connections. I might not have many forum posts, but I'm certainly not new.

    That's the idea :)

    Oh how I wish that was the case (see pic and other reply)
    LXA is actually fairly active in the war scene right now. We don't have a schedule for this sort of thing, but we do war almost every day. As one of the most active warrers in the guild, trust me on this.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2021
    IzzSt likes this.
  4. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    Again, please revise your strats taking pity in consideration
    Plymouth likes this.
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