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Pets & Horses Donkeys And Mules

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Sausrage, Jan 15, 2016.


Do you like to see those in-game?

  1. Yes (+1 support)

    12 vote(s)
  2. No (please tell why)

    8 vote(s)
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  1. ashdalf

    ashdalf wagoo wagoo

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    This is a broken system. Unless all your donkeys/mules share the same chest (which is impossible, because banks use up your enderchest) this system is flawed. People can purchase as many mules and donkeys as they possibly wanted, all for the low cost of 24eb. That also means they can have infinite storage space, players can now go store all those potatoes they have always been craving to shove into their vaults. I would also like to mention that mules are too over-powered. The donkeys are flawed enough, but giving the player a pet with op horse stats along with a fairly large storage chest. Makes horses and donkeys absolutely pointless. They become a means for players to get mules. Lastly I would like to point out that this entire process of more pets is useless. You can just give the player a quest that gives them a horse bag, and this horse bag is obtainable once. It lowers the horses' speed by 5 and gives you 10 item slots or something. See? It doesn't have to be so complicated. Lastly I would like to ask of you to please capitalize your I's, please for fucks sake capitalize i when you are addressing yourself.
  2. Sausrage

    Sausrage The Raging Sausage Warrior

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    I get sick from people who didn't even read the thread. really, i worked something like almost a hour and you didn't even read it
  3. ashdalf

    ashdalf wagoo wagoo

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    I read it like 3 times, please be specific in what you believe I misread or did not notice in the text.
  4. Sausrage

    Sausrage The Raging Sausage Warrior

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    Ok, so, you cannot have more that 2 carrying animals, one donkey and one mule so you have a limited new slots, up to 32 new slots. and yes, people can buy unlimited amount of donkeys but they have to decide what donkey will carry their stuff, if they want to switch the carrying donkey/mule they can but they have to remove all the item first and then remove the donkey/mule bag.
    Hope i helped you.
  5. ashdalf

    ashdalf wagoo wagoo

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    Still impossible, because each player has multiple character slots. Is only 1 character allowed to purchase these items? If the devs were to implement your idea into the game right now, every single class the player has, would have 32 extra slots of storage. Also you have only addressed a single problem, that I just proved to you is still unbalanced. And please use decent grammar, mine isn't perfect, but it's alright. A lot of the times it's hard to understand your point when you have mistakes strewn across your sentences.
  6. Sausrage

    Sausrage The Raging Sausage Warrior

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    Nice point, I think it'll be better if you can choose only 3 carrying animals for all the characters you have (one donkey, one mule and one more carrying animal you choose, you can buy up to 3 mount bags), so choose wisely.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  7. Sausrage

    Sausrage The Raging Sausage Warrior

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