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World Class Spell Modifiers

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Mythless, May 27, 2017.


What do you think about this idea?

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  4. I Really don't like this idea.

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  1. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    Sorry, random post.

    My OCD kicked in when I saw that this thread had 39 replies. :P

    But while I'm here, I'll just say that I updated some stuff regarding the quest and some of the spell modifiers (that was yesterday though, but just letting you know heheh).
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    These seem like placeholder modifiers that don't really add or change much. Just being able to use a spell multiple times at once seems a bit boring, hm? Besides, what if you just want to do a normal melee attack without using a spell? Additionally, how do you actually store the spell? Is it automatic? If yes, can you not use the spell normally?

    This is probably more of a personal opinion; I do see the appeal of being able to store spells and use them a later date with no Mana cost and at a quick rate. If you feel like coming up with other spell variations, I suggest you try those out; if not, these spells are still rather good.
    This one is a bit overpowered. Combined with Surprising strike, and speed 3, it makes the Escape spell crazy good for transport. All I suggest is that the second jump not go as high or as far as the original spell.
    This modifiers main use, being the extra range, seems to be a bit nullified by the Speed 3. Any mobs in a range where using the spell is useful would likely be able to catch the player and attack them, benefiting the target more than the player. I'd say it would be best to remove the speed buff and keep everything else.
    This modifier's a bit underwhelming, in the way that it really doesn't do much. 1% of your maximum health really isn't much. With 10000 health, it's only 100 restored; not really useful. -10% damage also hardly affects it. It would be more interesting and useful if you were to sacrifice more damage, for more health regen in return. Between 5% and 10% would be better, but not much more than that.

    On a different note, I'm a bit confused as to what "This will not refresh if the spell does not activate" means.
    I assume this has a limit of one retry? At any rate, 70% seems a bit high for this really to be useful. Perhaps closer to 50%?
    You may want to add that this totals 242% damage, if all hits connect. Other than that; how long must you wait to refresh the duration? Is it as soon as the spell is finished? How about movement? Are mobs immobilized, thrown around, or unaffected? If they can't move, this could be pretty overpowered. Perhaps just slow them down, as to make escaping a bit more difficult, but not impossible.
    Normally, this would be fine. For most areas and quests, it is, anyway. However, in some grinding locations and boss battles, this would be a overpowered. Kiting enemies and then hitting them all at once to build up massive damage would be too much. You only need 20 mobs to gain an extra 100% damage, and you can certainly get more than that. Just lowering the % per mob would work fine, e.g around 2-3%.
    Even with the limitations, that's 160% normal damage per spell, on top of much more Thunder Damage. (I'm not actually clear on what the elements % on spells do/mean) If you could explain, I'd be able to judge whether or not this is actually op.
    This has a maximum increase of 28%. That doesn't make a big difference, I'd say you should probably up the % by a bit.
    70 seems a bit much, but I don't have a great idea of balance in this game when it comes to specific stats. You might want to double check that number.
    You could chain this to teleport massive distances using little mana. Perhaps instead of 0 mana used, it's just a lower amount?
    By how many blocks? Does this do any damage, or just knockback?
    100% compared to the 400% of the normal meteor isn't much. This nerfs the spell more than anything. I'm not saying you need to make the damage more than 400%; sacrificing damage for range is fine, but by that much is a bit harsh.
    Even 5 seconds is a bit short for a 500% damage attack with massive radius. Bit of a strong attack, eh?
    Seems simpler to just remove the element of control entirely, and make it low-effort AoE attack.
    If I understand correctly (which I probably don't), this would then be 25% Water damage and 25% Air damage?
    I assume "1 Additional snake" means one on each side? If not, how does 1 + 1 = 3?
    At the beginning or end of the Charge?
    So 50% damage. How far does the mob fall before being launched again?
    I'm not entirely sure this would change anything. Do different mobs even have different attack speeds? If not; rather than break the arms, break the legs, thus giving them slowness for the next 3-5 seconds.
    5 seconds seems a bit short, seeing as how War Scream is a defensive and ranged attack that can also serve as a "Get back" tool, meaning mobs are unlikely to attack so soon after using it.

    TL;DR you've made a beautiful thread on a beautiful idea with beautiful execution. What's mostly lacking is a bit of balance and a few details. Stunning suggestion.
    Mythless likes this.
  3. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    Thank you so much for your feedback @captainganon!

    I'll be sure polish up the spells based on what you've given! Also, I've responded to some of the questions/remarks you've given out for better clarification (and don't worry, I'll integrate these in the descriptions):

    Arrow Shield has two states: When you are being protected by the arrows (passive) and when the spell actually damages the enemies (active). I should probably clarify that, huh?

    My intention was to go for a recurring theme, but honestly I do agree it does seem bland... I'll try to think of some other spells to possibly replace 2 of them (because at least 1 of them would be good for variation).

    From what I think, Elemental Bonuses on spells means that it adds/boosts elemental damage depending on the amount of damage you deal (For example if a spell has a 10% Thunder Bonus, then 10% of my damage for that hit is converted into Thunder). I might be wrong though.

    Yep, you are correct.

    I don't really understand the question. The Comet effect should activate when the enemy hits the ground, or am I wrong? (Archer is my only class main so idk how the other spells work exactly if I'm basing it off of experience).

    You're correct. Think of it like a middle snake, left snake, and right snake.

    They do actually - you can tell because some ranged mobs hit at a faster rate than others. But then again, it does bring up the question of whether Attack Speed, a ID stat meant for players, could effect mobs in the same way.
    captainganon likes this.
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    <3 My thanks go to you for making a suggestion that doesn't suck
    Comet is basically an add-on for Fireworks; for Grade 2, fireworks just does extra damage. Starting at grade 3, Comet launches the mob back down towards the ground at high speeds, on top of some more extra damage, as opposed to letting the mob fall normally.
    Mythless and AetherArising like this.
  5. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Nice, Idea
    Balance it better,
    Idk on balance..
    Good idea and concept
  6. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    Behold, the Abundance Update!

    I've made quite a lot of balance changes to the spell modifiers in general, as well as updating some images. But that's not the only thing!

    I've created a video demonstration on the in-game effects as well as improving the confirmation GUI!

    The last big thing is that I finally got around to stating all of the spell modifiers' unique icons!


    Alright. I'm tired now. Time to rest.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  7. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    You have put so much Work into this, and I think this deserves to be heard and to be put ingame. But I would like to know if you can keep the modifiers the same if players wanted to so they get a choice to modify their spells or to not.

    .-= Great Job! =-.
  8. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    Thank you!

    And by what you asked, you mean to ask if players could have the option to use the spell modifiers. Well, they could simply just not use the Spell Modifier NPC.

    (Most likely you meant to ask something different though, so sorry if I answered this incorrectly xD)
    ChrisTheBear likes this.
  9. PandaBuider103

    PandaBuider103 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Im like, WOW I really like every single bit of it! until I see the picture of the soul changer. AHHH help need more building plz

    jk its ok the builders can fix it up lol
    does this stack up? and are all of these supposed to be improvements or variations. It feels to me that some are just boosted and not debuffed in some way or another.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  10. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    They're variations, but some of them have no drawbacks because of at least one of these three reasons:

    1. I feel that they still reside within the lines of balance (it's relatively not too much of a drastic change basically).

    2. The variation itself is both a boost and drawback at the same time. Take Archer's Flank Shot for example: though it is great to fire arrows in 4 directions at once, its not as focused as it's original Triple Shot bonus which shoots 3 streams in front, so it trades out some damage for some coverage.

    3. Compared to its other variations, the modifier is probably the lesser of them. Think of it as a scale: the heavier it is, more it needs to balance out the weight. For modifiers that mainly just add 1 thing, it doesn't really need to a drawback alongside it.

    Plus, having a drawback on literally every modifier would sorta discourage you to use this feature, don't you agree? :P

    Also, no, they don't stack. I'll have to update the description, so thanks for pointing that out!
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  11. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    why do you need to change the spells for some fuking things,it would be rlly complex and we dont need many complex things on wynn,not right now
    efilim elf likes this.
  12. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    I would like to know why you think Wynncraft does not necessarily need 'complexity' if that's alright.

    Don't take this the wrong way; I respect your opinion regardless (because everyone will have different views after all). I just want to know the reasoning behind it, that's all. :)
  13. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    wynn economy is broken,inflation,a MASSIVE number of new players getting on the server,if you make it more complex,it will give a lot of work for the devs,and they dont have time for it,and the new players will take more time to learn it
    efilim elf likes this.
  14. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    Yeah, the rising economy inflation is a huge problem... but as for the rest, I think I can explain a fix in that.

    It's Summer Break! What did you expect, people not playing video games more? :P

    Yes, I do understand that this would take a lot of time for the developers to implement. But it's not like I'm demanding them to put it in the game right now. At the very least, recognition from someone of the staff team would improve its chances to take this idea into consideration for later on!

    Plus, I've done my best to give the developers an easy time should they decide to work on this. There's the GUIs, the In-Game Effects, and the Quest Storyline - all are vital gameplay/aesthetic components. And I know, it may sound like I'm underestimating the hellwork of coding, but at least I've laid down the foundation for them!

    Well yeah, I agree with the fact that it'll take more time to learn this system, but in actuality it won't be hard to the point of confusion. When players will use Spell Modifiers for the first time, all they'll see is a flush GUI screen guiding them through the feature, and not the ugly gears and screws behind it that make it work. Also, this feature was designed to be high-level material, so players at that point should already get a grasp of how to play Wynncraft (after all, they went through features like Powders, Elements, Spell Upgrades).

    TL;DR: There are some things you mentioned that I think can be easily covered/explained. But, I'm just expressing my own opinion, so don't feel discouraged! Like I said before, I respect yours regardless!
  15. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Ayy I've actually done something similar b4

    Anyway,the spell "upgrades" surely looks great and fun to play with,but I was looking forward to some of the more interesting ones…
    Still,it's gud
  16. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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  17. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    an idea for this just came to me it would be a bit broken but its for support for heal its a mana regen but for you it does a bit of healing and for others it is a mana restore spell
  18. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    Oh, there is an NPC, I must have not read it all then. Well my question has been answered and I would be delighted to see this ingame, it would be cool to play around with and add more depth into the classes
  19. Muhuru

    Muhuru S̶̢̭͎̣̠͎̬̩̣̬͚̤̤̣͌̓͋̄̊̾̉͋̃̚ CHAMPION

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    Oh my gosh this is a nice idea
  20. pantsTM

    pantsTM a

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    Best suggestion I've seen in a while.
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