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Class Idea: Grapple (29 Supporters, 3 Neutral, 10 Against)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SPYROHAWK, Nov 24, 2015.


What do you think?

  1. Yes! Perfect! +1

  2. Not Bad... +1

  3. Eh... Try changing some stuff (Tell me what) +0

  4. Umm... No -1

  5. What are you thinking!? -1

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    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    As long as its not a grappling hook class, I won't feel ripped off in any way, shape, or form
  2. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I like the ideas but the class... just no. I could see this class getting lots of hate if it came out. I mean, it does so much damage on a lot of its spells, gives a tonne of buffs and even restricts the mobs. The first spell essentially makes you unbeatable while anything else can't escape, can't fight you and the spell itself does a tonne of damage without you attacking enemies with strength 2. The only way to beat this spell would be with mage or archer and even they would struggle. And that isn't even counting the other spells. Spell 2 pretty much does the same as spell one but instead of blindness, it is even more op with the buffs and nerfs AND it does even more damage. Spell 3 is the only thing I actually think is fine with this class at all. Spell 4... the only thing I don't like is strength 2. Do you realise that strength 2 means that you do 360% damage?! Because that means that Bob's Mythic, at the least, will deal over 1000 damage, which will deal about 10 damage to the average level 75 player (they may have higher or lower defence depending on skill points, armour and their class). That is half of their health. I have never seen a class as OP as this, not even on servers with incredibly unbalanced games.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I thank you for your concerns, but I find it interesting that you make the class seems so OP when no one else has had any other complaints...

    But, none the less, lets take a look.

    Spell 1: So it pulls a single mob in toward where you are. Most people were complaining this is actually negative, so I added the resistance. The ed-buffs are not a seriously problem, and all effects are short-lived. The whole point of this is for extracting one mob from a group so you can take it down, weakening the group before the rest get to you. The Teir 3 damage over time really only adds up if the mob is far away.

    Spell 2: The point of the circle is to trap. Not to damage. The only time is does damage it at Tier 3, and the damage is comparable to The archer's Teir 3 arrow shield, and the non-moving debuffs are comparable to the Teir 3 Warrior's Bash. The strength and mana regen is mainly for making the player not want to run away, but fight in the circle.

    Spell 3: You said this was fine

    Spell 4: The whole point of this was for crowd control. The thing about the strength is that, by the time you have Bob's weapons, you are fighting mobs that do Thousands of Damage and have tens to hundreds of thousands of health. Death (350,000 health) and CoW (100,000 health) can do over 2000 damage, and Bob (160, 000 health) himself caps out at 3000. By the time you have Teir 3 on this spell, and have such high lvl weapons, the mobs you are fighting are tough enough that you have a challenge still.


    I don't think you fully understand the purpose of this class. Warrior is to tank, Archer is to damage, Assassin is to do quick attacks, and Mage is to support. This class is basically a Gambler class. It deals a lot of debuffs to its enemies and has pretty good drown control while having highly unpredictable damage. Although combined with it's buffed it can do a lot of damage, its weapons have a lot of room for error.

    So I would highly encourage you to re-consider what you have said and re-evaluate your standpoint.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    So I recently made 2 new class ideas, but I still think this one tops them all. Trying not to necropost here, but bump. If anyone wants to compare this to my new ones, go ahead. I would love to hear them
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