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Class Idea,because I'm Bored : Necromancer

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by FluffyWarspite, Apr 30, 2017.


What do you think?

  1. Amazing! I loved it! (Thanks :D)

    9 vote(s)
  2. Very nice! I enjoyed it. (Thanks too :D)

    1 vote(s)
  3. Good,decent ideas. (Mhm you're welcome)

    6 vote(s)
  4. Some tweaks can be made (neutral answers,but plz tell me what can be done)

    3 vote(s)
  5. Nay,not a big fan of (ok den :( )

    1 vote(s)
  6. Ugh,it's bad (fine.)

    1 vote(s)
  7. Fxck it's terrible (I guess it's a lot like you then)

    3 vote(s)
  8. Rip off of Necromancer ewwww (wut)

    7 vote(s)
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  1. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    and warrior, and mage
  2. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Well since only archer can launch himself miles into the sky,yeah
  3. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Warrior and mage can spam their spells, the same way I can outrun a 20/20 black with assassin
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    That's just not what this section is for.
    Being a backdrop for the suggestion, this is mostly fine. But scepters seems a bit close to Mage's weapons, don't you think?
    What exactly do you mean by "Health: 80%?" Do you mean the class only gets 80% of the health from their armour? Isn't that a bit overkill, since they already take 120% damage?
    These stats are looking pretty offense-based for a defensive class.
    This acts like a shotgun. At Super Slow, that's 13 shots coming out all at 100% weapon damage. That means that at close range you could deal 1300% damage with one swing. Not exactly balanced.
    No. Not only does no other class have a passive like this, but it's overpowered and kills off the need for health steal and lessens the need for health regen.
    This spell seems mostly fine, though having a limit on how many mobs it can hit is a serious flaw. 8 blocks of knockback is also a bit much, especially starting at the first tier.
    Could it not just be 0.3 and 0.4 per second? Even then, it seems pretty low. 20% every half second for 5 seconds is only 200%, and I don't think there are many items which have high enough damage counts to make this a useful heal. 20% walkspeed is also pretty slow, only speed 1. Even assassin has better movement. I think you need a redesign that includes a proper movement spell. Having 3 offensive spells and a heal is a wee bit much.
    Oh, boy. This spell is pretty overpowered, or maybe just confusing. Summoning the strongest enemies nearby is an issue, especially when it comes to bosses or mini-bosses. For example, the Dark Balrog in dcave. Summoning that to fight for you would be sort of dumb. It gets worse when you realize that mobs often have more health and do more melee damage than players, meaning that it's like summoning a bunch of melee builds to kill mobs for you. Another overpowered feature, the Death Bond. Having a spell that lets you remove the fear of death, even temporarily is not good. For starters, it let's you, y'know, not die. This'll be an issue when it comes to /kill aswell. But it's worse when you add in potions. At that point, it's essentially just having 2 lives for the prices of one. Lastly, the confusing part; health sharing in Defy. Does this mean the mobs themselves are able to defy their deaths? An explanation for that would be nice.
    I'm going to mainly focusing on the tier 3 here, because holy crap it's huge. For starters; 25% damage over 22 seconds is 550%, assuming it hits once a second. If it's once a tick, then it's 20 times more. This, on top of 150% from Miasma, 300% poison, and +15% damage, is just too much. Especially if Miasma hits more than once, which I'm hoping it doesn't. This spell's pretty damn offensive for the spell that's meant to be more support/defensive/tactical, and for a 'defensive' class. The first two tiers aren't so bad, but Miasma is a good example of 0 to 100 real quick.
    It shows. It's an incredible amount of things, and it's really just too over-the-top to be balanced.
    Not gonna lie, in terms of concepts and ideas, this is probably one of the coolest necromancer suggestions. But the class is one big conundrum. It's got weird fatal flaws, and obscene strengths that are so good that those downsides are blown out of the water. On top of that, it's a supposedly defensive class, but it's spells and even stats are all geared towards offense, save perhaps the mend spell. One of them even has an utterly confusing description. And of course, it lacks a movement spell that's more than speed 1. No class ever had such little movement, not even the one with 1 point in range. Still, I appreciate the effort in trying to give it transportation.

    Goodness me, that took a while. This was a pretty fun thread to cover, all things considered. Pretty cool class, but it definitely has it's problems.

    TL;DR the class has clashing features. It's a very up-and-down thread, if that makes sense. In the end, though, it's overpowered. For a defensive class, it has far too much offense, and would be a monstrous powerhouse of a class, albeit a very slow one
  5. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Well thank you for your time commenting over EVERY SINGLE little thing. Rise of the Dead sounds confusing,but it's basically resurrecting the strongest enemies you've killed recently,and the word nearby just means you summons them near you,sorry if that sounded confusing

    For Defy,i guess it's not very clear of what it does. Necromancer links himself to nearby allies(by that I mean ally players,the minions already shares health with each other),when they take lethal damage,Necromancer HIMSELF will share half of his remaining health to heal the linked ally,and defy their death. Also,Necromancer is originally only able to defy teammates' death,he will still die if he took lethal damage,I may invert the spell into that state. This spell makes Necromancer a viable defensive support as he is able to keep everyone alive and deal damage

    Weapon wise…well,since necromancy is a kind of magic,I guess there isn't really much choice?

    I don't want Mend to be a dominating heal spell and absolutely kicks mage in the backside,so I won't really buff it too high,after all it's a spell mainly for healing his risen minions.

    Weapon attack,I guess instead of multishot,it'll be an increase in flight speed and range? Cuz sometimes super slow weapons aren't really fun to use

    Abyssal Blossom tho…I dunno. I really want the Necromancer to have enemy neutralising abilities,might turn it into a damage-over-time spell where it deals high damage over time but not burst damage.

    Passive…guess I'll make it into something…umm…I don't know

    I guess I might start to tune down or even rework the abilities,but I'll leave it for the passive
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  6. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Version 1.3.1 is out! Due to overall opinion,Necromancer has received a nerf on the Miasma upgrade,but certain other abilities also get buffed! The more detailed changes have been recorded in the changelog at the bottom of the thread. Also,I might need to gather more information for the passive change,please leave some opinions about how I can make the passive slightly less…umm…broken or boring to use
  7. Leilo2000

    Leilo2000 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    i think it´d be interesting, defenetily would like to see some more classes
  8. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    That's what I do ;)
    If that's the case, then it's even worse. You could kill a mini-boss, then head over to a grinding spot and let it loose. Better for it to be nearby normal mobs, and simply remove the recently-killed part, and remove the possibility of using mini-bosses.
    Sharing his health to keep his allies alive (other players) is fine. Anything else though, not so much. If the spell is as how you explained it, then it's fine.
    There's a large number of weapons out there that aren't already used. Plus, it doesn't need to be directly magical; a sickle/scythe would make sense, if models for it weren't already used for spears. Any weapon even sort of related to the Necromancer would work. But a magic staff/stave/scepter is just a bit too close to mage.
    If you don't want it to be much of a heal spell, why not make it a movement spell with healing on the side, instead of the other way round? Perhaps approaching your mobs while using the spell heals them, or something similar?
    That's not the point of attack speed. Slower weapons have higher damage, and vice versa. Weapons shouldn't have any other stipulations around attack speed beyond that.
    If you want neutralizing abilities, why not make it do way less damage but have more status effects? As in, prolonged slowness, freezing the enemy, poison, blindness, weakness, negative resistance (taking more damage), etc.
    Best to remove it. As I said, no other class has a passive like that, and it just adds to the op aspect.
    The passive at the very least needs to be nerfed. Something that will affect combat in a less direct way, like speed, would work better. For example, potentially +1 speed (the potion effect) for every x mobs within x radius? Try to keep it balanced, anyhow.

    This class is slowly getting better, but it still needs some changes.
    SeaOfPoison likes this.
  9. VovaTheEpic

    VovaTheEpic Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I Think that we would need to add more class slots like for us no-lifers with all of our class slots taken up
  10. SeaOfPoison

    SeaOfPoison Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I didn't read a single thing, No

    I read 80% of the thread (All of it but skipped walls of text and lore)


    just stop with necromancer suggestions please

    Hello i didn't want to make you feel like i was shitting on this thread as it is actually extremely professionally done

    The only problem is this class idea is very un-unique/original And has been suggested (And denied*like all suggestions*) Many times,


    TL:DR i think this thread is very well made but the idea is overly suggested and isn't that creative (the spells)
  11. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    I tried my best to come up with a class that's not only with one spell and that spell rises the dead
    Necromancer is now a melee class?(wut?)

    Anyway,I just removed the passive and changed up his normal attacks,with a weapon that I never use
  12. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Version 1.3.2!
    1.3.2 was just a small update over minor things,such as the existence of passive and the weapon attack of Necromancer,nothing major has been changed


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    Why not give examples of the weapons that a necromancer uses?
  14. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    all these extra classes can fit under another class

    Necromancer : Mage
  15. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    Not a fan of melee-style classes, but this seems fairly interesting. Can see it be a fire/water primary with the elements. I think the need to beat a level 87 quest however is odd, sure assassin unlocks after level 20 (if it still does whichc i doubt) but maybe his unlocks a bit earlier with the twain mansion quest?

    Plus, name of the class + partical alterations for donors? And would it be for VIP+ or HERO?
  16. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    I'm just too lazy to do that lol

    I think that since Necromancer plays with the dead,unlocking him after completing Beyond the Grave seems fair
  17. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    And the Twain Mansion is filled with sprits and boney corpses, plus it's quest is earlier than the 87 Beyond the Grave.

    If it had to be a 87 quest the thing would have to be OP, but i think unlocking it at 48/49 (whatever that twain quest is) seems fair to the not as hardcore of a player and is available to more players.
  18. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Dunno,but this class is actually quite powerful
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