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World Change Wynn's "no Refund Policy"

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Johnny Mcgeez, Nov 11, 2017.


Should this be Added

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Yes but (some reason)

  4. No but will say Yes if (some reason)

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  1. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Just gonna say, please review the other side first. Anyway this SEEMS to be a bit aggressive. I want to say that the subject should be calmed down...

    May not be in my place to say, but in my eyes I am starting to see sparks but then again I have been wrong before. Besides that I definitely feel some intensity. All I suggest is to calm down a tiny bit? Besides that I guess I should have my own say in this.

    I want to say the CT and the Coders are having a bit of a hard time both finding this bug and being able to squash it. I've recently gotten into coding myself (still a complete noob though) and from what I have seen. Finding one bug just from a single spell (which is a super long code based on my guess from the effects and that and the plugins) will take a super long time. So... Finding this bug is super hard, all you can do is comb through EACH code in order to find the stupid thing that is causing everything to go out of whack. Who knows? It may not even be inside the spawn code. For all we know it could be thanks to a certain code for a dungeon/building/mob/plugin. Either way the best way to FIX this bug is to do the said Rework of code. This way they can comb through the code as they remake it.

    How does any of this relate to the Refund policy? Well that is simple: The Bug that causes the No Refund policy to be a thing is going to be crushed probably in the next update. (Notice probably.) With that, the Refund policy should definitely be then a lot less used. What we will do now, will be relevant UNTIL the update comes out (whenever that happens) and at that point the rule will have to be changed AGAIN. Changing 1 rule will cause another rule to be changed and then after that probably another. That being said, what can happen eventually is when the update comes out, the site will receive an update (or at least I heard), along with the rules probably.

    So with this a lot of updates are going to happen in one movement. When that happens, a lot of things would be fixed along with probably new problems. But what I have heard with this new system, updates will be a lot easier than before. The reason why this rule hasn't been changed is because why would you change a rule with it only being changed again probably less than a month or two later. With that people would adjust from the previous rule to this one, then when the update comes out, they have to adjust to that rule. But the rule of No Refunds will most likely not change as it prevents a lot of abuse. What kind of abuse? Well the abuse that causes people probably able to Duplicate their items. In order to find what happened to that item, they will have to look through the code to see what happened to that item, where it went, and when you lost it. At that point they have probably wasted around a half an hour to a full hour just to look through one person's inventory.

    Now what if they didn't do that?

    Well if they just looked through your inventory and saw you didn't have one and just gave one to you. Easily you could have just gave it to your alt or a friend then when you get that item that you "lost" you can easily get the item back from your alt or friend. People aren't always nice, nor are they honest. They can easily lie about which item they "lost" in order to get a different one than they bought. Now you have 2 pieces of Hive Armor with just 1 class. Congratulations, you just made the person who gave you the item look like an idiot and everyone else look like they try too hard. The reason why people know of how to Trade Untradeables is by word. Now thanks to this people will have Hive Armor without even having to work. then when the Mods find out this has happened, the people who legit lost their items will now never get them because now the Mods wont give out items. This is why they have to look through the code to see how, when, and where you lost your item(s).

    I tried to stay neutral in this and point out some facts that I have gathered around the Forums. Besides this, I do recommend calming down a tiny bit, not just you but in general for some of the people in this thread (Notice I said Some.) I will not point fingers, but please calm down a tiny bit.

    Either way, I approve that we can talk to a Mod but for sure we should see something of the sort when the update is near. What Grian did was terrible as he gave a tease when the CT were probably not ready for. So now the pressure is on the CT for this update and the same for the coders. Or at least on how I see it...

    Well either way, all I have to say now is:

    Have a Good Day!
    PikaLegend likes this.
  2. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    Nice story 10/10
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  3. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    ik the coding team is doing their best and all, but my point is, while they're working on it, nothing else is being done. people are losing hard earned items and are told to just suck it up. when items are lost from a glitch, it is wynncraft's fault, theres no denying it. however, they are not doing anything about it. im not saying they should freely hand out any item anybody claimed to have lost, but even when there is solid, concrete evidence, your just told too bad, sucks to be you. im not bashing the coding team, im just calling out the decision to do nothing in general when players are suffering cuz its lazy and gives the impression the higher ups dont trust the players at all
    Dr Zed likes this.
  4. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    At this point, I would just play another game. Like most people, I’m disappointed with the state of the game because there is nothing the CT can do to fix this. You can’t expect anything out of this game bc it’s made up of volunteers across different time zones. Plus Minecraft is just a shitty engine to build a real game off of. Though you shouldn’t give a pass to the game either.

    The point is, whether they are lazy or don’t have the resources or time to fix these issues, the game is still going to be like this. If you keep having these expectations, all you are going to be doing is disappointing yourself. So just leave like I am going to.
    I agree with what most you said, but he does still have his right to an opinion. Is complaining about the game really going to do anything at this point? No. Does that mean we should give a pass to the “game?” Absolutely not. I wouldn’t give any game a pass for what Wynncraft is in right now. Just because a “good” person makes a game doesn’t mean that it isn’t a bad game.

    I don’t encourage anyone to personally attack the CT members, but they still do have a right to be dissatisfied with the game.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
  5. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    what? Read it again please
  6. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    i get the coding is rly tough, ive done some rly basic stuff before and i can say i definitely wouldn't be able to keep up. i totally respect what they do and i get they're rly underfunded and dont have the best work environment. however, thats not my problem. my problem is that while the coding team is working on fixing the bug, nothing else is being done about it. again, the reasoning behind the no refund policy rly makes it sound like they dont care about or trust the players at all.
    yea i get the whole untradeable trading thing and stuff, but i dont think thats a really good reason to not give anything back at all. again, idk how the mods check players inventories, idk how easy/hard it is (but from the way you put it it soudns pretty hard). but honestly, it doesnt rly matter when/where/how the item was lost (im only refering to hive items rn) cuz you only get them one way and can only rly lose them (armor especially) from glitches as it was proven they dont drop on death. the situation would also have to be taken rly seriously and emphasized that any abuse of the system would result in perma ban. how would you find if someone was abusing? well say they gave their hive item to an alt via glitches, they got another item, and got their original item back. well mods can just do random check ups on players who submitted for lost hive items and if they have more than they should then obviously theyre abusing the system and ban. they could just switch the items everytime they got off and whatever, but thats a real pain and i dont think anyone would go to such lengths just for a hive item, not to mention not that many people even have alts. it wouldnt be flawless, but a couple of people getting some hive items they shouldnt have is in my mind a more than fair compensation for everybody else who've lost their items. you could say would be tedious and taxing on the mods, but how many mods do we have? as if now 14 online on discord. just have a spreadsheet of everyone who've submitted for hive refunds, keep track of when they were last checked up on, and just check up on the ones that havent been checked for the longest time. say 500 people apply for this (honestly doubt that many people have lost hive items) 14 mods (probs more) 500/14=35 so thats 35 people per mod. say they check 5 people per day, then they can check up on everyone in one week. again, idk how hard/time consuming it is to check people's inventories, but im just assuming its not ridiculously long :/
  7. krafting

    krafting Well-Known Adventurer

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    There are mods so you dont lose/ drop items (ie Wynn Expansion)
  8. BrickBuilder03

    BrickBuilder03 A penguin that likes turtles. VIP

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    They make it so you don't accidentally press q
  9. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    they can only lock your items, if you have a skill point glitch, your armor will still pop off
  10. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    Now that you have misconstrued my tone and my attitude, I hope that you feel better, having gotten that off of your chest.

    Look, as far as I know, we aren't going to change the no refund policy in the near future. Why? Because too many players have cheated in the past, and some players have recently been caught cheating and have been banned. I don't need to name names, and neither does anyone else. It's a fact of life; there are some people who like to get ahead of everyone else, no matter who they hurt. Well, when someone who is being nice gets burned once, they learn a lesson; don't get burned again.

    Next point: As OGK said, fixing one thing can break other things. If this skill point glitch was something simple, it would have been fixed a long, long time ago. Remember, the sp glitch for armor was MOSTLY fixed a while back? From what I heard, that one was pretty straight forward. It got fixed. Something about the accessory sp glitch makes it a damn sight harder to fix. I don't know what it is, I just know that it's a real bear.

    Add item locks? OK. Can you write server-side code that will work with all of the other plug-ins? I can't either. Are item locks on the table? I don't know, that's not part of my job. Maybe that's the best way, maybe there's a better way. Maybe, it's better to put in the hours and hours of work to clean up and streamline ALL of the code than to piecemeal fixes together.

    The bottom line is this: the devs are working on fixing all of the code and all of the glitches that they can address. They aren't getting paid. This is all volunteer. And it's all here so that YOU can have fun playing the game. Do you think that the CT, devs, admins, and staff are all out of our minds? Because that's the only way that we would NOT care about problems. Who in their right mind would volunteer hundreds and hundreds of hours per year to make something enjoyable to play, and then let something go along that's a major pain? Well, excluding certain professional game companies that we won't mention. We aren't reading threads like this and laughing about it. We aren't even smiling about it. It bothers the hell out of us and we are doing everything that we can to address these kinds of issues. So stop telling us that we don't care, when it's obvious that we do care. If we didn't care, I wouldn't have even taken the time to read 99% of the posts in this thread, and then decided to try to help explain some of the facts that are coming from the game development side.

    So, yeah, here we are. You can "scream" about it all that you want, but that doesn't change the facts that we've had far too many players cheat, we aren't going to change the no-refund policy right now, we are constantly working to improve the game, and the code is being improved right along with everything else.

    If anyone else has anything else to add, make it novel, because this whole thread has just been a back-and-forth between two sides who both want the same thing, really - improvements in the game. There is no need for animosity, no need to suggest to anyone to leave the server, no need to make accusations that are unfounded, no need to put words into someone's mouth that they didn't imply or say, no need to start or add fuel to a flame war. Just chill, and be reasonable, or this thread will be closed.
  11. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    except getting more hive items doesnt actually hurt anybody...
    ik its not easy to fix the glitch, and i said ik its not easy to fix the glitch, and i said im not bashing the dev team about cuz ik they are unpaid volunteers, and i (think) i said they are unpaid volunteers and my point is, while they're working on the problem, there are other things that can be done, like, idk, refund hive items? for one this doesnt actually hurt anybody at all even if people do try to cheat the system and for two, as i said in some posts above i dont rly wanna type all again, but it shouldnt be too hard to keep track of all the people who've asked for refudns and check up from time to time to make sure everything lines up.
    not the problems of the entire server, the problems of the individual player. stuck? go /kill urself. lost? here's a map figure it out urself. lost an item you've spent tens of hours to get? sucks to be you.
    not saying you arent doing anything, but i'd like to know what mods generally actually do :/
    according to wynncraft wiki:
    Moderator[edit | edit source]
    One of the game and forum moderators. These are the people who ensure there is no in-game cheating or hacking, and that the forums are kept tidy.
    so from what i gather (correct me if im wrong) you guys arent actually doing anything to help fix the issue
    you've only told us what we already know, the dev team is working on the fixing the bug, code refractor thingy, be patient and stop whinning
    i didnt even say that, i just said how item locks from wynn expansion/enhanced dont actually prevent ur armor from popping off
    also (im jsut guessing but it makes sense to me) seems to me theres some code that when you put on ur armor it checks if u have the right requirements and if it doesnt it pops off. can't the dev team just replace that line of code to have the item not do anything (idk how hard that would be but considering its making the armor do nothing it shouldnt be too hard :/) instead. then just copy pasta that to every armor if thats how its done (which should certainly not take a very long time at all), and if its just one line of code, well even better then.
    if they cheat, ban them. see two birds with one stone, people get their items back, cheaters get banned :\
    and again, even if they do avoid getting banned, it wouldnt do any damage to the general population at all
  12. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    So b/c people think they will cheat the sytem, they wont add something that will help out much more?

  13. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    1) It's not that anyone thinks it, it's that we already know it from experience. Hence, no current change in refund policy.
    2) Already discussed some of the ins and outs of adding/changing code.
    3) Nothing new, here.
  14. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    So why arent we adding it, refining it?
    you cant expect to just come out with a flawless sytem with 0 bugs / exploits
  15. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    What it?
  16. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    1) even if people get more than 1 hive item, it wont harm the overall gameplay/experience of any players other than the ones who got the extra items.
    2) he didn’t even mention the code so idk why ur saying wut ur saying
    3) why is there a coma after new
  17. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    1. Just saying why are you complaining about a miss-used coma when you have 0 capitalization and punctuation?
    2. And if you can get just all the hive items you want you could just make tons of OP builds and kill people left and right in the nether, and the pride of actually getting one legit would be worth nothing if you could just get them as you please.
    Stormarend and CookedPelvis like this.
  18. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    u need to have people in the nether to kill people in the nether my friend
    also, wearing multiple hive armors (pretty much more than 2) at the same time is counter intuitive as fuck, nobody rly cares about hive accessories except prowess. there are more than suitable replacements for hive weapons, so ur argument is pretty much invalid
    jsut fucking where do you get that the notion that im suggesting they hand out hive items whenever people ask for it? like, this is literally, LITERALLY fake news
    1. you only get another hive item IF YOU LOST THE ONE YOU HAD
    3. if your caught having more hive items than you should, YOUR BANNED
    like honestly, im not trying to get mad, but if you dont even read half of what i say and then say im saying something im totally not, it rly pisses me off
  19. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    "who got the extra items." What extra items were you supposed to be talking about oops. The argument here was that you could get easily give your hive item to an alt and ask for a new one while still having the latter. I don't think mods are going to have a monthly check up on who has how many hive items. And also please explain "you only ONE OTHER HIVE ITEM PER CLASS" because I have no idea what you're trying to say
    Stag2001 likes this.
  20. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Originally you were supposed to have only one Hive Item per class. Quote from Selvut.
    Wearing multiple Hive Armor sets at the same time doesn't have to be a thing. You can wear one and have the rest for other sets, this isn't really very common to do but sometimes people can be unpredictable.

    As for what the Ban is, it would be pretty unfair for those who have respectfully earned another after losing their original to be banned. At least give more details on this as it makes no sense. Plus the word of one person will not count to be liable, they are technically forced to look through the logs of what the item piece had gone through. As being said to be dropped, they can probably follow the item's trace to another person. They track items. This is why this is an impossibility to hand out each Hive item to each person. This can run into multiple problems.
    Stag2001 likes this.
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