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Champion Rank: A Discussion

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kiocifer, Nov 8, 2020.


What's your feeling on Champion so far?

  1. Seems great as it is, I don't see what the fuss is about

  2. It's not perfect but I'll probably buy it/support it

  3. Has great potential, but I'm not completely sold

  4. Couldn't care less to be honest

  5. Has some worrying features

  6. Marks the downfall of wynn

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  1. FrootPvP

    FrootPvP Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It is mention within the 1.20 update log that they don't expect many players to purchase Champion rank, this conflicts with subscription based. Say it was $2 a month, although there has been verbally a decent amount of negative feedback, out of a population of 1400 there is going to be many purchasing champion rank. Some features such as bombbell and join when full are not well thought out. If even 100/1400 that play purchase this, and the slots reserved for champion are only at 20, those other 80 players don't get the full effect of the bomb bell. Sure, they have heard and saw it, but if everybody and their mother has champion rank, the servers full already and so are champion slots, what's the point? Let's also use mob totems for example. Hero, an $80 rank only has 6 per day. Champion is offering 8 per day, and let's keep on saying it was the cheapest at $2/month. (Whether it is 2 or 6 it does not matter to this part) A $2 (or $6) rank has more mob totems then an $80 rank.

    There are 2 more I would like to talk about that aren't as impactful/important. The housing update says the ranks will get bigger housing island size, and specifically champion can place "NPC Stand". By assumption champions island size would be larger then hero's. The question is whether on a subscription based, if you have it one month and the next one not, do you lose your island? Or specific champion perk, do you lose your "NPC Stand"? It would then stand that, it would be a $2 perk if kept, and if not kept you would supposedly lose resources for not paying for your rank, or perhaps into a storage unacessable unless you pay again?
    That_Chudley likes this.
  2. Potatus

    Potatus Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I don’t need sleep, I need ANSWERS
  3. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Hey, I'm putting up my sign here to say that I'm really looking forward to finally seeing a subscription based system in wynncraft! The only thing I would want from the owners/developers in return to fully support this move, is to actually have a decent game to play where I don't get stuck in Lutho for 11 months because of a quest glitch and @Lego_DW doesn't get stuck in a box for days and days. Have a nice day guys!
    Shoefarts, Lego_DW and one_ood like this.
  4. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    i support this opinion

    did you know a journey further is still broke btw
    Dream likes this.
  5. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    no they pushed a fix for it today on beta
  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Personally I think a lot of people are opposed to subscription for no real reason, just knee-jerk "subscription bad".
    btdmaster, Bart (MC), Qzphs and 7 others like this.
  7. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I think that's a bad take, there are a lot of very good reasons to be against subscriptions which have been communicated already, playing it off as just being a knee jerk reaction isn't really a fair way to address the legitimate concerns. When you put yourself in the subscription ring, you now need to justify a monthly subscription and this game (in it's current form anyways) just doesn't. Monthly payments also come with the expectation of monthly (or at least frequent) content

    Here's my take on this: If money is a problem, there are better ways to go about getting it from existing players if they actually bothered to put in any effort at all. I would feel bad if they tried to add things to the store that people might want and they still didn't make enough, but they didn't even try that first.

    Consider this, in the past two years, not a single new item was added into the shop. 1.18 brought with it two new bombs, and that's it. Putting those bombs aside, the store hasn't changed since launch, so why is anyone surprised that people have stopped buying stuff? They're adding a few new pets in this update, which is a good start, but it's way too late to be making small additions to these things. I've seen everything the shop has to offer, so I have no reason to ever check back and I'm sure most feel the same way. The other issue is the vast majority of purchases are made while items are on sale, so now they require sales to make most of their money, which is a bad situation to be in. In order to fix their financial issues, they don't need a subscription, they need to fix those issues.

    They should really be making changes to the shop more regularly, having monthly specials on some things and having these huge sales less frequently, with less discounts and in less predictable ways (Like, at least 2 per year at summer and x-mas (but don't do a sale every other month). There should be new pets/items added every couple months at least, they should be selling special weapon skins and hats and other stuff there. Deals should be created and promoted every month, purchasable log in incentives like an extra loot crate or a loot crate upgrade should be added. There are so many things that could make the shop so much better that would take barely any effort to do, so it's frustrating to see them say shit like they need more money when they don't even put the bare minimum of effort into running their shop in the first place. If they need help, they really should give me a call since I clearly have more vision of what their shop could be then anyone on staff does.

    Finally, if it were up to me, I would make champion $200 with a pay per month option and state outright that it isn't ever going to go on sale. If they really need a subscription service, I would add an option to pay a subscription where if you donate $2-5+ to the server per month you get a special monthly cosmetic hat or something with a supporter rarity which could be made in 12 colors, 1 per month and only one new cosmetic would need to be made for each year (would also need to have a sub menu in the use menu since you don't want it to be flooded by 12 of the same thing). If they did that, I don't think anyone would have any issues with the subscription, in fact, I think quite a few people would be interested in getting it.

    My point is this; There are way better ways to go about charging a subscription, this just isn't it. The issue here isn't the subscription, it's the features that are going to be locked behind a subscription. The incentives champion brings to the table don't feel like subscription features, they feel like rank features and so it only feels right that they would be bought the same way you buy rank.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
  8. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    I'm generally opposed to subscription services for a variety of reasons (which I'll cover a few of here), so I would be unlikely to get Champion if it was a monthly subscription.
    For the following reasons, I feel like I'll never get it:

    Firstly, if it was really cheap, I would probably consider it around major releases for a month or two, but under those circumstances, I'd only be buying it twice at most each year (and even then, that's assuming it's really cheap anyway and also that there's enough content/enjoyment for me to actually play frequently enough in those months)

    However, as a teacher, the only amount of time I get to really get into something is during the Summer, so I'm very unlikely to buy the rank any other time (to get the most out of it).

    This creates a dilemma for me as the releases are always (recently at least) around Winter, so my free time and the time I want to play Wynncraft the most really don't tie up well.
    Because of this, I am almost certainly never going to buy a subscription-based rank as I personally won't get much out of it.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
  9. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    I think adding more cosmetics into the store would be a good way to get more money.

    We can sell the current cosmetics but make them more expensive than crates so that there is still an incentive to buy crates.

    Also here's an idea: PET COSMETICS. Want your rat to stand out amongst the other rats? Give it demon wings! We can use the current player cosmetics and resize it to fit the pets.
  10. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    That sounds like a fun idea to be fair, I want to see how the new pets work as well regarding fighting and xp
    Iboju, Abberdine and Shoefarts like this.
  11. DuckyBananas

    DuckyBananas Professional Duck CHAMPION

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    ok kredk. ok buddy. ok pal

    Kredk likes this.
  12. Kredk

    Kredk Duck Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    where have you been
  13. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Wynncraft is a free game available to all, however they still need to make revenue to keep this opportunity open. There are two essential points people need to understand. You do not need a rank to play or enjoy Wynncraft, it isn't something you must buy. You can still enjoy Wynncraft whether you purchase a rank or not, it is free for all players. In all, it is completely optional. Furthermore, it is more than just the rank itself. When you purchase a rank from the store, you aren't just getting some additional features. While they are cool, you are supporting the server! As Salted pointed out, 50% of the server's revenue comes from ranks. Due to that, they have to rely on newer players. This server is an opportunity that has been made free for all of us, however the server itself is not free to produce and run. People put money towards what they are invested in and what they enjoy. Think about all the entertainment we've gained from this server, the experience thousand of players have been able to have. I even built my own community through this platform. Personally, I see it more about supporting the server that has given us this opportunity so that it can remain open. The features that come with the rank are cool, but that really isn't what its about. You are supporting the server we all love.

    Subscription based or on a one-time purchase basis, I think its fine, just look at it from the bigger picture.
    one_ood, MlecznyHuxel99 and Shoefarts like this.
  14. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Remove pet task and the bomb bell, and make it 5 bucks a month, and you got me.

    I didn't get to take the survey thing, so just randomly replying to you here.

    Though seriously, I would pay 5 bucks a month just because I could, but, I probably won't end up buying the rank at all if pet task exist and I would have to think about it with the bomb bell.

    Its really just, honestly its something about it only benefiting me and how it benefits me.
    Everything before now has either been cosmetic or benefited everyone. Totems were the most iffy, but even then, I feel like they do benefit everyone grinding in an area. I've suggested some ideas for champion rank before, and I think other people probably have aswell, but if you think whatever we can come up with isn't enough, then I contuine to throw up random ideas on to you until you have enough to justify to yourself to remove these two specifically.
  15. Enraged

    Enraged Well-Known Adventurer

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    Not so long ago I made a post to try to justify the need of income of Wynncraft. Arguing that the new rank "could" be a good thing.

    I am not gonna deeply engage into the topic "is Wynncraft p2w?" or "will the new rank be p2w?" The short answer is that the rank gives you benefits that make you progress in a faster and more efficient way than the average free to play user. A simple example of this are proffesion bombs. Do you know anyone who does them without bombs? Yeah, me neither. So being able to track every bomb to take advantage of them and joining the servers even if they are full will benefit you. There is not much to discuss about it.

    When the new rank got announced I was like: alright, they need money and I do not mind supporting my favourite server if the manners are right. If hero was worth 80usd, making the new rank around 100-120 would seem just right. But when I saw the survey... "Would you pay 150 bucks" "Would you consider a subscription" ...

    To make it clear the most appealing feature of the rank is the bomb bell + the /switch command (who would have guessed).

    This is a feauture that Wynntils wanted to implement for FREE. But apparently it was not good for the game as the staff said. Now they try to make money out of the same idea.
    I mean, as I said I would like to support the server. But there is a line between listening to the community and being greedy. And they might cross it.

    Also regarding the membership. Almost nobody plays constantly on Wynncraft. People come and go. I have been playing since 2014 but I took many breaks. I would not have bought Hero if it was a subcription. The same applies to many players and in the best case scenario they would have bought it only a few months, usually after a new update due to the hype.

    And just to point it, if someone had vip+ when hero has added you would just have to pay the difference to obtain the new rank. So people felt like they got a good value out of their money. Now you consider adding a new rank, and both a new player and a hero would to need to pay the same subcription... Again feels unfair.

    Ranks should be permanent, providing a burst of money. The sustained money should come from cosmetics or bombs. Those who feel like supporting the server host bomb parties or buy crates just for the sake of it.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
    TrapinchO likes this.
  16. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    They didn't try.

    They wanted, but when asked admins they said no, because it gives unfair advantage.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  17. Enraged

    Enraged Well-Known Adventurer

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    I guess there is not much of a difference.
  18. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Tried: Did, removed afterwards
    Wanted: Never did in the first place

    Almost sure there is no version with this feature
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  19. Enraged

    Enraged Well-Known Adventurer

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    "Tried" can mean that they wanted to, but they could not. Anyways I changed it.

    But tbh, this is not the topic. Let's try to stick to it as I would like to listen to people opinions.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  20. Potatus

    Potatus Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I’d take a gander and say they were probably getting greedy i mean wynntills wanted to add bomb bell for free but they weren’t allowed to and now they’re adding the feature behind a paywall, seems pretty greedy to me ngl.
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