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Game Design Buffs And Nerfs

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by InvertedReaper, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    Meh in my opinion those things shouldn't exist.
    Major_Lue likes this.
  2. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    You forget that in the Gameplay Update, I DID increase the power of many items. Practically all the legendaries, multiple rares, and tons of uniques got extra power. Look at Thermosphere, for instance. It got far increased defensive capabilities and a significantly increased Reflection chance due to its being unremarkable before then. I do often make minor buffs and tweaks to certain items that have been underwhelming, but most of the nerfs have been rather justified.

    For instance, Heartache's nerf was due to a failure of balancing causing the item to be overpowered; its water damage was meant to have been subtracted from its neutral, but it wasn't, leading to an item stronger than a Legendary. Look at the overprevalence of attack tier melee builds with items such as Burnout and Chestplate of Ineptitude. I've seen them in action, and they're ridiculous despite what people claim about their weaknesses, and practically every nerf I second-guess myself on. I understand where you're getting with this, but the fact of the matter is it is already happening, just more subtly than you'd expect.

    War Scream being so overpowered is another note from the melee builds, since it is glitched an calculates off of melee damage instead of spell, it has nothing to do with items getting nerfed.

    Trying to fix that by giving bosses multiple spells and abilities, but not EVERY boss can be a grandmaster ballbuster of a fight. Not every boss SHOULD be, either. If it's too difficult, it'll be unfun to fight, alone OR in groups. The satisfaction of defeating an overly difficult boss in a group is diminished because you had to overwhelm it with numbers instead of using your own skill and strength to defeat it.
  4. InvertedReaper

    InvertedReaper The Nigerian Soothsayer HERO

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    The Gameplay Update was a year ago. Too much has changed between then and now to say that those changes are relevant in the least.

    The example of Heartache is rather damning on your end since it wasn't overpowered because of the item itself. It was overpowered due to lack of oversight on the stats.

    I suggest you go back and read my post concerning the difference between "overpowered" items and "centralizing" items. Attack speed tier builds are indeed powerful, but I wouldn't call them overpowered in any way. Just the fact that it's melee is a pretty big weakness in of itself.

    What's the point of being subtle with it? If you change an item, but you don't tell anybody, has the item really been changed? I'm not saying make an announcement every time you tweak an item, but when you feel like enough small changes have been made, why not make a little update thread saying "Hey, so and so items have been changed"?

    Lastly, what I mean by War Scream being busted isn't the damage, but the buffs it gives. Namely the Defense one. It's possible to essentially mitigate all neutral damage. And with the way elements are set up, it's still possible to deal metric fucktons of damage. In some part, that's due to items getting weaker in general.
    Meekio likes this.
  5. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    If the changes weren't relevant, people would still consider about 90% of all legendaries to be useless.

    That does not make the nerf unjustified, does it?

    As I said, despite their apparent "weaknesses" attack tier builds are extremely overprevalent, due to their overwhelming power with how they're abused. People are learning how to mitigate those weaknesses, which is why they need a nerf. The mitigations are legitimate, even if I don't enjoy that fact, so what would you suggest I do? I can't just let it sit there and be overpowered.

    If you eat a bag of chips but hide the bag once you're done, are they really gone?

    That was an issue ever since the genesis of the Gavel update, you realize. And, how would it only be possible to do this NOW, if items have been getting WEAKER?
    Cruuk and Dohdo like this.
  6. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    Thrundacrack can be used in a melee build and spell build and deal a shitton of damage at like no cost at all
    I'd say that's pretty op
  7. InvertedReaper

    InvertedReaper The Nigerian Soothsayer HERO

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    I didn't say they WEREN'T relevant. There was a time that they were. But the game has changed and evolved so much since then that they're essentially outdated and are no longer relevant when talking about items in the present.

    You missed my point. The nerf was justified, but only because it was a fuck up on the end of the people who made the item, not the item itself. It wasn't the original intent to make the item that way, and you simply corrected it. It's technically a nerf, but it's really just correcting an error.

    Again, you missed my point. I'm not saying never nerf anything ever. I'm saying that there's been a rather rampant surgance of solving balancing issues by nerfing good items instead of elevating the subpar items. As for what I would do, I would first either decrease or completely remove the melee damage IDs from some of the items that give attack speed, or keep the melee damage, but keep the attack speed to +1. That way, it's more of a tradeoff between speed and power. You can attack faster, but at the cost of some brute force. Secondly, I would make it so slows (something that every class and quite a few mobs have, so it works in both PvE and PvP) also lower attack speed by a tier or two.

    AGAIN, you missed my point. What I meant by that is that if you change an item, but you don't tell anybody, in the minds of the playerbase, that item hasn't been changed until someone actually looks at it and notices. And the answer to your question is yes. No matter which way you look at it, they're gone. That didn't really make much sense.

    Oh, I know it was a problem since then. But the problem has only grown bigger and bigger in recent months because items in general are getting weaker (barring Mythics, those are insane).

    Mythics are a whole different beast entirely. Pretty much all of them are insane and I can't really see a reason as to why they even exist other than the coolness/lore factor.
    Meekio and SUPER M like this.
  8. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    I'm also not saying that things shouldn't be nerfed, but the issue is that most people only care about nerfs. Many of the buffs I've made, even if I announce them, are met with "meh" but even a 1% nerf to an ID is met with "rip"s and "OMG SELVUT Y U RUIN GAME"s and "totally unusable"s.

    I messed up that saying about the chips, but I can't remember what I was originally going to say with it now.

    And trust me, items are not getting weaker at all. Just cause the newest batch of items was comprised mostly of uniques(to fill in the mass gaps that was left with uniques) doesn't mean that items as a whole are getting weaker. Honestly I'd say this is one of the strongest batches of uniques yet, looking at items like Leggings of Haste, or Sano's Care, Cracklers, and a few other various ones that escape my mind at current.

    In regards to the attack speed thing, we can't do that. Blame how IDs work. If a positive ID has a decimal in it, it rounds up, so 1.01=2. If a negative ID has a decimal in it, it rounds down, so 0.99=0. This means we're stuck on that; any items that could reduce attack speed but given huge power must be at -2 attack speed so people can't get ones without the ID, and we can't put any item at +2 attack speed without giving it a nutty gimmick like Cancer due to how strong that could be.
    Pokextreme likes this.
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Well even then a lot of items like morph stardust are STILL overpowered . And there are a lot more items that would need buffs than there are items that need nerfs, so it makes sense to nerf the OP and more powerful options when it comes to practicality and the game's difficulty level
    I find it funny than even then, Heartache STILL wasn't used by anyone
  10. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    It's the mindset that Rares and Legendaries are the only things worth using, because "they're a higher tier, they definitively MUST be more useful than those lowly yellow name whats-their-names! Why, the very idea that anything YELLOW could be useful is downright preposterous!"

    People look at the tier instead of the actual ability so often, so they just assumed "eh, yellow name, must suck" and threw it out.
  11. LarzLapiz

    LarzLapiz Avos Air Pen HERO

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    i used it
  12. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    You are the only person I know who used it
    To be fair that mindset seems to be slowly breaking with items like crackler and eidolon seeing more use
    LarzLapiz likes this.
  13. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    I used it for a bit
  14. Uncappingchip35

    Uncappingchip35 Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    does anyone here think that assassin should get buffed? It is meant to have the highest damage. I dueled at lvl 68 al lvl 78 and I lost badly. I even had 3k more health than him. (Btw he was a mage) his meteor 1 shoted my while 2 of my multihits only did 1k according to him. he said he did't even have a build. Also, assassins movement ability isn't the greatest. even thought we have speed and jump boost. we only get launched 5ish blocks and we loose mana drastically. our buffs end when we left click or take damage. For all the other classes movement abilities, they can easily travel. I can travel maybe 75 blocks from a cliff like 50 blocks high before i run out of mana. It will be awesome if a staff member can comment on this. omg this was longer than an essay i did at school???? and i got an 89% on that???
  15. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    Your build sucked
    Mage is just going to heal through your damage unless you know how to combo / burst people
    I walk everywhere on my Assassin, just need to know how to use Vanish
    Typically Vanishing for so long that you lose all your mana means you're doing something horrifically wrong unless you're a melee build, then it won't matter

    Get better gear and get better at the class, Assassin isn't easy
    Actually the damage mitigation of War Scream doesn't work properly
    It only gives 10%, and is reduced with you have the Strength buff, not the Resistance buff (I've tested it)
    That said, the actual cutoff for being immune to most neutral damage is when you have 60% reduction from the skill (89 points)
    So yeah while it's busted and should be changed to be multiplicative, not additive, which would cause the reduction to max out at about 87%, if it worked as it's supposed to it would be a hell of a lot worse
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
  16. Geno

    Geno I enjoy chicken. VIP+

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    @Selvut283 Curious why you didn't respond to this.

    I tried to talk to a few mods and such about this but the only response I got was "because we don't." There's a thread for nerfs, but why not buffs? I believe even Salted sometimes included buffs/nerfs to items in announcements a few times.

    Nearly any MMO or just large game out there are very public with nearly every change that happens in the game. Just because it's little or not as significant isn't a good excuse imo. If it's an effort type deal, hell I'll do it.
    Meekio and SUPER M like this.
  17. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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  18. Uncappingchip35

    Uncappingchip35 Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    (ps: idk how to quote lol)
    Kawaii_Turtle I am not a melee assassin, I use spells on a weapon which does 500-900 damage because using melee against a mage is a horrible idea. You will get slowed by their ice snake thing then they'll just meteor you and you are pretty much dead. also melee is a great idea to take lots of damage against endgame bosses.
  19. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    It's a great idea to do a lot of damage rather easily

    As for your spell build
    For spell Assassin to be effective you need to know how to combo your spells correctly, and dueling mage is a pain in the ass for Assassin anyway
    SUPER M and Pokextreme like this.
  20. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    oooooh man i remeber when corkus came out my really good rainbow tank build got nerfed, because of gravity
    then later they made it 65 in every skill, so i couldn't use the build any more due to the skill points...
    i always thought gravity never needed a nerf, due to its difficulty to use, and the fact its a level 100 chestplate...
    either way i agree
    some bosses are acctually fun tho lol

    *cough* Antikythera Supercomputer *cough*
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
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