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Progression Bank Page Prices (better Version)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by ParkourTNT, Apr 22, 2019.


Do you need more than 13 pages?

  1. Yes

    11 vote(s)
  2. No

    8 vote(s)
  3. I need all the pages

    12 vote(s)
  4. I use class slots

    5 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    It really annoys me how you took that vote for, it tells you that the money sink isn't that good since a lot of players only bought to 16 pages.

    First of all, I got all those items from grinding second of all who said that only the people who play the profession get to store ingredients? I store them to sell them and for the future.
    And I decided to not play professions since I don't really have enough bank pages, that's one of the reasons why I bought another account.

    Don't assume that most of the players won't have a problem with bank space just because you don't.
  2. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    if you're storing ingredients to sell them, why are you keeping the tier 0 ones you mentioned in your last thread?

    From what you're telling me, it seems that your solution is to just sell the ingredients.

    I genuinely feel that the current number of pages are adequate. maybe annoying at times where I need to throw some stuff out, but by no means limiting.

    From your previous threads, It just seems like you're just using your bank inefficiently and that's why you have your problem. I did too. if you actually go through everything, you realize that there's some stuff you never end up using.

    The point of the money sink isn't for everyone to blow all their money on it. It's to incentivize the rich players to spend their money. Just like how your average player doesn't go horse breeding with 2-3 stacks.

    Please, this doesn't make your point.

    Don't assume that most of the players have a problem with bank space just because you do. We could easily go back and forth with this type of logic.
  3. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Let's just stop arguing about me storing items.

    I'm really serious here, why do you think that 13-15 pages are enough? Is it because you can use 13-15 pages without a problem?

    You can argue with me that I'm storing useless items (tier 0). But, my point is that pages from 14~ are expensive.
  4. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    My point is that they're expensive for a reason.

    And yes. If I can get by with 13-15 pages, I'd say it's ok for me to think that they're enough, from personal experience. Would more pages be nice? yes. Are they necessary? no, I don't feel that they are.

    In the end, "enough" is subjective.

    I suppose what I first found fault with is that you ran into a problem with bank space, and instead of incorporating different solutions/workarounds, you insist that the system is broken and needs to be changed.

    I mean, at the end of the day, you're still entitled to your opinion.
  5. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I think it might be rude to say this but... read the thread.
    I'll probably make a vote to ask people as to how many pages they need to use.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  6. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    and? I read the thread, hence my first reply.

    You argue that they should add more "affordable" pages because YOU yourself need more space.

    You even said along the lines of "most people throw out tier 0-1 items because they find them useless, but you don't" That's perfectly fine. You like to store those items for a rainy day. However, don't go complaining about running out of bank space when you're the one hoarding these items deemed "useless" by other players. your playstyle of keeping these extra items will naturally lead to you using up more bank space.

    If you're planning on selling the ingredients, then just put them up for sale. You seem to have a decent stockpile to start selling. I'm sure that will empty out a lot of space for you.

    I still stand by my argument that the system is a money sink.

    Everyone on the server would enjoy more bank space, its just that you can't just say "I want more bank space" and have it given to you. You have to work with waht you have.
  7. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I don't really know what to say other than read the thread properly.
    I understand why your thinking of me as someone whos an angry child complaining about not getting enough bank pages for their what seems really useless things but... that doesn't mean I'm the only one who needs more space. For different reasons, a lot of players wants more bank space, for their builds, materials, ingredients and even cosmetics stuff that doesn't give any benefit.

    To me, it seems that you don't really have a problem with bank space so you're coming to us the players who need more space and says "Hoarder" and i'm really angry it just how ignorant of the fact that there are other players who do have this problem.

    Here's my new bank if your wandering (I'll go take the screenshots).
    Edit: got the pictures.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  8. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    My point is, I HAD this problem. Personal experience, oftentimes going through and actually looking at what you need cleans a lot of stuff up. And from your previous posts, you seem to have this problem of being less efficient with your bank management. Even if everyone got more pages, what's to prevent your situation from happening again over time?

    People have said things along similar lines on your previous thread. But you seem to have just ignored that.

    Part of the game is just working with what you have. Part of having a limited number of bank space is choosing what to keep. If you had enough bank space to store everything that you ever wanted, what the point of the "bank" concept?
  9. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    As I said, read the thread probably.
    The previous thread was more of an angry player trying to be reasonable on his suggestion. So please, stop commenting on my previous thread in this thread.
  10. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, but from what I see, this is pretty much a repost. You turned your first-person rant into a list of problems that "everyone may face".

    I'm bringing up stuff from your previous thread because they are valid here. You have other solutions that don't involve getting more pages.
  11. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    .... Please read the thread again.
    And stop bringing that thread up, I was really upset when making that thread. This thread has a lot of thoughts put on it, I didn't make it on one day like the previous one.
  12. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    I've responded to every single one of your original points in my replies. Idk if you're reading my replies through or not.

    You even said along the lines of "most people throw out tier 0-1 items because they find them useless, but you don't" You keep these extra items that some other players may deem "useless" Naturally, you're gonna use up more bank space. That's a problem your playstyle runs into, not necessarily a problem with the system. The system shouldn't adapt to your (and maybe some other's) playstyle. You have to work with what you got.

    You said that "pages shouldn't be a money sink because people need them" and you are right. But with the current system, only the later pages really act as the money sink. Spending 28+ LE for your one page on top of 13 other pages can easily be a money sink. That one extra page doesn't mean as much when you have 13 other pages. The average player can easily obtain an adequate number of pages. Having 20 pages can be seen as more of a commodity/bonus and not as necessary.

    I said this already, but I feel that the current system "soft caps" bank pages at around 13-15, where the price suddenly jumps up. Your typical player should be able to afford those. You can easily play the game to its full extent. Now, once you get into 15-20 page range, the high prices act as a money sink. If you already have 15 bank pages, having/not having 1 extra page isn't as huge of a deal. Therefore, people with money to spend can purchase those extra pages as a commodity/bonus of sorts.

    The whole point of money sinks is to get the super-rich players to blow their money on things that are more of a bonus.

    The six stacks is for the 10 EXTRA pages. hence the money sink concept. Also, these prices are from your perspective. The typical player with a couple of stacks can easily choose to invest their LE into a couple of bank pages. And note, its more of an investment of your money. If you feel that your money is better spent elsewhere, go for it. You can't expect to have everything easily obtained, you have to grind for stuff.

    Also, with this type of comment, it's hard not to see this as a childish complaint thread right off the bat. Sorry if I was quick to judge, but my argument still stands.
    Lemon likes this.
  13. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    .... Thanks for doing that. But, I don't think we're going into anywhere.

    You see, it seems that your into the thoughts that those 10 pages are just an extra. And that those players who choose a path of gathering more items should pay more. The thing is, there are other players who only gather top tier items legendary/rare ingredients/materials tier 2/3 and still have a problem.
    It's just that we, the players who decided to play with gathering more items than other players have to pay a really huge amount of money. I don't really mind paying for a bank page, but what I can do if the page is literally more than 32 le which is to me (and of course, to a lot of other players) is a LOT of money. It's okay to add a money sink, but make it reasonable for the players in general not just for rich players.

    My bank
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  14. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    Again, you collect more items than usual. that's great. Except, since you go out to collect more items, you're gonna use up more bank space. Again, the system shouldn't adapt to your playstyle. This isn't necessarily a problem with the system.

    Another similar situation, if someone really likes collector items. Say they want all the relic/leather set items. that's gonna take up a lot of bank space. Does that mean the game should provide more space? No, because most players don't do that.

    My point is that the "path of gathering" isn't necessarily optimal. You're coming back to the point that the game doesn't support your playstyle, and that's not necessarily a problem with the system. It may be in some cases, but not necessarily. And especially not if the playstyle in question is one that not many people utilize.

    As for people only collecting only top tier items, I'm one of those. Running out of space is annoying, and I've had to throw out/sell some stuff that I would have otherwise kept. But that's the point of having limited bank space. I have to choose what I store. Again, if you have all the bank space you ever need to store everything, the point of a "bank" is kinda defeated. Problem and annoyance are two different things.

    Also not to mention, you seem to be a good bit poorer than the average player. Again, context from your previous posts, if you only have ~8 le, you really don't have a lot to work with, especially if you squandered a stack on horse breeding. It's not that the pages are too expensive for you. its that you ran out of Le, and so you're in a situation where you should just look to build up some LE working with what you got. Not asking for a change in the system to suit your situation.

    And if I may add, the "rich" players with a couple of stacks of LE are usually the ones who have consistently been active earning LE, whether that's through loot running or grinding.

    You can't expect to be in your situation and compare yourself to what people with stacks of LE have access to.

    The whole point of a money sink is that it's targeted towards richer players. Poorer players don't necessarily have to be able to (and shouldn't be able to) afford these commodities/bonuses.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  15. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Again, it seems where not going into anywhere.

    Let me start again:
    The problem with the current bank page prices is that they aren't affordable for a lot of players, and it's only targetting the rich players. Those 10 bank pages aren't extra, making it a money sink for only rich players wasn't the best idea. But making it affordable for the general players will be a good money sink for the players who aren't rich.

    By the way, I'm at 12-13 Le and if I'm being honest i won't call myself poor
  16. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    A money sink is supposed to be targeted towards rich players. I've been spending this entire time explaining how the 10 pages ARE supposed to be extra.

    If you think we're getting nowhere, and you do seem to be stuck on this one idea, then I won't bother. You keep coming back to this point without any otherBut in your situation, extra bank pages may just as well be a temporary fix. What happens when you run out of space again? its gonna be this thread all over.

    In the end, this was still pretty much a complaint thread. You just turned your original complaint thread into another thread posed as a suggestion. You don't seem to take in any of the explanations or even possible solutions I've given. I mean to be fair, most feedback thread are complaints to vent. I guess it's my bad to take this thread that seriously.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  17. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Adding more bank pages isn't just "temporary fix".
    And I'm really sad seeing someone saying that this thread that I spend more than a week as just a complaint.

    It seems that the difference between our points is that I think those 10 pages aren't extra, and you think those 10 pages are extra.
    Anyway, let's just close the argument since our main points are different.
  18. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    Sure if you want. I've given my reasons.

    I considered this more of a complaint thread because the bottom line of what you're arguing is subjective, and you don't actually support your idea with evidence or reasoning. "Are these extra pages necessary or a bonus?" you used flawed logic and don't give any reasoning, explanations, or evidence. everything is just the general "I'm sure many other people have this problem too" I've given my thoughts, saying that it's likely more of a playstyle problem than a problem with the system, but you refuse to acknowledge it, coming back to your bottom line of "those 10 pages are important to me".

    Take what you want from this.
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  19. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I'm really sad, i just don't know what to say.
    It really did heart me seeing someone saying that this thread is just a complaint and doesn't have any basis.
    It feels like someone saying "No, your opinion is wrong."

    I just want you to say to you that I'm not the only one who have troubles with bank page prices.
    Nickel likes this.
  20. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    proving my point that you didn't read my reply though.

    Other people have trouble, that doesn't mean the system should change just for you. You have a more unique playstyle that just uses up bank space. Over half your bank are ingredients for some reason.

    Which is again why I feel like this is more of a complaint thread looking to fix a problem that specifically you ran into. You're making a suggestion, and then just simply going in circles and arguing that "other people have this problem too, solve my problem please" or coming back to your one point and ignoring half the stuff I say. I've given you possible solutions and explanations but you don't listen.

    Again, you're entitled to your opinion, but if you're not gonna properly explain why or back up your ideas, I'm not gonna be sold on it. Maybe I'm wrong, and this bank page stuff could be a problem, but at least I've given my slew of reasons as to why I have my opinion and back it up.
    Also, this may be why you think everything is expensive. 12-13 LE is a LOT less than what your typical player has after 1-2 years of play. You're definitely on the poor side.

    For reference, I had 1 - 1.5 stacks first going into the gavel update. This was through normal gameplay/quests/grinding, and before mythics entered the marketplace.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
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