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World Assassin Needs To Be Buffed! (revival Of Ohherro's Thread)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Elephat, Mar 14, 2017.


Do you think assassin still is underpowered?

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neutral

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly Disagree

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  1. DutchSpruceRun

    DutchSpruceRun Adventurer VIP+

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    Assassin has already been buffed.
    Aya likes this.
  2. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    tell that to my almost 80% dodge chance
    that moment where you realize you wasted your chance to use a meme...
    or make really serious comment...
  3. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    I am a mate too
    But I can dodge ice snake
  4. ArctiKdiabloz

    ArctiKdiabloz Frozen Adventurer. VIP+

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    I personally have to dissagree with this,
    This is mainly due to the fact that the assassin isn't supposed to be the High damage, killing machine,
    The assassin is mainly supposed to be a stealthy ninja who hits enemies when they least expect it,
    and then dissapear again into darkness.

    The power of your assassin character also matters on build,
    My mage build for example is quite weak for lvl 86, But that does not mean that the Mage class is weak,
    There is always improvements you could make for your class,

    For example you could try to base your class on a single element, and use armour and weapons that strongly support that.
  5. Elephat

    Elephat hi HERO

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    tanks every1.. i gues i am just bad. ;w; But rrly thanks for feedback ppl
  6. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Actually a better spell combo is probably

    Vanish->Smoke Bomb->Spin attack->Vanish->Spin attack->Vanish->Multihit->Vanish away

    That way, you trap the enemy in a smoke bomb and literally stop them from ever seeing you while smoke bomb finishes dealing damage.
    So true, Ice snake still freezes you even if Agility takes effect
  7. ZachAttackRandom

    ZachAttackRandom Skilled Adventurer

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    i support this
  8. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    This is my opinion.

    Just like mage. (sarcasm)

    I personally have no idea what you're talking about, but if you're having an issue with smoke bomb I'd relog, and if that doesn't work, re-download minecraft and change the ip of wynncraft. Smoke bomb isn't this bad.
    First of all, smoke bomb is assassin's best ability, as it does (in my experience) the most dps (as well as severely slows enemies). Once smoke bomb has almost run out, either 1) cast it again or 2) cast spin attack (for the stunning/slowing effects).
    The reason why multihit is doing very low damage is probably because you have an incomplete build, or a fully elemental build. You need neutral damage (and a lot of it) to defeat Qira. I'd recommend using Alazarin or Bob's mythic to fight Qira (unless you have Hive infused).

    This is probably because your mana regen is low. If you're trying to use spells (imo a melee based assassin will need to use smoke bomb and spin attack [for stunning] and both of those don't take a lot of mana) then you should use a spell build. If you have a melee based assassin you really shouldn't be using spells a lot.

    All spells cost a crapload of mana in the beginning, and the mana cost goes down as you increase your int.
    If beginning multihit costs 7 mana, so does meteor, uppercut, and bomb. If you look at the 4th spell you can see that arrow shield costs 10 mana - half of your mana supply (of course, arrow shield is op af and the mana cost is probably lowered.. but..). In fact, mage is the only class that has their 4th spell cost less than 7 mana.
    Ice snake may suck for assassins (as well as war scream) but it's really not the greatest spell, if you think about it. It stuns enemies. This is one of the reasons why mage is so good at crowd control (as well as why assassins rarely win against mages).

    This makes sense, however, you can use smoke bomb or spin attack to stun the enemies and walk away, regenning mana so that you can cast smoke bomb/spin again. This will kill enemies and its really easy.
    If you're worried about mana regen, both spells at base (spin, 4 mana, smoke bomb 7 mana) won't take away too much mana - 11 mana if you cast them together. You still have leftover mana to cast one of these crowd-controlling spells again.

    As far as the nether goes, you'll see 2 types of people there.
    The ones that 1 or 2-shot you.
    The cactus.
    The nether is horribly unbalanced.
    My advice?
    Don't go in.
    Unless you have like... a cata or something.

    Assassin is a class that requires a lot of skill and knowing how your spells will fit together. Pretty much the opposite of mage (We all know that it's really easy to play). If you suck at assassin... that's entirely your own fault.
    So get better. I'd recommend getting a friend who has a buttload of health and giving them a spruce wood weapon. Then practice killing them while they use their weak and ineffectual attacks with a spruce weapon.
    This will get you used to attacks from another class that won't 1-shot you.
    Of course, each player has their own playstyle.
    Elephat and Pokextreme like this.
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