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Dungeons [80+ Supporters, 93.3% Approval] Improving Dungeons [ Includes Demonstration ]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Novalescent, Jul 23, 2020.


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  1. Crew520

    Crew520 Fellow epic gamer

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    Yes this is very needed in my opinion. Unless you're in the Discord, trying to find someone to help you is a pain. Although player ghosts made it not as much as a pain... but still is a pain
    This is pretty cool, will admit. But would this not negate dungeon bombs? And would there be a limit to how many people could go in with 1 key? I feel like this could be abused a lot.

    Yes. Please do this. Dungeons are pretty much cake walks for the most part, unless you're build is absolutely awful.

    I personally don't think having multiple paths you can take it that good. Instead of these multiple paths, maybe adding small secrets that give some bonus XP could be better?

    So you're saying similar to the last room in Ice Barrows? Those "minibosses" can be obliterated in 5 nanoseconds. But even then, it's probably my favorite token room in any dungeon, as it feels open, and you don't get swarmed either.

    Those laser bombardments were very chaotic. I didn't even know what was going on. I feel like if they were to be adding a feature like that, then they have to introduce it early on, so you can expect what is going to happen, instead of being super confused and getting killed instantly. I think something similar to what happens in Slykaar boss room in CUR is more better to be honest. Where you can actually see where the laser is going to fall, and also have time to move out. It's looks are different so you can actually see them. In your video, I didn't know where the lasers even where. They blended in with spell particles.

    I would agree that some dungeons are very short. But others, like Ice Barrows, take forever.

    I don't think having a "lives" system is that good. Instead, maybe add reviving? 5 is way too much, and if you die that many times than I think you need a better build. Reviving sounds like a better idea, as it would also encourage teamwork a bit more. Maybe limit how many times you can be revived, let's say a max of 3. After that, if you die, you can either spectate, or go to the entrance. Also maybe make it so if you get revived, you get slightly less XP?

    Now I agree with the new loot system. Having emeralds fall down with other items is weird as anyone can pick them up, even if it was ment for you. I remember being apart of a CUR party and a mythic dropped from the rewards. Dunno who's it was, but if that happened it again, and I knew it was for me, and if someone else picked it up, I would be pissed.
    Now for the XP reward. I think it should be buffed by a bit, and dependent on the length as well as difficult of the dungeon. FF gives ~870k according to the wiki. And CUR gives 2.7 million. Now, I don't know about you, but FF is much longer and harder than CUR. Why does it give so little?

    Anyways, good suggestion. But a total complete revamp of dungeons probably, in my opinion, is not a very good idea. But keep up the good work! I love the amount of effort you put into all these suggestions.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
    Novalescent likes this.
  2. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I'll start off my responses by establishing that I left some of the descriptions fairly abstract, so it's left up to the reader's imagination and thought process to perceive some of this stuff however they chose.

    If I was to make it more specific, I'd say something more open-room or open-world. Maybe not more paths only as yes that can turn into a maze really quickly if they're overused.

    Kind of? I'd assume these minibosses would be harder.

    Telegraphing those things via only particles is a pain. I'd definitely agree that in the chaos of things it can be hard to make out, though there's only so many ways I can effectively telegraph something without causing mass lag. I do get your point, but I don't want you to think that Dungeons should be limited to only those kinds of things.

    Not saying to lengthen every dungeon to 30 minutes, but I wouldn't mind seeing some of them lengthed in good ways. Increasing the difficulty of the mobs so you have to be more cautious, adding more open-room areas, etc., would be examples of this.
    Not to say that I wouldn't mind seeing long Dungeons for endgame, such as Raids.
  3. BlueStim

    BlueStim Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    As a new player's perspective,

    Wholeheartedly agree with this.

    I think this is meant to be like this actually. They want you to grind for keys.

    Increasing the health or just flat out higher damage as core dungeon mechanic isn't really that fun. Add actual mechanics that require players to be good.

    I think grinding is fine. You can't leave out grinding from mmorpgs.

    1000% agreed.
  4. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Time for one last bump.
  5. Eva (Laama)

    Eva (Laama) Newbie Adventurer

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    I agree with a lot of what is in your post. (: The only reason I would redo a dungeon is for xp as the rewards aren't really motivating and the gameplay isn't too fun either. Whilst I know some dungeons were modified due to being too easy like the sand-swept tomb (I used to speed run this tomb in like 5 minutes lol). I think all dungeons should be reviewed as they make up a large part of the game.I'm torn on the life system though. Maybe two lives would be good as it makes up for the lag, which can increase in dungeons and cause you to have that dreaded "come back from lag dead". On higher levels, you could push three lives. However, five is a lot and could alter the stakes a player feels when going through a dungeon. Also, do these lives all count in the final boss fight too? If you managed to save five lives for the final boss fight it seems like a bit of a cop-out to be able to respawn five times.

    Now my little opinion on the XP debate you stated at the bottom. I think that dungeons need to remain a grindable feature. I know when I was going through my 60-70's in levels I relied heavily on Galleons' Graveyard to make up the remainder of the XP I needed to level up. I know that if I didn't have the option of being able to grind dungeons, I would be stuck on certain levels for ages. In the higher levels, mass killing mobs for XP is just tedious and ultimately so boring to do and I would lose all motivation. I agree that some of the dungeons are actually fairly easy and the difficulty could 100% be increased, With that being said, some dungeons are very long - I remember the ice barrows and the undergrowth ruins were so monotonous and I hated grinding those dungeons - and the XP doesn't have any influxes to reflect that. I am fine with the dungeons becoming more of an experience than a quick way to grind XP. But, I believe a way to counter this is by adopting the XP around them. With modifying the experience of the dungeons whilst also increasing the xp alongside keeps the option to grind for xp still available. So people playing for a dungeon can still have a fun time, but people who are playing for xp (whilst the dungeon is longer) gain a significant amount of XP.

    This is nice idea, but futile for people (like me) as well as some lower level players yet to find a teammate who play dungeons alone. Either create a life system or just leave it as one as this choice would not help solo players -who arguably need extra lives more. (:
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    honestly i think dungeons are fine as they are and that this isn't needed, however I do like the idea and would be fine if this was some kind of alternative dungeon thing.
    That_Chudley likes this.
  7. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Bumping the holy quintet
  8. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    It's bumpin' time.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  9. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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  10. scorpionwiz

    scorpionwiz Magi of the far lands MTL god and LN reader CHAMPION

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  11. Pokemon_boy10

    Pokemon_boy10 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    If that concept video was the endgame, then there'd finally be a reason to hit max level, just like other MMORPGs like WOW. It's chaotic, but it looks thrilling, especially that wipe mechanic at the very end where you barely did it in time and probably had adrenaline pumping the whole time. I really like how it teaches important mechanics with the minibosses, then uses them in the final bossfight. Well done!
    Also +1 for using calamity music :saltedhappy:.
  12. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    A nice bump.
  13. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Casual bump
  14. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I guess this is relevant now.
    Crokee likes this.
  15. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    You could fix this for singleplayer by just having player ghosts turn off while in dungeons and make everything (mobs, doors oppening, token collecting) clientside. But for multiplayer your idea makes a lot of sense.
    This is why SST is my favorite dungeon
  16. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    I pretty much agree with what you suggest but however I dont like the idea of removing "instant death" as it feels more stressful and challenging to feel that you only have 1 try and this functionality fits perfectly with all the other Wynncraft contents and I also dont like the idea of making it "less linear " but what they should add is more content and diversity between the different stages and not just only reffer to Grind and Parkour , I realy like and miss they old dungeons, where you also had puzzle stages like in the Slime Dungeon. But anyway a very cool idea , some things to change but the "party find system" I realy cool and I defenetly want to have it implemented in game !
  17. sn0w____

    sn0w____ A storm is coming...

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    Still waiting for the group finder... Doing it on the forums is too stressful
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