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Info Moderation Information and Announcements Thread

Discussion in 'Rules & Information' started by _purplegiraffe_, Aug 20, 2022.

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  1. _purplegiraffe_

    _purplegiraffe_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Moderation Hub and Announcements

    Hello everyone, welcome to the Moderation Team Information thread!

    In this thread we have collected all moderation related information and links to other relevant threads. We will also post mod related news on this thread, like new rule changes or rule clarifications. Additionally we have opened up a Google form where you can submit questions about general procedures in the mod team, and we’ll periodically respond to these questions in this thread too.

    If you have a question relating to anything in this thread, feel free to message one of our moderators.

    1. Meet the Mod Team
    2. Rules and Rule Clarifications
    3. Ban Appeals (including FAQ and submission guide)
    4. Moderator Applications (including FAQ)
    5. Moderator Feedback Forms (individual/team)
    6. Questions Form
    7. Moderation Announcements
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2022
  2. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    1. Meet the Mod Team

    The following list has contact details for all of our moderators. Feel free to message us if you have a question or a report, or if you need help! By clicking on the names below you can directly start a private forums conversation with the given moderator. For a more detailed list of the staff, click here!

    Naraka00 - naraka00
    MilkeeW - milkeew
    ShadowShift - shadowshiftg

    _juliqn - _juliqn
    AmbassadorDazz - loki.sucks
    Dream - wybel
    Fiery_Mystery - tech_cypher
    Fowlgorithm - fowlgorithm
    Hansby - hansby
    ItzAzura - itzazura
    JohnBleu - johnbleu
    JokeOfJoke - joke__
    Julinho - julinho
    Kandrid - kandrid
    LesbianDream - lesbiandream
    Lunatic_Lady - lunaticlady
    Lysmod - lysmod
    Magicmakerman - magicmakerman
    MigatteNoGokuii - migattenogokuii.
    RafaelGomes - rafaelgomes
    Rexshell - rexshell
    SixL__ - sixl__
    Slime1480 - slime1480
    yuliqn - _julixn

    Discord Moderators:
    ____________birb - borpus.
    Beetown - beetowned
    echo_at_night - echo_at_night
    FrozenEarth - frozenearth
    Jekie - .jekie
    Mimo - _mimo
    MrYoghurt2004 - mryoghurt2004
    NotAFish - notafish.
    TheEndMage - tutel1093

    2. Rules and Rule Clarifications

    Here is the link to the rules for the game, forum and discord server.
    Every time the rules get updated, the changes get added to the changelog, and we will also announce the changes in this thread.

    The changelog, which can be found below the current rules, shows when certain rules have been changed. In order to improve visibility, we will be announcing rule updates in the announcements section of this thread as well.

    The rule clarifications can be found below the rules. They are additions to the rules that clarify if specific scenarios that are related to the rules are allowed or not. If there are any changes to the clarifications, they will also be announced.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2024
  3. _purplegiraffe_

    _purplegiraffe_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    3. Ban Appeals

    If you get banned from the game, you can submit a ban appeal here: LINK

    Ban appeals are handled by the moderation team. We might ask a few questions to resolve the case.

    We also have a guide to help you write and submit your appeal: LINK

    If you get banned from the discord, you will receive a ban message from the bot Gaius Cicereius, stating your ban reason and the moderator who banned you. You can send this moderator (or any other if they are no longer on the team) a message to appeal your discord ban.

    How long does it take for a moderator to respond to my ban appeal?
    There is a 2 week response policy for ban appeals. Usually a moderator responds well before this is reached. Response times are influenced by how busy we are and the complexity of the appeal.
    Am I allowed to play Wynncraft on another account while I’m waiting for my appeal to be resolved?
    This is not allowed because it's considered ban evasion. See rule 13 for more information.
    What should I do if I can't make a ban appeal?
    Check if you're typing your username correctly and try using your old username. Also check if you haven't created a ban appeal already. If nothing worked you can message one of our moderators and they will help you create an appeal.
    How can I reopen an old ban appeal?
    If your ban appeal was shelved, due to no response from your end, you can send a message to the moderator who handled your appeal (or any other moderator if that moderator is no longer on the team). They can reopen your ban appeal and then you can continue the appeal process where you left off. If your appeal was denied, you can't ask for the Moderator in charge of the appeal to reopen it.
    I can't make a ban appeal because it says "You have insufficient privileges to post here". What should I do?
    Make sure to check your mailbox, because you should’ve received a verification email to confirm your account creation on the forums.
    My ban appeal was accepted but I still can't connect to the server, what should I do now?
    Send the moderator that handled your appeal (or another moderator if that moderator is no longer on the team) a message on forums or on discord explaining your situation, they will take care of it.
    Am I allowed to play on beta if I'm banned on the main server and have my appeal going on?
    If you are banned on the beta or the main server you are banned from both. If the system didn’t ban you from one of them you are still not allowed to play on it. Since you are still banned while your appeal is going on, you are not allowed to play on the beta.
    After a successful appeal I was unbanned from the main server but not from the beta. What should I do?
    Unfortunately a bug has occurred, contact a moderator about the issue and you will be unbanned from the beta server.
    Is it possible to request a new moderator for my ban appeal?
    If you have evidence of moderator misconduct and a good reason (disliking a moderator is insufficient) for not wanting to appeal with the moderator that banned you, you may ask for another moderator to take your appeal. This may cause the appeal to take significantly longer due to the new moderator needing to learn the details of your case. Additionally if you have any evidence of moderator misconduct please contact a mod manager about it and they will handle it.
    How do I appeal for store chargeback?
    Since this is a store related ban we do not handle cases like this, email [email protected]. Do not submit an appeal for it on the Forums.
    Do I have to write my ban appeal in English?
    It is recommended to write it in English and you can use google translate to translate it as well.
    Is there a time limit in which I have to write and post my ban appeal?
    No, you can take your time to write your appeal. However if we ask any questions during your appeal and you don’t answer within 30 days it gets shelved. This doesn't mean that it's denied though, you may ask the Moderator in charge of your case to reopen it.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2022
  4. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    4. Moderator Applications

    The Moderation Team is in charge of enforcing the rules and helping players out when needed. If you are interested in becoming a moderator you can apply here.

    Sending your application means that you’ve read and accepted the Moderation Code of Conduct present on the application process. This information is vital to understanding our procedures and ethical code, so make sure you give it a thorough read before applying!

    Fake and joke applications are denied. Not applying doesn't mean you are ruled out from being a moderator.
    These applications are to be kept private - we assure you that the applications will never be shown to the public. Your application can be instantly denied if you show it to friends or a wider audience (like the Forums). We can't give you tips on how to improve your application or reveal if it's been processed already. The only questions we can answer are those related to the general application process, feel free to send us your questions if they're not listed in the FAQ below.

    Your application is not saved by the system automatically, only when you submit it! It is recommended that you save your application as a backup, because if you leave the page or refresh it (which might be unintentional due to a network error), your application will be lost.

    Please be patient after submitting an application - asking us in PMs about it will, if anything, slow the process down. We reserve the right to not accept any application and to close the applications altogether.

    Now that you’ve read this introduction you are truly ready to apply, to do so click on the link below! Remember to write a sincere application, we want to know your reasons for applying and how you express yourself in doing so.
    Applications are currently: OPEN

    Thank you for reading this. We look forward to reading your applications and hope to see many new and fresh faces on our team!

    Will my application get a response if I get denied?
    No, we only reach out to players if their application is accepted. If you haven’t heard back from us after 2 months feel free to send in a new, improved version.
    How long will it take for my application to be processed?
    There is no definite answer to this question, demand will determine whether new moderators get added or not. Demand depends on the size and overall activity of the current team.
    Can I edit/delete my application after I posted it?
    No, you can’t edit or delete your application. Make sure to review it before sending it to us.
    Do I need to have prior moderation experience before applying?
    Prior moderation experience is not at all needed! We have plenty of moderators who have only ever moderated Wynncraft.
    Could someone review my application before I submit it?
    We can't help with applications to give everyone a fair chance. Do not share your application with others either, except for the mere fact of you submitting an application.
    I have been punished (warned/muted/banned) in the past, will this impact my application?
    It depends on how serious and recent the offense was. This is decided by the moderation team so don’t let past punishments stop you from applying. Just be aware that you may be denied.
    I want to apply for a specific role such as content team member, where should I go?
    There are threads on how to apply for specific roles on forums. When administrator applications are open this will be announced separately along with the application process.
    I am very young, is it still possible for me to become a moderator?
    As long as you have the maturity that we're looking for, you will be considered.
    How much time do moderators spend moderating?
    The minimum required is a few hours every other day or so. This does not need to be maintained if you have short term IRL commitments (a holiday or exams as an example).
    Can I apply to become a moderator if I am already on another team?
    Yes, however you may not get considered depending on your workload.
    Can I ask a moderator if my application was denied/accepted?
    While you are allowed to ask, the moderator is not allowed to answer so it’s a rather pointless question.
    Who can read the questions I submit?
    Full moderators will read your application.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2024
  5. _purplegiraffe_

    _purplegiraffe_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    5. Moderation Feedback Form

    If you have important feedback for one of our current moderators or the whole team in general, please send it to us in a clear and constructive fashion via the links below.

    Individual Moderator Feedback: https://forms.gle/9G6sPJEWj5nfAjqA8
    Moderation Team Feedback: https://forms.gle/c5x5n5z4fAB1E8qp6

    For individual feedback make sure to send one submission PER Moderator. Please try to explain your point of view and give us a detailed overview of your opinion, as only that will allow us to improve.

    If you have urgent feedback, or need to report a member of the team, don’t hesitate to contact one of our Moderator Managers. Their contact details are the following:

    Private conversation link
    Discord: naraka00

    Private conversation link
    Discord: milkeew

    ShadowShift (IGN: Cal_and_Ben)
    Private conversation link
    Discord: shadowshiftg
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2024
    Castti, NotAFish, ditsario and 5 others like this.
  6. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    6. Moderator Questions Form

    As a means to improve transparency and communication between the Moderation Team and the wider community of Wynncraft, we created a questions form. Here you can submit all your questions related to rules, rule clarifications, procedures, and anything associated with moderation. We will only answer questions about moderation in general, please don't ask about your own appeal or punishment history. Avoid joke questions or questions about bugs as this form is meant to create better communication! If you need help with something in-game, feel free to look for help in the Wynncraft Discord or reach out to one of our moderators privately!

    We might not answer some of the questions submitted, the tools we use have to be kept private, to retain our efficiency. The same goes for our procedures.

    The Moderator Questions Form is available HERE!

    How will I get an answer to my question?
    We'll post answers below, as well as update rules, and rule clarifications. We may reach out in private if the question demands so. Remember to follow the guidelines when submitting a question (eg. don't ask about your appeal!).​

    What if my question is not intended for the whole moderation team?
    Reach out to moderator managers or the moderator in question privately - contact details above in section 1!​

    What if I don’t get a response to my question?
    We won't reply to all questions (such as ones about moderation tools or some of our procedures). Additionally what you're looking for may already be in the rules or clarifications, give them a thorough read. You might also have to wait a bit before responses are sent. Thank you in advance for your patience.​

    What if I don’t want the mod team to know that I submitted the question?
    You have a choice to stay anonymous, however we will not be able to reach you privately with an answer if you do so.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2022
  7. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    7. Moderation Announcements

    The following section will be used to notify the community of announcements from the Moderation Team. This includes rule and clarification updates, newly answered questions from the form and other statements!
  8. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to the Moderation Information Thread! This project is part of the moderation team's current initiative to increase transparency, and to give the community clearer ways to give us feedback. As always, we are open to hearing about your suggestions and feedback regarding this thread and more, thank you very much for them! Our aim with this project is exactly that: to hear more from our lovely playerbase.

    Furthermore, you all might have heard of yesterday's big news: we have a new member in the golden cage. @Viridian was added to the moderation management in our quest to keep Wynncraft a safe and fair place for everyone! Join us along the ride :)

    Thank you for reading the thread! We hope you are having a great time in the lead-up to 2.0!
    ~ The Wynncraft Moderation Team
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2023
  9. Chigo_

    Chigo_ wtf is a chigo QA CHAMPION

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    Salutations everyone!

    We are here to provide a small update regarding the Moderation and Community Helper Teams. We currently have three new mods ongoing trial, they are Slime1480, ____________birb and Magicmakerman, as per our announcement. Besides them we also have three new community helpers: Defervesco#0801, lemonalade#7340 and tech_Cypher#0886. Please welcome them warmly :)

    Furthermore we've received a couple of questions that players asked the team, we'll be posting our replies to them here:
    Gifs by themselves are not banned on the Wynncraft discord. Within the Wynncraft discord, we only moderate gifs if they are either a) inappropriate in nature or b) used in a manner that detracts from the topic of the channel (either from spamming or just being consistently off-topic).

    The mods you mention are currently allowed to be used on Wynncraft. That being said, we would like to make it clear that these are third-party modifications (not affiliated with Wynncraft at all), and we reserve the right to change our stance on our ruling at any point, if the mods in question add new features that provide unfair advantages to players. I would also like to point out that some of these modifications might be outdated, so please be wary about using them.

    A gambling system at the end of the day is just a giveaway with an entry fee in place. It can easily be used to scam users into giving more money than the one being offered to the public. They are not allowed since it would require a lot of work from the moderation team in order to ensure that such an event remained fair.

    This is all from us for now, we'll update you with more news in the future!
    - The Wynncraft Moderation Team
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2023
    turtletop, cmosier, Slime1480 and 9 others like this.
  10. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Salutations everyone!

    We’re back to give you the latest news about the moderation team! The trials announced in the previous post have all passed and are now full moderators/community helpers. Please join us in congratulating them!
    We are also happy to announce we have new trial discord moderators: Defervesco#0801, Fleega#4715, and LunaticLady#9229. Join us in welcoming them with open arms!

    We have received several questions from the community to the team, the questions and replies are as follows:
    The intent of the question focuses on what you have done to help community-wise within Wynncraft, not particularly what you've done in other communities. IRL experiences fit better in the question about prior moderation experiences or the "Anything else" section. Writing about an IRL experience in the "Wynncraft community" related question won't disqualify you, but we do place a heavy emphasis on talking about your experiences with the Wynncraft community, so it wouldn’t help either.

    We do not rename or delete inactive guilds, because a person that returns back from inactivity could be disincentivized to continue playing the game if we did so.

    Finally I’m sure some of you have heard of a popular thread giving feedback on our moderation. Thank you for your feedback on how we can improve as a team! Out of all the takeaways from the thread we’d like to highlight one bit of information that turns out was not well known by the community: you can report a moderator abusing their power/breaking the rules by dming a mod manager or by filling in the individual moderator feedback form (both of which are linked earlier in this thread).

    That concludes this news post, when we have more we’ll be sure to tell you all about it!
    - The Wynncraft Moderation Team
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2023
  11. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Salutations everyone!

    We're here to provide an update regarding the moderation team, for a start we've passed two new trials to full mods: Julinho and Fiery_Mystery. Congratulations to both! We also have a recent re-addition to the team: Ichikaaa, please make him feel welcome again! And last but not least we've cycled out our current Community Helper Managers with two new additions: Mimo and NotaFish! We added a few modifications to the rules, they are as follow:

    In Game Rule 8: Added "Should a moderator request you give up an in-game item, it is required that you comply" to the rule. Moderators often need to undo trades to recover duped or illegally obtained items, and players often wouldn't understand why they had to give their items away or they would try to refuse - this isn't really a choice that the player or moderator can make - the item has to be recovered so it can be destroyed.

    Forums Rule 11: Added "Public, player-organized gambling systems are disallowed as they can also be easily rigged" to the end of the rule. There's been quite a long discussion, even with the community, about whether gambling systems and games should be allowed in Wynncraft when they're player made. After a lot of discussion we concluded that they should be disallowed. There's a huge issue with allowing such systems to exist: we can't 100% ensure that the players organizing the event are not changing the overall chances to obtain prizes, in order to obtain more profits from the participants. We obviously do not have the manpower to thoroughly check every gambling event, and as such they've been disallowed in order to keep the game fair for everyone.

    We've also gathered a few questions asked by the community, and our replies are the following:
    The ownership of the guild can only be transferred if it is requested by the owner themselves. That being said, all requests for a guild ownership transfer are not guaranteed to be fulfilled - it is done on a case-by-case basis.
    At the moment this isn't doable, and allowing certain users to access a private trade market API would give them an advantage when compared to regular players, so it's not something that will happen in the near future.

    This concludes this month's latest news, and we'll continue to keep you updated!
    - The Wynncraft Moderation Team
    Isabeau37, Uniimog, Olinus10 and 5 others like this.
  12. Magicmakerman

    Magicmakerman Moderator Staff Member Moderator QA CHAMPION

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    Salutations everyone!

    We are here to bring you some news regarding a few rule changes along with announcing our newest trials: ShadowShift (also known as Cal_and_Ben in game) and Lysmod! Please welcome them warmly, I hope they enjoy their stay!

    We've updated one of our clarifications:

    Clarification 6: Modifications - The Litematica mod is now allowed, since it just copies schematics of builds around you. Beware that other type of mods, with heavy world download features such as schematica, are still disallowed and will tempban you for three days if you attempt to join our servers too many times with them installed. If you're unsure which mods are allowed please check our Clarifications Section regarding this matter.

    We've also made a commitment with the community to try to improve the public environment in game and in the discord. Due to receiving several reports from players bothered by the general direction that certain chats have moved into, we're stepping up our moderation of these areas. We hope this won't disturb the playerbase much:
    1. Discord messages and in game shouts containing borderline inappropriate content (weird messages, art or memes that contain: jokes about having an onlyfans; requesting/offering a similar type of service such as body pictures; saying nya and pretending to be a cat looking for an owner, a daddy, or anything of a similar nature; inappropriate fangirl/boying over in game characters; bodypillows of in game characters, etc.).
    2. We're adding a #slowmode to the #your_work channel. Recently there's been a lot of off topic conversations occurring in the channel and they steer the channel away from it's intended purpose. We've also heard that there's been a lot of negative criticism thrown around and want to remind everyone to remain cordial and give constructive criticism when reviewing another member's work. Alongside this reminder please don't forget to post content that is suitable for general viewers - despite discord having a 13 age entry requirement this is not a NSFW channel, so we don't want users to get disturbed by what they find when looking through artwork.

    Moving onto lighter topics, we'll now reply to your questions, as per our usual program:
    This isn't allowed and we actually have a clarification that answers this question, the one we just updated (clarification #6)

    Sorry I'm afraid these types of events aren't allowed due to the amount of loopholes that gambling tends to create - they can be easily rigged to profit the ones who create them. The gladiator arena concept is too similar to really work as well - fights can be fixed by paying one of the fighters to lose, and a player just has to bet on the fighter he knows will win to gain a big part of the profits - it's an impossible situation to moderate so we'd rather disallow it for the moment.

    Thanks for sticking with us till the end of this post. Happy Easter and we hope you're enjoying your holidays!
    - The Wynncraft Moderation Team
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2023
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