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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...
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Have some great ideas for Wynncraft? Join the official CT (content team) and help us make quests, builds, cinematics and much more!
Poll Results: What'd you think of this class suggestion? Would you want to play it, should it ever be implemented?
Members who voted for 'Looks great! I'd totally play it.'
- xKindredKinesis
- JohnDSi
- Twin Lotus
- Nyam
- The Trash King
- The mail man
- Jbip
- Rice
- WithTheFish
- scape
- Alexdacube
- Divinex7
- MegaManGeoAce
- GhostTreads
- Xavi
- garrettrocks100
- Kurumiii
- Esfores
- Aesthyst
- le_mega_barbare
- meolord
- Kalmy
- Rujala
- Cardinal Copia
- hora6112/gaidg
- devnull2112
- Nyme_
- Coronaus
- Rawb
- Dohdo
- SnakyOmnivore
- Tealy
- Mr_Robin_Hood
- cheese2Uman
- OzOnka
- Steve Macie
- Jiggling
- shamos200
- Paks
- Ripjaw95
- sylvianklein
- Cobra
- IreczeQ
- TheMCShocker
- SterlingSilver
- Aya
- Madsi6
- Gilles
- Enderman1234
- Carrie
- doglover
- Klabautergeist
- Rokat_Titan
- maple3142
- Erucidal
- Shoefarts
- redwolf
- Lukefiredemon
- Plasma~
- DizzyCow
- McFuzzyChipmunk
- limaaaaaaaa
- DerpTryhard
- Inceptus
- mizzkissy
- That_Chudley
- GrayChromix
- victorpotato2
- Olinus10
- Usernamehere
- RainasuRyu
- BlueMannChew
- Mr_Nufu
- NightHorunt
- Deactivated
- lryanle
- i eat bees
- KnightsofRen_
- SmileyAlec
- GoldenTheMCGamer
- Kelight
- Andrew Lukkuz
- OptifineCaped
- Kokaga
- Petitgas
- nightbaker
- Lucas Chiu
- CorrinTheCorn
- ShadowMage1
- SeaOfPoison
- Witcher
- Elementor
- MrCoffeeTime
- TheBlobMiner
- Valentinusz
- Shanaaro
- Kinizo
- Rapid
- Bajan
- TheRelicHunter
- Imploison
- Walk3r
- xElitaa
- Papa Cthulhu
- xBurrito
- 13threemc
- Sprite
- Misty
- Kimjdav
- ron111701
- Golfbawl
- CheesePrince13
- GraphineGeko
- Shinigami
- (Meric)
- Electro_Shooter
- Novalescent
- BloodArchmage
- Stag2001
- Homruh
- sn0w____
- OhKayy
- MuppetSenpai
- hexapod
- Fruit987
- Chaw
- Desolation_AJ97
- CrazyCoaster101
- Slimeybones
- r_p_game
- PikaLegend
- Ghostly
- Lunar
- FightingPlay
- bananaman_isbae
- FTB_player123
- Diavolo
- DeliciousCakez
- scorpionwiz
- Seberichsen
- Linnyflower
- Florfy5
- Paradoxical
- Kaelan~
- Chaos_Filler
- WhirlwindWar
- Kmaxi
- SpringVibes
- Twilo101
- Beobim48
- Nesaak
- The Fool
- Fullmetal
- EvolvedRaptor
- SuperWinner50
- Magikarpzes
- Enhanced_Human
- Mitran12
- MrPuppies
- Skyreach
- Zanpip
- FormalFlame
- yairkaraso
- IggyBoii
- Prof_EGG
- Psychomentalist
- iEddie
- DaPloo
- ProjectSeemsGood
- Daridon248
- sugma claus
- Enduh
- mArauder
- Saya
- TrumpIsAWeeaboo
- Loggerhead
- TheIdeaMan
- 01100110111
- Chocolaty_Bear
- Voraxe
- Theeef
- Turtlebomb
- WhackyWill
- Windfall_
- AzsmirKazsmir
- Lonely God
- Emeraldruler
- Jasutiin
- Thumpur
- oneredbill64
- Largemike32197NH
- MaxyGames
- ShadowWarp
- nilire4810
- SeemsLegit
- Duzk3r_
- ItsFreakinHarry
- MrMadmanEPIC
- ninjakai03
- MahNameIsKris
- The_Sushi_Dragon
- Saxophone Smurf
- Thom_Com
- StarDraco123
- Red_Paandaa
- Coreuppted
- Dot404
- Downroar
- CrazyCookie
- Col1n
- Sara Forristal
- Flow of Fate
- Ditto
- Why2
- PlacingNameHere
- iSatOnApenguin
- Bart (MC)
- EpicBear
- Andy0132
- CalAnders
- julianthefox
- Thunder369y
- Cloud
- Exotrot
- Conwell123
- WhettoWen
- mag7c
- ChocoOG
- GhostWolf
- TehFancyFedora
- Rejask
- Ril_Codes
- BfaceGM
- WynncraftNarwhal
- Omnoid
- Bl4ck3a9le
- BashinTins
- CoinSmasher
- P-DuydGamer2003
- _Sxm
- Stormyeriki
- AdvilAddiction
- MegaPita
- H0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y
- dargonlrod
- Exploder
- SlimeTheEpic
- Ghalt
- RedBr971
- Durabilities
- quikjay
- Pwnguino
- X_MaxiGames_X
- captainarcani
- Mojos butt
- corsica
- Fongii
- DCM627
- ImBigNoob
- VaekonTheNerd
- Nitrogen2Oxygen
- Battleslay1000
- whatheckno
- McWaggle
- The Gameworm
- KabalUT
- KiritoTHZ
- kandakuu
- TidalWarrior
- JewelXSparkle
- lego_man724
- Doggie
- dor0125
- DaCreeperBusters
- Meekio
- KallShort
- Fred18295
- Epicfuntimez123
- Cryptos
- XxPowerGamesxX
- BobbyBoo99
- Vriska Serket
- siphsky
- PvPNiK
- Artifax
- SkipperPlaysMC
- Da_gster
- Glowinglapis
- EpikMogul
- ____________
- Someone
- Friiiday
- KuriiuS
- Foxey
- KaoruMC
- qhe101
- Lord Pug
- PatrickIsAdopted
- Ryaxel
- abandoned
- JohanLTU
- Prosko
- Asian Mushroom
- Droger
- SoulReaper11
- jmb6g
- CrimsonTNC
- Elite_
- Nemodes
- AhMing
- QuitT
- GamingMelon
- Locky1110
- guermas
- Prart
- Kanye East
- yornthegamer
- Nexonix
- Shiazzu
- An MLG Doge
- LovroiLaki
- Robbee
- Sneky Boi
- Athenz
- Bakaroni
- Bailwolf
- Diamond Lord
- Gearsalt_Mark
- Gigavern
- pseudocraul
- Salami
- Darkrai5923
- LunarEmerald
- Oskhol1
- DoctorCorgi
- _Freed
- HoneyBlu
- DehPancakeGod
- LarzLapiz
- Lemon
- V0ltzz
- Jekron
- Coolgi3000
- Contoured
- ThomAnn100
- BlazeHunter99
- Salvador2230
- Siri
- naybelline
- McManCz
- janinha(victor)
- _Potato_
- Trash
- BusyEXE
- maks08
- Grrim
- IgnisExcessus
- fill234
- GPS03
- (deleted member)
- Nostalgi_
- unusualphysics
- Sonick
- xxDanielxx06
- _Tiger
- CHUCKnorris
- nuthatch209
- YarnoDJ
- Epicness937
- dreamer101
- SlyamPoetry
- Hodsonius
- weshuiz13
- LoquePL
- Xeyrio
- Zernoxi
- Bubbly
- IBunnyMC
- xSkiing
- Khaps
- nicktree
- Limuruae
- LightAura__
- RazorGuild
- Lord Saraldar
- rainbowcraft2
- TheShadowGamerZ
- -----------
- hairob
- TheLegendOfBob
- Egigua
- TheNotoriousTNG
- VolcanicIron
- Pythoicus
- Beas25
- TheSaltyArrow
- Benfosaurus
- Iulo
- SilverDino
- Stag2004
- McDerp123
- liron1209
- DeadExcuses
- IcyDragon_
- ReGhiaccio
- Cyclical
- AwesomeAsher1O
- Pikcolle
- TheGiantSpider
- ulw [j 'u l w]
- TheStupidSushi
- CyberNitra
- Fidit
- Je Hooft
- Acerrow
- PurpleHeroZ
- ActualAnthonino
- mrkranky
- Hootspark
- StrikeDX
- TurtlePlaysGamez
- TheBerserkKnight
- pogge5
- ThaumicTom
- Isomies
- RandomAdventurer
- Mac N Cheese Man
- 297 others
- Recordano
- JohnaldBot313
- GaryIsAdopted
- Wynnooblet
- Anti
- sulphursmite
- iAceTooBig
- Scoutly
- RealBeeOwNER
- PartayArc
- Derrp
- ({Homercles08})
- RoseGoldIsntGay
- DuckPixeled
- Icey_Diamond
- Levaitis
- Mattxy8
- Smartboard
- DerpyEmerald22
- PuffinTheGreat
- lonttano
- WyvernII
- ---
- Goeiemickie
- ThePooWrangler
- _Lixor
- Hghuy
- Fyr3_
- Shaggy
- Kbd
- Robr
- Sardine
- GameTrooperHD
- DiamondYveltal
- Orangeoink
- Chaoss__
- 7Mile
- Zac9087
- yoricku
- Noximilien
- Kimura
- Napoleon941
- FinnDestren
- Dadakiki
- GodAkaCatWizard
- Tasvanor
- Gabe Crocoduck
- SirBlue_
- LookIntoMeEyes
- Eula
- stoven
- David Heyen
- Topper29
- Ishfen
- Mimi1001
- Mama Shrimp
- mantidmadness
- starx280
- OllyDG
- ArthurExtreme_Br
- NoHaxxJustCake
- DeathLucifer
- chopthetree
- __Excel
- SoldierOfKEK
- Flrent
- A Human
- segium
- ExRider111Ryan
- Captain Flavio
- lqpus
- BerriiBunnii
- Beluga_Whale
- Aditya Winocita
- Craydor
- pumpkinpuncher
- ParkourTNT
- StormDragon4
- ImUnlord
- Torment_Dark
- XITails
- Crowseph
- Jirayut
- TCraft
- Epicminer721
- Zilbo
- InfinityInfantry
- misterbluesky
- Koni
- btdmaster
- FrozenBear
- GunterLord@
- Anabie
- rainbow_elite_7
- Ludis
- Panyadas
- Matthew Mason
- Mrcubix17
- Venomelf
- sainguin
- Zerzav
- P4rzival
- RomanNeptune
- Storm_master101
- yemmy
- WhatDunsparce
- Agentsquirtle
- Ian8705
- light_sun
- UncagedFear
- kipselt
- RiderTest101
- Hamar0
- Qnaplego
- Koutei
- TS_potato
- Elystics
- picklejuice
553 total votes.