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Guild |♕ Kingdom Of Foxes ♕|

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by LoveLusting, Sep 7, 2015.

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  1. Fishasourus

    Fishasourus yeeeee CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: Fishasourus

    Country and Time-Zone: United Kingdom; GMT/BST

    Gender: Male

    Age (Optional): 18

    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Every day (may miss here and there for obvious reasons) for a few of hours typically.

    What's your main class and its combat level?: 106 Mage, I have other 100's though.

    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I quite like questing as I am somewhat of a completionist so I have completed every quest (since 2013/12) multiple times however I like doing challenges with other people (LI, EO etc) and recently bought some new LQ gear and have started to loot run again.

    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: All the guilds I have been in have lacked the proffessionalism that I have come to like working in, I have heard Fox can remedy that.

    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: HOW, HOS, ESI (Hippies of Wynn, Hippies of Snuggles, Empire of Sindria) HOW and HOS naturally died when HippieCrafting stopped playing in favor of IRL stuff, ESI simply isn't my cup of tea, they are all cool but IMO it feels more like a group to chill with rather than a functioning guild.

    Do you have Discord?: Yes, JaKe#7888
    Who invited you? (Optional): Ice_Phoenix95 directed me here.
    Additional Notes (Optional):

    I have been playing wynn for coming up to 8 years so I have a pretty good understanding (outside of crafting & proffs as I don't really want to dabble in those) of how it works and the history (in wynn and game wise)/lore so I may be able to help a considerable amount of things. I am not opposed to warring however as it stands I don't know much about it so I would likely need a little time to learn how it functions properly before jumping in.
  2. MarstaVidar

    MarstaVidar Sleepy Forest Girl HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    bolyai likes this.
  3. faret___

    faret___ Travelled Adventurer

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: Faret
    Country and Time-Zone: USA PST
    Gender: male
    Age (Optional): 14
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I can play 1-2h a day and on the weekends i can play 3-6h
    What's your main class and its combat level?: 93
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I like doing quests looking for lore and having a good guild comunity.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Because i was told you guys had a good comunity, you guys are are prety intrersted in war and because after Artemis breaks down i want to be in a strong spot.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: I was in ANO
    Do you have Discord?: yes, Aaapple#2267
    Who invited you? (Optional): no one
    Additional Notes (Optional): Im leaving ANO due to its lack of leader ship and because its starring to fall. I was never kicked from a guild and i liketo war even if im not the best at it (due to being lv 93)
  4. Triggered Gibson

    Triggered Gibson old account was saminator2012 VIP

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: saminator2012
    Country and Time-Zone: United States EST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 18
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I've played since 2013 and just play on and off. When it is one of the times when I'm playing I usually play an hour a day, probably more on the weekends.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Warrior 67
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Depends on what my goal is. Usually grinding levels, gear, or professions.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Seems like you guys are pretty chill and are one of the OG guilds. I don't want to join people who don't know what they are doing.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: My friends and I currently have a guild that we made when we were younger but most of us stopped playing, trying to get back into it though.
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, if I need to post it here let me know.
    Who invited you? (Optional): No one, found the forum post while looking for guilds to join
    Additional Notes (Optional): I've played for 7 years on and off and my levels are lacking :(
  5. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    UP we are going
    Tekenen likes this.
  6. urDoom

    urDoom Loyal Tstacker VIP+

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    In-Game Username: flyfam8
    Country and Time-Zone: U.S.A eastern
    Gender: male
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?:at least three to four time a week 30min to
    2 hours
    What's your main class and its combat level?:99 mage
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): killing stuff
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: i need a good guild
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: no
    Do you have Discord?: no
    diet ice enjoyer likes this.
  7. Ninjamrcool24

    Ninjamrcool24 Well-Known Adventurer

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    ----Guild Application Form----

    In-Game Username: CoolAwesome
    Country and Time-Zone: I live in the United States, Pacific Standard Time.
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 14
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: This one varies a lot, but right now I am not playing as often as I used to, because I am guildless and have no more questing content. So at worst I would be 30 minutes a day, but I definitely think once the new update launches and I can start warring again, I could be at least 2 hours - 3 hours a day.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: My main class is an archer, at level 105. Right now my other classes are very lackluster, so I'm hoping I can get those up as well.
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): By far I love quests and warring. I'm the type of person who really likes lore and battlegrounds, so also things like guild politics and wars greatly interest me.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I've wanted to join an active guild with a big community, that also focuses on warring. Furthermore, I want to experience a guild with many players, and an active territory to defend, expand, and in 1.20 manage. (More on next question) The high level and territory count were like cherries on top.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Previously, I was a chief of a very, VeRy small guild. Having only 5 members, it was nice to be able to do small wars and chat. Now, it has become inactive as the leader has left Wynncraft. So with 1.20 around the corner, I left and searched for a large guild to have fun in and experience the new features.
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, though sadly I cant use microphone. Tag: NinjaMrcool24#2834
    Who invited you? (Optional): I found this forum post using another nice post detailing details about guilds, and if they are recruiting.
    Link: https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...-currently-recruiting-guilds-megalist.278112/

    Additional Notes (Optional):
  8. Arcturisus

    Arcturisus Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: Arcturisus
    Country and Time-Zone: US EST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional):
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Just came back from a nice break, probably will be around 1 hour a day or more
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Mage and Shaman level 105
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I did lootrunning before, probably will just be testing out builds and hero beta now
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Have some nice friends here and its a great community
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Fox, left because quitting
    Do you have Discord?: YEP Arcturisus#9783
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    Tekenen likes this.
  9. Viridian

    Viridian The Moviegoer CHAMPION

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Arcturisus likes this.
  10. Blueswordss

    Blueswordss Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: Blueswords
    Country and Time-Zone: Australia, Sydney GMT +11
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 18
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: usually 2 - 4 hrs on the weekdays, 5+ on weekends
    What's your main class and its combat level?: No real main, got multiple classes at 105, I like mage the most though
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Loot running and trading
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I used to be in KOF a few months ago but I quit due to school, now thats done I'd love to rejoin one of the most active and biggest guilds
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: KOF - school reasons
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, Curry#9940
    Who invited you? (Optional): N/A
    Additional Notes (Optional): N/A
    Tekenen likes this.
  11. Spases

    Spases Count of the Foxes CHAMPION

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Tekenen likes this.
  12. Triggered Gibson

    Triggered Gibson old account was saminator2012 VIP

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: saminator2012
    Country and Time-Zone: United States EST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 18
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I've played since 2013 and just play on and off. When it is one of the times when I'm playing I usually play an hour a day, probably more on the weekends.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Warrior 75
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Depends on what my goal is. Usually grinding levels, gear, or professions. However with the new Gavel 2.0 coming out soon, I REALLY am looking for a guild to join so I can take part in the new warring features.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Seems like you guys are pretty chill and are one of the OG guilds. I don't want to join people who don't know what they are doing.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: My friends and I currently have a guild that we made when we were younger but most of us stopped playing, trying to get back into the game though.
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, if I need to post it here let me know.
    Who invited you? (Optional): No one, found the forum post while looking for guilds to join
    Additional Notes (Optional): Reapplying because when I applied a few days ago I was only level 67 :))
  13. Photor

    Photor Marchionesss of the Foxes HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
  14. Clodwad

    Clodwad (づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ VIP+

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    poggers bumb
    Triggered Gibson and Tekenen like this.
  15. Treewalker2

    Treewalker2 Skilled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Treewalker2
    Country and Time-Zone: GMT
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 18
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Try to play several hours a week
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Assassin lvl 81
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Grinding and questing
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: You control a significant area in Gavel and are high level
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Empire of Sindria, left for a short hiatus
    Do you have Discord?: Treewalker2#9496
    Who invited you? (Optional): Forum
    Additional Notes (Optional): N/A
  16. Kazi4tan

    Kazi4tan Newbie Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Kazi4tan
    Country and Time-Zone: Malaysia GMT+8
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 19
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: around 2-4 hours, not going to be on during the weekends
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Mage lvl 39 (just started)
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Just grind get good gears, wanting to find people to play with, and also its a MMORPG, i like this kind of stuff
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: just the first thing i saw and wanting to be more invest in this server
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: no previous guild
    Do you have Discord?: yes, Kazito#1368
    Who invited you? (Optional): no one
    Additional Notes (Optional): Just want to chill and play and hangout (if required to grind a lot of stuff I can possibly make is happen)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  17. JustSomeLemon

    JustSomeLemon Motorcycle VIP

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: JustSomeLemon
    Country and Time-Zone: Canada, MST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 16
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Dunno, around 1-2 hours daily
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Archer Lv 105
    Warrior Lv 91
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Getting depressed over leveling up cooking
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Dunno, saw the Fox tag a lot when I first played, so I guess that's why
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: LXA, Inactivity
    Do you have Discord?: JustSomeLemon#7492
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2020
  18. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    apply to Fox today :D
    Tekenen likes this.
  19. luka0509

    luka0509 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: Luka05091
    Country and Time-Zone: Netherlands CET
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 16
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I currently play everyday atleast 4 to 6 hours
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Assassin and its lvl 73
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I love doing the Quests they look so good and Cant wait for the raids :D
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Cuz this guild looks really intresting and this is the first time im joining a Guild So i don't know what the diffrences are
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Never been in 1
    Do you have Discord?: Yes. Luka0509#4907
    Who invited you? (Optional):...
    Additional Notes (Optional):...
  20. Wolfie0709

    Wolfie0709 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    In-Game Username: FantasyWolfie
    Country and Time-Zone: USA EST
    Gender: Female
    Age (Optional): 15
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Well I recently just got back into it realize I should join a guild. I play for about 7 hours daily before my little break.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Warrior level 56
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Mining? Hitting stuff? lol Im not crazy just satisfying to click.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Because its a big community and surely I can find at least one friend out of it.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Well I made a small one on my own with friends who used to play wynncraft.
    Do you have Discord?: Yes Wolfie#2946
    Who invited you? (Optional): Huh?
    Additional Notes (Optional): Just want to play a game with people :D
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020
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