But you need imperial bees to get everything, so i think that imperial is most important, and diamond isn't really that useful when you play modded, iron can be more useful
My favorite mod is actually bees, i just love playing with them, im also master at that mod, so if you need any help, msg me or something (if you have a server i would love to join)
@Antra@SnerpEXE I have never played FTB before. It's amazing that members have a deeper love for bee breeding, & not just the "Bee Movie" memes. If I ever get the time off Modding & ARK, I might try FTB xD
I used to play it with a friend, but I let him collect the bees to make both of us jetpacks... I had no clue how to play Minecraft at that time, and I don't have much of a better clue now...
Seriously, if a group of you would like to start from ground up, a few of us would like to, when we get some free time, try FTB with mods. no server tho'
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