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Comments on Profile Post by TurtleTheSeawing

  1. RemRin
    She is the best pokemon villain that has ever existed. Also the first female one :P. By far my favorite pokemon character from any game.
    Dec 4, 2016
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  2. TurtleTheSeawing
    Well technically she isn't the first, mainly because of Admins in the past, but she IS the first MAIN villain xP
    However, my favorite character is actually either Guzma or Gladion, mainly because Guzma is freaking hilarious, and Gladion is just kinda bad ass xP
    Dec 4, 2016
    RemRin likes this.
  3. RemRin
    I still think Lusamine is the best because the way she misleads you at first, and then totally turns around the entire story near the end. at first i tought team skull was going to be the main Villain, which i didnt like because they hardly had a goal apart from being badasses. Yet Lusamine comes out of nowhere and suprises you with one amazing final battle. She may be a horrible mother, but she is a friggin genius.
    Dec 4, 2016
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  4. Sharubii
    Lusamine for best mother?
    Dec 4, 2016
    sorae, RemRin and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  5. DJBorbo
    Tbh it was pretty obvious that lusamine was gonna be a villain. As soon as you defeat the first nihilego she acted all weird.
    Dec 4, 2016
    DirtyDoge and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  6. Wynntastic
    >thought team skull was going to be main villain

    Dec 16, 2016
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  7. Linnyflower
    Team rocket is blasting off again
    Dec 18, 2016
    DJBorbo and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  8. DJBorbo
    Dec 18, 2016