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Game Mechanics Nerf Morph

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Potatomancer, May 24, 2021.


Good idea?

  1. Yes

    18 vote(s)
  2. No, but I do agree Morph should be changed somehow

    13 vote(s)
  3. No

    48 vote(s)
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  1. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Even with a morph nerf, even if it's "unviable" you can still do everything though. It's just going to be a lot harder. In the same vein, you can choose not to do quests, you lose a lot of benefits, be it money, XP, exclusive gear, or access to locations. The game punishes you for not doing quests. Furthermore, it would be unreasonable to expect another to way to reap (at least part of) the benefits you get from doing quests to people who don't do them. Wanna ignore quests? You'll have to grind. Wanna ignore raids? You'll have to do without tomes. Wanna ignore professions? No ridiculously busted gear for you. Wanna ignore class builds? You'll have to compensate with skill. You can choose to refrain from class builds, but it's only logical that that would make tackling difficult endgame challenges, the specific thing builds are meant for in the first place, a lot harder. If anything, that's more consistent with other game mechanics.

    It really does not take any significant amount of time. If you use morph and have no interest in class building, then you can just go into the class builds subforum and pick any build that looks halfway decent. You don't even have to ask for one, since by virtue of being a morph you user you're probably not too picky when it comes to builds. And if you do care a lot about getting a powerful build, well, you know what to do. You don't have to make your own. You don't have to wait. You probably don't even have to pay any significant amount. You just have to show the most basic interest in the item system. The idea that you should be able to do things without putting in even this small amount of effort is ridiculous.

    Well, yes, that is the entire point. The problem is nobody seems to actually disputing the power of morph. The arguments against the thread so far have largely been "I like morph because I don't want to do class builds, so it shouldn't be nerfed" and not "morph actually is not that powerful". We've been debating about being forced to do class builds, but the entire stance of the thread is not that "I want to make morph unviable, so everyone has to do class builds", but "morph's power far exceeds its intended threshold of being viable but unrewarding compared to normal builds".

    The whole discussion has been held under the false assumption that everyone will have to stop using morph, something the original post specifically says should not be the case. It would only be true if morph is indeed not too powerful, but I haven't seen anyone actually defend that claim, aside from some anecdotes. I do have to concede that the original post does not argue this point very well either, given that it essentially boils down to "morph is too good, because it is better than other builds", which is an argument that has to elaborated far further than it is to hold much water. I would love for the discussion to actually be about morph's alleged overpowered-ness, but that ship seems to have sailed. Including me, three people have tried to bring up that morph is more powerful than it needs to be to fulfil its purpose , but everyone just chose to ignore that and focus on the "I can't build" issue.

    Look at it this way: If morph is not powerful enough to deserve a nerf, then one could argue that we should not force people off of morph. But if morph is powerful enough to warrant a nerf, then nerfing it will not force people off of morph in the first place. People are saying a nerf is not needed, based on a negative consequence that only exists when you assume that a nerf is not needed to begin with. It's backwards. I have been arguing against it, because it's a view I do not agree with, but it exists separately from the point made by the thread.
    I'll do you a favour and tell you to read the last three paragraphs first.
  2. Neptune

    Neptune Self-proclaimed Az Cult Leader CHAMPION

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    class builds is like- actually let me use a simpler term
    Equipments are like the foundation of literally most MMORPGs. And choosing the good equipment is crucial for player success.
    profs, grinding, dungeons, raids, boss altars, certain secret discoveries, even quests depends on the equipments.

    Granted, Wynn current difficulty does not promotes the usage of proper equipments.
    Morph as a set should continue to exists, I do not have any problem with it.
    But like players should not ignore the existence and functions of the equipment system.

    or ignore it and just don't get hit lmao

    Stormarend likes this.
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I can't really speak on Morph's power since I have only tried it on Mage and Shaman, but it seems perfectly balanced on mage and slightly overpowered on Shaman. If this is true with all other classes, then yes. Morph should be nerfed (on those classes, could be done with a major ID that decreases its stats if you are not a mage)

    Still should not be encouraged. Many players will not even know of the existence of the Forums or Discord and won't be able to do this. Then again, in that case they probably wouldn't know that morph exists, either
  4. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    The claim was that it "takes a while" to find a build. My post disputes that point. It's not an argument in favour of having people get non-morph builds. It's a counterargument to the claim that the time or effort it takes to get a build is an argument against having people get non-morph builds. As for not knowing about the forums or discord, they are advertised in-game and we're talking about endgame players here. There comes a point when ignorance is your own responsibility. You're ascribing my argument to the wrong claim.
  5. Toaster

    Toaster He/Him CHAMPION

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    Morph's seen a lot of nerfs because wynn mods don't like seeing set items outside of their sets, which is somewhat fair I suppose
    It's also way better to get an actual build right now, especially for anything melee oriented. Morph only gives like 6mr with all 8 pieces, so unless you have a weapon that gives mr, you'll be pretty shit on mana
    As one of my guildmates Darkrai said, it's aggressively average
    If anything, add a melee set or tweak morph set to do both
  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    No?? It’s bad enough as it is, casual players like me don’t want to have to waste all our money on a proper build
    It serves its purpose as a baseline quite well.
  7. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    morph does get me through all endgame content quite well and quite cheap compared to most builds, so i’m good with how it is right now
  8. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    In my opinion, morph isn't really overpowered.
    In fact, I think it's the most balanced and effective set in the game for clearing content. This isn't because it's balanced around endgame content, but because endgame content itself is balanced around morph.
    Morph is the baseline (seriously basically all the CT use it when testing), and the main problem is how high the baseline has power crept through various buffs to become stronger than ~80% of well-put together builds. (This isn't great but there's still an insane amount of builds better than morph)

    I don't think morph should necessarily be changed much from it's current state of being an excellent, accessible, cheap, defensive-leaning set that allows casual players to enjoy wynns endgame without spending time learning classbuilding or earning enough money to buy a better build.

    All that being said: morph will likely need a nerf.
    Not due to how strong it is right now, but because morph's strength is the incredible amount of skill points it provides, while remaining tanky and giving decent damage. When dex/str changes come along, I'd say that everyone should expect morph to be nerfed. The only thing keeping morph somewhat balanced compared to the average build is it's lowered damage output, but obviously str/dex will change that in some way

    Personally, I'd try to keep as much of what makes morph, morph, as possible. I think it should remain very accessible, and a very reliable pick for an easy way to clear content. It really should just be made to have less damage (only in str dex) since that'll keep its place in terms of ease of use while making more offensive/balanced builds more preferable to those who put in the time to make a better build.

    3XTWISTEDTITAN The Traveler

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    Buff it just to mess with people/j
  10. ezraball100

    ezraball100 Newbie Adventurer

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    After losing 5 games vs morph and watching esl s highlights (because facebook is terrible), my only wish is a huge nerf on morph.
  11. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    death to morph death to morph kill all casuals only true gamers can play wynncraft. u must not pay 29.99 to use morph
  12. TotalTelemetry

    TotalTelemetry Well-Known Adventurer

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    Honestly, the Morph Set has been Nerfed so many times that it's not funny anymore...
    It shouldn't be Nerfed any more than it already has been...
  13. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    I'd say that Morph is mostly fine where it is, as the baseline of endgame gear, although it is in need of a nerf. Morph is intended to be the baseline of endgame gear, which means that it should be able to solo anything in the endgame, such as LI, the Eye, and Aledar and Tasim, but barely. In other words, Morph should be something similar to a measuring tool. If it's worse than Morph, then it's mostly useless for standard uses. If it's better, then it's good enough for endgame.
  14. OriTheSpirit

    OriTheSpirit Feesh Time 24/7 CHAMPION

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    This suggestion is pretty much not constructive at all, not labeling on how it would change and how it might look like nor even a thing about how to properly nerf it or even showing your idea
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